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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 12, 2024 8:50pm-9:01pm MSK

8:50 pm
8:51 pm
not history, but you, except for two nations, serbs and greeks, came to our land with weapons in their hands, destroyed 27 million soviet citizens, destroyed every third belarusian, now through ideology, through the supply of weapons, through money, you are trying to take revenge, revenge it won’t, let’s listen to the president, now a fragment of a speech at a ceremonial meeting, unprecedented information attacks , all kinds of falsifications with...
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the most important thing in the world is peace, peace and peace again, and for the sake of this word we must work and lead everything their political components, to develop, to take care of our homeland, and the fact that in belarus treats victory day with such respect indicates that we are a nation with a conscience. and we honor the memory of the great victory, we realize that the blood of victors and liberators flows in our veins, today we unanimously stand up when we hear great songs about the great victory, a tear breaks through us, we are proud of the place belarus occupies in the family peoples of the world, and this place is not conquered by every third.
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these countries will rapidly develop robotics, artificial intelligence and technology, so that the paradigm of negative population growth will change, and the social problems that will arise when people are replaced by machines will be much easier in those countries where the population is declining. i translate that for robots to take root better, the population should be smaller, it doesn’t remind me of anything. the nazi plan was just about superfluous people, it is generally known that... the goal was to free up living space for the master race, they approached it on a grand scale, over 25 years, they assumed destroy and deport 85% of the residents of poland and lithuania, 75% of the residents of belarus. well, here's the direct speech. millions of russians died in this
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war, millions we took prisoner, but more and more millions are joining the battle to cope with this, speaking from a military point of view, we must kill until... the slavs must work for us, if they do for us no longer needed, let them die. it turns out that times and generations change, but the goal of global evil is still the same, there are fewer people, and specific people from specific countries, they have a greater there is a historical problem with the slavs, so memory is not just a beautiful may day, it is a shield and sword in our hands.
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look, they flew away, you brat cat, your eyes are on your ass or somewhere, and why the hell is there a sword under the wheels? no, look at what an arrogant boy, he’s also a boor, besides, i hope he won’t be in the same class as you, and don’t you dare communicate with him, clearly, fifth grade, we’ve got new additions, i graduated from the medademia when i
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found out that you got married, 2.5 years of tears, and i saw you yesterday, and that you kicked the ball under a truck, and we were just with parents. not a bit imprinted in front of me, he was running around cats cats in my soul since the beginning of the world, your image was you just learned it, i love him and he doesn’t love me, watch the series hugging the sky on the belarus 24 tv channel. white and red is now our flag. let's form a hand-to-hand grip. the hitch is a priori an element of attack. and of course, the phrase “let’s stand close together is a call.” here is the bc flag, inciting social hatred and enmity. but this is different,
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i guess. smogar pro-ukrainian singer. this is a prototype of a wedding in malinovka. power changes, words change. ukraine was bombed. why now, while in georgia and moving around the european union, does he not go out into the streets in support of palestine? ksenia lebedeva’s author’s view on the policy of double standards in the project is different. watch on tv channel belarus-24.
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9:01 pm
this is the main broadcast, hello, as always, on sunday evening we discuss the most important events of the past week. the week can safely be called festive; today we honor state symbols, and a couple of days ago the whole country celebrated victory day. he is everyone the year opens up new meanings for us, teaches us to live as human beings according to our conscience. but each time the geography is crap. who took the path of canceling the great feat of the soviet people more and more,


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