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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 11, 2024 3:00pm-3:16pm MSK

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live news on belarus 1 in the studio of elizaveta lokotko. good afternoon. and in this issue. more than a thousand soldiers have joined the internal troops and sworn an oath of allegiance to their homeland today. the steps are not in the direction of friendship. poland began fortification on the border. from belarus. the peak of the flood in russia has not yet been passed; in afghanistan, 60 people became victims of the flood. testing character and fortitude. the bezon flight brought together the strongest athletes. the forestry industry of the minsk region is developing deep processing of raw materials, focusing on the production of high-quality products, at export rates. in the kopol experimental forestry district as part of the initiative.
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the goal is to create decent conditions and secure personnel in the regions; today the best employees of the forestry forest were handed the keys to new rental apartments. and this enterprise went from being the most successful in the soviet union to going bankrupt in the nineties. the president visited the minsk watch factory in 2009. it was necessary to preserve it, because only a few countries make watches. this is the intelligence of the nation, alexander lukashenko emphasized then. and today luch confidently holds its position in the global market, and some. the lecture sells out in just a day. watch the quality control section traditionally on the main broadcast. when time stood still. the watch must still withstand 98% humidity. at a temperature of 40°. but the arrows keep moving. this collection sold out within 24 hours. hunters for stocks that almost ruined the watch empire and the president's decision. what do you need to make this plant work? let's look
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at exclusive watches that come only as a gift, quality control is already this sunday. once upon a time, dad gave mom 30 years ago the clock was better. on the main broadcast. more than a thousand soldiers of the internal troops took the oath of allegiance to their homeland today. festive ceremonies took place in all units. the command visited. the famous 3214, as nikolai karpenkov noted, more than half of the guys who took the oath are already ready to connect their lives with service in the future. the prestige of the internal troops is growing, taking into account the modern military-political agenda, this only confirms that the course chosen by the state is correct. serves in the legendary unit 32-14, truly the elite to get there, many strive. of course, if they are soldiers. including, i understand that
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the path of special forces is, roughly speaking, in our blood, the desire always remains, and we will be convinced once again that we did not make a mistake in the elections. this path, yes, in this case we can think about staying further, serving under a contract. the internal troops are well equipped, well equipped, well armed, have a very high morale and are ready to carry out any tasks, of any complexity, and of course, i want to assure our citizens, that in the internal affairs bodies, in close cooperation with all divisions within our country, and stability laws and order. we will ensure, we will ensure a quiet life, our people can work peacefully, well, in close cooperation with the state border committee, with the ministry of defense, we are ready to provide any task of any complexity to ensure peace of order on the external contour. according to tradition, after taking the oath
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, military personnel go on their first discharge, well, then training, combat exercise duty. memorable celebrations on the occasion of victory day, business trip to russia, anniversary. our president's working week has passed in minsk in moscow, as usual on the main broadcast, tomorrow you will see something that no one has shown yet, this is the time of the first. this is a century that we will always remember, we will forget, this... it will come to us, this is our common victory, we will defend this land in every possible way, any aggression and response will be instantaneous, nuclear exercises in belarus,
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on the sidelines of the eac summit, and also let's dispel fakes about military productions, we need them like snow in may, look how much snow it started to snow. we accompanied the former on a business trip to russia and looked at the president’s luggage. on the day of television and radio, a pool of the first, about the first and working with him. the best president and leader, but he’s also just a cool guy. it will be very interesting. it is obvious. warsaw's militaristic ambitions, our restless neighbor began fortification work on the border with belarus. the prime minister of the polish regime told reporters about this. tusk clarified that the work is intensive and did not forget to call on the eu to finance this activity. the politician emphasized that we
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are supposedly talking about the security of the external borders of the european union, but did not go into detail about what exactly warsaw plans to do as part of this work. the militants that the west is preparing against belarus are no different from collaborators in the service of the third reich. there is a direct parallel between them. this opinion was expressed in the trends program by doctor of historical sciences vyacheslav danilovich. the expert is sure that one of the components of this issue is financial interest. actually deployed hybrid war against the republic of belarus, against the russian federation, our union state. and naturally, this means that the parallel here is actually direct. yes, as a matter of fact, this is it. collaborators who act on the side of the enemy, be they citizens of the republic of belarus or citizens of the russian federation, and if they take up arms, then this is already armed collaborationism, they are supported by money, yes, from the so-called western countries, that is, they receive from them financial handouts. today,
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as during the great patriotic war, the collaborationist movement is not massive . those who try to trade their homeland are rather a statistical error in belarusian society. full version of the program. trends can be seen on the youtube channel of the tv news agency. the us state department has approved the possible sale of three hymarc multiple launch rocket systems to ukraine. the total transaction amount is $30 million. it also became known that all three systems that the kiev regime wanted to acquire would be financed by germany. and they will sell highmarc from american stocks. in addition, the us department of defense entered into a contract with lock hiem martin for the production of high-precision missiles, which... are also used in ukraine, the issue price is $332 million. and the european union has agreed on a draft agreement to provide ukraine with security guarantees, reports the german publication welt. it is noted that the agreement does not provide for the direct participation of eu soldiers in
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hostilities. the security guarantees discussed concern political, military and economic assistance. at the same time , brussels plans to provide them no later than the beginning of july. the presidential elections in lithuania are at the finish line, tomorrow in the neighboring republic there will be a referendum on dual citizenship, who will choose and how, what course will the country take for the next 5 years. that it would be better for them, well, let’s say, a populist,
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yeah, that’s what he knows how to say populistically, but to do things so that these people would be better off, indeed, this was not the case, this is a painful topic, i would like to say, before covid period in lithuania, i think there was more or less everything. well, so far nothing is being done to do this
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better, people who earn, well, an average salary, pay taxes more than half of their salary, a series of inside out projects with candidates for the presidency of lithuania is available on the youtube channel of the television news agency. not on the field, at sea. flash flooding in
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afghanistan has killed at least 60 people and injured more than a hundred. flooding was caused by heavy seasonal rainfall in five districts of baghlan province. according to weather forecasters, two more curses are expected here. the situation is critical in the tishkan region, where high water has cut off access to a place where about 20 thousand people live. in belarus today it is windy and up to +16, in some areas there are rains and thunderstorms, at night frosts are expected in most parts of the country, which is why a storm warning has been announced: during the day the air will warm up to 18°c. don’t get confused in a critical situation, competently provide assistance to save a life before the ambulance arrives. these are medical training skills that everyone should have. launch educational projects
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the heart for tenth graders of belarus is approaching the final. today the republican baton was picked up by molodechno schools. about 80 children from the fourteenth secondary school and the tenth gymnasium learned to provide basic medical care and perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation. today molotechna is hosting probably one of the most significant republican events , start the heart. and i think every school is happy to host.
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obstacles, including bezons, i’ll represent belarus, maybe someone doesn’t know, nikita kryukov, olympic champion in skiing racing, in fact, already a superstar of the races with
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you winning the day before for the first time, today also on the podium, firstly, how difficult it was for us today, a difficult track, today for us. such a gusty wind, when you go out into open areas, you feel that the wind is either pushing you or, on the contrary, slowing you down, it says, don’t, don’t, don’t go so fast, yesterday i actually had my first long-awaited victory, i’ve been working toward this for 5 years, i’m very happy, 5 years ago, when i first came to the bezons race, i fell in love with it, and this love with the first glance lives on to this day.


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