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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 12, 2024 5:55am-6:26am MSK

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jeeper lovers from all over the country gathered to test themselves and their cars for strength. more than fifty crews set out over a distance of several hundred kilometers to collect all the checkpoints and reach the finish line first. well , the organizers and nature did everything to make this path not so easy, and the first test was immediately after the start. a deep ditch, from which only winches, anchors and friendly mutual assistance will help you get out. pulled out at anchors, half of the cars couldn’t get through there, they threw an anchor, along it came out, this is constantly the work of technicians, training in swamps, constantly in tension, everything is constantly breaking, everything is constantly being repaired, swamp, swamp, swamp, there is no other way, we are delighted, this is the first time, we are really delighted with drevinov, power, especially these home-made, last ones... they
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’re generally something with something, heavier, which are already the last ones, the track is broken, there’s a lot more, experience takes its toll, that’s all, some people who are more experienced can get stuck, 300 is written down, don’t forget, of course, and about the audience, a special one was prepared for them special points where there is an opportunity to communicate with the crew, take photos with the cars, the finish line of the participants is planned for tomorrow afternoon, that’s what i have for today. that's it, love sports, work hard and win, but for now, good night.
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isai pavlovich kozenets, one of the organizers and leaders of the minsk anti-fascist underground, in the summer of 1941 created... one of the first underground groups in minsk, a group of oil workers. for the sake of secrecy, he took the name of his deceased comrade vyacheslav yurygin. under the name slavka he entered the history of minsky anti-fascist underground. the oil workers established contact with other partisan detachments operating in the vicinity of minsk, equipped an underground printing house, and organized sabotage. at the minsk
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railway junction and other objects of the occupiers. in march 1942, the minsk anti-fascist underground failed, as sd agents were introduced into its ranks. despite all the measures of secrecy, they failed to protect themselves. almost all members of the first minsk underground were arrested and tortured to death by the nazis. after long torture on may 7, 1942, isai kazenets was hanged in a city park in the center of minsk. in 1965 , isaiah cozenets was awarded the title of hero of the soviet union. posthumously.
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only for our tv viewers, we choose the best routes, today we are in polotsk, oh, you know that i haven’t considered visiting here for a long time, because... this is a city, real history, is it true that this is a former post office building? yes, 1952, the post office building, and not exactly a civilian one, there were military units here, that is, the guys received correspondence, and we went to a fascinating journey through our country, olya is a girl, this is a children’s museum, but i’m already an adult, they don’t let me in or don’t let me in, she says that yes, it’s a very interesting towel, it’s also a wooden towel, the oldest towel.
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such an administrative building, open belarus together with the belarus24 tv channel. tamara petrovna, i need a couple of days at my own expense, or preferably three. i saw them myself, i was on the bus, they were walking around the city , walking atashka’s child. igor eremeev is our doctor. he left for his bride to the sea, and natasha rushed after her, she promised be here in a day. what do you have to do with it? oh, how cute. can i give birth to something like this? anatoly, do you think it’s not too late? hello, natasha? where are you? tell me this, vadyukha, what kind of guy did he go to today, beat one, abandoned the other with his child, it doesn’t come from anywhere, i had something like this at work, svetka
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caught me with igor in the office, she was so jealous, it was such a scandal, you’re tender , i always want to protect you. natasha, i’ll settle down, i’ll get my life in order, i’ll start earning more money, i’ll take it, well, yes, watch the series rare blood type on tv channel belarus 24. its history, its nature, its culture, its faith, its people. and her generosity, you will feel it once and never forget it again, everything here is for real.
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hello, yaengabelov’s truth program is on air. today our program is released on the eve of the orthodox holiday of radonitsa. let's talk about the traditions of the holiday, tell the history of the emergence of the temple in honor of the holy noble prince alexander nevsky in minsk. the history of the temple began at the end of the 19th century, when the government decided to create a monument to the wars that courageously fought in the russian-turkish war of 1877-1878
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. in the struggle for independence of the bulgarian people she accepted. the participation of many belarusians under the command of the russian general skobelev and the belarusian prince svyatopolk mirsky, our militia distinguished themselves when taking the battle in the battles near plevna, and the minsk infantry regiment was the first to cross the danube. we are located in a military cemetery in the city of minsk, it was founded in 1850 , those soldiers were buried here. who were being treated in a military hospital, subsequently, a temple was built on this site in honor of the holy noble prince alexander nevsky, this temple celebrated its 125th anniversary last year and is dedicated to those who fell during
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the russian-turkish war, although of course soldiers, participants in five... military campaigns, are buried in this cemetery the crimean war, the russian-turkish war, this is the russian-japanese war, the first world war, the second world war, which we call the great patriotic war. of course, the temple here, in honor of the holy noble prince alexander nevsky, was not built by chance, it was the initiative of those people who especially honored the memory of those killed in battle. the name of this temple in honor of the holy noble prince alexander nevsky is also not accidental, because the holy noble prince alexander nevsky is the patron of the army, the patron of those who defended their homeland on the battlefields. our
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temple has been located in this holy place for more than 125 years and... divine services are regularly held there for those who are buried here, prayer is performed almost daily in our temple. about the repose of everyone first deceased, orthodox, as they say in church prayers, fathers, brothers and sisters. the first world war, soon the events of february and october 1917, the turmoil of godless persecutors. the church of st. alexander nevsky fully shared these trials. with all the orthodox residents of the city of minsk, among the many victims of repression was
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archpriest nikolai teminsky, rector of the alexander nevsky church from 1927 to 1931, repeated arrests, exile, and as a result, execution in 1937. there was no one to serve the authorities put a lock on the front door of the temple. this happened in february 1938. minsk residents did not accept this. on holidays, especially easter and radenitsa, parishioners gathered near the church, church doors were decorated with flowers and greenery, and prayer chants were sung. during the great patriotic war, there was life in the basements of the shrine. people were hiding there from bombings and shelling, some were hiding from hijackings. to germany, the parish prayer there in the basement did not subside for a minute. the history of the temple is very
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interesting, it has witnessed several eras development of our country. especially many events happened during the great patriotic war, when the temple for many menchan residents became not only spiritual. home, but also a refuge and guardian from theft to nazi germany. during the war , a high-explosive bomb hit through the dome of the temple, but to great surprise it did not explode; they were able to remove it and take it to a place safe for people. in the sixties of the 20th century, they wanted to adapt the church building for a workshop. thanks to viktor bikorevich about the theory of the church of st.
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alexander nevsky, the temple was defended. protereus viktor bikarevich was one of the oldest and most authoritative clergy of the belarusian orthodox church. he was also a participant in the partisan movement. when it was impossible to ring bells in minsk, father victor could. allow this to happen, because as a partisan and war hero, no one particularly oppressed him. since 1991, a church house began to operate near the church as a bell-bell; it housed a sunday school, held baptismal ceremonies, and also held conversations with parishioners. in 2014 , he was appointed rector of st. alexander nevsky church.
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based on visual materials from the beginning of the 20th century , the dome crosses that were originally on the temple were made and installed. a new bell set of 12 bells was purchased for the bell tower. restored to its original appearance in every detail. bishop phillaret had a special love for this temple. for many menchan residents , the alexanderevsky church is home, because here they became members of the church of christ by receiving the sacrament of baptism. today the temple also lives through the active prayer of clergy and parishioners, social prayer.
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our parish work, first of all , the temple space itself, we were able to restore the walls of the temple, paint them, for what? we are grateful to everyone, because without the participation of our authorities, without the participation of our people, parishioners, without the participation of the hierarchy, which contributed to everything, of course, this would be impossible, so first of all i would like to say a huge thank you to everyone, thank you, in the church we
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have a whole series of shrines that are here... initially, from the foundation of the temple, the first shrine that i would like to call is this the icon of the mother of god, adigitria, the minsk icon of the mother of god, which is located on the left side, people come to it for consolation, with prayer, with requests, and of course, this is a very revered shrine. in addition, in our church there is a cross of st. euphrasine of polotsk, created in the image of the cross that is located in the cathedral of the exaltation of the cross of the polotsk spassky monastery. we were also able to restore the gospel of 1863, its frame,
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which was transferred to our church back in the 19th century. colonel poltoratsky, who headed and was commander of the 119th kolomna regiment. radonitsa is the day of remembrance of the dead, a significant holiday for all christians. the special prayer atmosphere of this celebration is felt in the temple located in the cemetery. of course, commemoration of the dead is one of the most important missions of the holy orthodox church, because, as we know from holy scripture, the gospel of luke says that god has no dead, he has everyone alive, but of course, that concerns
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the souls of the departed, this... the lord's church established this special day commemoration of the departed radonitsa. for our temple, a special holiday is the feast of radonitsa, because the temple is located in a military cemetery. and of course, the holiday
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of radonitsa, its name speaks for itself. joy is at the heart of this holiday. the joy of the resurrection of christ, which we share with the departed, which we share when we come to burial places and read the troparion for the holiday of easter, christ , having risen from the dead, trampled down death by death, and given life to those in the tombs, and of course, when we come to burial places
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no, but their souls are alive. radonitsa takes place on the ninth day after easter. according to the testimony of st. john chrysostom, this holiday has been celebrated in christian cemeteries since the 2nd century. there is a folk tradition associated with the radonitsa holiday. certainly. on the feast of radonitsa, if possible, we should come to the church at the cemetery to the place of our burial. relative, our loved one, but if we have moved far from the burial place, then
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we at least need to come to the temple, and if we have such an opportunity, especially in our country, because radonitsa is a day off, we should have the opportunity to come to the burial place of our deceased relative, prepare the grave properly, clean the burial place, perform... prayer, of course, there are folk traditions that require a burial place , bringing some food, a meal, and so on, this should not happen if we are talking about a certain church order of behavior on the day of radonitsa, this is a service in the temple, this is a visit to the burial site and a meal memorial,
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we call our deceased departed, and not dead, because at a certain time they will rise from the grave. the grave is the place of the future resurrection, so it is necessary to keep it clean and tidy. a cross on the grave of an orthodox christian, a silent preacher of blessed immortality. it signifies the belief of christians that the body of the deceased is here in the ground, and the soul is on the ground or rising to the sky,
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the sky, that under the cross is hidden a seed that grows for eternal life in the kingdom god, the church helps people survive the moment of earthly farewell to a loved one. when a person dies, we must prepare his body. for burial, with the body of the deceased himself until a certain moment before the funeral service, and it is desirable that the psalter be read when we invite the clergyman who performs the funeral service, or best of all, this should be in... a church or in some other premises , then after the funeral service we place the body on the ground
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in the cemetery, of course, the most important thing is the prayer connection, the most important thing is commemoration on the ninth day, the fortieth day of the anniversary. and for us, for orthodox people, this is not only a duty of memory, but it is a consolation for ourselves, because when we see off all the lands of the departed, we must think about the fact that we ourselves have a path ahead of us, passing from death to life. the souls of the deceased are also waiting for our sincere prayers for help; the soul has its own
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posthumous experience and path. at first she is in such a free state, on the third day the angels take her to... god and then, until the ninth day, from the third to the ninth, the angels already lead the soul of a person and show it the heavenly abodes. from the ninth to the fortieth day, the angels show the soul the state in which the souls of others are and that place. which we call adam. on the fortieth day , a private judgment of god occurs, when the soul
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is determined. there is a possibility, when the whole church prays, relatives pray, then through this prayer the fate of the soul may be more merciful to god. in cases where a person and such cases occur , unfortunately, they have become quite frequent,
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because... the diocesan bishop shares, that clergyman, the hierarch who heads the diocese, the relatives of those who end their lives in this way turn to him, and he determines what form of prayer for such a person can be. in ancient times, those who died without permission were not even
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buried in cemeteries with everyone else. on the radonitsa holiday, it is still better to plan your time in advance to attend a church service. even if our loved one was not orthodox, perhaps did not believe in god, this does not mean that he does not have rights to fond memory. the next morning after the divine liturgy, a parental memorial service is served, this is a full remembrance of all the departed and baptized. the glorious priest remembers all the names that were submitted in the notes. that is why this memorial service is often called the ecumenical, thereby emphasizing the scale of the service and the memory of all believers. this holiday is filled with christian laws, we do this for the sake of the dead, and how it will be done is also of great importance. died. what is needed anymore is not food, but pure
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, sincere prayer for him before the lord. the best place for this is, of course, a temple. currently , repair and restoration work is being carried out in our temple, the facades of the temple are being repaired. then we plan to hope that attention will be paid to the cemetery itself, to the burials themselves. unfortunately, since this... military cemetery has already existed for quite a long time, it is more than 170 years old, not all graves are under such special supervision or care from relatives, many of them are simply gone, so, of course, restoring order, reconstruction this memorial, this is in our priority, and i hope should be put in
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order. of course, the church of alexander nevsky itself and the ancient cemetery are a holy place where prayer never stops, a place of peace of mind for protection, a kind of amulet. for people, it’s all in one place. although the church is located in the center of a busy metropolis, it still retains its own indestructible and calm atmosphere. yakub kolosa and yanka kupala, classics of belarusian literature and many other famous
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statesmen are buried in the cemetery near the church. essentially, this is a unique necropolis for the entire post-soviet space, the first burial of military personnel on the territory of the cemetery. appeared back in the 19th century. during the great patriotic war , over 500 partisans, soldiers and officers who died defending and liberating minsk were buried in the necropolis.


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