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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 11, 2024 7:30pm-9:01pm MSK

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for less than 10 years now it has borne fruit; already at a child’s age i began to feel within myself a calling to monasticism and to serve the church in the sacred. i really wanted to imitate those people who found themselves in monasticism. i felt a certain heavenly quality about it. i saw myself in this.
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both in your word, and in your deed, and even in your gaze. as a child, i dreamed of being a policeman, well, this is the dream of every boy, at the age of five or six, the word police is a word of latin origin, the word millis.
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because i am also a milis, because i am too warrior, that there are those on earth who represent the army of christ, spending every day in the monastery, and feeling the singing of your heart to the notes of the divine service that sounds in the temple, spiritual experiences are very...
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so that you thank god for what you you are the bearer of that great antiquity that our fathers and grandfathers had.
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getting acquainted with belarusian enterprises and the outstanding results of their work: the difference between our equipment is that they have very large capabilities, this is knitting in a regular way, these are wide patterned opportunities, our technology today is actually very reliable, there is a safety margin in it... in literally 3-4 years it should become a leader in the post-soviet space of special machine building, i have no doubt that we will achieve our goals, look.
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the quality mark project on the belarus24 tv channel is now white and red, our flag, we’ll join hand to hand, the link is this. this is a call, here is a bc flag, inciting social hatred and enmity, but this is different, probably a smogarsk pro-ukrainian beer party, this is a prototype of a wedding in malinovka, the government is changing, words and views are changing, now article 342, what conclusions were drawn, probably then she was under the emotional influence of information in general.
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i support ukraine, why didn’t it previously support the residents of the brotherly donbass, who were bombed by ukraine for 8 years, why now , being in georgia and moving around the european union, does not go out into the streets in support of palestine. ksenia lebedeva’s author’s view on the policy of double standards in the project is different. watch on the belarus-24 tv channel. i went to the front. seventeen years old volunteer in 1943, trampled, but more often crawled from his native mogilev region to berlin itself, was a signalman in an artillery regiment, i don’t know how i survived, on may 2 i was
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the most advanced, and imagine, it’s simply indescribable, at some point the fast they began... to come out of their shelters with their hands raised and throw their weapons, i was then the first to convey to my fellow soldiers via communication: “guys, victory, bald spots, many did not immediately believe it, a couple of days later the artillery regiment was taken to the suburbs of berlin for rest, there was a german school there, gardens, ponds,
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100g. i used to always either refuse or exchange it for sugar, but then i decided to drink togna to the victory. that day, officers and soldiers staged a festive fireworks display, shooting like crazy from pistols, rifles, machine guns, and rocket launchers until they ran out of ammunition. it was the happiest day of my long life.
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noted. all civilized, democratic people came to our program, may 9 yesterday good evening, thank you very much for coming back to the smart world on our planet, i have some thoughts on this matter, but not i can hold on. i met may 9 in minsk, very sincerely, but very organized, and i was touched to the depths of my soul, of course, by the words of alexander grigorievich, in the part where he quite obviously said, this is the very thing from the heart, you know, this happens such moments as... yes, you seem to have obvious things, but they reach you at some point, that’s how this epiphany is,
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yesterday i had this about monuments, he talked about how you need to come to monuments so that history does not repeat itself, it doesn’t matter with flowers, without flowers, come to remember, and you know, i understood why my grandparents, i was still a little girl, i grew up in the village of kolunda, this is the altai region, they brought me, we have a very it was such a beautiful monument, there were four stakes there. was dedicated to the great patriotic war, every evening we walked and walked near the monument, i have such a childhood memory, it was right in my head yesterday and everything came up in my memory, i think this is really true, it seems like sometimes you have to do , only then maybe you’ll understand, just yesterday, of course, i was very, very impressed by the performances of young groups, the girls there, of course, it was cold, but nevertheless they danced so heroically. and in general , the numbers were well choreographed, for them this is also important, because it really, as in
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the famous words, is necessary for the living, because our task now is to pass the baton, because i still remember many veterans, now today’s youth are purely physically soon no one will know at all, because time passes, now our task is to pass on this memory further, in this sense , monuments play a huge role, well, not in vain.
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throughout western civilization we observe the dehumanization of two nations, russians and belarusians, we see the glorification of nazi aides, you remember the applause in the canadian parliament, and you remember the armed forces of ukraine with nazi chevrons, but... here it is generally impossible to argue with this, because this is footage, including footage filmed by western television companies, although they even deny this, but excuse the rudeness, it’s simpler in all, of course, it’s a fool to include, and say that we don’t see this, well, the western press, which cannot even be called the press, it seems to me, is increasingly sliding into this to goebbels’s training manuals, i hear words more and more often from such serious western politicians about the fact that they can no longer watch.
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yes, in order to understand what will happen if suddenly we do not resist, what rules will be established here, what we will turn into, i mean the sovereignty of independence, at least in the baltic states, in ukraine, fortunately georgia, in i’ve changed my mind lately or to moldova, i don’t want to offend the people of these countries, i’m talking about the leadership of these countries, what will happen to freedoms, to freedom of expression, i know now our critics will say, but here in belarus...
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fortunately we don’t have is on the air, but social networks throw it at us, we see what’s going on in sweden these days, i’m not talking about the song contest, but about the eurovision competition, this is satanism.
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then he returned to minsk and spoke, we will discuss some phrases, but i would like us to listen to a fragment of his speech, i then i will continue this topic about the fact that the west is ready to make something like a deal with the devil in order to defeat us, let us listen to how in the early forties, the west was ready to make a deal with any evil in order to maintain dominance, the terrifying experience of the apalagetes of the defeated third reich ... has already found his followers there, he received a new interpretation and a beautiful wrapper. the nazis of our day no longer wear boots and black shirts, but act much more subtly and sophisticatedly. without any hesitation , the ss nationalists are praised and welcomed in europe
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all bridges. they receive a standing ovation. here, of course, fun began in the comments, they remembered who fought for whom, who covered for whom, in april of sixty-one , washington appointed adolf heusinger as chairman of the nato military committee. who is he? this is one of hitler’s generals, who in march 1943 in the ukrainian city of koryukovka shot more than 6,700
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people. we have a clear policy in our program. quite recently they devoted an entire issue to this, how the west fought the nazis, it was thousands of criminal murderers who received asylum, in the united states of america, in canada in some other warm countries, they received an excellent job and excellent support, there was a whole special operation of the united states of america, nato to remove these people, vadim franzovich, probably, as a historian, you know all this, here is a small fragment programs. look at how the collective west dealt with, in quotation marks , the murderers of belarusians, russians, poles, ukrainians, and how they dealt with them after the end of the great patriotic war. who was on the list of those purged and what was created for
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usa nazis. one of the most important acquisitions of the americans was the team of the german rocket engineer werner. werner vaughn brown is the scientist who essentially created the americans' missile program. he led the development of all major us space rockets, right up to saturn 5, on which the crew of apollo 11 went to the moon. in fact, thanks to him, the americans managed to land a man on the moon. von braun even held the post of deputy director of nasa and a number of other quite serious positions in the aerospace field. he made decent money and became a very influential american. officially received citizenship in 1955. von braun and his team built the first ballistic missiles for the americans. the nazi past was quickly and firmly forgotten. at the same time, the americans completely turned a blind eye to what von braun did during the war. he was an ss officer whose work in germany involved tens of thousands of concentration camp prisoners, many of whom
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died. von braun himself later justified himself by saying that he knew nothing about torture and executions, but he obviously. i was lying, there is evidence from concentration camp prisoners and resistance members that von braun personally gave orders to torture them. another co-creator of the american lunar program was also a former subordinate of hitler, arthur rudolph, an important nazi rocket engineer who worked for nasa. it was he who would be the project director of the saturn 5 rocket program, the same one that would reach the moon in 1969. in complicity with rudolph's nazism. would be publicly suspected only in the eighties. at that time, nas employee and the us armed forces, will leave america without any obstacles and return to germany. those who have not been exposed will continue to receive.
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the united states used war criminals to create more advanced means of destruction aimed against yesterday's allies. well, i don’t know what question to ask about this, i want to draw an analogy with current times. vadim franzi, this is not just about engineers helping to develop rocket technology, but no, listen, they used former ss and gestapo men.
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we had all this, so we have another war, so our people have a different force of resistance, and they often argue why so many people joined the collaborationist
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movement, here, let him speculate, it’s easy for us to explain, that’s not how the soviet government acted, but why did they join you? there was no soviet power, you didn’t have collectivization, and because the ideas of nazism were attractive to them, these ideas of nazism went nowhere. that we understand that we will lose this war when we came to the brest fortress. i want the idea to continue vadim frantsevich, each of us in the family has our own story, specifically about the celebration of may 9, why it is necessary, i’ll start with this. my grandfather, i was lucky enough to meet him, i was lucky enough to go with him to victory square, so every time i come to victory square i remember. how i, as a little boy, and even as a first -year school student at the academy of the ministry of internal affairs, came to victory square, my grandfather was lucky enough to see belarus already in ninety-four, when
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lukashenko became president, he was very happy that the holiday has been restored in full, so i ’m talking about how they tell us not just okay, you celebrate may 9 if you want, but quietly, modestly, without parades, without pride, just mourn, just somewhere... normal, sane people celebrate may 9, this is not sarcasm, today i discovered the news about how many people were detained in a prosperous democratic europe for simply wearing a symbol.
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take it from there, this is not fascism, when the president says that the relevance of may 9 is becoming more and more important, this is exactly what this is about, fascism has already raised its head, and one more argument, i again read a comment yesterday, how is it so, children put on caps, they look at the war, at the worship mountain, military equipment, what do you teach them, we teach them peace, because you are there, taking them to gay pride parades, it means that by talking about the fact that
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the russians... that they are ready to make a deal with anyone in order to destroy belarus and russia, this is already happening, don’t we see the justification for terrorism, extremism, don’t we see the justification for the murder of children on dolbasa , don’t we see that they say everything that happens in belarus and russia blew up people, killed them, it turns out, well, this is the fight for what i showed.
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all tv channels broadcast whole programs with police members who say that you can’t come with soviet symbols, with st. george’s ribbons, that you will be punished for this, people are walking when i saw a monument in tallinn, which is buried in flowers, well this is an indicator that these are the living sprouts of a living mind and that nazism and fascism have not yet completely taken over everything there, this is there, and this needs to be cherished with the people there to a large extent, everything is fine, there with the elites about...
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whether someone likes it or not, and if we cannot convey to our children respect for this day, we as a nation will cease to exist sooner or later, we really see a lot of children, olga alexandrovna absolutely he’s right, it’s good, we are now holding an action with the pioneer organization, the guys go from house to house, interview someone, someone was in the family, they collect history, there are practically no veterans left, but their children remain, their neighbors remain.
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called normandy neman regiment, we are all this we remember, but european countries fought on the side of hitler’s germany, almost all of them except serbia and greece, only two countries officially.
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the pent-up desire for this passionarity, it just spills out, this is the first, second about the nazis, i would also like to add a few words, i did a program about trudeau, about canada, and well, we must not forget about mk ultra, this is the most terrible project when, which was organized by the nazis, where, strictly speaking, the americans, which means they used canada, as they do now, as their testing base for testing, where they collected mainly women after childbirth depression. and they simply abused them there, that is, all kinds of torture, in this way, it means they were adjusting psychological health to see what would happen in the future, so i have absolutely no doubt that today we again have a serious ideological rift in the world,
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by the way, it hasn’t gone away, i remember when i studied in the states, well, the main rhetoric was that there are no more ideological contradictions, because the economic systems are the same, capitalism and capitalism, so no, ideally disappear altogether and be replaced by artificial intelligence, by the way, it’s interesting, guys, they don’t understand that they are completely destroying humanity as such, dehumanization is happening, our world is again ideological, yes, which is traditional, which says that generally speaking , a person... he plays a role and he is a significant person, you know, nowhere is this more felt than perhaps here in minsk, because during my first visit i noticed this, now i draw your attention, i see this in this studio, that is, you look at each other with attention, with
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a desire to look into the soul, and we need to preserve this soulfulness, because this makes us human, if we become just a machine assembled from deepfakes and people will it just plug into an outlet? but they lead to this, that there will be some chosen ones, a certain group, everyone else, they are simply not needed, that’s where all the experiments come from, as if this is simply amazing in general, of course, the collective west, which is simply trying to destroy humanity, not understanding that they will end up in this and destroy themselves, still, there is another example of why there is a struggle for may 9 using the example of our country and its recent history, it’s no longer a secret, it’s only narrow-minded people who don’t know that if it weren’t for 1996... belarus would have taken a path much worse than ukraine, much worse, so everyone understands this, they wanted to turn us into a country 100 times worse than ukraine with nationalism, with civil war and with everything else. it was may 9, by the way.
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became one of those holidays that opposed itself to radical nationalism. remember how nationalists from all over the world fought against our may 9th, against soviet flags, against soviet forces. who would treat may 9th as a holy holiday, or they say it in a veiled way: let’s celebrate not like that, let’s be closer to europe, let’s still have may 8th or the ninth, but quietly, or ban it, this is not an accident, that is these people want
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to destroy the state, which means we need to sort out history, so the fight for may 9 is only begins, this fight will happen in 10 years, in 15, in 50, dmitry nikolaevich cool, ambassador of belarus to the russian federation, answered this question well. i turn to macron: what the hell, excuse me, are you still, how many years have passed, 200 have passed, celebrating the day of the capture of vasily, more, refuse, what do we have? teach us whether we should celebrate may 9th, yes or no, and as for support, of course, i showed the tech in order to draw an analogy with the current time, we are surprised that zaport finances and supports outright terrorists, nazi extremists, including the nazi formation, who are fighting in ukraine, here is the report of the social security administration, which was prepared in the united states at the request of the house of representatives, 133 people were accused. for crimes committed during the second world war and who lived in
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the united states in the period from 62 to 15 , they received more than $20 million in various social payments from the american state. ivan mikhailovich, cia documents have been declassified, they have a deadline there, well, he didn’t they believe that these stories are very important, and we all see how they took the service of fugitive collaborators from that time, who are heroes for today’s fugitives, this is kushel, the policeman, this is his wife arsenyeva, this is a whole series of others that the tserushniks wrote, wonderful they were aware of who it was, they directly wrote that they were collaborators, that they could be guilty of crimes of the occupation regime, but they took service, why there were no others, that is, they abounded in collaboration in the eighties, when it became already impossible, after all, television was developing, the media stepped forward, it was impossible to ignore the fact that they were covering them, a special commission was created in canada.
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supposedly the soviet union falsifies data, not being a democratic regime, you remembered those times when our collaborators supported fascist germany, now analogues, you often told me on the air igor borzalyuk, who read the documents, it turned out that this whole party is collaborators actually a friend they wrote denunciations to a friend, there was a squabble, and now i’m continuing my thought, i’m watching on social networks, they have a so -called...
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real one, they say: listen, there we have a teacher, he used to work in the state department, he says: i was dealing with this situation, so look, there were obviously russian hackers here, and there the word is written, something something and the word nuggets is implemented, i raise my hand, i say, you know, his eric name, i say, you know, professor navatne, this is not, this is fake, he says, why this, this is fake, no, these are russian hackers, we know, it’s russian hacker written everywhere, “listen, firstly, we don’t say nuggets, this is a strange word for us, secondly, it’s spelled wrong, and at this moment he looks at me and says: okay, let’s go to the next question, which is very important in a confrontation of this kind.”
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how to deal with this, there is only one way, we are smart people, we have always been proud that we have a good education, i mean both belarusians and russians , of course, so teach people to convert attention. to such nuances that wait, if you saw some fact there, and this is really so, when they ask me, i teach classes at school, they ask me, they say, well, how can we explain to our youth, teach them think and convert, catch these interesting facts, like with my nuggets, there at the state level lies have been elevated to absolute, the proof comes week after week, so i know what sanctions have been imposed on us for the so-called migrants whom... we they brought it here, here it is let's listen to what the president of belarus said about this in november of twenty-one, dozens of
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planes rushed here from the middle and far east, from bombed states, people are coming, going to the border, here they were yesterday for the first time, this was the first time there were about 200, or maybe a little more, concentrated somewhere in different places, in minsk, in the forests. they were brought there, i ’m saying that this transit is provided by people, they will put them on a plane there, the plane will fly here, they will be taken here, they will be taken to the border, they will be transferred across the border, and there they will be accepted my poles, germans, ukrainians, involved in this chain, absolutely everything for money, i know the polish language well, i watch television regularly, although i can’t call it television, it’s just their hybrid propaganda.
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in poland there are now a huge number of scandals with this very topic, we remember the recent scandal in poland related to the sale of visas,
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this is that poland and that polish government that said that it would become an outpost, i must say, at least 250,000, a farpost of europe, they promised to become anti-migration, this well, polish was the official policy, in the end it turned out that the same government that made these statements, on the scale that vadim fransovich said, sold visas, through what? including through the belarusian radical opposition at the time when they were here, the same thing was organized in other countries, and if we take italy and germany, then here the flow of migration flows from the middle east as a result of the conflicts that existed there is not exhausted millions, this is not my information, there are already billions on the internet dollars that european officials put in their pockets, that’s how they made money on covid, that’s how they...
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it’s called, it’s called, they killed people, johnson, by the way, generally called this vaccine a triumph of british science,
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which saved more than six, so look what 's happening. yes, no one will be punished, those who died from this vaccine will not file lawsuits, there won’t be these lawsuits, today it is no longer possible to make money from this, because no one is vaccinated, here you go, they played democracy, well, the west has one , thing, which is systemic, immigrants are placed there, starting from the north of africa, yes, from the arabian arc, who flew to europe, sailed to lampedusa, migrants who were already going through poland, there are invested there ...
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i came to them in order to understand , in what conditions these people live, of course, we didn’t do this, but we treated them as people, because people found themselves in a difficult situation on our territory, absolutely everything was organized, not a penny was paid for it by anyone except the state , state, belarusian union women were very active back then, the red cross took part in the fate of these people, remember, well, i can’t call them anything else , the concentration camps that were on that territory
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that accepted migrants, what conditions were there? there, colleagues passed on the frame, i see, it ’s impossible to watch, which i’m surprised, it wasn’t like that in ’41, let’s remind the whole world that the poles have not yet allowed a single international commission to the border to see if there are corpses there, but i’m sure they are there, second, not a single international commission i figured it out, although belarus is active, even through parliament we provide information about how many criminal cases have been opened regarding death and beating to the state
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that you are talking about as migrants, no one comes,
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in britain there is only one diaspora, in my opinion, 150, 150 latvians and poles have been living in great numbers lately, according to my information, 44 citizens of poland have asked for a residence permit in the republic of belarus, and the last case, i ’m already silent about private parking, there are a lot more, and from western european countries, well, we’re early or later we will make this information public, how do you like judge schmidt, and who is an information bomb, the president said the blow was dead.
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loudly, he knows too much, he speaks and speaks openly, and moreover, because the schmidt case shows a deep split in polish society, splits in the cause.
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business in the border regions, these are the podlazskie and lublin voivodeships, which are hundreds of small businesses that would simply go bankrupt if the borders were closed. by the way, today information appeared that the minister of internal affairs of poland. by the way, i i think that you were talking about humanity, we shouldn’t forget that polish society is quite religious, and when a topic with this unconventional agenda is shoved into them, not everyone likes it,
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not everyone, i hope, none of the catholics are happy with it , there the country has always been split into two parts, one is so conservative, the second is a little pro-european, even they, even geographically in the fall of the twentieth, remember, when it hit them, they were happy about the fact that...
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which exists in poland, so i think that the story with his, let’s say, protest, it will have a long-lasting resonance, there is one more reason, which means i agree with everyone, but there is another one, democracy, which is not, europeans are used to freedom, what is not, well you can endure it, they sit there, they are silent, you don’t want to fight, the president said this yesterday, so accept the idea, but they are not fools either, they see where they are being pushed, that the guys. and tomorrow you, as ukrainians, will find yourself in the trench, you will have to fight for the freedom of belarus, as they, as they will be told, we will belarus to liberate, they understand perfectly well what awaits them here, death, which means they don’t want to fight, this is one of the reasons, by the way,
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he spoke about this at the press conference, that we are being pushed to fight, we are being pushed into confrontation, the president talks about this i spoke twice, i remember, on the seventh he spoke about money-losing europeans who don’t want to go to the trenches, and this is true, if you travel around europe, talk to... ordinary europeans, what a war, iphone, siesta, that means gay, gay- parade, the police can’t figure out what kind of war it is with the migrants, but there are a lot of them there they are pushing, they actively want them to die, to perish, so the europeans cannot stand this, they are fleeing, including for other reasons, well, it seems to me that more surprises await the poles within the country, we have already seen the first stage, when tusk came to to power, not completely to power, to definitely it...
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information from the western press, a unit of the special air service regularly killed afghan prisoners in their homes, planted weapons on their bodies. one of the active british officers stated that in 1911 he observed, how a british special forces unit adopted a policy of shooting unarmed afghans, and then changing the situation so that they looked like combatants, well , in short, they dragged the first men they came across into the houses.
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many others there it turns out that well , the british became aware of the fact that there was simply a genocide of afghan civilians, here you see an example, they shot three young people, 12, 14, 16 years old, all this information was stored on british servers, when they started digging into these servers , of course, access to reports, negotiations, correspondence was blocked, well and then, when access was opened, it turned out that everything that had been done was deleted, no information, on any servers anymore,
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what the civilian population was doing with them with their bare hands, although it was impossible to get there, but the president, so to speak, in times like these we live that there is a lot of talk about the outbreak of an armed conflict, a real one, including with the use of nuclear weapons, the head of state spoke on this topic at a solemn meeting on the occasion of may 9, let’s listen, and your general opinion on this matter, dear friends, i openly to you i’m talking about this, maybe it’s not worth it, but i want you to know that recently , like... never in our lifetime, we have never, never come so close to the threshold of nuclear war. western. states are in the vanguard of the europeans, you hear, france every day, every day, while the media, and maybe in reality, are announcing the escalation of tension not only on the european continent, but in
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the world as a whole, in no case give in to provocation, we are not going to give in to any provocations, we are not going to fight with anyone, we launched... a war against, say, god forbid poland, we understand perfectly well that we will not win it, throwing the country of millions of people into the crucible of war, these are not stones, just our task is, if again, as it was and has always happened, the enemy’s boot sets foot on our land, we... a brilliant decision was made, i mean issues, working out the issue of using joint non-strategic nuclear weapons of russia and belarus, on this matter the head of state near the kremlin they spoke out a lot about this
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they say, but it seems to me that a chill ran down someone’s spine, because suddenly it turned out that i read that they no longer transport weapons across the crimean bridge, therefore it is no longer useful, they recognized the elections. they , as soon as this news came out, they immediately recognized putin as president, news immediately started pouring in, and the usa recognizes it, and others recognize it, i can only guess that in moscow the british ambassador was told that they would give a piece of paper that supposedly troops, so that no one directed, although in fact there are specialists in ukraine, but that’s not what i’m talking about, i drew attention to other words of the president when he said that this is an exercise, this is not the first, this is the third exercise, but these exercises are those that are widely... lukashenko synchronously exercises using tactical nuclear weapons , they say that we will conduct and are conducting weapons, this is not just like that, it means that the threat
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of a military conflict on our border is greater than ever, and the state leaders issued another warning, there are no red lines, as our president said, there are no red lines, what is this, what are the red lines? no, this means that we are not going to attack anyone, we don’t need any territory, god forbid, russia and belarus are together, this is a huge territory, they are the ones who envy us resources, human resources, gas, oil, they don’t have a damn thing there in europe , a warning about the absence of red lines about something else, if you poke around, everyone will be destroyed, including the decision-making center, that’s all, that’s all, as i see it, so this is not the first time, ivan, we still have a program about that and how, yes, journalistic, when i watched the video. which went viral on social networks alexandrov from the alexander garden, in my opinion, where the two presidents, vladimir vladimirovich and alexander grigorievich, they were asked a question about these exercises, training, how they answered, yes, what they answered, we have already discussed several times, how calmly, confident , confirming each other
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’s words, and somewhere at some point i caught myself, you know, with such a thought, maybe you can’t talk about this in public, but i still think it’s necessary, there was such a subtle, serious trolling . here are those comrades like macron who say: “we, you can talk, we are doing." that's what i heard. we are doing everything so that, god forbid, it does not happen. and that phrase that was heard in the evening in minsk on victory square, they must know and be sure that it will not rust behind us. you know , it’s interesting, i looked and read so many documents, specifically there, related to our diplomatic service, first of all, from the soviet union, it’s amazing, we always say how it will be, well, that is, that means we are doing it, so. we don’t do this, it will be like this, every time they step on this rake, that is, right now was demonstrated, but i believe that it is impossible to speak here again, because this step is quite serious, when
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the leaders of the two states unequivocally not only said that we will do this, but approached the question of what, look, this will be so, if you do this, this will happen. so it will be, because if someone in the west has the illusion that, well, you know, they can somehow win back there, or something else, we, by the way, this is not typical for us, that is, if everything is so bad with analysis the mentality of russians and belarusians, well, i don’t know, it’s bad, but we have witnessed, since the famous munich speech, putin told 1500 times, in a veiled way, what would happen in 20’. scholz, who said that putin does not recognize sovereign belarus and ukraine there, we understand what he was talking about, he said that we are one civilization, we have a common history.
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this is primarily to ensure that it is impossible to destabilize the situation internally, to enter from this side, and as for external
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threats, a brilliant solution with the introduction nuclear weapons, yes, well, for a few more years it seemed simply impossible, it seemed impossible and the whole world would turn upside down , it would just be a scandal, do you remember how the next day after it was announced, everything was over, everyone understood everything, there were no weapons, and it was already working, everyone understood everything, so i’m saying that...
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i said that it’s funny for us to watch them, like a baby whose eyes suddenly opened, he began to understand what was happening around, they suddenly saw, that they rudely interfere in internal affairs and simply they dictate what to do, what you say, we ’ve been living like this for 30 years, and it’s so hard to fix something when the tumor has gone far, how hard it is to uproot it later, you have to uproot it right away, that’s what the soros foundation, ngos, started from the very beginning,
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i immediately uprooted some western organizations and planted them with something, that’s if i do it. in about 10 years, it’s hard, the west is now actively moving into central asia, they grew it, which is being destroyed, look, 20 thousand in georgia, even if three people are feeding, they left, 60,000 for the center of tbilisi, it’s just as if the whole world is there came out, they want to preserve a sovereign country, but people are not proud, imagine a year, we have at least a quarter. parliament is controlled by the west, two governors are at least controlled by the west, and it wouldn’t be tough, how they worked to push someone into parliament, how they worked with local authorities, they had whole programs for working with local authorities, and how cunningly , they give 4 million euros supposedly for computerization, 2 million buy computers, 2 million
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work with personnel, internships, attention, managers. speaking there about soros funds, he i came to soros to ask for money and there was a film adaptation, or rather a production based on dostoevsky, and well, there was some strange woman telling a story in his words, so she watched it, he said, dostoevsky, yes, well, it’s dostoevsky, he says, i’ve gotten mad, i just came out , i think i’ll be back now, well, i’ll troll her a little, that is. comes back and says: you just didn’t understand, that means that’s it, all the actors perform naked, all the scenery is made of coca-cola cans, the woman didn’t understand the humor, so he stopped him and says: wait, let’s put this request to the question about about what values ​​they were trying to instill in young people and what kind of people they put in these positions, it was a short story about the eurovision 2024 final, naked
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coca-cola cans, so in my opinion we ended - time 1:15 flew by. thank you very much for coming to visit us today, it was the editors' club, we'll see you in a week, goodbye.
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what will best test your erudition and intelligence? that's right, tricky questions. is it true that the egyptian gods set and assyris were taken?
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thanks to which the seven heroes from the fairy tale do alexander sergeevich pushkin understand that there is a stranger in their mansion? answer c, because, well, a girl, i’ll call her that, came to them, cleaned up their entire mansion, everything was so clean and beautiful, someone was tidying up the mansion, and was waiting for the owners, i want to catch up with lyosha by three. paris, london, new york, name the last city provided that.
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the history of the creation of significant cultural objects on the edge of the land of the pasture that became the sweaty meats of the heat was not here, there was a porch, a stone, an icon and a cathedral, and the hell of the city began to develop and the monastery itself, at in the actions of these stairs , the sinews of the saints were buried, and it is true that everything was right at the altar, then the right thing was needed for these stairs, and the faithful ancestors of this...
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so our land, we agree, everything is fine, then something clicked for the polish authorities oh it’s not clear where, but it’s not a fact that in their heads, they revised their attitude towards us to openly hostile. leave european markets. the polish authorities, of course, are our enemies, but there are very different levels of hostility, they can be so different that two countries, in fact, at war, can easily business with each other, that is, they may not be absolute enemies. lukashenko is the keeper of the balance. balance is the best thing a leader can give for a country and its people. balance is the golden mean; opposite ends, whatever they may be, are radicalism. but this is exactly
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the worst thing you can give. for the country and its citizens , watch igor turai’s author’s propaganda project on the belarus24 tv channel.
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live panorama in elena nasachova's studio. hello. belarus stands for peace and is ready to defend its sovereignty. let's preserve historical memory and unity and stand up under any circumstances, our president is convinced. we’ll talk about the security request with a panorama expert, when there is no more strength to close your eyes, but dirty tricks.


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