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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 13, 2024 5:15pm-5:46pm MSK

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serving the bressky district, so the first grateful spectators of the mesing were precisely the old-timers of breshchina. i wonder what will happen in this place in another 100 years. this beautiful monument was built, so to speak, for the city to grow. a guardian angel has been looking at the landscapes of breshchina since 2009. the stella was decorated by prince vladimir vasilko. a soldier and a mother, the monument is crowned, as i already said, by a guardian angel. well, let's move on to the local egregor. the lucky boot promises everyone who tries it on an income unheard of in money matters. luck. there is an opinion that in such places, thanks to thoughts and emotions. for a huge
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number of people, a kind of mental condensation is born, and dreams really begin to come true. the street of the famous hoaxer, gogol, is a favorite place for both citizens and tourists. the original literary alley that is located here is a gift to the breshchin enterprise for the city’s birthday. some lanterns reflect the specifics of the activities of the maecenas company, others - the owner, don’t drive your horses, although no, another phrase is relevant in this place: what kind of russian doesn’t loves driving fast, after all, gogol street, once this street bore the name of the outstanding belarusian tadeusz kosciuszka. breshchina is also
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the birthplace of the brilliant poet adam mickiewicz, the first belarusian cosmonaut pyotr klimuk, the prime minister of israel and nobel laureate minachim begen. olympic champions sergei makarenko, leonid toranenko, yulia nesterenko. the people of breshchan follow with interest the creative destinies of elena vorobey, igor kornelyuk and many other talented fellow countrymen. and continuing the theme of creativity, i would like to note that... brez has been the center of festival life for many years. major cultural and international forums are held here every year. the belaya vezha theater festival, a classical music festival and january musical evenings, every two years the city of nadbugom hosts the national festival of belarusian cinema, and the annual brestbay fest gathers thousands of fans. there is one in the city. everything in order
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to develop in sports, strive, plan, achieve, and achieve the highest results; there are no analogues to this mushroom channel in belarus yet, they say the construction of a sports facility, for a moment with a unique wind rose , was facilitated by chance; construction began on the left bank of the river. a residential area in the microdistrict needed to be reclaimed, and in the end they combined the necessary and profitable with the grandiose. by the way, we are now driving along the famous olympic road. in 1980 , the games of the twelfth summer olympiad were held in moscow. in preparation for the games. brest, as the western gateway of the country, received such a gorgeous gift. the m1 e30 highway is a national treasure. belarus. well,
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is sunset approaching? it's worth hurrying. it’s great when, thanks to you, the city becomes a little brighter. as long as this tradition exists, brest will never be in darkness. come and you will discover your brest.
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this is where the training process takes place, the preparatory process for military personnel to support various kinds of events,
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the honor guard company performs tasks to support state events, meeting and seeing off top officials arriving on the territory of our country. also the laying of wreaths, and as a result of our activities, this is a concert. roto of accountable corolla founded february 17, 1995. the composition of the honor guard company, in addition to the first and second honor guard company, includes the honor guard roto of the ministry of internal affairs and the honor guard roto of the state border committee. as part of these four units, training is carried out as a group. these four divisions are forming a stage concert, which we will be able to see very soon on july 3. every year, on the eve of may 9, servicemen of the honorable koroul also take part in laying wreaths at the victory monument. selection
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military personnel in the company of the honor guard is carried out by studying the initial study of candidates for service in the honor guard in the military registration and enlistment offices, each person who has the first group of health, who has a height of at least 185 cm, good physical fitness and no tattoos on visible parts of the body, correct features persons, anyone from all over our country can become a candidate for service in the honor guard company.
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there are various markings on the platform that allow us to hone our skills with our military personnel, here... one step length to move forward, the parade ground varies in size, we have a large parade ground, this is done with the purpose of training the troops of the minsk garrison in the process on the basis of the minsk military commandant's office preparations for the parade.
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they don’t use equipment on the plot, the only thing in garrison training is that there are two passenger vehicles that simulate... the passage of troops by the minister of defense and the deputy minister of defense. there are a huge number of elements in dependence. let’s say, depending on how deep we go into this process, how interested we are in getting this or that element, we start, of course, with a single line of military training, then they train as part of squads, platoons, as part of a company, and so on. in this
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case they receive a weapon, a carbine, a simonov self-loading carbine, with which they also practice various elements, the initial elements are on guard. on the shoulder and further having the opportunity, gaining experience in these elements, the military personnel begin to move with the first step with weapons, and as a result, the infiltration begins. various elements, including the rotation of both carbines and sabers, with which military personnel also take part in events; most often, with sabers, military personnel take part in events where banner groups are involved; during training, military personnel of the rotopochnogo koraul use simonov’s self-loading carbine, also each serviceman of the rotary honor guard is assigned a kalashnikov assault rifle. we are not with him
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we are shooting, we are for a peaceful sky above our heads, there are also military personnel who are the most prepared, who were able to complete a course in preparation for the event with the highest quality in the shortest possible time, we call these military personnel unique, who ultimately... the military personnel wake up at 6 am , then they have morning physical exercises, morning toilet, breakfast, from 9 o’clock their classes begin, from 9 to 13 o’clock from 15 o’clock to 17 o’clock in anticipation of the event, military personnel spend 5-6 hours on the parade ground, these are fascinating speeches. which are breathtaking when you watch, this preparatory process takes around 3-4 months so that
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the soldier can show what he has learned. the preparation of a plastic concert begins on a piece of paper, when all the people interested in it, including conscripts, make some adjustments, make their own proposals for the future officers, work out these elements, see how it will look already... honing skills, by studying various elements, we build
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a logical chain of these elements, each unit commander is in his own way a choreographer who consistently builds certain actions of military personnel. in the process of preparation, we focus on the fact that during the event itself, a serviceman should not allow various thoughts in his head that could distract him from the event itself; coping with the anxiety that they encounter at first is possible only by gaining experience in during the provision of events, and accordingly, we... somehow encourage them in different ways, motivate them, everyone understands,
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a soldier standing in the ranks, that he has no right to make a mistake. there are military personnel who, having completed military service, express a desire to enter a higher military educational institution to receive an education and then return as officers to the company of the honorary corolla or in one of the units of the minsk military commandant’s office; there are those who remain after military service, they conclude contract they no longer see their lives, they no longer see their everyday life without participating in various kinds.
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during the existence of the honor guard company invested. something of our own, now we continue to honor the traditions of the honor guard company to glorify this unit.
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traveling is not just about experiencing history and sights. in 817 , anna rodivil, the wife of the chancellor of the grand duchy of lithuania, built the first manufactory in the novogrod region in noleboki, they built this branch for 9 months, it was accepted in 1896 on december 28, and this branch was so good that it was accepted into the treasury. traveling is an opportunity to try something new, in order to understand what kind of bull it will turn out to be, you need to make horns for it, that is, we made horns. from an exhaust pipe, this is an exhaust pipe, and a kamaz car, and of course, to join the unique folk art, and if we want a herringbone pattern, then press two, two on the knives, then the middle two, i just sincerely admire the people who
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treats this type of art with such reverence, because it is... total work. look in the project. the route is built on tv channel belarus 244. getting to know belarusian enterprises and the outstanding results of their work. today we are already installing elevators with cabin speeds of up to 2.5 m/s. and this makes it possible to install elevators in buildings up to 45 floors. this is generally a unique enterprise in belarus.
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it is almost impossible to produce science-intensive products. watch the quality mark project on the belarus-24 tv channel. in my homeland in the postavy district of the vitebsk region, as a child i spent a lot of time in the fresh air and often observed
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in the air, helicopters, planes, and so on, since... we live near the border zone, and helicopters were very often in the air, and in the military sphere, somewhere from childhood , an understanding began to form, the idea that i would like this all try, there are no military men in my family, i am one of the first, my father served, but did not connect his life with the military sphere, in the thirteenth year i entered the military academy of the republic of belarus at the faculty of air defense, in the eighteenth year. graduated and was distributed for the position of commander of a platoon of a gate-honorary corolla of the minsk military commandant's office, where i serve to this day, like most parents, i am filled with pride that their son is serving in such a unit, an important point is that this unit is one of the
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us in the republic, leading this unit is a responsible mission, not everyone can do it, but the choice was made and we... steadfastly endure all the hardships and hardships, as a child i loved sports, big-time sports did not leave, i did not connect my life with sports, but in the military this is very necessary in the field, because... a serviceman must be physically well developed, prepared, in addition to service, he has some kind of hobbies, sports too. as a hobby, also in our free time from work there is an opportunity to analyze what we were able to achieve today, whether we were 100% realized,
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whether we were able to implement what we planned for today, and of course, in addition services, when there is time, this time is spent with family and friends, literally in my third year, i formed something into this unit in order to glorify it in the future. the selection
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of military personnel to serve in the honor guard begins by studying the candidates at the military registration and enlistment offices, that is, every man, every youth of our country from different parts of our country.
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can have no doubt that in the shortest possible time we will be able to put them into service, teach them everything that they will need directly during service in the future in life, and we will apply...
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taking them to the blood, do it once, twice, set aside, sharper, do it a little, two, set aside, two, the carabiner is exactly in the center, no need for a chair. bend your shoulder nikita, you need to do this, where the front sight is at the level of our eyebrows, that’s right, maxim, move it a little to the left, a little higher you need, super, events with the participation of military members of the honor guard take place all year round, regardless of weather conditions, we have two uniforms, green representing the ground forces, blue representing the air force and air defense forces. we have individual tailoring, that is, each
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serviceman of the company is an honorary corolla. descends for measuring, ultimately receives a new set of uniforms, various military personnel serve as an honorary corul, the training preparatory process is mastered differently by everyone, but on average it takes 3-4 months, the basic elements are mastered within a month, the first month when they just come to the unit, then it all becomes more complicated after 3-4 months... in the event i’m already ready, let’s say, to complete any task to ensure any event. there are basic elements that are most often used and used by military personnel of the company of honorary corul, if this is a laying ceremony, this is the clock of the eternal flame, respectively, an element on the karau, which we could also see earlier, if this is the passage of a solemn march as part of a company, this is the taking of a carbine on shoulder,
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we also have checkers, as we... also said, checkers are most often used in banner groups. further, this is all very individual, depending on the event, depending on what it is dedicated to a parade ground, let’s say, depending on this, the various elements that can be used by a military personnel vary. based on, let's say, the logical chain and logical actions of military personnel during the plastic concert and during the various actions that they perform during the provision of events, each commander can have the right to call himself a choreographer, since this requires a certain understanding, requires, let's say , understanding that why can follow, every action of a soldier is sharpened during training, this the logical, let’s say, actions that they perform, there is no limit to perfection, and accordingly, during training, during
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preparation, during the actual provision of events, everyone knows the sequence of their actions, without certain, let’s say, sequences they will not perform them , since there is a program, a stage concert program has been set, accordingly, everyone knows which element follows which. we are in the museum of the minsk military commandant's office, and here we can see the awards of all units that are part of the minsk military command, namely, we focus on the grotto of the honorary korau. the most, let’s say, memorable and valuable for me, as the commander of the company of honorable koruul, were
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received with my participation. awards are gratitude for participation in the international festival spasskaya tower. you can also learn about the life of military personnel of the minsk military commandant’s office, military personnel of the rotopochetny koroul from the telegram channel of the minsk military commandant’s office. we are not lagging behind, we are marching a lot over time, so that everyone who is interested in life can learn more about us. it is very pleasant that our work is appreciated, we do not go unnoticed and this year we were awarded a prize from the hands of the head of state, a prize for spirituality. revival, everyone is looking forward to the performance of the military personnel of the honorable corolla, it is the parade concert, the preparation of the parade concert is carried out in advance of the event itself, it all starts with a piece of paper, when we draw some figures, display them with dots and so on, there are military personnel whom we we assign them to learn certain elements, then we look at the fruit, how these elements, let’s say, we
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