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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 14, 2024 12:15pm-12:46pm MSK

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clean and transparent, let it breathe joyfully and easily, then sports news, and we will update the information at 3:00 pm, stay tuned... victoria azarenka and aryna sabalenka simultaneously reached the 1/4 finals of the prestigious wta tournament in rome 100 late the night before , the olympic champion from minsk left no chance for maria sakkari from greece 6 4 6:1. the fight lasted only 78 minutes. in the next round, azarenka will fight with american danielle collins. and here. arina
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sabalenka beat elina svitolina in a very difficult match, losing in the first set 4:6, in the second, belarus turned out to be stronger 6:1, and in the decisive one they snatched a victory in the tiebreak 9:7. the tennis players spent 2 hours and 22 minutes on the court. ahead of sabalenko is a confrontation with elena ostapenko from latvia. it’s interesting, but in the case of victoria, in their next games , sabalenka and azarenka will fight each other in the semifinals. in the second pair there are quarter-finals.
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modern belarus today, watch on the belarus24 tv channel. this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene, current interviews with famous belarusians, fascinating. processions around the country,
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feature films for all ages, in the countries: finland, sweden, norway, denmark, the netherlands, germany, france, spain, portugal, cyprus, austria, switzerland, italy, greece, romania, serbia, croatia, poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia. set up a satellite dish satellite express am8. the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus 24 tv channel and discover belarus.
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religious policy of the third reich in the occupied territory of belarus, when, in defiance of the soviet authorities, the nazis allowed the opening of a temple. priests to hold services, and people to come to church freely was only a cover for committing crimes against civilians. it was the temples that often became places of mass death. this is, in principle, a mirror of all nazi policies, a mirror of nazism itself. the nazi military or civilian command did not care about the temporarily occupied territories until local population. the local population had to be exterminated. this is clearly reflected by the position of hitler, who said that it is best if it is not some kind of general religious organization, even an autocephalous one, it will be a sect in each individual village. on july 23, 1943, during the punitive operation herman,
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the executioners came to the village of dory, volozhensky district. this was the zone of action of the venice-nalibog partisan zone. people were forced out of their homes, some were shot on the spot. telling that... well here are the pastavili, the pastroil, the woman passed me by, i am sure, and then they kicked off the gun, and here is the woman iago, who was slaughtered, she was paralyzed, the temple was set on fire, the wooden church flared up like a match, who succeeded they escaped, the warriors hid, fled into the forest, the fingers went wild and shot the survivors, as they knew what the astanks were. the meaning of mary's wife is 35 years old and her son mikhasik is six years old and yana's son was completely squashed, and the cotton was knitted with a stick, geta some of the memories of my mother and son were not preserved, but these are the ones i know. on the royal holiday
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on the holy day of february 15, 1943, the former assassins from the ss battalion dzierlewanger and the palitsa came to the homeland of the partisan commander vasily karzh. in the church of the intercession they burned more than 300 people along with the abbot ioann loiko. the most difficult moments, let’s say for people, he remained devoted to his service, remained devoted to the faith, instead of running away or hiding, let ’s say, from the enemy, he performed divine services. it was a punitive operation hornung. people were retaliated against for the activities of the partisans. the sons of father john fought in the partisans. nekarzha, he himself blessed them; in the temple there were the priest’s wife, three daughters-in-law and a daughter. the night before this tragedy , usaana was restless in her soul, and he said the following words: “let’s not separate this night, and called everyone to prayer and preparation, to the most important
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sacrament - to the frequency.” before setting fire to the temple, the punitive forces took away several dozen people, the labor force, among them was the priest’s daughter vera, she was not another 18 years. partisans, the priest organized meetings of partisan commanders at his home . addressing male people who were, as they say, healthy, why are you
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sitting here? take a weapon and join a partisan detachment, protect your family and friends, your homeland from these monsters. father vasily was. as a liaison officer of the molotov detachment , he worked under the operational pseudonym kirillov, like a shepherd, he traveled around villages, poured out the dead, supported the living, at the same time watched the policemen, eavesdropped, then transmitted information to the detachment about german technology and punitive actions. the funeral was conducted where, where i can’t even imagine that they were not burying a dead person in a coffin, but they were burying medicines, food for...
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you know, when parishioners are offended, the priest must protect them, so he defended them as best he could,
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the priest’s activities were not could have gone unnoticed, besides, the priest was reported by people who came to the church service, informants, surveillance began, the shepherds were warned that he and his family were in danger, father vasily had a small son, his elderly mother also lived with him, most likely so that he would have been caught and shot, but even at night, around 12 at night , a guard detachment came, saying that they were doing a really just thing, that the enemy
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would be defeated, there is no place for him on our land, and the lord god will truly be our helper in everything and will bless you for all your good, so to speak, heroic deeds. after the liberation of belarus, vasily kapyshka was sent to pinsk and became the rector of the varvara church, the church where he was ordained a sandacon in 1934. whoever could have thought that in 10 years he would return here as rector, they had to clean the temple themselves, that is, the priest’s family, and repair it, and in order to support themselves, their family, they were forced to keep a vegetable garden, pigs, and a cow, that is this is how they ate and served in this temple. in 1957, vasily kapyshka was transferred to gomel, became rector of the peter and paul cathedral, and after its closure, st. nicholas church. year, the rector of the st. nicholas church in gomel, archpriest vasily kopychka was
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awarded a golden patriarchal pectoral the cross, the highest sign of recognition, is awarded in exceptional cases. father vasily received the award from his holiness patriarch of moscow and all arus pimin, a man who also experienced all the hardships of the great patriotic war, a front-line soldier. this award is quite rare; in 77 years , only 25 people have received it. st. george's church is stale, more than 50 years old, the rector of the temple was front-line soldier dmitry khmel. he went to the front at the age of 17, adding a year to be drafted into the army. this is 1944, already most of the territory of the soviet union was liberated, including the one where the future priest lived. it so happened that it was in the house of khmely that the headquarters of general konev was located. getting to know him pushed the young man to go to the front. this icon, it’s like a relic of our family and...
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my mother took it and gave it to my father when he went to the front. the war for dmitry khmel began in belarus, he liberated vitebsk, korsha, lepel, bigomal, lagoisk, then lithuania and east prussia, where he was seriously wounded. all the fighters from his unit died, he was the only one who survived. went with grenade at the enemy bunker, threw the grenade, and the bullet remained in his thigh closer. spine, for 3 days he lay like that under the sprinkled earth, they had already sent a funeral to his parents, after the hospital the front was back, he ended the war in köniksberg as part of the fifth army of the third belarusian front, as a junior sergeant, he witnessed the event when the icon of the kazan mother of god was brought to köniksberg, they brought icon, the priest came, they began to pray, vasilevsky and krylov began.
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my friend in odessa saw this building, it was a theological seminary, and he realized that this is where he should go, and then, when there was a famine, he was transferred to... the rosov seminary. after the seminary, the priest was sent to serve in the village of kosina, lagoisk region, then there was lagoisk itself, the city that he liberated; in 1957, father dmitry was sent to nesves. he had such a look that it was as if he saw right through you, you wanted to talk to him so much, he could give such advice that you
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even immediately understood what you needed to do. a participant in the war, a disabled war veteran, he... after his death he helps us, so i believe that he is now in church with us, during the entire service, father dmitry never went on vacation, he did not miss a single liturgy, every day he got up at 6 in the morning, prayed and went to church to see the parishioners, in recent years he served on painkillers, a bullet in his spine made itself felt, mentions of war, with a bullet in his body, he lived like ordinary people, did not
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show that it was bothering him in some weather... in due time. in the village of sadovaya kletskogo area during the war, the settlement was called blyachin. nikolai heltov served in the local church. the rector came to the church of john the baptist back in 1929. by the beginning of the great patriotic war, he was already an experienced priest who was trusted by parishioners. from the first days of the occupation, the shepherd hid and treated those around him in his house. at the hut
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they provided the first megatan aid to the partisans who were paralyzed from their missions there. the taksama yans lived there.
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father nikolai was helped by his brother georgy heltov, also a priest, rector of the temple shelter of the blessed virgin mary in kletsk, he organized the collection of food for soviet prisoners of war, and saved jewish children. in 1943, when
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children were brought here from orphanages in minsk, among them were jewish children, jews and father george, in order to save the children, he baptized them. he wrote out baptismal certificates with orthodox names, thanks to this the children remained alive, and the priests were also able to win over the head of the cell police, who reported about ambushes and raids, to the side of the partisans. above the brothers there was a threat of arrest. the partisans offered to leave with them, but the priests remained with the flock. they were arrested before easter, on good friday, and sent to the koldychev concentration camp. the territory was fenced in several rows with barbed wire, a reinforced escort was installed, people were protected with the help of bunkers and even tanks dug into the ground, but there were also traditional ones... nikolai and georgy heltov, a few days later their wives, natalya and lydia, were brought to koldychevo. nikolai
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kheltov died a martyr's death, he was tied to an iron bed and doused with gasoline set on fire. the remains of the priest were buried in the camp cemetery. it was in may of '44, in the first days of july his brother was shot.
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osovtsy airfield near bereza. on the first day of the war, the airfield was bombed. more than a thousand soviet aircraft were destroyed along the entire front line, many of which did not even have time to take off. twenty-six-year-old
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mechanic kelin survived miraculously. on january 6 , 1943, on the eve of christmas, nikolai ilyin was accepted into a partisan detachment that operated on the territory of kosovo, ruzhansky and berezovsky district. he was a miner and learned the basics of rail warfare, and already in august he became the commander of a demolition group. without asking. what do you feel, what does he feel, he felt fear, he felt fear every second when you plant a mine under these flights, he even said himself that he once decided at the last second to check the fuse so that it would stand up in his hands and explode here, he would die, but at the last minute i checked, it was defective, there was a case when the group went on reconnaissance, the commander was called to headquarters, on a mission no one returned, more than once nikolai ilyin was on the verge of death, but he didn’t like to remember this. after the war, nikolai ilyin returns to his parents in serpukhov. in 1948 he went to belarus again and got a job on the railway. a few months later he became the chief engineer of the track and
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road workshops in pinsk. then he works as an economist in the statistical department of the pinsk region. in 1953 he returned to serpukhov and got a job as a stoker in a children's tuberculosis sanatorium. in january fifty-eighth, as as a novice he comes to zherovich. george will already be 49, he will be tonsured a monk with the name mithraphanes. for 40 years he carried a candle box to obedience, accepted notes of health and repose, he was the first person with whom pilgrims and believers met. mithraphanes was called the monastery's accountant. he was there a little, he was also related, he still loved to turn off the lights, he saved money. when, after perestroika, all this increase in price, he began to save light in the monastery, and there were, well , somewhere large light bulbs, he exchanged them for more or less ones there, well, as if there was light, there
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anyway, there, so sometimes the students made his jokes, the joke was called the father of megavolt, he was an old man who received people, people from all over the former soviet union came to mitrofan with questions, he was even given a separate office where he could receive those who wanted to. people waited for advice from the elder, then only it became known about his great talents, which he hid very much, sometimes he hid under foolishness, pretending to be like this, sometimes he doesn’t hear, sometimes he doesn’t see, sometimes he’s such a fool, many saints did this, every time the bishop filoret there was not a single time, even if he came to the monastery for at least an hour, he always went to kotsu mitrofan, later, when the priest had already died, he drove up every time.
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many of his parishioners were called to the front, and he began to help women with food and pastoral words. if you have bread, the lord said, share this bread, if you have something else, share it. a normal priest, this is how all priests should be, in principle, this is the norm of life, and the person essentially fulfilled his oath given upon entry into the priesthood . the shepherd was responsible for the inhabitants of twenty-five villages, the same number included in the parish of father victor. the priest himself had four small children. and this did not become an obstacle to saving scouts and saboteurs from hiding, when the police arrived, father victor passed them off as his workers, he did not ask them unnecessary questions, they also did not ask him anything, he worked like workers, but he knew that at night they disappeared somewhere, then appeared, he felt that they were connected somewhere with someone there, these people, these people connected him with real partisan detachments, the priest in the village had spiritual power
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, they collected money for the tank column of dmitry dansky, for the squadron of alexander nevsky, viktor bikarevich, he was able to collect 15 thousand rubles for the occupied territories. viktor bikarevich is one of the few priests awarded the order of the patriotic war, second degree. for 3 years he risked the lives of his children to save his homeland. 9th may. it was a holiday for him, you know, like for everyone, not just veterans, like for all of us, but especially for veterans, and especially for people like father victor, it was a holiday of holidays, as he says, this is my second holiday after easter, after the war, victor bikarevich was the rector of the alexander nevsky church in minsk, saved him from closure in the sixties, then served in venena, returned to minsk again to the alexander nevsky church, proteerius viktor bikarevich was awarded the patriarchal cross, and at the end of his life
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he helped build a temple in the village. exploits contributed to the great victory, fundraising was of great importance to help the army and devastated regions of the country. in addition to the tank column , the money raised by the church created the alexander nevsky squadron. fundraising took place even in the occupied territories. in total , the orthodox church collected 200 million rubles for the needs of the front. everything to bring victory closer. yes, victory day itself, may 9, 1945, has arrived.


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