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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 13, 2024 2:50am-3:20am MSK

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culture and character of the people, we will show what they eat in the west and east of our country, how they cook in the suburbs and in polesie. we are going on a journey to create a gastronomic map of belarus. the non-svezh menu included vilna cheesecake, a recipe from the past, and podiri soup. it’s not pyzy here, they don’t make those anywhere else, the black one, the nyasvizh cutlet, an expensive option, panna - a dessert in which berries beat sugar, not fresh, the city is generally small, but you should come here as...
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very common differed in taste depending on the place where they were prepared. in nesvezh, i hoped to find a standard and combined the search with a walk around the city. in nesve there is something to see besides the castle. slutskaya gate, urban development and, of course, a chic complex of shopping arcades and the town hall on the square. to this day, the shopping arcades sell all sorts of necessary and not so necessary goods. the town hall has changed its profile. the city administration no longer meets here. this is museum. the town hall is still considered the oldest
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in belarus, it was built half a thousand years ago, since then it has been rebuilt more than once, of course, but in basically, this is the same building of the 15th century. in addition to the museum in the town hall there is a small cafe, they do not serve cutlets or salad here, the establishment has a bias towards sweets, but there is something else here. at the entrance there is a promise that branded nesvizh sweets are always available. and it is true? zeros, if i haven’t found a stale cutlet yet, then please let’s try a stale candy, wonderful in the spirit of traditional soviet candies with a crispy wafer and good chocolate. the feeling of something familiar in the taste of this candy was not accidental; it makes it a large and famous belarusian confectionery factory, we have been absorbing the handwriting of its technologists since childhood. with every new year's gift,
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but if you open the door and take a couple of steps inside, you can try something that is now only prepared fresh, meet me, no, this is not a cupcake, as you thought, this, in my opinion, is a real candidate for the unesco intangible heritage list , let’s get acquainted, my friend, this is a vilna cheesecake, it looks very modern, but in fact it’s a guest from the distant past, this dessert a couple of hundred years. the recipe for this cheesecake was found in the book of radivilovsky recipes, translated to our employees from polish, now we can use it to treat everyone to this cheesecake. the vilna cheesecake has a simple composition, but all products must be of the highest quality, the fattest cottage cheese you can find, eggs, dried apricots, zest, orange, a little sugar and herbal tincture. this is the most expensive casserole. in the city, this is slyness,
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because the vilna cheesecake only looks like a casserole, it is prepared differently: the process consists of a set of technologies from a world without dyes, flavors and cheap sugar. let's try it and see what happens. so, the most, as you said, expensive, the most expensive non-fresh casserole of all the most expensive non-fresh casseroles. the smell of freshness, it smells like that, but i don’t know what it smells, i’ll try it now, i’ll say, this is a very fresh, very tasty dessert, i’m not surprised that it was on the prince’s table, because i would have breakfast like this every morning. the taste of the cheesecake is not sweet, it is sweetish, it is somewhere in the background, and the orange dominates, pure and tender, like the consistency of the cheesecake itself.
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the history of a place is the same resource as forest, ore or oil. small. it’s just beautiful, it’s very interesting, look, this is a real bread pot, i don’t know how this stew got to the kradivils, but it appeared in the medieval czech republic, which was famous for its sorcerers, huge castles and very poor peasants, it was
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they who came up with such a stew, more precisely , the presentation, the fact is that these peasants had practically no dishes, so they did it as best they could, that is, the dishes were baked from bread, open it. i’m even a little worried, because i don’t know what’s waiting for me inside, wow, it looks very appetizing, by the way, pay attention to the caps, the letter p, which means rodevil, we’ll put the cap aside, take a spoon in our hands, the stew is very thick, well, it seems to me , this is how a stew should be, it’s not some kind of mushroom soup, it’s thick, rich, probably very satisfying, by the way, the beauty of such a serving... is that along with the stew you can walk along the side of this bread pot, collecting crumble, which will make this dish even tastier. well what, are we trying? try to guess the ingredients:
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mushrooms, onions, most likely sautéed, sauteed carrots, and almost everything, although no, in fact, the thickness of this stew is, you won’t believe it, oatmeal, there are a few seasonings here, they slightly set off the mushrooms, but do not overwhelm them at all their taste, in principle, it seems to me, in medieval, especially peasant cuisine, there should have been no seasonings, except for dill, i now understand perfectly why this dish was once really liked by one from the medieval commanders who... introduced it into the army diet for his troops, it is very satisfying, and it seems to me that if you eat such a pot at least once a day, you can perform incredible feats. in general, theoretically, based on the totality of characteristics, chowder in radevilov style is a hit
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of set meals, cheap, very satisfying and fun, you can simply tear off pieces of the plate and... eat it, a truly fascinating dish, unlike the czech peasants of the middle ages, stale tourists not so hungry to eat the whole pot of bread, you can take it with you and feed the ducks in the ponds near the castle, there are a lot of them here; they willingly communicate with tourists. i found out about this too late, and my disappointment made me hungry. after long walks, i finally found what i was looking for for so long, a quiet place with a beautiful view and the legendary nesvezhsky set, this is a nesvezhsky cutlet,
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a stale salad and i don’t know what it is, but it sounds great, pyzy with mushrooms, please, of course, pyzy were included in the nesvezh set for a reason. this has iron justification, but more on that in due time, let's start with stale salad, i would like to pay attention to the presentation of this dish, but you don’t have to eat it, you can just look at it for a very long time, layer by layer, looking at all the ingredients of this little belarusian masterpiece . i admit, i didn’t recognize the nesvizh-style salad, because it usually looks different, no one lays out layers. entu are simply cut and mixed, but i came across a luxury version, by the way, about the ingredients, there are five of them, that’s all clearly visible: herring - diced, apple - diced, boiled beets cut into cubes, potatoes
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cut into cubes and onions cut into rings, this is the beauty we got, if you can’t remember where we met it? apples are still included, on the other hand , they are not included in the classic stale salad recipe, although who are we to teach the locals how to make their signature salad in a stale situation? i want to tell you that there is a certain advantage when the ingredients are cut into large pieces. flavors don't mix among themselves, losing their individuality, here each ingredient plays its own, and i will note the main role. the salad is dressed with mayonnaise, which can ruin everything, as in quantity. take it and just drown in the ingredients and the quality, but
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he only made this stale salad better; after the salad , the cutlet was striking with its appearance, large, crispy, juicy, it was beautiful. previously, a cutlet that didn’t wow was actually a must-have in any canteen, you could try it anywhere, but now you can’t find it during the day, but i was still lucky, and i i'll try it right now. this option was not at all similar to its relatives in the student canteen, who invented the nyasvizh cutlet, history is silent, but it’s a pity, i would like to know how a dish named after a provincial belarusian city, ideally chopped, appeared in the book of recipes for soviet canteens and restaurants meat, pork mixed with garlic, there’s plenty of it here, it’s wonderful, you can see that it’s like... cheese, they didn’t spare it here, and mayonnaise. the cutlet has
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an interesting consistency; pieces of meat are clearly felt in it, their natural fibrous, nothing in common with the usual minced cutlet. perhaps this dish can actually be recognized with your eyes closed. according to the guest, the neosvish cutlet is not a cutlet at all, it is equated to fried meat, all because it is made from minced pork. it’s very easy to spoil it: if the pork is very fatty, you want to cheap it out, then the cutlet will turn out tasteless, but here, in my opinion, everything is fine, look, not a piece of fat, the coffee was a success, i ’ve seen cutlet salads in canteens and restaurants for outside of the stale, we met pzy for the first time, but we definitely had to try them, in general, original pyzy, this is a dish with... look how beautiful
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and appetizing they look. pyzy is a dish of ukrainian, polish and belarusian cuisine, but i have never seen them on the menu. pyzy is made from cottage cheese and potato dough, although buckwheat is more common in ukraine. filling pys with meat fari. with onions, then they are fried or boiled, this is how it is done in poland, ukraine, belarus, but not here, here, outside, it is prepared from mashed potatoes, which are fried in breadcrumbs, and the most important filling, here it is not local, it is made from onions and mushrooms, in my opinion, the perfect combination. on the menu, pyzy are listed in the side dish section, but this is a completely independent dish, again large pieces of mushrooms, large pieces of onion, gently wrapped
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in puree, with a crispy crust, feel how delicious it is, this dish is very popular among local residents, they constantly carried me past new portions, in my opinion, this is the best assessment of quality, and you know, considering that this is the original recipe, it’s worthy of the name nesvezhskie pyzy, you’ll be stale, be sure to try it: something that has the stale prefix, you can’t go wrong, well, kyzy, of course, here i understood something, outside of it, in addition to the rich history, there is something on that no one pays attention, this is a tradition of inventing and discovering something new in cooking, an unknown chef, clearly with local roots , developed a recipe for the nesvesh cutlet, another made his own modification of herring under a fur coat and got a salad in nesvizh, it’s nice that this tradition is alive, it already exists new, popular delicious... pyzy, to the name of which it remains to add a link to the city, only freshly
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made and served black panna. this is a mousse dessert that is difficult to make at home, but possible. amazing people of our country. what i hide as if in a sarcophagus in my works, in my small sculptures, is something else, i don’t know what will happen, but for me creativity is getting out of your head and creating something that you... have there the purpose of this hall is to distract children from the street, attract them to boxing, former students return with their families already grandchildren, you can already consider them grandchildren, so you know, it’s very nice, they have a lot of interesting stories behind them, and are ready to surprise again again, when i gave the work to viktor ivanovich sukharukov, he looked at it,
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was silent, then somehow he took it, oh my god, some of the children have already been filmed there. they lead a normal, well, normal lifestyle there, let’s just say, they don’t do bad things, they have taken the path of truth, they train, they have other goals, other tasks, watch the belarusians project on our tv channel, only for our viewers, we we choose the best routes, we also decided not to look at overseas countries and arrived in the belarusian city in which alexander vasilyevich suvorov seriously planned to stay for a long time and set off. many centuries ago, the lower castle and passad were located here, and then the town hall rose, where the city magistrate was located, so the kobrin princes of their squads stopped and feasted here. not so long ago, by the way, a local resident caught a wobbler, that is, a plastic decoy fish with his own weight
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41 kg and 2 m long, to show how unusual and... wonderful our country is. in america, houses afloat are called the fashionable word houseboard - house, ship. but they haven’t yet come up with a term for floating stations. landscapes full of thoughtfulness and sadness enchant even the most fastidious travelers. watch the program cities of belarus on the belarus 24 tv channel. let's where do we start? we start by making biscuits. the sponge cake in the dessert is slightly different from the usual one, although it is based on the same ingredients: flour, sugar and eggs.
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will we have a big dessert or not? and we are making a restaurant preparation, it will be six small ones. portions, but the biscuit is enough for, well , 24, the first noticeable difference between the black panna sponge cake and the usual one is that cocoa is added to it, let me pour it in, because cocoa, it’s like magic pollen, is poured into our future biscuit dough, everything is ready, we put it there , so we need more, baking powder, baking powder after everything i’m saying... it somehow sounds so ugly, but without it you’ll still be nowhere, well butter, sunflower oil, when you are preparing soup or frying shish kebab, the exact weight of the ingredients is not critical, you can go by the eye according to the sensations, the confectionery business does not tolerate such an approach, precise thundering is the basis of the craft, the secret of success, why did we do all this
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just like that, a blunder, just to taste, one might say, or is it just a pre- prepared preparation? unprepared workpiece. the dough is whipped with a mixer and turns out to be quite liquid, so that you can pour it into a mold lined with parchment. some kind of special technology or just pour it out, no, just pour it out, level it out. for once, i can do something professionally, just pour it out and smooth it out. the biscuit should be thin, this is another difference. in this dessert, it is just a base that should add its own note to the overall taste, but not suppress it. relaxes. i did everything well, but alexandra found something to fix. probably, in the confectionery business , accuracy is extremely important, down to the gram and up to the millimeter. well, that’s all. look how beautiful we turned out, really beautiful, and also very tasty. in the oven? yes. the preparation of the dessert proceeds without
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pause; while the biscuit is baking, it is the turn of the mousse. how to make mousse? we take currants. so this is black currant, let's make sure that it is a little sour, but this seems to me to be just right for mousse , add sugar there, what do we do next with these currants covered with sugar, we boil it so that the berries give off all the taste, here the berries are simmering in syrup, the sponge cake is baking in the oven, and we begin preparing the most important thing in this dessert , the mousse, seems like a pastry chef... this is not only precision, but also multitasking. for the mousse we only need three ingredients: cream, sugar, cream, sugar and a mixer. whisk and set aside.
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a lot, that is, from a kilogram of currants, there will probably only be half a kilogram of the material needed for our mousse, well , puree, very similar to puree, although i would say that it is jelly, we put aside a little currant puree, literally a few spoons, it will be needed later, add to the rest what the whole dessert is based on, not just the black bath, all mousse desserts in general, we add gelatin. and pour the mold, since we have a two-layer dessert, fill half with black currants, the dessert is
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two-layer, where we will put our cake, you will see everything, when the black panna dessert is prepared, then flame and ice are used, the sponge cake is baked in the oven , and for the remaining layers you need a refrigerator. that's it, i'm going to freeze it, we used a device for quick freezing, but a regular refrigerator will do the same, only it will take more time, in the meantime the sponge cake has cooled down, you can’t use a warm one, or worse, a hot one, to assemble the dessert , everything will melt instead of being beautiful and it will turn out to be slushy, the cooled sponge cake needs to be shaped, nothing complicated, a mold, like in childhood, a sponge cake, almost like a sandbox, let’s go. well, so you understand, we got these pucks, that’s all, yes, great, take
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them out, that’s all with the sponge cake, we are waiting for the currant jelly to harden and are ready to continue, we need to add a second layer, for this we return to the whipped cream slightly we modify them, the second layer, whipped cream with sugar, mix with dissolved gelatin. you no longer need to beat with a mixer, you can just mix, correctly, and also pour it here, and also pour it here, well, let’s do it more accurately, back into the creo chamber, when the jelly has hardened, the stage of assembling the dessert begins, the mousse is laid out on the biscuit base like this, so that the creamy layer is in the middle, and... the dark one on top, pour it with currant puree, which we prudently set aside, but for what? this is light candy, we we’ll make beautiful buds on the edges, and it’s
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as if it has melted like that, and the natural melting of our glacier, the finishing touches remain, it begins to seem that this dessert will never be ready, there will always be something to improve and add, we will write with fresh strawberries, mint and chocolate. chocolate decor, and you also make chocolate yourself, yes, i usually buy it at the store, but that’s not all, the dessert is sprinkled with powdered sugar, now you can eat it, but i can’t, i just can’t destroy such beauty, the last time is with i’ll look at it from all angles and try what i can. i will now explain why i froze, this is an amazing effect of any
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mousse cake, it is both sweet and sour at the same time, so your taste buds just go crazy, it is very tasty, black currant is a berry with a very strong bright taste, but in this dessert it tender. does not dominate, but harmoniously combines with cream and chocolate biscuit. the dessert itself is not very sweet, in the tradition of the belarusian confectionery school, and this may be a problem for people who have problems with the perception of sweet and sour, but sugar does not interfere with the nuances of the flavor of the berries. by the way, the decor is also functional, you can’t just eat it, you have to eat it. against the background of dessert, strawberries will not be able to shock the taste with aroma, sugar will destroy it, but they are very good. there is nothing to describe here, in combination with this dessert, it is wonderful. coffee would be nice. dessert black
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panna. knead the biscuit dough, pour a thin layer into the pan and bake. it will be the basis of the dessert. for the mousse, simmer the currants in sugar syrup. when the berries give off their taste, wipe put them through a sieve, separate some of them and leave them for decorating the dessert. add gelatin to the remaining candy, fill the mold halfway and let it harden. this will be the first. mousse, for the second layer, whip the cream, add gelatin, fill the mold with currant mousse to the top, wait until it hardens. now all that remains is to assemble the dessert, place a two-layer frozen mousse on the sponge cake, pour currant jam on top and decorate to taste. what can i say, from my expedition to nesves i got more than i planned,
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i was hoping to remember the past with the taste of cutlets nesvizh salad in nesvizh style, but unexpectedly i was able to try the future, it turned out to be crispy, creamy and mushroom, like pyzy, and also delicately sweet, like black panna. it will be interesting to come to nesves in another year. i’m sure local chefs will find something to surprise you with.
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these students have already become the best in the final games. now they have a new task - to become the most eroded tenth grader.


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