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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 12, 2024 3:25am-4:50am MSK

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i would like to meet such a head-headed mollusk somewhere in a gateway in the dark . the correct answer to our question is option: yes. fourth question: is it true that there is a substance called caloric? time? enis, let's talk to you, what do you think? i answered option no. yes. i'm not 100% sure, but i personally never have. i haven’t heard of this, so i assumed that no, but what do you think, well, if not, it turns out that we invented caloric, it may well be enis, what do you have in physics, please remind me nine, nine, okay, nine is not bad, elisha, caloric, what is it, is it invented, not made up, i answered no, but i don’t know what it is, just in case, out of harm’s way, well, well, this caloric , sofia, i answered option no, but... i’ve never
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heard of this, what i answered to guess has never been heard, here again stefania, maybe you ’ve heard, well, at least some mention of caloric, no , i also chose the option, no, arseny is holding out his hand, now we ’ll talk, we’ll talk, arseny, caloric, this is what, if i’m not mistaken, then the theory that there is a certain substance caloric was among physicists of the middle ages and early modern times, they assumed that it occupied a certain space and gave birth...
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maybe, but then they found out by trial error, that it does not exist, the correct answer to our question is option, no, the fifth question is: is it true that bermuda is an overseas territory of great britain, time. arina, what do you think? i answered yes, because well , it seemed to me that... they could be included in great britain, and what in the bermuda islands gave away their belonging to britain, well, that’s what allowed you to appear, i like the name, but no, i just like the name, bermuda girls, such girls like the name everything, they like the name, and where are the bermuda islands, in the atlantic ocean , it seems, in the atlantic ocean, elisha, have you heard about bermuda, yes, i heard that, and how do you like it, well, i answered. because i think she
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has them very far from england, how far? well, near america, then why are they relate? well, perhaps this is a separate, well, state, separately, like in the vatican, you mean, just like this state in some other state or what? well, maybe the state of bermuda? well, perhaps there is an area of ​​the bermuda triangle, and the bermuda islands are all there. so good, this is interesting. and stefania, what do you think? i chose option no, but i'm not exactly sure about it. i understand that there is someone who is confident in his version and can tell us, natalya, maybe you answered intuitively, no. well well, not intuitive then. bermuda is a british overseas territory located on a group of coral islands in the northwest atlantic ocean, 900 km from north america. the correct answer to our question is option. yes. six question. is it true that of
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the nine chemical elements of antiquity , the majority were metals? time. vadim. i remember this topic and it said that the elements of antiquity, specifically metals, are gold, silver, iron, copper and some other things. metal, well, that is, there were definitely more of them than non-metals, but there were non-metals, carbon, i don’t remember further, and sulfur, and islerot and sulfur, so they are two non-metals, and seven are metals, and since in the question we have nine chemical elements of antiquity, then seven, well, this is obvious overwhelming majority, correct answer: yes, seventh question: is it true that at the beginning of the 19th century the city of gomel was part of the mogilev province of the russian empire. time. david,
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if i’m not confusing anything, you are from gomel. yes. it is precisely the events of our question that take place, well, right there, maybe you do you remember something, maybe they taught it as an elective, or maybe they just taught the history of belarus, well, i also know that well, i know for sure that the russian empire had a smolensk province, and there was definitely once a city of gomel in it, well, i thought, that maybe it hurts, well , no, because most of us were in the smolensk province, smolensk ay-ay , yes, that is , they were part of the russian empire, but in the smolensk province, and you answered no, to this particular question. well, throughout its history gomel, of course, was part of many provinces, but specifically at the beginning of the 19th century, it was part of the mogilev province of the russian
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empire. the correct answer to our question is option: yes. eighth question: is it true that this is aivazovsky’s painting the ninth wave? arseny, what do you say? well, as far as i remember, the ninth wave is much more colorful, there are people not on boats, on rafts, if i’m not mistaken, there is a big wave, there are red shades, there are a lot of them, but here there are few of them. it’s good that arseny visually remembers the ninth wave? yes, somehow logically, visually, logically, but we... came, maybe the whole point is that the picture is 30 mx away from you, and what you have is too small, no, i don’t think so, that is, you answered, no, no, there is someone who answered this question, yes, yes, and we in the teacher's room they answered no, just believe, yes,
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this is not the ninth shaft, this is aivazovsky's painting of a rainbow, and the ninth shaft looks like this, indeed, there is no ship, there really are people, well, it’s hard to say the fruit, most likely it’s a mast, yes, it’s a mast , as far as i can judge, the picture is really colorful, a lot of sun, a lot of these bloody and yellow shades, this picture really looks brighter than the previous one, the correct answer to our question is option no. ninth question: is it true that the fairy tale has a fish tank, it’s true that there are no tumblers, the words of truth are collateral. time! well, let’s speculate a little, let’s talk about what kind of words can be side words, arina, i don’t really remember this topic, but it’s true, but of course,
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in my opinion, uh, more, but what kind of side words are these, well, what is the principle of these words, so we can take a sentence, look to understand, yeah, this is a side word, well, it’s not... some kind of emotional assessment of the author or the one who pronounces this sentence, wrote this sentence, or some kind of character who is located inside this sentence, that is, this feeling, emotions, some kind of assessment, the correct answer to our question is yes. tenth question: is one of
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clifford simak's novels really called the goblin sanctuary? time! natalya, what do you say, how did they answer? or maybe i heard about such a novel somewhere, but i’m not sure if it was whether the author is cliffard saimag, but since there is such a novel, i answered yes. well, have you heard anything about clifford at all? i know that we studied some of his works in the school curriculum, but i don’t remember which one. perhaps, in russian literature for the eighth grade, it seems, when before... when it’s lonely at home or something with such a similar name, when it’s lonely in the house or the house is lonely, everything is so, everything is true, thank you very much, enis, as you answered to this question? i answered yes, i’m definitely not familiar with the work of this author, but i
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suggested that such a story could be, well, then i’ll tell you, clifford symoke is considered one of the fathers of american science fiction, he... gave his first science fiction story in 1931. the author often talks about aliens with whom people were able to establish contact and exist peacefully. about a universe built on reason and harmony. the correct answer to our question. yes, the eleventh question: pay attention to the screen, tell me if the word is written correctly? time? angelina, how did you answer? i answered this question, there is no option. to me seems like the right privilege, privilege. yes, the correct answer to our question is option: no. this is the word. is of latin origin and is correctly spelled privilege.
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twelfth final question of the first round. is it true that easter cake is made from cottage cheese? time! elisha, it seems to me that this question is for you, well, zilch, you can blindfold yourself and answer it easily. yes, but i already realized that this was wrong, yes, just like we were in a hurry, some people here are offended, why? well, because, as i remember, easter cake is made from dough, and from cottage cheese easter, oh, easter, why then did you answer like that, you were just in a hurry, yes, the correct answer to our question, no, another dish is prepared from cottage cheese, elisha, as is absolutely correct, they said, this is easter, and it is already prepared from yeast dough pulich, we
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can verify this, look at the screen, you can see with the naked eye that in the foreground we have cottage cheese, easter, in the background there are easter cakes, this cake is made from yeast dough. before we sum up the results of the first round, i would like to talk to you about whether this first round is different tour, the first round of the super game of the intellectual show, i know...
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i may be preparing for the worst, but i hope for the best. well, then, preparing for the worst and hoping for the best, pay attention to the screen. we have a controversial issue, and in order to resolve this dispute, we need to contact the computer and ask it to count and analyze which of the players in the orange zone gave their correct answers faster than their competitors. attention to the screen. elisha was lucky. well done, he was faster in speed, unfortunately, anastasia is not there, yes, anastasia is not there, here is the formed
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eight players with whom we will meet in the second round of the supergame of the intellectual show, i know, the four players who are now at the bottom of the list, do not despair, do not be upset, thank you for the game, you are great, but goodbye today, i like it. game, i am sure that i, of course, am capable of more, but here the players are strong and there is more excitement, the questions were, of course, more difficult and many of them were not from my area of ​​​​knowledge, i was dissatisfied with my game, i thought i would pass more, i think it was all due to excitement, there was an offensive question about bermuda, i knew, but i clicked in the wrong place, my result is certainly worse than in the last game, well, the questions... at this stage were tricky, so to speak , well, besides, i was entrusted
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with such responsibility, i got excited and answered the question ahead of time, although i could have thought that i was dissatisfied with my result, i thought that i would make it through at least the third round, perhaps it was because of excitement, perhaps because because my intuition just let me down this time, i knew that i would make it to the super finals, since in my last game i won, i was in first place, i prepared, re-read the textbooks, but it didn’t help me much. conventionally, in poland there is capital that wants to make a profit, we have our need for jobs, our land, we negotiate everything well, then the polish authorities clicked something, it’s not clear where, but it’s not a fact that in the head, they have their own attitude they changed their attitude towards us to openly hostile. you cannot
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leave european markets. the polish government , of course, is our enemy, but there are very different levels. hostility, they can be so different that two, in fact, warring countries can easily do business with each other, that is, they may not be absolute enemies. lukashenko is the keeper of the balance; balance is the best that a leader can give for the country and its people. balance is the golden mean; opposite ends, whatever they may be, are radicalism. but this is exactly the worst thing that can be given to the country and its citizens. the author's project of igor turai is propaganda. look. tv channel belarus 24 the heroes of this program chose to live outside the city, why do you need it, and where does the money come from, the two favorite questions, i would really like to look at what a school looks like, which is no longer a school inside, there they see more opportunities and use them to the maximum. 26
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paros do you have chickens? 130 chickens, who else do you have? cow, cow, cow, ducks, that 's what you don't have, it's free time that can be spent on laziness and despondency, i understand, that's definitely not the case, neither depression nor despondency, and there's no time to be lazy, yes, the presenter’s task is to find out why rural life is still better than city life, then in the future, maybe we’ll arrange this, when we make a reception room here in the future , we’re doing something here, somewhere, drink coffee, maybe something -the laundry, that’s what we have leftovers here, valuable, we ’ll hang it here, probably for the exhibition, now it’s fashionable to say it will be here, how it all happens, 13 children, we’ll just reward you with a portion of applause, smiles, thank you very much, look project i'm from the village on tv channel belarus 24.
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we are starting the second round, let's remind you of its rules. in the second round, players are asked 10 questions with three possible answers, of which only one is correct. the choice must be made in 10 seconds. each correct answer earns the participant two points. the four players with the most points advance to the third round. the first question of the second round, which option does not need a dash? and life is a struggle, b. life is a struggle, life is a struggle. time! stefania, what do you think?
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i chose the option and life is a struggle, because in the remaining two options it will definitely be placed. well done, i agree with her, but how do you even understand where you should put a dash, where you shouldn’t, why in this case, well, you completed this task so fluently, quickly and easily, what rule were you guided by? because in option a there is the word is, it replaces the dash, in the rest there is no such word, so there will be a dash, because the subject predicates are expressed by nouns in the nominative case, indeed in the first variant - tere replaces the word is, well, that is, there is there is a verbal connective, but in other sentences and expressions this very connective is not present. the correct answer to our question is option a. second question. how does this work belong to the small form of the epic genre? a - novella, b - novel, c - novella. time. well, angelina, how
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did you answer? i answered option c, because the story belongs to the small form of the literary genre, angelina mixed it up, to the small form, it’s just a story, well, i think, from these options, yes, but it doesn’t belong in any form, well, it’s smaller, and it’s smaller than notification, i think yes, yeah, obviously, arseny, what do you think, i chose refusal. this is the apovest, i don’t know the chama, i choose a memory and apovest, i know that it has brought a lot of dimensions, what... the news, so, but i just wanted to invite you to think logically and try to understand, well, from this will be smaller in volume, but you see
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how they got ahead of me and made it clear that my logic is of no use here. sofia, i also chose option c, the story, because, well, i thought that novella and roman, they are big in terms of volume, they are larger than the story, so i chose option c. have you read the novels? what teeth do dogs crush bones with? a- canines, b- molars, c- incisors. time. well, here
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you could act by the method of elimination, if you try to get used to the role of a dog, yes, imagine yourself in its place and understand how to manage your life in the future. natalya, how did you act? well , crushing something with fangs will obviously be problematic, so there’s no option right away, it’s clear from the name that presses are used to cut, for example, to bite some kind of meat, but molars, well, if you use my teeth as an example, i’m certainly not a dog, well done, when i usually chew or crush something, it’s most often with my molars,
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fourth question: what region of asia does the state of kazakhstan belong to? a- central asia, b. south asia, central-east asia. time! blue i chose the option and central asia, because east asia, as far as i know, this is, for example, china, japan, south asia, well, i’ll assume that these are
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the countries of indochina, well, india there, sri lanka, and maybe a couple of examples then central asia, since we’ve gotten along so well with you, kazakhstan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, perhaps central asia is five states, including kazakhstan as the largest. what is here, here is tajikistan, turkmenistan, kyrgyzstan, uzbekistan. the correct answer to our question is option a: central asia. fifth question: an emulsion is a heterogeneous mixture of several immiscible components. in what state of aggregation are the components of the emulsion? a, liquid solid, b - liquid gaseous, c - liquid liquid. time. sofia, how are you? emulsions? well, i remember that we went through this,
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but i don’t remember exactly the name, i chose the option liquid, liquid, well done, so he still remembers. sonya, she accelerates so quickly, last time she was at first quietly, quietly, quietly, only at the end she began to speak, i hope that today is the same, let’s do this, who wants to get you as far as possible to a good grade, we will start with some, let's say, a grade, what subject did you take? in chemistry, very good, the beginning, the beginning is good, what is the name of the teacher in chemistry? alexandra gennadievna, great, this is already a six, so now all that remains is to figure it out, well, i think that this is option c, i generally know for sure that this is not option b, liquid gas, i had doubts between both c and... and in general, i thought that we already had a lot of options a, so i already chose c. oh, and you’re also a statistician, it turns out that we have, well, that is, a person who deals with statistics, very
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interesting, okay, option c was accepted. arseny, well, i also chose option c, right away, probably not, because the question says, that this is not a homogeneous mixture, but most often liquids and gases are mixed, well, an example of a liquid liquid is probably water and oil, some kind of sunflower oil, for example, the correct answer to our question, option with... liquid liquid aggregate state of the suspension components liquid solid foam is liquid gaseous, but emulsion is liquid, liquid. sixth question: which of these physicists carried out the first artificial nuclear reaction? option a - ernest rutherfort, option b - michael faraday, option c - robert oppenheimer. time. sofia,
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i think that option a is ernest rutherfort, but i’m not sure, because i have no idea at all, i chose purely intuitively, you just liked the first and last name, and from those presented below, and an open-gamer, what not, but it seems to me that he was not the first, was not the first, yes, very good, angelina, i...
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radiation resistance: option a - radio interceptors, option b - radio spotlights, option c - radio protectors. time! arseny, what are they called? i chose the option with radio protectors, well, i
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made out the word a little. applicable, and you parsed everything correctly and that’s it understood correctly, the correct answer to our question is the option with radio protectors. eighth question: krasovitskaya wound, what is the characteristic of the budove tale? option a is two-part, option b) is one-part, nominative, option c is one- part, non-special. time! sofia,
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i chose option b in relation to the name, because dzyenik here - geta ranitsa, ranitsa ya, krasavitskaya, krasavitskaya - geta budze meaning, that is, we don’t have a predicate here, if there was a predicate, for example, ranitsa krasovitskaya, then it would be two-part tale, two-part tale, two-part tale. well, a comprehensive answer, the correct answer to our question, the option is one-part, nominative. the ninth question, what was the name of
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the character from... arlikim, b. yes. c: trousers. time! arina, let's figure it out. well, i answered option a. well, because of all three of these, i only heard about the harlequin. therefore , option a. well, who do you think harlequin is anyway? i don’t know what function it performs or what it looks like. on the function, but the song was about arliks, but i was there, and was he a merchant in that song, this is exactly what i’m getting at, in my opinion he wasn’t a merchant there, he was far from a merchant, rather he served a different function, natalya, a harlequin is a jester, i personally chose the option with
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trousers, because with the word trousers, trousers , trousers came to my mind, but it was more of an intuitive choice between options bc, that is, it’s just not... it’s not in vain that trousers came to your mind, because trousers are from the italian trousers, trousers is translated into russian like trousers, the correct answer to our question is option c pantaloons, let's look at the screen, well , here he is, pantaloons, although his act may be slightly similar to that of a buffoon. he could perhaps be confused with a harlequin, but it’s unlikely, he doesn’t have a characteristic hat. tenth question: under what name are the events in minsk on october 18, 1905 known? a, chapa
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execution, b. zakharyevsky execution, c: kurlovsky execution. time. sofia, i answered option c: kurlovsky execution, what happened, yes, then the revolution of 1905-1907 took place in the russian empire, the tsar published a manifesto, and it was made public then one day later in minsk, and there was an uprising, well, a rally, and a rally of workers, about a lot of people were shot at this rally, then kurlov was the governor of minsk, this execution was named after his last name, so the kurlovsky execution is the correct answer
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to our question - option c. before we summarize, i would like to compare this second round with the second round of the qualifying game. stefania, did you find it easier to play in this second round? no, for me. the second round was definitely more difficult than the first. do you think we will we meet you in the third round? i won't claim anything. okay, okay, let's leave elisha behind the veil of secrecy. i think i'll quit after this tour because i answered very few questions. why did this happen? well, due to the fact that i know little, there is probably room for improvement, of course. how to grow, where to move forward. natalya, will we see you in the third round? i think not, because i'm ashamed of it. the question with krasovitsky ranitsy, i knew, but i answered that it was a two-part question, because well, it could be an adjective predicate, how ashamed i am, i don’t know, i think i won’t pass, because this is not
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the only wrong answer, i just forgot everything else, natasha, there will be an opportunity to remember, well, whatever time it will be, such despair, despair, just yes, listen, natalya, if you are so ashamed, then i would recommend that you... stay in our show as long as possible, so that you don’t have to come back, continue, continue, continue the game, so that, well, someone then there is something to prove, i really hope that everything it will, of course, be possible to accept all of you, the third round will not be able to, that’s who it will not be able to accept, we will now find out, attention to the screen, arseny, enis, sofia are passing, we again have a controversial point, we again need to resort to the help of a computer for in order to count who...
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well, on the whole i’m happy with my game, because the fact that i made it to the super final has already made me very happy, of course it’s an insult for some questions, but to compare this game with the qualifying round... it seems to me it’s not worth it, because the questions are more difficult and the opponents are stronger. it's a shame that i was one point short of the third round, but the questions were more difficult, maybe there was a lack of knowledge somewhere, i personally am not very happy with myself, because i understand that i could have answered better, on the other hand, it could have been worse, and okay, i in principle, i’m not very disappointed, it’s good that i’ve already made it to the super finals, in the last game i took second place, in the same game i you... well, after the second round, i understand that my knowledge
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is not enough, and of course, nerves stress played a joke on me, i rate my game as a six from the children, well, because i knew part of it, part i didn’t know, that i knew, then i answered, we have a musical break on stage, super finalist of the show x factor belarus nikita belko, just wait, don’t run home, you and i were not friends in the head, it’s time... to understand, forgive me, as it were we didn’t try, we’re back to zero, we’re in a mess again like yesterday, i don’t understand why you’re like this, but how much you can make me wet, it’s time for us to discuss everything to the end, don’t look at me, i’m not a lucan, but you’re colder than ever , we need something like... head,
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it’s time to understand, forgive me, no matter how hard we try, we’ve lost it again, you’ve frozen i’m all mine, i forget who i was before you, but i really want to make up for everything, i’m waiting. i’ll give one thing for this, all our tears are like cubes of summer, you ’re cooling down, although you’re cold, please, dear, listen to me, it’s definitely time for us to unfreeze, wait, don’t run home, you and i, for some reason , weren’t friends in the head, it’s time to understand, forgive me, no matter how hard we try, we’re back to square one, just wait, don’t run, go home, for some reason we weren’t friends in the head, it’s time to understand,
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let me in, to make it work, we have to do it in half, just wait, don’t run home, you and me we weren’t on friendly terms with each other, it’s time to understand, forgive me, no matter how hard we tried again . we tell you how to choose quality products for healthy dishes. take the nuts in your hands and evaluate their weight, they are too light, don’t take them. such fruits either have no kernels at all,
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or they are dried out. ground beef is dark red in color and has a pleasant smell with a slight milky aroma. a proper breakfast is the key to health and good mood. today we will cook lasagna with pumpkin and spinach, quite unusual, but i think sometimes you can pamper yourself. let's get started. if you have a difficult day ahead and you know what you need. and a huge amount of energy, this is the breakfast that will really help you, don’t forget about invigorating exercises, raise your arms up, raise your legs and do such a cool exercise, cockroach, we start shaking our arms and legs, our lymph flow starts, look at the breakfast of the champion project on the belarus 24 tv channel, basically everything is degrading today, matiya, when a diplomat, whose mandatory function is
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build bridges, maintain this thread of connection between the two conflicting parties, today these diplomats, on the contrary, are inciting war, they are the main hawks, the same goes for their politics, their economy, then what does the west matter now, perished, if you are not lost, if you know , who is your opponent, then you are moving towards victory for us.
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guys, i congratulate you on reaching the third round of the super final of the intellectual show, i know, and before we continue asking questions and getting answers, i suggest take a short break and chat a little. enis, remind us what the result of the qualifying game was for you? i reached the fourth round and was eliminated with second place, if i'm not mistaken. with what feelings, with what emotions, did you leave with second place? i rather informed, even my parents, i informed him that he will not constantly inform everyone about this, i, when the program goes on air, so that they watch, rejoice, classmates,
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of course, too, to whom you lost, inis, is this person here or has already dropped out, present, present, who did you lose to, i lost to sofia. so today you have a chance to win back? i think yes, you remember the first monday after the program aired, the program with your participation, what it was like, was there anything special in relation to, i don’t know, your classmates, but the teachers who saw you on tv, in general it was an ordinary day for me, but yes, both classmates and teachers watched the program, and i was very pleased, since some congratulated me, maybe there were moments when shula and...
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i read about this in the eighth grade art textbook, this helped me a lot, we are ready, restrained, concentrated, analyzed everything, well, physics student yes... thinking like that, yes, we wish him good luck, let his knowledge be enough, but doesn’t forget to do the trick, yes, now, let’s talk to sofia, you are the winner of the qualifying game, first place in the last game, in which everyone is usually worried, worried, because this is the first experience, it’s scary, it’s ah-ah-ah, y’all we overcame this,
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we went through all this, why are you here, well, here i am for participation, i’m very interested in getting a new experience again, with children and just seeing what i know, what i forgot, what i didn’t pay attention to, did you analyze the game and what conclusions did you draw for yourself? we came to the conclusion that the emotional component, this is the main thing, yeah, we came to the conclusion that we shouldn’t just sit there straight and like this, these are the topics, these are the topics, she and i discussed the film in a very abstract way. and some other things, that is , it is important for sonya to be relaxed, when she is relaxed, i don’t know, there is some kind of internal flow, and information comes to her, if you squeeze it, it will be worse. have you watched the program with your participation on tv? yes, i watched with my parents, all my relatives, everywhere, everyone too, everyone watched everything. were you on a call, communication, how
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was it? when it was already over, everyone called. everyone called me, my mom, and my dad, everyone congratulated me, everyone was happy. sofia. what was it like watching yourself on screen? well, when you know the result, of course, i was proud of myself, of how i was able to show myself, i didn’t report that i was on the set, i just don’t think that’s right a teacher’s achievement, it’s still a child’s achievement, and when we started watching the broadcast, i have a phone, they show you, i see you on tv, and everyone is like: i understand that if i do it now, yes, if i don’t indicate it now, that i know that they are showing me, my phone is going to burst, i just wrote on social networks, dear friend, i know that they are showing me, well, stop there, i know that they are showing me, i know, yes, you were preparing for this super final, honestly, no,
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before the super final i was in st. petersburg for 3 days conference, so i didn’t have the opportunity to do anything, what kind of conference, at the gymnasium, me and three more of my friends were sent to the conference as a model un in english, we discussed all sorts of issues in committees, so in general there were things to do. .. you need to be no worse than in the last game, and well , it really just so happens that she always has such a busy program in life, well, then let pride and... i don’t know, frivolous or conscious lack of preparation for our this no chance for the super final will not interfere with you in the third round. thank you!
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arseniy, your opponent, it just so happens that we have a very interesting super final today, but she is here next to you. let's remind tv viewers how that qualifying game ended? i then lost by a large margin to stefania, i played poorly, let’s say , what got in the way, what was missing? i think in the third round the roots grow, so to speak, there, if i had taken one question correctly, then i would have had the right to first choice in the fourth round, then perhaps i would have become the first, was i analysis or drove home in silence, we drove home in silence, fatigue took its toll, but the very next day subjects were assigned for which we really needed additional work with teachers, a separate schedule was assigned . for the whole month he went and studied, i went through the questions of previous seasons with a coach, about what where when lyudmila
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leonidovna steshets, at school the teachers of chemistry and biology advised me on belarusian, at home i leafed through last year’s textbooks, some weak points for myself discovered, of course they exist, but revealing them to rivals is not entirely smart, and what questions were remembered here is what he for... himself - faraday, we still remember what happened to faraday, remind us, this is the only question in physics that he didn’t take it, he was very ashamed, we watched the program on tv, on the day it came out, i was just in mogilev, we went there with my team for a tournament, i found beltelerokpania on the website, we watched this episode together, i there at some moments he closed his eyes and ears because he knew that i'll say some nonsense. well, i’m human, i have the right to make mistakes, what’s the plan for today? you know, i’ve already fulfilled my plan, i’ve reached
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the third round, well, whatever happens next, it seems to me that arseny was lying about his plans, that he had already fulfilled them, considering how he analyzed his last game and how serious it was preparation, he was always most afraid last time of the first two rounds, somehow they were harder for him with... accordingly, we went today and decided that if the first two were good, then everything will continue to be fine, we wish arseny good luck in the third round, let everything work out, let him not rush, but nevertheless, well , he is in a hurry, don’t hesitate, yes, don’t hesitate, we just have to talk to stefanie, you are the winner of the qualifying game of the intellectual show , i know, yes, the winner by a colossal margin, thank you, arseny, he reminded us of this whole story, the law answered the question, why are you here, why did you come to us again, i’m also not chasing any good result, i came here to participate , enjoy games. don't you really want to become the best of
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the best? no, of course, i want to, i subconsciously want to, but there is no such goal, there is the most important goal - to enjoy my participation. were you preparing for the super final, this super final? well, yes, i read a lot of literature, i realized that the questions here are not only about the school curriculum, so for general development i was looking for something and read the school curriculum. in general, everything that i could imagine, that maybe, i kept trying to read, teach, as the school accepted stefania, did you manage to maintain the intrigue at school, in the classroom, in the teachers' room, well, let 's say, partly, because i'm the one who couldn't stand it, in stefania's class, where i teach mathematics, i announced, yeah, it was deathly silence, no, this is by no means any there. that in our school
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there is first place on such a television project, this is a significant event for you, of course, of course, with whom did you watch it at home? with a family? how did your parents behave when they saw you on tv? the parents were a little calm because they already knew the result, but they were still very worried , they were interested in watching it somehow exciting, but it seems to me that people who didn’t know the result were much more excited, and the parents tried to answer questions, participate in the game? yes they tried, and how did they do? well, they have enough. it worked out well, yes , better than yours, well, that’s unlikely, the release date of the program was not announced to everyone, because they first had to make sure that they could check the date, that they could watch themselves, that’s good, everyone is beautiful, yes, but when indeed, the program was already on, photographs began to arrive directly from the tv screen, that they were showing you,
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like their colleagues, i wish... the guys to achieve the main goal of victory, because if you come here, then only win. let's keep our fingers crossed for everyone. vasya, announce the third round. we return to the game, start the third round and remind you of its rules. in the third round , the presenter asks 10 questions, the participant with the fastest reaction gets the right to answer, and the correct answer earns him three points. in case of an error, the right to answer passes to others participants. the two players with the most points advance to the fourth round. the first question of the third round: an illustration of what kind of story is in front of you? stefania, perhaps this is a smoke-stained ram, a smoke-stained ram, it is impossible, exactly, the correct answer. the next question will be asked by alesya klimovich, co-author of a geography textbook for the ninth grade. attention to the screen. this is one
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of the oldest cities in belarus. currently a large industrial. cultural center, the city is famous for the production of knitwear and furniture, this is a city of three religions, and also arseny, insk, you could listen to the end of the question, suddenly something was thrown there, everything was turned upside down, but without listening to the end, they gave their answer ahead of schedule, pinsk, they took a risk, and they took a risk not in vain, this pinsk, third question, in front of you is a postage stamp of belarus on...
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enis, can i assume that these are matches? alas, no, these are not matches. stephanie, maybe it's paper. no, it's not paper. sofia, maybe these are some kind of textile threads. threads? alas, no, it’s not them, arseny. i can assume it's tobacco. tobacco, no, it's not tobacco. now we turn to the teachers' room, maybe there is the right answer there. sounded on the main platform, we have another one, well, this is fabric, some kind of matter, here, here is the answer, fabric or some kind of material or cloth, this is the correct answer, yes, this is kan, plus for you, it’s better for him, alas, not yes, at least one, points, the fifth question and this is
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a video question, in the short program of the russian figure skater a... it seems to me that arseny does not leave anyone any opportunities or chances to press the button. the legion of french was also heard composer jules masne, both the image of the figure skater and the choreography convey the sincerity, depth, sadness, and mournful reflections characteristic of elegy. sixth question: what is the reciprocal of the resistance of a conductor called in physics? arseny, me. i can
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assume that this is the current strength, alas, no, this is not the current strength, enis, i can assume that this is the voltage, no? stefania, perhaps it’s just power, no, sofia, do you have some version, i remind you that you don’t lose anything, even if your answer is wrong, well, power, that’s alas, no, it’s not power, it’s not power, so, the reciprocal value of the resistance of the conductor is called conductivity, conductivity of the conductor, here is the correct answer to our question, the seventh question with the letter name vascularity.
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arseny, i will admit that this is a hoku, no, this is not a hoku, in the depths of the mountains a red maple leaf is trampling, a moaning deer, i hear him crying, all the autumn sadness is in me. inis, do you have any options, there are no options, stefania, perhaps this is haiku, but it seems to me that this is just another version of the name hoku. haiku, unfortunately. no, that's the wrong answer, and sophie, but i don't have answer, no answer, yes, this is a tanka, literally, a short song. ninth question: before you
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is an exhibit from the state hermitage, ancient russian women's jewelry from the 11th-13th centuries. stefania may be fibula. fibula, it's not her. a hollow metal pendant that attached. arseny. temporal ring possible, what is the name of the temporal ring? i can't say, alas, i can't accept this as an answer at all. enis, i'll assume these are earrings. no, and now sofia will calmly listen to the question to the end. a hollow metal pendant attached to headdress and often decorated with grain, filigree, enamel, niello. presumably , a piece of cloth moistened with incense was placed in the internal cavity, what is this decoration called? sofia, well, i’ll assume that this is
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a brooch, a brooch? yes, no, it's not a brooch, it's a colt. colt, that's what i'd like to hear from you. tenth question. listen to the recipe , name the soup that is prepared this way. you. spinach and sorrel are boiled separately, rubbed through a sieve, diluted with chilled kvass, and finely chopped green onions are added. stephanie, perhaps it’s okroshka, no, it’s not okroshka, add finely chopped green onions, mashed with salt until juice appears, finely chopped fresh cucumbers, dill, sugar and salt to taste. arseny, i'll guess what it is. this is not a cold one. the greatest expert on russian cooking, william pokhlepkin, claims that this dish is served in three different plates. sofia. well, maybe it's a woodchip. no, it is not
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him. the greatest expert on russian cooking , william pokhlepkin, claims that this dish is served in three different plates. at first - soup, in the second - fresh red fish, in the third - crushed ice. enis, i’ll assume it’s cabbage soup.
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on the screen, stefania, arseny, this is a rematch, as it turned out, it seems to me, there are no options, this is a rematch, arseny. and stefania, my congratulations to you, we will meet in the fourth round of the super final of the intellectual show, i know, enis, sofia, it was just a little bit missing, you fought brilliantly, thank you for this game, all the best, guys, i congratulate you, i’m glad to see you see, but the guys from...
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sofia, share your emotions impressions, i really liked everything, i liked the children very much, i liked competing with them in my knowledge, in general everything was very good. in your opinion, was it a strong super final? yes, it seems to me that yes, what got in the way in the third round, arseny, who quickly pressed the button, or what? in general, your busyness got in the way of this game - no, i think it was arseny who got in the way, he pressed the buttons very quickly, in what mood will you go home? with excellent, well, irina aleksandrovna, your impression, you are you happy with the result or do you still want to play with us? i’m happy with the result, i can play with you, well, we’ll play again, because the fourth round is ahead. did you like it? yes, super final? was stronger than
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the last game, in your opinion? i think no, different composition, different reactions, yeah, well, interesting, thank you very much for your participation, well, enis, tell me, are you happy or would you like to become the best of the best, in fact i’m happy, because for me it’s already an achievement to go through like this far into the third round of the super final, it’s very strong opponents, and i understand that... if they are stronger, then they deserve to be in the fourth round. olga aleksandrovna, your impression, i am proud, i don’t think that nis played worse, because from the results we see that this is a high result, the game was beautiful, worthy, the competitors are strong, and well , we are leaving when we leave, there is more to come a lot of victories, well, moreover, i’m proud of you, you have a prize-winning third place, it turns out that you took third place in a super game and... and it
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seems to me that this is a reason for pride, yes, i tell you i applaud, i’m very happy for you, well, let’s watch the fourth round and find out who won our super final. vasya, start the fourth round? you can get a lot done in 24 hours. in 7 days and even more. in our project you will learn about key dates, events in the country and the world that happened during the week in just 20 minutes. there will be time for entertainment, exciting projects that will surprise and lift your spirits. a series of films of the pearls of belarusian cinema. and, of course, an online journey through our amazing country in search of a new place on the map. all this and more.
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you need to live it. watch the belarusians project on our tv channel. we are starting the fourth decisive round and remind you of its rules. in the fourth round, participants are asked to answer 10 questions from different categories, the leader by the number of points is the first to choose the topic of the question and, if the answer is correct, receives four points; if the answer is incorrect, the second participant enters the game and brings the correct option. arseniy, your lead is 13 points, stefania, let this lead not affect you presses, i wish you good luck, selection, choose
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your category, i choose geography, as the navigation of cargo and passengers is called. shipping, cabotage shipping or just maybe it's shipping, alas, it's not cabotage, stefania, chemistry, what is the name of the covalent bond between atoms of elements with different electronegativity. polar, polar, but what else? bravo! arseny, is it your move? history of belarus. the first section of the railway on the territory of belarus appeared in 1862. what two cities were
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terminal stations on the branch line that included this section? perhaps this is brest, moscow. this is not brest and moscow, no, stefania, there is no answer, st. petersburg and warsaw, these are the cities connected by this path. stefania, let's speak belarusian. the road to dado was easy. which members of the skaz have the right to give? assigned. assigned. this is true. and when we know, i don't know. the gap is closing. yes. arseny the choice is yours art, which queen of poland and grand duchess of lithuania is depicted in this portrait by lucas cranach, the younger. well done, arseny.
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correct answer. bravo, arseny. stefania, is it your move? let's do biology. there is no answer as to what the first pair of craniform antennae, which perform the function of touch and smell, is called. arseny, is there an opportunity to earn two points? i also don't have an answer, a correct answer to this question. antennales, antennules. arseny, russian literature. the hero's knowledge of this language was limited to a few. words and phrases, familiarity with the satires of the roman writer, reproduction of several lines from virgil’s poem, name both the language and the hero, perhaps it’s latin, i’m the hero of the famus, alas, no, stefania, i don’t know,
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we have a teacher of russian language and literature, we really need help, how... what can we help, please, please , i’m very sorry for arseny, the language is latin, only it was anegen, it was anegen, and the language is latin, that’s the correct answer to our question. stefania, choose a category, give geometry, insert the missing word: if a quadrilateral has two equal sides and a blank, then this quadrilateral is a parallelogram, parallel, parallel. well, of course, arseny, make a choice. belarusian literature. yak is the name of the veska, where the dzeyane of alexei dudarov's play vechar is held. possibly white dew. no, it's not them.
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stephanie. i won't remember. now i’m far away, but i often dream of the beginning of our milestones. the hut is dancing. three byorozki under the imam’s window, a pole hanging, this is the correct answer to our question. stefania, let's say the proverb. finish the proverb: a mind without a book is like a bird, let it have wings. a mind without a book is like a bird without wings, 4 points. vasya can create? and you earn them, mind without books are like a bird without wings. well, the fourth decisive round of the super final of the intellectual show, i know, has come. by the end, all that remains for us is to sum it up, the fourth round began with a margin of
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13 points in favor of arseny, how did it end, attention to the screen, wow, wow, 44, 43 in favor of arseny with an advantage only one point, but today he wins, arseniy and stefania, you lacked just a little bit, just a little bit, this is not for the sake of words, thank you for this game, oh, stefania, of course you and arseniy made us everyone here will make everyone nervous, but maybe it will make you happy, it wasn’t easy for arseny, because he said the last words that i still managed to hear. that is, it was not easy for him, such a gap, but i want to ask you
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this question: your hometown, pinsk, no offense, lisa, this question is in the third round, it was the most offensive in general in the entire history of my life, this is probably the most there was an offensive moment, perhaps these points would have been enough for you to now stand on the main platform, yes, as they say in my city, i came from pinsk, but here i forgot about it, forgot my city, but i... i’m sure i knew this answer, i just wasn’t sure that it was possible, it could be some other city, i decided to wait for the end of the question, so arseniy decided not to wait, but first of all, you are from minsk, yes, and it seems to me that you can pronounce this phrase with pride even now, because this is the super final, you were so confident in in the fourth round, the questions were not easy, of course, arseny was probably not entirely lucky, but this is what you think, you have caught such an opportunity, what can you do? can you, can you catch up with arseny, or did you already understand that that’s it? no, i caught the opportunity, i understood that i could, but this one point
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is of course a shame, but i’m still happy with myself, of course, lilya mikhailovna, tell me about your emotions, about your experiences, feelings, well, i’m very happy for those that i am very proud of, and arseny is a very worthy opponent, very well done, he really was in the lead the whole game, let’s just say, here i am... even amazed, like stesha in the fourth round i made up these points, and i understood, like a mathematician calculated, that just one point would not be enough for us, but we are happy for arseny, we are proud of ourselves, really, a worthy opponent, a worthy victory, everything is great, i love you congratulations, but arseny managed to make a rematch, and i’m going to the main site to congratulate the super-winner. the super game is over, it's
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time to congratulate the awards. the winner of our project and his teacher are thanked by the ministry of education of the republic of belarus. this wonderful bouquet for you. congratulations. game over. now we know the name of the super finalist, a ninth grader. there are two more super games ahead of us, which will contain interesting questions and unexpected answers. see you later, bye! is it true that the autonomic nervous system has two divisions: sympathetic and parasympathetic? to be honest, i don’t know, because i don’t know biology well. so my nervous system is on edge and i'm not sure, and how did you answer? i replied that yes, it would be better to have
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a positive answer than a negative one.
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my dear people, my dear fantasy land, we are so happy, we are strong, we are leaving, you are right to forget your free land, glory to the land, our bright name, glory. all the people's union, god's loving suit, prodimo, eternal life, our beloved mother, give birth, live forever. belarus
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is a different country, your husband is hired, you are good relatives, in the middle of the slaughter, the voice of the slaughter, my forgotten first, it was said.
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the soldiers worked hard, the friendship of the people, the strength of the people, our brave paths for victory, our mountains mustered clear life.
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live panorama in elena nasacheva’s studio. hello. belarus stands on positions of the world and is ready to defend its sovereignty. let's preserve historical memory and unity and stand up under any circumstances, our president is convinced. if you have a
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security request, we’ll talk to a norms expert. don’t get confused and thereby save someone’s life. victory day haunts the west, which means we celebrate this date and defend why this war continues, about this in the disposition project. new production in the kopolsky forestry farm, we will show how the initiative one district, one project is being implemented. industry in belarus acts as a driver economic growth. the guarantee of peace, order on our land, why industrial enterprises are so important, i am alexey avdonin, i will tell you how production, peace and prosperity are connected, simple economics in panorama. a four-day
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running festival, more than 3,000 participants , bezonrace is again taking place in sirichi. the celebration of the great victory day received a new impetus of popular attention. celebrations in all regions of belarus have acquired a truly national character. the events of those distant years, the feat of ours. our president is convinced that we will preserve historical memory and unity in society, we will survive under any circumstances. the whitewashing of nazism in collective europe became part of government programs. war criminals are elevated to the rank of heroes and even encouraged to imitate them. nazism is again being used to realize geopolitical ambitions. the west is ready to deal with any evil in order to maintain dominance. the terrifying experience of the apalagetes of the defeated third reich has already
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found its followers there. it received a new interpretation and a beautiful wrapper. the nazis of our day no longer wear boots and black shirts, but act much more subtly and more dried out. without any hesitation in europe , nationalists of all stripes praise and greet the ss men, they receive a standing ovation.


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