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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 14, 2024 9:15am-9:36am MSK

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the university will perpetuate the memory of the 1941 graduation . notice that we have a photograph here. he worked in our evacuation hospitals here in partizans, as the head of the medical and sanitary service, he was also a surgeon. it was rydlevsky, dmitry savelyevich. among our surgeons was bobrik, nikolai ivanovich, senior inspector, surgeon at a field tank hospital. and this is only a small part of such stories, hundreds about the exploits of our doctors over the years. in the exhibition of the museum of history of the belarusian state medical university there are about 2.0 exhibits, rare documents, photographs, medical instruments, awards and personal belongings of famous doctors. we have a fairly large gallery of teachers and graduates who, during the war, without sparing themselves, without sparing their strength, provided medical assistance on the fronts of the great patriotic war, they provided assistance in partisan formations.
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hyuk helped wounded partisans, from simple bandaging to removing a bullet from a wound and applying stitches. unfortunately, she died in 1943, and no photographs survived, but the memory of those heroic deeds for a woman her son, yana’s grandfather, carefully kept it, and today she, a future physician, by the way, like a great-grandmother, passes on this story to other generations. despite the fact that the war found her when she was a mother of many children and her husband went to the front, she decided to devote herself...
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not only to caring for her children, but also to caring for her homeland. she had the medical education of a younger sister; in addition to treating patients and military personnel, she transferred important information from one partisan detachment to another. it was quite dangerous because despite the fact that she was a woman, the nazis did not spare women. if at the beginning of the war there were only six doctors, 12 nurses and orderlies, then in forty-four they were already for the life and health of people. medical posts in partisan zones helped evacuate the sick and seriously wounded. many of my relatives took part in the great patriotic war, including being doctors in it. in particular, my grandmother, fursamusya magometovna, was a nurse, a surgeon, and operated in the field. it was very difficult for the guerrilla doctors, not when there was enough medicine, they replaced it with medicinal plants. there were not enough
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transmission facilities, people, operations could be carried out in the clearings, that is, not in equipped premises. during the war years, although there was an acute shortage of medicines and medical equipment, doctors tried to find replacements from available means; parachutes, for example, which were used to drop weapons into the camp were a real godsend for doctors. the material was used for bandaging, wounds were stitched with thread from parachute gates, cotton wool was taken from shock absorber cushions, and from the whole parachutes were made into tents for the medical service. yes, there were not enough medicines or there was simply no one or another necessary medicine at that moment , the patient was then placed in a dugout, in this dugout there was a barrel of water, in this barrel they put stones heated on the potbelly stove, thus creating a steam effect, the steam warmed the patient, despite to use such treatment methods, according to statistics, more than 90% of patients were able to return to the partisans, medical workers fought against death by any
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means, trying to return everyone to duty a fighter, without military doctors, nurses and nurses, this feat would have been simply impossible, however, then in 1945 our veterans did everything necessary for the world, and today our task is not only to remember, but also to learn lessons from that tragedy. yulia khmel, ivan mozgo, tv news agency. this was the information morning, more news at noon. you can also follow developments on our social networks. in the mobile application there is a qr code on the screen. stay on the first button.
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tv channel belarus 24 broadcasts for you round day, don’t switch. our daily task is to talk about belarus in the country abroad. more than 100 million viewers around the world have access to watch. projects of our tv channel, so what is belarus like, business and developing, hospitable, bright
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and festival-like. generous, picturesque and monumental, sports and team. we tell you not only about significant events, we introduce you to active, energetic and inspiring people who live in belarus and do everything for its development. belarus can be different to
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to understand and feel it, you need to see it with your own eyes. hello, dear tv viewers, the belarus24 tv channel is on air. watch us every day, because we are making belarus closer. the famous mir castle is like a postcard, today we are proud of the museum complex, just a few decades ago, the issue
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of reviving relics was very acute, what it means to build the world anew, belarusians know firsthand. the history of my relationship with mir castle began at birth. i was born into the world, reading literature, the sun was golden, there are these tops of the castle and so on, but we had the whole castle, only the ruins remained. the very history of interest in the castle, its first reconstruction on paper, the restoration dates back to 1971, already then there were various theories, different thoughts about how to develop this object. the idea
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to locate a vocational school here took the form of a resolution of the council of ministers of belarus. ussr, well, from the start of work it showed how inadmissible this approach was, we had to fight for this castle, we spent a lot of time on it, a lot of effort, but it worth it.
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first of all, we wanted to show the biography of mir castle, who were the owners, what time was it? for the last 100 years, the mir castle has been saving the homeless child. only the last owner of the estate, mikhail svyatopolk mirsky, seriously dealt with the issue of restoration, but he did not complete the job. this place would have remained in ruins if the case had not been personally transferred to the president in the 2000s. peace on earth is unthinkable without historical memory, and creation is the continuity of the historical path, it is a step into the future. for example, on in this fragment you can touch the history, it is truly an original brick. this wall was very badly damaged, it was very seriously destroyed and restoration was carried out using ultra-modern restorative technology. in this
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room in which we are located, this is also a unique, sufficient interior reconstruction, this is a reconstruction of the blue one, this was the first room where the owners found themselves from the courtyard, and it is impossible to speed up here, you can never rush in restoration, the acceptable decorative elements of the gentry men's suit. in our museum
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there are over 200 such gentry buttons . these are items authentic not to the world’s castle, but to the era of that time. to this we include 16th-century tapestries and pieces of furniture. this is all period authenticity. mir castle is really a castle for people, and not only those living in our village, but also... whether there was a tunnel, or is this another myth
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that carries with it palace history, who knows, but the mythical underground passage is not the only clue in this in fact, there is a lot in common between the world and nesvezhi, it’s true, they they once belonged to the same nesvezh ordination with the center here and the town hall. by the way, the descendants of nicholas christopher gave birth to orphans and owned these lands until the second world war. it’s hard to believe, but in soviet times there was a sanatorium here; the creative and political elite, folk art, paets and paintings recuperated in the magnate’s rooms. kalіscі ў here are the palaces of the polish magnate radzivil, now here is the sanatorium house of the adpachyn.
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elements of the interiors, the most valuable chambers, halls, and unique decoration have been preserved wooden, panels, all this was also preserved precisely thanks to... the fact that this building had proper care in its time, two documents, copies of which are on display, the order of the president of the republic of belarus on the start of research work in ninety- five , and a document from the year ninety-seven about the beginning of restoration work; in 2002, on
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catholic christmas, there was a fire in the castle, of course... of course, the safety and masonry of the load-bearing structures were affected, and more vulnerable, say, elements such as, for example, a huge canvas, 6x6 m, wooden ceilings, here above the hall they were partially burnt out, the floor was flooded with water, it all froze, turned into a skating rink, at that time
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you can’t even think that in such a short time everything here will shine with so much gold ... it was quite difficult to look great, to preserve and restore such a huge object in a short period of 7 years, the state invested quite a lot of money here, the best specialists of belarus worked here. restored monuments are already national capital, which cannot be devaluation. there were very detailed inventories, they were present and we tried, to the color of the walls, to the pattern of the parquet, to the pattern on the ceilings and so on, all of this was recreated, this palace castle or castle palace, a real teleport of the sixteenth,
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17, 8 and 19th centuries, all because they were constantly brought into the general ensemble. in our territory, which is controlled by the museum-reserve, there are also objects that are not part of the reserve museum, such as the famous church of the corpus christi, in 2005 nesvizh castle together with parks and the nesvizh far church was included in the
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unesco world heritage list, these documents, copies of which are stored here, so that any visitor...
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