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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 11, 2024 4:50pm-6:25pm MSK

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i’m very glad, we, as i say, we are always waiting for beautiful girls in the ranks of the armed forces. it's time to say goodbye to our audience. dear guys, i’m glad that i talked to you today, if suddenly you had any questions and i didn’t answer them, come to the school, i’m always there, and see you again. the head of the minsk suvrov military school, colonel dmitry kuchuk , is visiting the program 100 questions for adults today. i'm waiting for you at the entrance to the site. and here i ask you to stay. dmitry vladimirovich, tell me which of the given what was the most difficult question for you today? well, probably the question is why people fought and continue to fight. it is, of course, very gratifying that our children at such a young
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age are interested in such complex questions. what question were you waiting for, but you were never asked? well, probably, they asked all the questions that would interest the children, i tried to answer them sincerely, today you managed to answer 52 questions, tell me, if we call you again, you will agree to go. and now i turn to our audience: do you think that our the hero today was as frank as possible with you, whoever thinks so, raise your hands, well , it seemed to me that he answered our questions very openly and honestly, he seemed to be a very simple and kind person, i hope that all people will take an example from him, i he seemed quite honest, because he spoke reasonedly and also clearly and fairly. such - positive and it was very
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interesting to listen to an honest answer, i think that he answered very well, very honestly and very interestingly talked about - suvorov soldiers and about his life, it seems to me that he was like a very thoughtful person, he thought about all the questions, while at the same time giving... truthful answers, so i am very glad that i came here, i was very interested in listening to the opinion of such a specialist in his field. who thinks that dmitry vladimirovich was cunning, didn’t say enough, was a little disingenuous? but i think that he didn’t tell us a little, because the question about why people continue to fight, his answer was quite general, and even better, in order to protect the child’s psyche. that's right, that's also true.
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dmitry vladimirovich, we have the following rule: the last word always belongs to the hero. summarize the conversation that took place. i think that our bilateral conversation was probably as open as possible, as honest as possible, the questions were really interesting, quite unexpected, so i’m glad that such a meeting is happening, something like these projects. our youth are interested. the head of the minsk suborovsky military school, colonel dmitry kuchuk was a guest today on the program 100 questions for adults. see you in a week. watch in the next issue. dear program participants. today our guest is a tv presenter, an honored artist.
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we welcome alena spiridovich from belarus. do you worry before your broadcasts? there can be friendship or just competition between the leaders. what would the world be like without journalism? how do you manage to deal with star fever? how do you manage to smile even when you want to cry? 100 questions. as an adult, in order to work on television, you have no right to be sick, you must learn to sleep very little, work very hard, you must always be in a good mood, this is also part of my work, what's best?
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melbourne, that's right, watch intellectual and entertainment projects on our tv channel.
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dig, let's quickly, before no one notices, and i'm already trying, why am i even bothering, let's dig, dig, before no one sees, look, she's still breathing, hello, hello, look what i have. don't you want to sit? well, honestly, not really. come on, okay, come in. at the suggestion of her neighbor, a resident of vitebsk, svetlana rogova was not exactly willing, but agreed, she had a lot of free time
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time, because she didn’t officially work anywhere and she often had impromptu feasts, but could she imagine that this particular proposal would be her last, it’s unlikely, just like the fact that... soon she would disappear forever. svetlana rogova was last seen in the fall of 2018. the twenty-eight-year-old girl lived alone. of her close relatives, she only had two sisters left, one also lived in vitebsk, the other moved to borisov. her own father died in 2005, 12 years later she passed away mother. this was a big blow for svetlana, since then her attitude towards alcohol has changed, she began to drink much more often.
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when yanchilina came to visit rogova and offered to drink alcohol, rogova did not refuse in principle, they knew each other well, there were no conflict situations. they never had any problems with each other; for some time they drank this alcohol. igor zelentsov, investigator for particularly important cases of the department for the investigation of crimes against the person and public safety investigative department of the usc for the vitebsk region. conducted a preliminary investigation in a criminal case, conducted interrogations of key witnesses and persons with information relevant to the investigation, and ordered examinations. analyzed information received from the investigative body, conducted confrontations, interrogated subsequently suspected and accused persons, transferred the criminal case to the prosecutor's office for sending to court. when, in fact, the alcohol began to run out, the girls began to look for an opportunity - to continue
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- rest, so they began to call their acquaintances, to find an opportunity for someone to join them and, accordingly , bring more alcohol. some people refused to come, so yanchilina came up with the idea of ​​calling her cousin, from her ruslan. ruslan sisoev, a twenty-one-year-old guy, worked under a contract as an auxiliary worker at one of the construction companies in vitebsk. by his age, he was already married, but the history of the young family ended in divorce, but it turned out to be a crime, he received a conviction for theft. if we talk about information characterizing him personality, his ex-wife characterized him as a hot-tempered, aggressive person, he could start a conflict over the most insignificant issue. it was possible that he could have used physical force. the marriage was concluded in
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2016, but in july 2018, in fact, the wife had already filed for divorce. the young man did not answer calls from his twenty-three-year-old sister natalya, so she recorded a voice message for him. having indicated the address of the apartment, the girl offered to join her and her friend, and at the same time take a couple more with her. bottles of alcohol. and for... a group of friends, sosov naturally accepted this offer, after some time he came to this apartment, with him, naturally, he brought alcohol, well, in fact, this trio began to relax, after some time the alcohol sosoev brought essentially ended, the soul demanded the continuation of his profile, so uh, that means the sosuf began calling his friends to find someone who could join... with him and accordingly bring more alcohol, he called his friend monakov, monakov would say , well
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i don’t seem to mind, but i’ve already agreed to go to my friend senkevich, senkevich was an acquaintance of both monakov and sosoev, so susoev offered to pick up manok in a taxi and then go on vacation together. oho, girls, meet again. after some time , svetlana rogova’s apartment will turn into a place for a long party, a group of young people, everyone under thirty, spent their days carefree, or, more precisely, sang away. it should be noted that the victim of rogovo provided this apartment not only with little familiar persons for drinking alcoholic beverages, but also strangers. thus, in fact, the victim offered to drink alcoholic beverages, at least she did not try to prevent this from people who had not previously known her and characteristics that she did not know, so, well, in fact, uh, the victim’s place of residence
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acted as a place for drinking alcoholic beverages unidentified persons. some left the apartment for a while, while others, on the contrary, came. this happened all weekend and continued into the weekdays. in just 4 days we visited urogova’s home eight people, including twenty-four-year-old marta kazarina. before ruslan tsysoev brings her to an alcoholic session, their acquaintance will last. just a few hours, this time will be enough for them to find a lot in common and even make general immediate plans. on the morning of september 18, after a long feast, the three of them were left alone, ruslan sisoev and his new girlfriend, marta kazarina, suggested that the hostess continue their outdoor recreation. 2 hours before calling the car, guests will go to the store. they ran out of cigarettes. at this time rogov they closed in... on the way we stopped at the pharmacy from the pharmacist, they will ask for only two pairs
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of gloves when asked which ones are needed and for what? buyers will laugh and answer: latex, digging potatoes, what the gloves were really needed for will become clear literally after a few hours. kozarina, well, in fact, also changed her testimony, initially she said that she did not go to the pharmacy, that she was wearing gloves. bathed susoev, when in fact she realized that the investigation had different information, she changed this position and said that, well, it’s possible went, she did not remember the purpose of the acquisition, and subsequently, in a confrontation with sosoev, she explained that sosoev purchased the gloves when they stopped when they were already driving towards the leozninsky district and he acquired them only because susoev’s mother asked him to do so. but all this in essence, it has not been confirmed; before leaving
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, the young man will also take horny’s laptop, charger, bath accessories, cutlery, in general, everything that is in bad shape from the apartment, using due to her condition, sysoev and kazarin literally dragged svetlana to the taxi, because she herself could hardly walk, everyone was in the taxi, the company stopped by first. to the hostel at susoev’s place of residence, where he took the money, then they arrived at the lombard, where the ssof planned to hand over the stolen urogov. a laptop and a computer mouse, but in the lombard this property was not accepted, since the laptop was not a charger, well, in fact, then they headed to the vesta hardware store on the way to the territory of the lezensky district, where purchased where soev bought a spade of alcohol. the group of young people took a taxi to the village of padliozno. afterwards, we continued our journey
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on foot and turned towards the forest. sesoev knew the area and navigated it well. because his parents lived in an agricultural town nearby, they took with them all the appropriate paraphernalia, again alcohol, snacks, and also medical gloves and a shovel. at first, everything that was happening really resembled a kind of outdoor recreation; the only thing that embarrassed svetlana was that her friends were taking turns digging something nearby. oh, what are you doing there? why are you digging a hole? this is so that the garbage can be buried later. to distract svetlana’s attention, her drinking companions continued to pour generous portions of alcohol into her, and drank with her themselves, but
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what happened next did not fit into the sociable get-together. in fact. community members, under the guise of a waste pit , dug her grave right in front of their friend’s eyes. well, let's throw it into the hole? well, maybe we won’t before it ’s too late? take your feet, what we agreed on, remember? what were you doing in the forest? i was digging a hole and the girls were drinking. what what happened next? oh, martha and i kind of had a bet that... who would be first? uh, martha says: come on, i can, i say: well, come on, everything, as if when the girl was buried, she was unconscious, but still breathing, moreover, the accomplices will move a heavy stone to the burial place to make sure that
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rogova will definitely remain underground, the fact that she was actually buried alive will be confirmed later, and the results. examination. from the conclusion of the forensic medical examination, the death of svetlana rogova was the result of a combined mechanical asphyxia from squeezing the chest and abdomen, covering the nose and mouth with the earth. she was no longer struggling, but was she breathing? yes, did you talk? yes, i did. could rogova resist? hardly? according to the conclusion of the forensic expertise, the concentration of ethyl alcohol in the blood and urine of the victim was 4 ppm and 5.2 ppm, which corresponds to a severe degree of poisoning; more than five ppm is already considered a lethal dose.
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the question of post-mortem changes in the concentration of alcohol in the fluids of the tissues of a corpse has been studied a lot and there is a lot of scientific data here; in short, it all depends on conditions, primarily on the ambient temperature and the degree of putrefactive changes. obviously, it is important to submit material for research as early as possible. the concentration of alcohol in the body of a corpse can either increase or decrease. according to some information in the material stored at...
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andrey kozikov, head of the department for the investigation of crimes against the person and public safety of the investigative department of the usc for the vitebsk region, exercised direct procedural control over the investigation of the criminal case, coordinated the resolution to bring the accused and transfer the materials of the criminal case to the prosecutor for sending to court. after the murder was completed, both kazarina and sysoev headed to the city of vitebsk, where. took measures to conceal the crime committed, in particular, susoev returned to the victim’s place of residence, where they had previously drunk alcohol and committed it. did something terrible,
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ruslan will share with the driver that he did not specify what exactly. the driver was alarmed by the behavior of the young man, in addition to words, he was betrayed by excessive excitement, but the man did not attach special significance to this. he brought their passengers to the hostel where sisoev lived, there they spent the night together and separated the next morning; the next time they would see each other at a confrontation in the investigator’s office. with thoughts about what happened, twenty-four-year-old martha will not be able to live long in a week. she gathered the courage to confess, but not everything. the girl told her roommate about what happened in rogova’s apartment and what was the result of the four-day party. toy? murder, murder of course, without specifying the details of his participation in this, the young man knew svetlana’s sister, who lived in vitebsk. he
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passed on all the information he received to the girl. a relative reported the incident to a local police inspector she knew. in fact, it was from this moment that the search for the murdered svetlana began. september 24 , 2018 to the law enforcement agencies of the city of vitebsk. a missing person report was received from a resident of the city of vitebsk, seslana mikhailovna rogova. after initial investigative actions of operational-search activities, a number of persons were identified who were possibly involved in the commission of this crime. this is how the residents of the city of vitebsk, sysoev and kazarino were identified. if we take kazarina, when this story reached the local police inspector, the employees of the oktyabrsky rod simply contacted kozarina. as a result of mobile communications , they suggested that she stay in the place where she was; police officers came for her and together with her they proceeded into the territory
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lezensky district, where, in fact, she already gave more detailed instructions to police officers about the possible burial place of rogova’s corpse. sosoev was visiting his friends, that is, he was not at home at his place of residence, well, yanchilina was accordingly at home, and... minkevich, too, was essentially not hiding anywhere. only one of the sisters, who lived in borisov, had the keys to svetlana’s apartment; the other could not get into the apartment for some time and lived in terrible guesses about the fate of her close relative. they were confirmed when the girl waited for the keys to be sent from another city and came to svetlana’s home for the second time. this time the apartment was already sealed. the search for rogova by relatives and law enforcement officers took place. literally at the same time. when carrying out measures against kazarina, the latter, during the inspection of the scene of the incident, a forest area near the village of malye mystniki, was indicated to her the place
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where the crime was committed against rogova, the place where the illegal actions were carried out in relation to the specified person was indicated, as well as the place of her burials. subsequently , a second suspect was identified as his location, sysoev. the last persons were detained and taken to the police station. criminal prosecution during the initial investigative actions they gave, they gave testimony about rogovy’s involvement in the murder. during the examination of the body of the murdered woman , numerous injuries were found, which indicated that before her death the girl had been beaten, including with a shovel, which was later used to bury her. based on the testimony of sosoev and kozarina, they were a total of no more than six traumatic impacts were inflicted. based on the results of the forensic medical examination, the expert’s report indicated that the horny one suffered at least seventeen traumatic impacts on various
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areas of the body, including the head, torso, upper and lower extremities. the injuries were caused by hands, feet, a shovel, and other blunt, hard objects that were not determined during the investigation. and if before this the testimony of accomplices about rogova’s involvement in the murder coincided, then they will begin to disagree, and the accused sisoev and kozarino did not actually dispute the fact of committing a crime against rogova, at the same time they pointed out the presence of different motives for committing these actions, so the accused susoev indicated that the proposal to commit murder of the victim came from kazarina, at the same time kazarina explained, that at the time she was at the scene and immediately before the murder of rogova, she was made threats from sysoev, which she perceived realistically. and in connection with this she took part in the commission of this murder.
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i didn’t want to do this, but he threatened me, said that if i didn’t dig, he would deal with me. kozaarina built such a line of defense for herself, trying in every possible way to soften her punishment, or avoid it altogether, portraying the role of the victim, but this version will not be found during the investigation. his confirmation. sasoev says that in fact, ion and kazarina took part in the murder of rogova. kozarina refers to repeated loss of consciousness, and this consciousness was lost at the most interesting moments, that is, everything that we were interested, kozaarina referred to some kind of forgetting of events, said that she lost consciousness, then regained consciousness, then lost consciousness again. as a result, according to sosoev’s instructions, she struck one blow with a shovel.
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area of ​​rogova’s face, but she didn’t apply it heavily, because she just wanted to mark it, because she was afraid of the threats expressed with conditions against her. the confessional statements of the detainees will become the starting point in the investigation of the case. before handing it over to court, investigators had to restore the entire chronology of events, including the day before the murder, and collect a complete evidence base. during the investigation, it turns out that before the death of twenty-eight. svetlana was bullied for four days by partygoers at her home. why was the owner of a modest two-room apartment dealt with so cruelly and could anyone else be involved in her death? the picture of the brutal murder will become clearer in six months, when the preliminary investigation is completed.
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see in the next episode what a harmless meeting of two long-time friends turned into acquaintances and what the owner of the two-room apartment had to endure, where alka’s party took place before her death. guys, let's actually film it on the barn's phone and send it to him. svetlana was already in a fairly strong state of alcoholic foaming, she periodically fell asleep and woke up. in fact, she could not express her dissatisfaction with the newly joined participants in this, so to speak, party, so everyone safely continued to drink alcohol, as future accomplices who ended up in the same apartment they killed a girl, but had never met before in their lives, girl, hello, i don’t mind meeting you, that day kazarina visited
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one of the city’s nightclubs. the day before, she had a fight with her boyfriend, so she went to the club alone and at about 4 o’clock in a taxi car, she was already returning home to her place of residence and asked the taxi driver to stop at a gas station to buy herself a beer. and why did sysoev and kazarin really take the life of svetlana rogova? the decision was made to commit murder victim rogova out of intentions to cleanse. the society of the given, as they believed, asocial element is the club of editors, which means for the country
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the all-belarus people's assembly is...
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this is a call with the bc flag to incite social hatred and hostility, but this is different, probably on the poster in the hands of “i support ukraine.” well, she had not previously supported the residents of the brotherly donbass, who were bombed by ukraine for 8 years. why now, while in georgia and moving around the european union, does he not go out into the streets in support of palestine? author's view
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ksenia lebedeva’s response to the policy of double standards in the project is different. watch on tv channel belarus 24. ours. the range of tasks that we perform is quite wide, the most important flagship of our television company, the most important program that we have been producing for 30 years, this is the arsenal program, this is why we are recognized, this is the program on which our viewer knows, also our programs anfas and military review are the main programs that go on television, but it cannot be said that we are limited to this, but we widely are represented on social networks, on the internet, our youtube channel gained 100,000 subscribers last year, we received a silver button, we want to boast among all law enforcement agencies, and we were the first to receive such an award, and we also have quite a lot of others and internet projects, and documentaries that are aired on other tv channels in the country, and i think that
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our viewer knows us, recognizes us, and most importantly recognizes us by our content. every day our correspondents go to the fields, every day we are at the training grounds, every day it’s more than one report, there really may not be any... in addition, we produce the information that our viewers see every day on the internet, we provide video information about the military for the main state television channels, that is, if you see news about the military, most often it is that video information that we, military tv, produce, so to say how many there were over 30 years, well , probably several thousand, maybe several tens of thousands, these are all those stories about our military, about soldiers, about officers, about the equipment that ...gets the belarusian army, this is everything that the belarusian army lives by today and what it has lived for for 30 years, well, your films such as the border or the brez fortress, soldiers of memory have become the flagships of military documentaries, what the tv channel is working on today these days,
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what projects? there are also a lot of them, i ’ll probably focus on the main points, now the television company is focused on the historical project of the liberation of belarus. we talk, these are several episodes in which we talk about the main points, historical. our correspondents raised and told historical facts that were unknown for a long time. we used a large amount of archival material, it is worth saying that the von tv television company has a rich archive, so we use it widely. and besides this, our correspondents are preparing a film called survivors, this is a big project about children of war, about those who... survived the horrors of war, and another project is a time of memory about monuments, about monuments that are dedicated to soviet liberating soldiers, this is what concerns specifically historical topics, and also my colleague and i are preparing a project “we are
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a fortress”, in it we talk about the new products that are entering the belarusian army, in fact there is also such a wide range, each issue is dedicated to a specific new product, well, in fact it’s we still have a lot of such projects, a lot of ideas, i think that... our viewers will be able to see all this on air, for 30 years now your television company has been, as they say, at the forefront, you cover all the probably most important events that are happening today in the belarusian army, in your opinion, how are the armed forces of belarus changing today? well, of course they change, this can be seen primarily in the content that we transmit, we are always together with the army, we always, as you said, cover all the events that take place in the belarusian army, and we see this, we we constantly talk about the equipment that the troops receive, we talk about what the army goes through, what stages the army goes through in its formation, stages in its development, and indeed, if you open or turn on any of our programs produced by vntv, you will see what
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the army is like today, it is modern, it is mobile, it is high-tech, and well, it is worth saying that in our reports we always focus on people, we we talk about those who serve in the belarusian army, and well, probably this one...
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the childhood of the children of my generation was different and surprisingly similar. after all, each of us
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had a war in childhood, we, as best we could, as we were able, as we happened to share the trials that befell our mothers, fathers, the lot of my people. and they burned down his native hut, killed his entire family, where should the soldier go now, who should he carry his sorrow to, the soldier went in deep grief, to the intersection of two roads, and found a soldier. in a wide field there is a hillock overgrown with grass, there are soldiers,
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like lumps stuck in his throat, the soldier said, meet the proverb, the hero of your husband, a treat is ready for the guest on... troy has a wide table everywhere, his day, his holiday, returns, i came to celebrate you, no one will answer the soldier, no one met him, only a warm summer one, why don’t you sing, i don’t know the words, and the soldier drank
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wine from a copper mug with sadness in half , well done, well, let’s try again, the enemies burned down their native hut. deepened all over him. take it from me that i am your inhabitant, okay.
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catch your hat, hello, uncle kolya, like a leg, it’s healing, nothing, thank you, zhenya, what kind of movie will there be today, they say anton ivanovich, and we all climbed on it in a crowd, comrade leaving, shouts of hurray, froze in our mouths when we fired bullets swallowed, seven times we occupied that height, seven times we left it, seven
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once we occupied that height, seven times we abandoned it, we don’t want to attack again. to everyone the earth is like a burnt braid, i just haven’t lost it, here they are, my grief, and i’m looking for them, looking for them, looking for them, it’s clear that the fate of the path, from the soviet information bureau, operational report
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for april 19, for the last 3 days in the area of ​​our central group...
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troops fought to occupy the territory of austria, many populated areas, in other sectors of the front, local battles, searches for scouts, on april 18, our troops knocked out and destroyed 96 german tanks and self-propelled guns, shot down in air battles and by denis artillery fire. 115 enemy aircraft,
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great, cat, great, change one fuse, three cartridges, show me, hey, valera, i didn’t see valka, who? i brought it for him, okay, let’s go try it, i’ll leave it, you’ll get by and don’t get in the way, well, everyone move away to the walls, well guys, move away, otherwise it will hit someone and answer, press close, otherwise it will hit. so you, we, we don’t accept mines,
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excuse me, give it to us, we’ll take it to the soldiers , please be kind, it will be useful for exchange, yeah, look, please, maybe here this will be needed, wow, yes, how did you drag it, drag it, drag it? well, okay, thank you, again, okay, let's go, go, bring the car, now, where you are standing, hold it, thank you.
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but i don’t know, i accidentally left it from a neighbor, it’s beautiful, buy it, and you fry it, i’m stunned, blackbird, and you fry it, you coat it with clay , fry it, they didn’t fry blackbirds in almaty, what are you saying? okay, come on guys, get out, get out, get out, don’t interfere with trading, get out, get out, get out, buy a druzd, i’m selling a druzd, a beautiful druz, the last friend, years old, just water, buy, buy, i’m selling mirovya, what with potatoes, and not
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frozen potatoes, what did you come up with in the summer, dear, but how much is 3 rubles a piece, we’re two each, come on, take it while it's hot and keep it for you. you, what are you doing? i’ll take the lyankas, yeah, look, new guy, you bought a blackbird, let’s go have a look, at home we used to have a lot of different animals, there were birds, but they were alive, well, like all the living ones. yes, i mean, did your father study philology? no, mother, father was a doctor, they
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can run away like that, run away. frogs are eaten by reptiles, they are kind of pathetic, look, he’s laughing, why laugh, he’s in captivity. i
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didn’t even know that they eat frogs, they eat everything, they do a lot of things there that we wouldn’t have guessed. elizaleta alexandrovna. setzen is powered up. verishay. klassenordner, ich bin heute klassenordner, wer fällt heute, alle sind da, so, ich habe schon ihre kontrollarbeiten gesehen, ich will aber sie
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alle mit ihnen bekannt machen, verstehen sie. well, then we’ll watch it all together, misha smolovsky, why german? so, efim, you’re not an academician, murashka vladimir? very bad, medenko luda, medenko, luda, you're lazy, you're lazy, goncharenko, tanya, baran, zhenya, i'm very pleased, very, very, baran, zhenya, ram, zhenya, what do you think you'll do next, you don't know anything, nauminka, sasha, dubinskaya, larisa, nauminka,
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ok, good this time, kuzmina zoya. you cannot hate the people, the people who gave the world beethoven, the great classics of world literature, schiller, hein and hitler. yes, but the german people are dear to us, i don’t know why they are so special. where were you during the war?
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me: i'm better off, so what? and i'm here. i would like to go out. please.
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kicked out, kicked out, hmm, it happens, well, help me, so, oh, so, so, will it really take root, such a tree will always take root, what is it, hero. what's wrong with you, we had a fight, sit together, leave me alone, zhenya got a bad grade, you should go and jump, what do you think?
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daddy! dad, daddy, daddy, lenka, daddy, fyodor, alive, alive, healthy, returned, well, you see, and they waited, from the young man, well, bend your head, bend it, lower, lower, lower, like this, nothing, be patient , be patient, oh! now is the last time, that's it, be patient, oh, i got soap in my eye, well, just think, there will be more, well, let me look , well, let me look, nothing, nothing, nothing,
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wife, and you wash, wash, well, give me a patron, give me a cartridge, like that , dry yourself off and go home, i don’t want to, dry off, i say , go home, rub me, oh, okay, so, oh, come on, harder, well done, well, you have a big back, so let’s wash it a little, well, rub me, right there , here, here, here, there, i didn’t want to, here, here, okay, well, let’s do it again, for real, come on, come on, well...
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that’s wrong, well, wait, well, zhenya, look well, she did the right thing, she did the right thing, well, maybe we’ll dance, so what, let’s dance, woman, come on.
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sometimes, at night, we met with you, there are no longer those nights where are you handkerchief, dear, dear, dear, no longer those nights where are you handkerchief, dear, dear, dear, modest blue handkerchief. fell from drooping shoulders, warmed by the sun, spring warmed the earth with songs sung, and more than once, in the early morning
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hours, i dreamed of curls in scarves, sparkling flowers of tender girlish eyes. sometimes the night under the shady fragrant pine will flash like a flower, a blue handkerchief, dearly desired by work, will flash like a flower.
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we tell you how to choose high-quality products for healthy dishes? take the nuts in your hands and evaluate their weight, do not take ones that are too light, such fruits either have no kernels at all, or they are dried out. ground beef is colored. dark red in color, pleasant smell, with a light milky aroma. a proper breakfast is the key to health and good mood. today we will cook lasagna. with pumpkin and spinach, quite unusual, but it seems to me that sometimes you can treat yourself, let's get started if you have a difficult day ahead, and you know that you need a huge amount of energy, this is the breakfast that will help you, don’t forget about invigorating exercises, raise your arms up, raise your legs and do this cool exercise, cockroach , we begin to shake our arms and legs, our lymph flow starts. watch in the breakfast of the champion project
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on the belarus 24 tv channel. the heroes of this program chose to live outside the city. why do you need this, right? and where does the money come from? my two favorite questions. i'd really like to take a look at what a school looks like when it is no longer a school inside. there they see more opportunities and make the most of them. 26 piglets, do you have any chickens? 130 chickens, who else do you have, ducks, a cow, a cow, a cow, ducks, what, what do you not have, is free time that can be spent on laziness and despondency, i understand, this is definitely not the case, not on depression, not scientific and there is no time to be lazy, yes, the presenter’s task is to find out why rural life is still better than city life, then in the future, maybe we’ll arrange it, when we do it here in the future, we... the reception room
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we are making guests here, somewhere to drink some coffee, maybe some kind of dressing room, what we have leftovers here is valuable, we will hang it here, probably as an exhibition, now it’s fashionable to say, the reception will be here, like this everything is happening, 13 children, we’ll just reward you with a portion of applause, smiles, thank you very much, watch the project i’m from a village on the belarus 24 tv channel . blue handkerchief, dear, welcome dear, what else should i put on, well, put on something, well then yours, come on , went. no, now with
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me, i want to dance with you, please, in the cold, in the cold, from our homes to... others call cities, be it minsk, be it brest, in the cold, in the cold, without a simple reason, from our native poplars, we are always drawn to new places, and why did you get the second one there? i’ll tell you,
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what is your national degree? it’s not without reason, the second one, it’s also okay, but what about it being scratched, how it doesn’t warm us up at home, i don’t remember, we always miss new meetings and new friends, as if we’re in trouble, it’s time to sleep, i don’t want to, well, what does it mean not i want it, it's time to sleep.
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but i'll take it, of course, he'll tell aunt zina that i i'll come by tomorrow, yeah, why are you here? i was waiting for you, i was afraid, you would leave, i promised, but i was still afraid, come on!
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let's say goodbye, i'll spend a little more time, okay, that's it, it's time.
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i wish i could go somewhere, in minsk they say they are hiring temporarily, i can’t, i have one grandmother, and i have no one to leave my mother with, if my sister came, i would leave. that won’t work, maybe we can go for a swim? no, first we’ll dig up, then we’ll bathe, why did your grandmother decide to sow these pumpkins so far away, or what? humpbacks, but it’s not her, it’s her neighbor akim akimovich arranged.
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yur, who do you want to become? i don’t know, what about you? and i don’t know, i used to want to become a pilot , pilots, pilots, bombs, airplanes, but i was a tank driver, and then i didn’t want something, my grandmother said, i’ll stretch your veins until you become literate, zhenya’s father i left, i need to come in. let's go in, hey, be careful,
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lord, what's wrong with you, did you pull it out? you see, it’s a baby tooth, but it’s okay, the tooth will grow, but help me stack the firewood, but zhenya isn’t there yet, zhenya will come.
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hello, have you seen it? do you want to eat? come on, your mother was looking for you, your father left, uh-huh, why are you here? are you doing? but there should be a train from poland, maybe natka will come, or maybe someone knows something about her? how many of these trains have there already been? yes, i know, it's all mother.
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natka, daughter, mom, but zhenya doesn’t believe it,
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good, nice, i knew it, my dear, dear, my good girl, oh my good one. mom, why have you come? but you forgot your robe, and you brought it to me? oh, you guys are my smart guys. hello. hello. okay, i 'm off. igor, help. is your daughter back? yes, here i come, my daughter. get to know each other. gennady fedorovich, ryshkin. nadya tarasevich, but i brought you something here, i’ll bring it now, okay,
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who is this, and he disappears from the garrison every evening, yes, so what? “nobody saw my father dead, but i’m leaving, a good beast, just what are we going to do with it, we need to support it, we need to feed it, but in germany they are used to eating coffee with tops, but how?” “
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i wonder how they will talk to them, but just go, they don’t understand anything in russian, do you understand me, hay? watch the execution? no, the verdict in the name of the union of soviet socialist republics, the military tribunal of the military district, in the open. the commissioner
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examined the case of the atrocities of the nazi invaders, in which the accused were charged at the meeting from april 5 to april 9, 1945. goezze, august joseph, born in 1918, native of cologne, german, former hauff scharführer, sonderkommando of the ss security police. and sd. burkhart. paul karl. born in 1916. a native of the village of schwanfeld. bavaria. german. former sonder-furor, local commandant's office. getrich, bruno franz. born in 1923. a native of the village of obernsdor, german. former oberefreiter. 8th ss cavalry division, death's head, the military tribunal found
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established, you and i are all day long, where is the ghoul, temporary period. in 1941-1944 , the german monsters already tortured, shot, and don’t look at them, they hanged, burned alive and strangled more than 500,000 soviet citizens in gazenwagens, including old people, women, children and prisoners of war, defendants in the present case götze, burkhart, getrich . were active participants in atrocities committed german invaders in the region. guided by article three of the criminal code and articles 319 and 320, he sentenced goetz augustus joseph to death by
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hanging. burchard karl death penalty by hanging. getrick, bruno franz, death penalty by hanging, the verdict is final and not subject to appeal.
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at my dear home in this big hall and it ’s like just the two of us, so say a word, you won’t teach me to dance,
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come on.
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what is your name vera? i’m tolya, i haven’t danced at all for 4 years, you can see clearly, the most the main thing is faith so that we don't hit the wall, you dance well, it doesn't
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matter now. it’s like dancing in a dark room, and we even loved it before, turning out the lights and dancing. and where did you live before the war in moscow, it’s true, it’s true, but i ’ve never been anywhere, you’ll still have time, i don’t know, but do you have a mother and father? where do mom live, you smell like strawberries, this is soap,
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what's your next dance? you don’t know, but there won’t be any more, at nine o’clock the locomotive is stopped, there will be no light for half an hour, i forgot, it’s a pity, maybe at the cinema you will stay, i don’t know. everything you wanted to know about the connection between history,
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religion and culture in the modern world, the name of prince izeslav is associated with the emergence of one of the oldest cities in belarus, zaslavl. this city was founded in 985 by grand duke vladimir and given into the possession of ragned and yaseslav. what was the earthly path of the saints?
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very great possibilities, this is knitting in a regular way, these are wide design possibilities, our technology today is actually very reliable, the safety margin is built into it colossally, the approach to business, to which everyone should strive for, we carry out 100% control so that these products comply with technical regulations and comply with the sample standard. literally in 3-4 years i should become a leader in the post-soviet space of special mechanical engineering, i don’t even have any doubts that we will achieve your goals,
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watch the quality mark project on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. get married, work together, the war will end, life will be wonderful, you know , what life will be like, there is no need to die. glory woo. brothers.
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on may 8, 1945, in berlin, representatives of the german high command signed an act of unconditional surrender, the great
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patriotic war. which the soviet people led against the nazi invaders was victoriously completed, germany was completely defeated. dina, dina!
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they don’t put crosses on mass graves; widows don’t cry on them; someone brings bouquets of flowers to them; an eternal flame is lit. there are no tear-stained widows at mass graves, stronger people come here, they don’t put crosses on mass graves, but does that make it any easier? here the earth used to rear up on its hind legs, but now there are granite slabs, here there is not a single personal fate, all destinies are one.
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merged, there are no tear-stained widows at the mass graves, people come here, stronger, they don’t put crosses on the mass graves, but does that make it any easier, about the eternal fire you see a flaming tank, burning russian huts, burning smolensk and the burning reichstack, burning... the heart of a soldier, there are no tear-stained guards at mass graves, stronger people come here to mass graves. do not put up crosses, but develop from this victorious completion of the great the patriotic war of the soviet people against the german fascist invaders , the historical victories of the red army,
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culminating in the complete defeat of hitler's germany, which declared unconditional surrender, establish that may 9... is a day of national celebration, a victory holiday, may 9 is considered not a working day, chairman of the presidium supreme soviet of the ussr, kalinin, secretary of the presidium of the supreme soviet of the ussr, gorkin. happy, we pass the decree of the presidium of the supreme soviet of the ussr on the announcement of may 9
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victory day, commemoration of the victorious completion of the great patriotic war. people against the german fascist invaders won the historical victories of the red army, culminating in the complete defeat of hitler's germany, which declared unconditional surrender.


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