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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 13, 2024 4:50am-5:35am MSK

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which means it is our sacred duty to carefully preserve the independence of our land, the heritage of the nation, there is nothing sacred left in the independence there , instead of may 9, europe day, and the prayer of the monuments to nazism. berlin decided to negate the 79th peaceful spring by diagnosing its own amnesia. germany banned its citizens from approaching soviet memorials. the culture of the excellent andra, the exclusively european banner of victory was once again lit on the brandenburg gate. word to evgeny belausov. this day of victory brings tears to our eyes from joy and pride, a huge sense of gratitude and memory of the greatest tragedy for them, there in the west. it seems to be the same, but more and more often europeans have their eyes wet for other reasons. their authorities are making every effort to raze to the ground everything that might remind of the soviet union's contribution to the destruction of the brown plague, whose shoots are unfortunately rearing their head again.
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surprisingly, among the countries that don’t particularly like the victory holiday is germany, the same one that, after all its atrocities, should still stand on kneeling in prayer for forgiveness. i miss so much the holidays of the russian soldiers who were here before, the russian soldiers who walked here before, they sang, danced and celebrated victory day, but now it is very sad, and i am fighting against it. alas, this woman is a survivor. the second world war is unlikely to be able to do anything to force its rulers to honor the memory as it does. on victory day, berlin police, according to local media reports, detained at least 10 people for using st. george's ribbons and other symbols of victory. this year , germany has officially tightened the rules for celebrating may 9, banning the display of any symbols associated with russia or the soviet union in the most popular crowded places. they even managed to charge the detainees with fictitious charges.
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victory day in these countries, where memory is banned, thousands of people, despite threats , laid flowers even where it seemed there was nothing left. the great day of remembrance, what happened, and this day must be remembered, and we must understand what victory took place, and if we if we forget our past, we will also forget our future; a peaceful future may not come. they help those who find themselves not to forget their history. in an ideological trap the baltic states are actively on the russian side. more than 2.0 residents of the estonian narva and guests of the city came to the embankment to watch the festive event that took place in ivangorod. last spring, the authorities of the russian city deliberately cut down trees and installed a stage with a screen facing estonia.
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officials explained this with their intention to congratulate the residents of the neighboring country on victory day. but not everyone can be helped. in warsaw, ukrainian activists staged a real riot. during the ceremony of laying wreaths by russian diplomats at the monument at the cemetery of soviet soldiers, by the way, about ukraine, the authorities there also betrayed the memory of their ancestors and glorified nazism, the country introduced criminal prosecution for wearing and even storing soviet symbols, an elderly woman almost became a victim of the regime , which came to the eternal.
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the ukraführer, for whom the hague tribunal has been crying for a long time, decided to use this holy day in his own interests. zelensky he decided to intimidate the head of the european parliament, mitsola, at a joint press conference, he simulated a missile attack in kiev, and even promoted his new europe day. europe day. and i think it gives a lot more.
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alexander lukashenko noted the nazi genocide in a congratulatory address to the president of russia. gratitude to the heroes of victory day of may 1945 is truly part of our genetic code. therefore , employees of the ministry of foreign affairs
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and border agencies of our country paid tribute to memory and respect to the legacy of the national feat without looks at geographic latitudes and time zones around the world. belarus remembers reminds those who suffer from... historical amnesia, europe owes its freedom to the lives of 27 million soviet citizens, the feat of the peoples who saved it from the brown plague won a great victory. on the solemn day of may 9, belarusian diplomats laid floral wreaths at the memorials of fallen soldiers abroad and also held commemorative events. to the west of god , attempts do not stop to rewrite history, to retouch the heroic pages of feat of the soviet and belarusian people, the war is declared a monument, artificial
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administrative obstacles are erected for our diplomats who want to visit places of memory, lay flowers and bow to the victims that... countries have given almost all over the world. the ambassador of belarus to austria andrei dapkiunas and the heads of the diplomatic mission of the cis and csto countries, representatives of austrian public organizations, laid flowers at the monuments to the soldiers of the red army in vienna. diplomats of the belarusian embassy in bulgaria, together with colleagues from friendly countries, paid tribute to memory of the victors at the mass grave in sofia, as well as at the monument to the soviet soldier to liberate. the geography of commemorative events is large
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; the list includes dozens of countries, these are azerbaijan, armenia, belgium and great britain, hungary, germany and vietnam, india, georgia, israel, china, spain, italy, the baltic states, poland and moldova and many others. the peoples of these countries, like us, will never forget the feat of the soviet people, no matter how much some may wish it. remember belarus, on this day we remember our ancestors, i remember my two grandfathers,
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who put on the uniform of the working peasant red army, on june 22 of the forty-first year, returned home, wounded, shell-shocked, only in the forty-fifth, forty-sixth years, i remember my grandmothers, who during the years of occupation were able to save their faces, this holiday is for all of us , something very deep, something very public. something very strong, something that makes us human, something that makes us proud of our homeland, despite the fact that the regular units of the red army of darim did not make it from here, belarusians, as well as citizens of other republics the soviet union, took a direct part in the liberation of italy from nazism, took in various formats, for example, about 200 belarusians died in the famous battle of remounting casino, clearing the way for the allied forces from the south of italy to crimea. for many years, embassy employees visit this place every year together with belarusians who
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today live in rome, tivel, naples and other italian cities to honor the memory of the heroes. many of our compatriots, having fled from the concentration camps, joined the italian resistance. finding their burial places is, as a rule, isolated, hard, painstaking work. the events of recent years show how important it is to preserve historical memory. that is why italians were recently able to watch the film come and see. that is why any guest of the embassy. today you can get acquainted with the exposition of belarus invincible, which is why in belarus these days there is a delegation of italian anti-fascists who have been taking part in festive events dedicated to victory day for many years now. israeli troops on this week they began a ground operation in rafah. the southern part of the gas sector was subjected to fierce bombing. tanks moved across land borders into palestinian territories. the arab side reported mass casualties. among the civilian population. at the start of the operation, there were about
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one and a half million refugees in rafah who were never given the opportunity to evacuate. after the first fifty missile strikes, 30 people were killed, including 11 children. it is noteworthy that shortly before the start of the invasion, with the proposal to declare a months-long ceasefire, the hamas movement spoke out. a protest demanding the acceptance of this proposal took place in tel aviv. during the attack, traffic on the city streets was blocked, and several people were arrested. meanwhile , even the united states categorically demanded that israel not carry out the operation in rafah. for disobedience, tel aviv was punished by stopping the supply of weapons. however, this did not prevent a full-scale invasion. inventories. violent clashes , tear gas. student intifada
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hit france this week. in paris, a spontaneous action broke out among the sorbuna. demonstrators spoke in support of palestine and against military action in the gaza strip. activists blocked the street in front of the university entrance. the protest did not happen without clashes with the police. the security forces in full gear began. step on a crowd of students. and here is footage of harsh arrests from the netherlands: under the cover of darkness, security forces destroyed a camp of pro-palestinian protesters on the campus of the university of amsterdam. policemen they beat young people with batons and demolished barricades with special equipment.
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according to local media reports, the police, prosecutor's office and municipality made the corresponding decision, allegedly due to a violation of public order. as a result of the assault camp, 125 people were detained. meanwhile, the us has begun a major military exercise in europe, astral knight, according to a pentagon spokesman. during two-week maneuvers they will practice flights and simulate combat operations in poland and the baltic countries, involving 5,000 military personnel from the united states, great britain, latvia, lithuania, poland and estonia, as well as over fifty aircraft and other aircraft. in addition, it became known that more than a dozen nato soldiers
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were injured as a result of parachute jumps during exercises in sweden. local media clarify, military. employees from the usa, hungary and italy were injured and fractured. the verkhovna rada supported zelensky’s new bills to extend the martial law of general mobilization from may 14 to 90 days. the martial law regime allowed zelensky to cancel the presidential elections. according to according to the constitution, they were supposed to take place on march 31. term of office. zelensky expires on may 20. in fact, he will cease to be a legitimate head of state. the russian foreign intelligence service has learned that washington is already looking for a replacement for the kiev leader. an attempt to hide poverty before the paris olympics, as
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the daily mail describes the preparations for the event. the publication accuses macron of carrying out social cleansing. according to the charity group, whose name translates into russian as the other side of the coin, the number of evictions the homeless population is only going to increase in the lead up to the games. official paris calls this action for reasons of hygiene and safety. their main goal is to remove all the tents and sleeping bags from paris before the arrival of foreign delegations, for example those who were expelled from lagium. at the city hall of the french capital , they were taken 400 km from the city, the daily mail notes. more than a thousand left-wing protesters from all over europe are holding a large-scale rally near the tesla plant in grünheide, germany. their goal is to take production by storm. with every raid they all closer closer to production. and during
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one of these attacks, the extremists found themselves close to the fence. nearby forest, extremists set up a tent camp, actions aimed at stopping the expansion of the automobile plant began back in march. tesla's expansion argument involves cutting down more than 100 hectares of forest; an attack on tesla today cannot be ruled out. exile to rwanda - this point b for all illegal migrants was designated by the
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british house of lords. the controversial bill did not take root in the european court of rights person, and in dublin. the decision-making office called the trip to central africa generally safe. indeed, what can happen in a place where migrants disappear without a trace every now and then? foggy albion is being stormed by tens of thousands of illegal immigrants, and the country has not seen such a demographic picture since the norman invasion. the british government will need more than 3 years to clean up, and this is assuming a regime of 15,000 deportations per year. and a non-royal welcome for those who crossed. ireland seethes and protests in the background unprecedented migration crisis, it's all about the agreement that the british government has concluded with rwanda, now. london can send refugees to the east african country for the entire period of consideration of asylum applications; to escape this prospect, illegal immigrants began to look for it in ireland,
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crossing the unguarded land border with the republic. according to unconfirmed reports, more than 80% of refugees entered here this way. by mid-april alone, more than 6,000 applications for asylum had been submitted. it's almost half of the record figure in the entire history of the country. i heard from many people that we would be sent to rwanda, that's why i'm here, i was afraid that this would happen to me, uninvited guests in a traditionally catholic country, which is also experiencing a crisis of housing shortages, are not at all welcome, the number of crimes is increasing, committed by visitors, the burden on the social system increases. my budget, so much so that last year ireland reduced benefits for ukrainian refugees several times; there are about 100 thousand of them here and limited the right to use
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public housing, while there are 14,000 homeless people in ireland with a population of five million, isn’t it better to solve the problems of local residents by stopping the flow of visitors? thousands of protesters in dublin came to the government with such questions. in the village of newtown mount kennedy, the issue was approached radically. local activists started a fire in an empty building where the authorities planned to house migrants. in ireland , they even started talking about introducing border controls, which is disadvantageous for the republic itself due to the close ties between the two countries. despite dublin's attempts to come to an agreement, london, or rather the british prime minister, categorically.
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reduction of inflation, reduction of public debt , reduction of service waiting lists along with such items as economic growth, health care. what are the results? according to the bbc, the bank of england raised interest rates 14 times, leading to spending cuts and a slowing economy. growth began only in the first 3 months of this year. the national debt remains high, and plans to reduce it will require serious spending cuts. for some government departments, as regards the healthcare sector, as a result of endless strikes by doctors , the waiting list not only did not decrease, but
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increased by about 2000 people, but the number of migrants who storm the british shores in boats decreased by a third ; this, however, did not save from tragedy; in april, five illegal immigrants died while trying to cross the english channel, the number of refugees, however, still remains high, and... they damage this order and seriously jeopardize the principles that were formed in the ashes of the second world war war, including by great britain itself.
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the prime minister's unconvincing achievements were best demonstrated by local government elections. according to their results , the opposition libarist party takes 43.5% of the seats, and the conservative party, which heads the sunok, only 19%. moreover, long before the vote. the party started talking about the need to change the leader in order not to lose in the national elections scheduled for the fall. without waiting for turi's defeat, two conservative deputies immediately went over to the opposition. besides the fact that in two weeks the prime minister lost two deputies, he became the victim of almost the biggest swings in the elections. he lost 1,500 conservatives on local councils and half of the mayors, how many more times the public.
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in most public opinion polls, the prime minister has not achieved impressive results on any of his election promises; if the situation does not change, the conservatives may be preparing for defeat in the national elections, and the uk for a change in the ruling party. tatyana volkova, around the planet.
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you are watching the program around the planet on belarus 1 and belarus24. matgala is blooming and smelling, this review by fashion observers was inspired by the flower beds of the hollywood elite. and if all these added jokes in the style of where to go in this, then you know, the costume institute ball was paraded in the metropolitan museum. svestala. on the red carpet anna wintour this year shevred vok outlined the concept of the dresscode with a capacious garden of time with decor from a bunch of grapes in dresses with shoots, while the veps went crazy in their own way, the absolute favorite of the flower party was the sandy balman dress. about hits and failures in ballroom metgal map. olga davidovich. the annual costume institute ball, or metgal, short for the metropolitan museum of art, where the event is held, is called the largest
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diamond in new york's crown. soviet life. a scattering of hollywood stars, musicians and models, athletes and influencers in the most daring outfits from famous couturiers. there are no random people or random dresses at the medals, hence the reputation of not only one of the most spectacular, but also the most prestigious private events in the fashion industry. there is even a ban here filming, hence the status of a sacrament. photographers only on the carpet, no selfies, what's going on. and it’s far from a fact that they will receive it, viewers are waiting for the broadcast and post-reports, major sponsors are eager to be involved in all this, to the word of each guest, about 700 of them are personally selected by anna ventour, editor-in-chief of the fashion bible called wok, only the most influential, fashionable and discussed. it's extraordinary, i think anna does it so well. so,
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this is such an unusual combination of people in the hall, do you know? so, there are politicians, there are actresses, there are writers, there are athletes. i think this whole mixture is what makes the event so exciting. this year's meeting was dedicated to the new exhibition of the costume institute, sleeping beauties, the awakening of fashion. the curators set out to explore the fragility and ephemerality of fashion, describing the fashion event as a celebration of the fashion of clothes that are so fragile that they cannot be worn again. in the halls in total. the main theme is the awakening of clothing items in the collection through feelings, that is, through smell, conceptually, through touch, through hearing, smell - that's my favorite part,
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obviously. that smell is so important to understanding fashion appreciation, we work with an incredible scent artist, sissel tolas, she is able to extract scent molecules from clothing and accessories and reproduce them so you can really feel the olfactory story of the clothing. the first honored guests of the exhibition were medgal participants, the scenery was reminiscent of a magical forest, and celebrities carefully selected outfits for dress code garden of time. however, many took the theme literally: the guests arrived on the carpet road.
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she would be recognized, that's why there is only one rose, because most people really like her, demands recognition of her roots of respect, so yes, he is perfect, the image of vanyre. recognized as one of the best, another one of the most memorable glass maxi balman on elfaning. the actress took to the path in an outfit that looked like it was made from a block of ice. even improvised draperies made of hard material looked dynamic, it seemed that they were about to melt. however, the balman team created a real sensation with another dress, made of sand. it featured the singer tayla. the designers developed a special appliqué technique and mixed three types of sand of different colors. and microcrystals. first, all this was glued onto fabric, and then onto a plaster frame. the image turned out to be spectacular, beautiful, but impractical. a video has circulated on social networks in which helpers are carrying tayla in their arms, since she cannot walk up the stairs on her own. after this, designer
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olivier rustem cut off the hem of the dress, making it he has a charming mini so that the singer can sit down. an hourglass instead of a handbag became an accent piece. oliver told us it was supposed to look like sand. i wanted it to be a work of art that would be kept in a museum for a long time, but you can only wear a dress like this once, but it looked amazing, a really interesting interpretation of the theme, such thinking about time and sand as a component of the sands of time. here the cardibi dress was carried onto the path by as many as seven brave assistants, and to straighten the monumental tulle skirt it took nine people, and as a result , the rapper was surrounded by several meters of black fabric on all sides. created a real jam. zindaya, as one of the official hosts of the evening, attracted attention with two looks: the first - a blue dress from john minion with decorations in the form of
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grapes of birds, she looked like a real forest fairy. for her second appearance , she chose a vintage givenchy from the spring 1996 collection and a huge alexandra mcqueen hat made in the form. she had makeup that was somewhat reminiscent of a fashion show fashion that the house of margiela put on recently, it was everyone's favorite at fashion week, and john galliana and his structured curves, you saw her posing in that outfit, she really looked like a high fashion model, she looked perfect on the matgala red carpet. the hostess of the ball, anna ventura, did not lag behind the fashionistas; she appeared in a total look from lev. with a reference to the brands snow-white dress from the 1951 collection. the
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nabolot men did not disappoint either. appeared in a suit with a basket of flowers by john conor floral shoes and tailcoat. for the first time , a british person attended matgalo. the price of a medgal 2023 ticket has increased: it cost 50,000 dollars, now it’s 75. in this way, the museum raises money for the costume institute, a collection where thousands of items require special storage, all for the sake of art. olga davidovich, around the planet. through the thorns
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of galactic trends, spacex presented a spacesuit for spacewalks. some of the materials in the vestments are the same as. falcon 9 rockets will test the kit at polar dawn. test drive the new scam for two of the four mission crew members. the helmet was sculpted on a 3d printer, the main piece is equipped with a smart display and camera. the screen displays humidity, temperature and pressure. and most importantly, this space update will not make your cell lose weight. the design is easily scalable. the size range is available for everyone. what else happened? over the past 7 days, what events will not leave you without emotions, which you should definitely find out about, nikita makhodkin has prepared a special selection for you. the secret of healing and prosperity from the hindus, where are the elephants taking a shower, where
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peonies came from in europe, what whales are talking about, as well as unusual participants in the victory parade in the yamalonen autonomous okrug. i'll tell you about all this in the next 5 minutes. thousands of pilgrims took part in the annual spring festival, it is associated with prosperity and... with a person forever, in a word, the day is considered
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very auspicious for new ventures, marriages, expensive investments such as gold or other property, and any new beginnings, women pray for the well-being of the men they hope to become engaged to. let's return to the main holiday for us this past week: a parade was held in the yamalo-nenets autonomous okrug in honor of the 79th anniversary. where there is no road, they always went on
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reconnaissance missions, so i think that we will continue this tradition that the yamal region started. let's move to pakistan. the african elephants living at the safari park zoo in karachi seemed to break into a smile when they were given bath treatments, what could be more wonderful in the forty-degree heat than... while some of the polinas are being bathed, others rest in the shade. according to local weather forecasters, the air temperature in karachi will not drop below 35° in the coming days. when two whales meet in the warm waters of the caribbean sea, they make clicking sounds. for many years , scientists...
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our team of researchers, with backgrounds in computer science, artificial intelligence and biology, have discovered what we believe to be a phonetic alphabet, hopefully a discovery. will help us conserve whales as well as better understand our majestic neighbors from the underwater world. scientists looked for complex patterns in the recordings of 8,719 phrases from sixty whales. we will not delve into complex scientific terminology and technical nuances of the study. the main conclusion is that kashalod communication is much more complex and can convey more information than he thought. the previously
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picturesque fields in china's bozhou region have been enlivened by the vibrant hues of peonies. every year thousands of chinese come here to admire the flowering of this plant. we have been here four times already, many wonderful impressions photographs. this year i persuaded my sister to visit here among the peonies. china is considered the birthplace of the peony, this flower occupies. a strong place in the culture of the middle kingdom. the chinese emperors were so fascinated by this beautiful flower that they ordered all gardens to be planted with them. peonies today remain a popular symbol associated with beauty, wealth and honor in this country. the red peony symbolizes honor, and the yellow one symbolizes wealth and generosity. this flower was brought to europe by medicine merchants, which. traveled along the silk road.
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it was from china that peonies came to japan, which is still considered the largest supplier of these flowers around the world. since ancient times, in the east, the king of flowers was considered a medicinal plant; it was used to treat headaches and used asthma as an anesthetic. in europe, they also valued the healing properties of peony root and believed that it could prolong youth. poet of the sixties and master of sound metaphors on the fronts of russian poetry, built poetry like a building, obliged the crust of moscow architectural, the winner of the state prize of the soviets addressed his poems to pastor naku, who was inspired by mayakovsky and had conversations with akhmatova. the circulation of the debut mosaic miraculously did not go to waste. the inconvenient writer left his contemporary eight poems, 40 collections and new poetic forms. he accustomed the reader to the visual genre, looped and mirrored phrases with “circle throwers.” while the voice of ottyupeli was filling stadiums,
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the moscow stage of linkom staged the rock opera “yunony ovus na his lebret”. the composition “i will never forget you” turned into a theatrical hit. smooth. like the author's poems about crying girl in the machine. he played himself as the resurrection-bearing moscow doesn’t believe in tears. date of the week - may 12, the ninety-first birthday of more than the poet andrei andreevich voznesensky. you looked around the planet. thank you for being and staying with us. visit the website and watch your favorite projects of the tv news agency online. goodbye. it's over, that's it.
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in 1933, the state commission signed an act of acceptance for operation of the cement plant, the first tons of kricher cement were sent for construction moscow metro, show one day from your life. each of our cars is assembled.


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