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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 12, 2024 3:15pm-4:06pm MSK

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people and make sure this never happens again. belarusians remember, they create, especially for the eightieth anniversary of the okhatyn tragedy, with the support of the head of state, the memorial complex was renovated, during the republican cleanup the territory was landscaped, and the large-scale reconstruction became an all-belarusian youth construction project. a unique event was the new museum, an interactive exhibition and super-emotional immersion. dramatization or dedication to how it happened. crown of memory and eternal flame, improved illumination, the complex was not only preserved in its original appearance, but its authenticity was restored.
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the church of the nativity of the blessed virgin mary is another symbol of the renewed khatyn. it was on this spot that a wooden temple was erected at the end of the 14th century. its historical trace ends during the great patriotic war. the church's exterior and interiors will be revived; specialists were helped by archives and photographs. today it is a place of memory, sorrow and worship. church, here we are. the children really wanted to watch. this is a memory tape. about how i was here, photo memories from the moment seal, dozens of frames from khatyn will complement the archives of the timkov family, parents anton and marina, together with their sons maxim and vladimir, came from russia, expanding the geography and horizons of historical knowledge, i was here for the last time as a child, of course, mostly tragic moments are remembered in my memory, but because, after all, a big tragedy happened, they burned a lot of villages, the nazis, that’s why... as
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an adult, i decided to bring my children, we ourselves now live in sochi, sadness is nothing more, for some reason to every monument you approach, tears well up in your eyes, you read, of course, the number of dead people is beyond your comprehension, it’s very sad, it’s also very important, a memory that is passed on through generations, students, work teams, foreign guests. last year alone, over half a million people visited the memorial complex; today they also go to khatyn along the roads of victory and gratitude. elena vitko and grigory kristafovich, television news agency. residents of our country not only continue to remember and appreciate the exploits of those who won our independence. we are also fully aware of the significance of the world for each of us. belarusian sociologists came to this conclusion. according to the survey.
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91% of respondents are interested in the history of the great patriotic war. almost every second survey participant noted that they knew the key events of the war years, every fifth had a complete understanding of the actions of that period. citizens of our country associate the participation of the belarusian people primarily with the mass partisan movement and the defense of the bresse fortress. and also belarusians have a strong emotional connection with this event. on the one hand, of course, the respondents, they are aware. that at what heavy price the victory was given, naturally, there are those, you know, such a concept as fear that this could happen again, but still the dominant positions, the dominant indicator, there is about 60%, was that this after all, pride in the people, pride in the country, again, the fact that they won, defended their independence, again we carry this banner of victory through the next generation, we took part in the sociological study 900 people from minsk, regional centers,
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memorial celebrations on the occasion of victory day, a business trip to russia, the anniversary summit of the ias and loud political statements of the first regarding improving the combat readiness of the armed security forces. our president's working week took place in minsk and moscow. as usual, on the main broadcast, today you will see something that no one has shown yet, this is the time of the first. a feat that we will always remember, we will forget, this is the past, it will come to us, this is our common victory, we defend this land we will do everything we can, any aggression and response will be instantaneous, nuclear exercises in belarus, on the sidelines of the eac summit, and also... we will dispel fakes,
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war productions, we need them like snow in may, we saw off the first one on a business trip to russia. he was visited by the first media football club that became popular - amkal, but could not achieve success here. the belarusian team won its third victory in
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three debut matches. the media league itself was created several years ago on the basis of football teams, which included popular bloggers and showmen, as well as famous former football players. for the guys, the opportunity to make a big trip to belarus is interesting, we ’ve played here many times already, we like it , last year there were more than 11 thousand in borisov, here we are in minsk again , so our sector is always packed very nice, really very nice next home match the belarusian team will carry out the brest-litovsk theme for the first time. my colleagues will continue to monitor the development. you can also use the qr code on the screen on our social networks or in the mobile application. see you at 19:00 at first button. baltika failed to contain vitaly lisakovich, nikita koplenko and yuri kovalev at their home stadium dynamo moscow
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2:3. one of the goals was organized by belarusians. lisakovich connected with two players in the penalty area and made an accurate pass to koplenko. the latter converted the chance. rubin beat alexandra martinovich at home. rostov 3:1. the second goal of the kazan team was scored by martenovich. today orenburg will also play mikhail sevakov in their match against moscow lokomotiv. the match is broadcast live by the tv channel belarus 5. ural viktor goncherenko will fight with the torch from voronezh. in the central match of the sixth round among the teams of the first league , pinsk wave crushingly lost to bobruisk belshina 0:4. thanks to this victory, the tire workers moved up to sixth place in the standings. the home team left the top three and are now in fourth position. at the first place. there are footballers from molodechnoye, who have never lost this season in the second place. lida rounds out the top three with bata-2.
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belarus remembers a history that cannot be rewritten, woe to the heirs of the tribunal of the century. welcome from london, where the migration link from rishi sunak's office leads. the exhibition at the metropolitan museum of gardeners metgal was flooded with stylish reviews. you look around the planet, we are on the air on tv channels belarus 1 and belarus 24. daria tarasova is in the studio. hello. he remembers belarus from the first person. will always be grateful to the heroes who gave us a great victory. time has chosen us, which means
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it is our sacred duty to carefully preserve the independence of our land and the heritage of the nation. but nothing sacred remains in square, there instead may 9 is europe day, and the monuments pray for nazism. berlin decided to negate the 79th peaceful spring by diagnosing its own amnesia. germany banned its citizens from approaching soviet memorials.
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but among the countries that especially don’t like the victory holiday is germany, the same one that, after all its atrocities, must still kneel in prayer for forgiveness. i miss so much the holidays of the russian soldiers who were here before, the russian soldiers who went here before, they sang, danced and celebrated victory day, but now... this is very sad, and i am fighting against it. alas, this woman, who survived the second world war, is unlikely to be able to do anything to force her rulers to honor the memory as she does. on victory day , berlin police, according to local media reports, detained at least 10 people for using st. george ribbons and other symbols of victory. this year, germany has officially tightened the rules for celebrating may 9, banning public gatherings in the most popular places, display any symbolism.
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in the baltics, they are very good at fighting pensioners. in latvia, a woman born in her forties was detained; her friends took her and took her away. at first we thought that they would take her out and let her go, but no, they escorted her to the police minibus and said, go to the minibus. in total, on victory day , 19 people were detained, they were reported to the latvian police, two criminal cases were opened, 59 cases of administrative offenses were initiated, people brought to justice
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laid flowers at the sites of demolished military monuments and placed symbols of the ussr on cars, and one attacker was captured on the territory of the former salaspils concentration camp, he dared to listen to the song of the cranes without headphones, it took as many as six police officers, it is clear why they prefer to choose older victims. you know, i think that we have long said that may 8 is the day when we honor those who fell in the second world war, we celebrate the defeat of nazism, i think that...
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and this day needs to be remembered and we need to understand what kind of victory took place and if we will forget our past, then... the future, a peaceful future may not come, the balts, who find themselves in an ideological trap, are actively helped not to forget their history by the russian side. more than 2.0 residents of estonian narva and guests of the city came to the embankment to watch the festive event that took place in ivangorod. last spring, the authorities of a russian city deliberately cut down trees and installed
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a stage with a screen facing estonia. officials explained this with their intention to congratulate the residents of the neighboring country on the day.
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to which the hague tribunal has been crying for a long time, decided to use this holy day to its advantage. zelensky decided to intimidate the head of the european parliament, mitsola, at a joint press conference, he simulated a missile attack in kiev, and even promoted his newly introduced europe day. europe day. yes, and i think that much more gives us the ability to resist the enemy, i think that this gave us a lot. how do you feel, roberto? i'm fine, i'm fine, as they said, it's europe day. dear
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journalists, for your requests, the press conference is over. a little more about ungrateful generations. in helsinki, on victory day, vandal provocateurs poured paint on the grave of thirty-four red army soldiers who died during the great patriotic war. it’s disgusting, of course, but the paint will wash off. the same cannot be said about the conscience of those who are trying to consign the feat of the soviet people to oblivion by raising their sacred hands. eternal shame on this one. evgeny belousov, around the planet. unity. serves as the main outpost in opposing persistent attempts to rewrite history and justify the genocide of nazism, alexander lukashenko noted in congratulatory address to the president of russia. gratitude to the heroes of victory day of may 1945 is truly part of our genetic code. therefore , employees of the ministry of foreign affairs from
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the border agencies of our country paid tribute to memory and respect, to the legacy of the national feat, without regard to geographic latitudes and time zones. worldwide. belarus remembers reminds those who suffer from historical amnesia. europe owes its freedom to the lives of 27 million soviet citizens, to the feat of the peoples who saved it from the brown plague won a great victory. on the solemn day of may 9, belarusian diplomats laid flowers and wreaths at the memorials of fallen soldiers abroad, and also held a ceremony. commemorative actions, to the west of god , attempts do not stop to rewrite history, to retouch the heroic pages of the feat of the soviet and belarusian people, war is declared as a monument, artificial
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administrative obstacles are erected for our diplomats who want to visit.
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these are azerbaijan, armenia, belgium and great britain, hungary, germany and vietnam, india, georgia, israel, china, spain, italy, the baltics, poland and moldova, and many others. the peoples of these countries, like us, never.
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this holiday is for all of us, something very deep, something very personal, something very family, something that makes us human, something that makes us proud of our homeland. despite the fact that the regular units of the red army did not manage to reach rome, belarusians, like citizens of other republics of the soviet union, took a direct part in the liberation of italy from nazism, took part in various formats, for example, about 200 belarusians died in the famous one. the battle of peremontacino, freeing the allied forces from the south of italy to crimea. for many years , embassy employees visit this place every year together with belarusians who today
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live in rome, tivveli, naples and other italian cities to honor the memory of the heroes. many of our compatriots, having escaped from concentration camps, joined the italian resistance. finding their burial places is usually a one-off, hard, painstaking job. events of recent years show how important it is to preserve historical memory. that is why italians were recently able to watch the film come see. that is why any guest of the embassy can today get acquainted with the belarus invincible exposition. that is why a delegation of italian anti-fascists is currently in belarus these days, and for many years now they have been taking part in festive events dedicated to victory day. israeli troops launched a ground operation in rafah this week, with the southern gaza strip coming under heavy cross-land bombardment. on tanks moved into the palestinian territories. the arab side reported massive civilian casualties. at the start of the operation, there were about one and a half
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million refugees in rafah who were never given the opportunity to evacuate. after the first 50 missile strikes, 30 people were killed, including 11 children. it is noteworthy that shortly before the start of the invasion, with a proposal to announce. a multi-month ceasefire was proposed by the hamas movement, a mass rally demanding the acceptance of this proposal took place in tel aviv, during which the movement was blocked along the city streets, several people were arrested, meanwhile even the united states categorically demanded that israel not carry out an operation in rafah. for disobedience, tel aviv was punished by stopping the supply of weapons. however, this did not prevent a full-scale invasion; there were supplies. violent clashes
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, tear gas. a student intifada hit france this week. in paris, a spontaneous action broke out among the sorbuna. demonstrators spoke in support of palestine and against military action in the gaza strip. activists blocked the street in front of the university entrance. but here is footage of harsh arrests from the netherlands , under the cover of darkness, security forces destroyed a camp of pro-palestinian protesters. town of the university of amsterdam, police beat young people with batons and demolished barricades with special equipment.
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according to local media reports, the police, prosecutor's office and municipality made the corresponding decision, allegedly due to violations of public order. as a result of the storming of the half-latochny camp, 125 people were detained. meanwhile, the us began. large military exercises, astral knight, according to the pentagon press secretary, will practice flights and simulated combat operations in poland and the baltic countries during two-week maneuvers. 500 military personnel from the usa, great britain, latvia, lithuania, poland and estonia, as well as over fifty aircraft and other aircraft will be involved. in addition, it became known that more than a dozen nato soldiers
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were injured as a result. with a parachute during an exercise in sweden. local media clarify: military personnel from the united states, hungary and italy received injuries and fractures. the verkhovna rada supported zelensky’s new bills to extend the martial law of general mobilization from may 14 for 90 days. the martial law regime allowed zelensky to cancel the presidential elections. according to the constitution , they were supposed to take place on march 31. zelensky's term of office expires on may 20. in fact, he will cease to be a legitimate head of state. the russian foreign intelligence service has learned that washington is already looking for a replacement for the kiev leader. an attempt to hide poverty before the paris olympics, as they describe the preparations for
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event. the publication accuses macron of carrying out social cleansing; a report from a charity group, the title of which translates into russian as the other side of the coin, says that the number of homeless evictions is only growing and will increase in the run-up to the games. official paris calls this action for reasons of hygiene and safety. their main goal is to remove all tents, sleeping bags and... before the arrival of foreign delegations, for example, those who were expelled from the merie camp of the french capital were taken 400 km from the city, the daily notes maill. more than a thousand left-wing protesters from all over europe are holding a large-scale rally near the tesla plant in grünheide, germany. their goal is to take production by storm. with each raid they
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are getting closer to production. and during one of these attacks, the extremists found themselves close to the fence of the plant, but the police came to tesla’s defense, clashes began, and special equipment was used. as a result , three law enforcement officers and one activist were injured. several people were detained. for production, water jets are now installed, window police began patrolling the nearby forest. the extremists set up a tent camp. protests aimed at stopping the expansion of the automobile plant began back in march. the argument is that tesla's expansion implies the clearing of more than 100 hectares of forest. an attack on tesla today cannot be ruled out. link to rwanda. this point b
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was designated by the house of lords for all illegal migrants. great britain, the controversial bill did not take root both in the european court of human rights and in dublin. office of designers and a trip to central africa dubbed as generally safe. indeed, what can happen there, where things are happening and the settlers disappear into obscurity. foggy albion is stormed by tens of thousands of illegal immigrants, and the country has not seen such a demographic picture since the norman invasion. it will take the british government more than 3 years to clean up, and that's assuming work. ireland is seething and protesting against the backdrop of an unprecedented migration crisis, it's all about the agreement that the british government entered into with rwanda. london can now send refugees to east africa country for the entire period of consideration of asylum applications. fleeing from this prospect, illegal immigrants began to look for him in ireland,
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crossing. the number of crimes committed by visitors, the burden on the social system and the budget increases, so much so that last year ireland reduced benefits for ukrainian refugees several times; about 100 thousand of them here, the right to
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use public housing was limited, while there are 14,000 homeless people in ireland with a population of five million, isn’t it better to solve the problems of local residents and stop the flow of visitors, with such thousands came forward with questions to the government. accommodate migrants. in an empty building where the authorities were planning . in ireland, they even started talking about introducing border controls, which is unfavorable for the republic itself due to the close ties of the two countries. we are not going to take back migrants who have entered ireland, an eu country, because another eu member, france, does not take back
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migrants who have entered the uk illegally. of course we are not going to do that, i am committed to launching our scheme in rwanda because we need restraining factor. this is a matter of political survival, tightening migration policy was among his program promises, along with such items as economic growth, reducing inflation, reducing public debt and reducing waiting lists for the health service. what are the results? according to the bbc, the bank of england raised interest rates 14 times, leading to spending cuts and a slowing economy. growth began only in the first 3 months of this year. national debt. is still high, plans to reduce it will require serious restrictions expenses for some government departments. as for the health sector, as a result of endless strikes by doctors , the waiting list not only did not decrease, but
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increased by about 200,000 people, but the number of migrants who storm british shores by boat decreased by a third. this really didn’t save us from tragedy. in april , five illegal immigrants died. while trying to cross the lomanche. the number of refugees, however, still remains high; sunak’s scandalous initiative to send migrants to rwanda has drawn a storm of criticism. they tried to stop the plan in the european court of human rights. even the supreme court of great britain itself recognized the bill as violating un conventions, but this did not prevent parliament from approving the prime minister’s idea. we see a very large gap between the uk government's rhetoric. support for the international order and its actual actions, these measures recklessly damage that order and seriously jeopardize the principles that were formed in the ashes of the second world war, including great britain itself.
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the prime minister's unconvincing achievements were best demonstrated by local government elections. according to their results, the opposition libarite party takes 43.5% of the mandates, and the conservative one. change the leader so as not to lose in the national elections scheduled for the fall. without waiting for turi's defeat, two conservative deputies immediately went over to the opposition. in addition to losing two mps in two weeks, the prime minister was the victim of some of the biggest swings in the election.
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public opinion, in any of their lags behind the labor party in most polls , the prime minister's pre-election promises have not achieved impressive results; if the situation does not change, the conservatives may be preparing for defeat in the national elections, and the uk for a change in the ruling party. tatyana volkova, around the planet. the heroes of our
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program are distinguished persons buried in their right hand, when you move on and think, what can be done so that it has such a sound, so that there are many high and low a lot, there was a lot of love for a small instrument, it is very difficult to achieve such a balance of sound, knowledge of them is still very bright. and you take a fragile young girl of 2-3 kg, and you need a whole performance, she has to play, work, dance, hold her hand this way and that, so you pump up and so on, you still feel, this is a puppet theater artist, once upon a time , well, when possible we will have such an area, we will try to do it, it would be nice if this museum was combined with a workshop, so that it’s not just people who come to museum, and they also came and saw how it was done.
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kasir was attacked at the entrance of the precision mechanics plant, a hat made of andatra fur, a water rat, i advise you to show it to one of the specialists of our cooperation, they will tell you where such a hat could be bought or sewn, in general, i gave it to wear for a while and one of my comrades, it suits me, can i look at this comrade, but this was still not enough, well, they sent these two hats and nikolai was very happy and he wore this hat, so half a month ago he came. without shabki, so, since you got me involved in this
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matter, i decided to go with pavina, are you crazy, or what? well, what’s unclear? when they took the factory cash register, i was there with them too. watch the series the problem with three unknowns, on the belarus 24 tv channel. in principle , everything is degrading today, diplomacy, when a diplomat, whose mandatory function is to build bridges. “we are not capable of destroying everyone, we deny
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collective responsibility, we are not ready to lie, to meanness, to cooperate with the devil and the devil, just to win, therefore our path is long, but this is a conscious choice, markov’s project is nothing personal, watch it on the belarus 24 tv channel . you are watching a program around the planet on belarus 1 and belarus 24. matgalla is blooming and smelling, such a review was given to fashion observers by hollywood flower beds. bamondo, and if all these added jokes in style, where
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to go in this, then you know, the costume institute ball paraded at the metropoliton museum. ana wintour whistled divas on the red carpet, this year shevred vok outlined the concept of dreskod with a capacious garden of time, with decor from a bunch of grapes in flesh with shoots. while the veps went crazy in their own way, the absolute favorite of the flower party was balman's sand dress. about hits and failures in matgal's ball chart. olga davidovich. the annual costume institute ball, or metgawa, short for the metropolitan museum of art, where the event is held, has been called the biggest jewel in the crown of new york social life. no random people, no random dresses, hence the reputation of not only one of the most spectacular, but the most prestigious private events in fashion industry, there is even a ban
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on photography, hence the status of a sacrament, photographers only on the carpet, no selfies, what happens behind closed doors, a big secret, as a result, celebrities from... and the sheet wait for the coveted invitation every year and it is far from a fact that they will receive it, viewers are waiting for the broadcast of post-reports, major sponsors are eager to be involved in all this, to the word of each guest, about 700 of them are personally selected by anna ventur, editor-in-chief of the fashion bible called vok, only the most influential, fashionable and talked about, it's extraordinary, i think what anna does so well is such an unusual combination of people. you know, so there are politicians, there are actresses, there are writers, there are athletes, i think that whole mix is ​​what makes the event so exciting. this year's festival was dedicated to the new exhibition of the costume institute, sleeping beauties, the awakening of fashion. the curators set out to explore the fragility and ephemerality of fashion and describe the fashion event as a celebration of the fashion of clothes
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so fragile that they cannot be worn again. in the halls there are a total of 250 works of high fashion with a spread of 400.
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we were inspired by the sculptures of jacomsi, everything was done by hand, here we have bronze, this is the idea of ​​decay. i think mcqueen is perfect because it's a little bit of mother nature asking to be recognized, which is why there's only one rose. because the majority really like her, demands recognition of her roots and respect, so yes, he is perfect, the image of vana del rey is recognized as one of the best, another one of the most memorable glass maxi balman on elfaning, the actress walked onto the path in an outfit that looked like it was made of a block of ice, even the improvised draperies made of
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hard material looked dynamic, it seemed like they were about to melt, however, the team delivered. a real sensation with another sand dress. it featured the singer tayla. the designers developed a special appliqué technique by mixing three types of sand of different colors and microcrystals. first, all this was glued onto fabric, and then onto a plaster frame. the image turned out to be spectacular, beautiful, but impractical. a video of helpers carrying tayla in their arms has gone viral on social media as she cannot walk up the stairs on her own. after that, designer olivier rustem cut off the hem of the dress, making it a charming mini, so that the singer and...
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assistants, and it took nine people to straighten the monumental tulle skirt, as a result, the rapper was surrounded by several meters of black fabric on all sides and created a real jam. zindaya, as one of the official hosts of the evening, attracted attention with two looks: the first - blue dress from john golyan with decorations in the form of grapes of birds, she looked like a real forest fairy. for her second appearance , zendaya chose vintage givenchy from the spring 1996 collection and a huge alexandra mcqueen hat made in the shape of a bouquet of ros. zendaya, you know, she... had makeup that was somewhat reminiscent of the fashion show that morgel's house put on recently. he was everyone's favorite at fashion week. and john
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gallianno and his structural forms, you saw dendaya posing in this outfit. she really looked like a tall model fashion, she looked perfect on the matgal red carpet. the hostess of the ball, anna ventura, did not lag behind the fashionistas; she appeared in a total look from lev with a spectacular black coat with hand-embroidered tulips. and of course, nicole kidman literally broke everyone's hearts in balentiaga couture with a reference to the brand's dress from the first year's 1950 collection. the men did not disappoint either. in a snow-white suit with a basket of flowers. jonah conor in floral shoes and a tailcoat. for the first time , british singer ed shirren attended medgalo, who chose tenderly for his debut blue suit from stela.
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dollars, now 75. in this way, the museum raises money for the costume institute, a collection where thousands of items require special storage, all for the sake of art. olga davidovich, around the planet. through the thorns of galactic trends, spacex presented a spacesuit for spacewalks. some of the materials in the suit are the same as in the rockets; falcon deve will test the kit at the polar one. test drive of a new deception for two of the four mission crew members: the helmet was made on a 3d printer, the main gear is equipped with a smart
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display and camera, the screen shows humidity, temperature and pressure, and most importantly, this space update will not make your cell lose weight, the design is easily scalable, and the size range is accessible to everyone. what else happened over the past 7 days, what events did not... leave you without emotions, which is definitely worth finding out about. nikita makhodkin has prepared a special selection for you. the secret of healing and well-being from the hindus, where elephants take showers, where peonies came from in europe, what whales talk about, as well as unusual participants in the victory parade in yamalo-nenensky autonomous okrug. i'll tell you about all this in the next 5 minutes. thousands of pilgrims took part in the annual spring festival of okshaya tritiya; it is associated with prosperity and multiplication;
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people plunge into the waters of the ganges and make offerings to god shiva. traditionally it is milk and flowers. today is the festival of okshaya tritiya. we have arrived in the city of sangam, this is a very important day for us. worship, reading, bathing and meditation are helpful. everything that is done on this day is beneficial, hindus believe, good deeds and strengthening procedures will remain with a person forever, in short, the day is considered very auspicious for new ventures, marriages, expensive investments like gold or other property and any new beginnings, women pray for the well-being of the men they hope to get engaged to. the main holiday for us this past week , a parade was held in the yamalo-nenets autonomous okrug in honor of:


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