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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 14, 2024 2:00pm-3:01pm MSK

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how long have we been going? 3.5 hours. andrey, you couldn’t agree to give us normal transport. marish, the truck was part, thank you for that. first they gave me a gas car, i told the old man, how can i squeeze into a gas car with a bunch of junk with my girls. andrey, you see the jokes, i’m cold, of course i’m cold. jacques, and you, i’m not
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a piece of cake, mom, if you want, take my raincoat, leave it aside, marish, take my jacket, i don’t need anything, how long to go, how long until the garrison, soon, comrade lieutenant colonel, we’ve almost arrived, left six kilometers, no more. well, are you a coward, bunnytail? no, not a little bit. of course, what should she be afraid of? she changes fifth school with you. she 's no stranger to it. i had to agree and go to moscow. not to moscow, to the moscow region. the regiment is standing in a cuban tank. oh look, everything is better than the hole you're taking us to. mom, what are you doing out of me, or what? i can study at any school. of course you can do anything. you and your father
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have been having a great time lately, marishna, i beg you, that’s enough, what has the hell got to do with it? the school is good, i found out, you missed it less than a month, so you’ll catch up without any problems.
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horse chicken is unlikely, i’m on a sunny day, the crap is burning, the weighers are at the post, it’s spring in the city, see us off, comrade sergeant major, comrade sergeant major, come on.
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are your eyes on your ass or where? and why the hell is there a sword under the wheels? i'm asking you, son of a bitch, what the hell? why the hell is your fighter undressing his mitten? is this his first day behind the wheel, or what? actually, it wasn’t a man who threw himself under his wheels, he could have driven on without... slowing down, i ’ll rip out your tongue, along with your tonsils, on your ass and tie it in a bow, you understand, talk to me again, talk to me, no one washed your neck, so i’ll wash it, you should go to the bathhouse, uncle kolya, they washed soldiers’ necks, uncle kolya, let’s go, no, look at what an impudent boy, he’s also a boor, and, i hope, he will not be in the same class as you. and don’t you dare communicate with him, okay? zhen, zhen, are you deaf or something? why, you arrogant boor, i say, uh-huh, and stop staring at him, so, cats, well,
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get out, get out, so, come on, on your bed, everyone lay down? got caught and tell me the cats, oh my god, who are all of tarasenko’s i tore off the buttons along with the meat, but he’s afraid there’s no meat, oh-oh-oh, don’t be smart to me, oh, please tell me, and at popov’s for lunch, who ate all the cookies, the cat, and why are we silent, you’ll think cookies, and igor , katya went, he not only rubbed her, he wants to marry her. and you, valentina grigorievna, don’t wash the floors under the bed, don’t bother me, let me go, oh, such a monster, so what can i do with you, that’s what i can do with you, strangle, strangle, judge me, by the way, will have mercy, will not have mercy, they will put you in prison, and
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if you offend me, then i will i’ll complain, he’ll rip your ears off, cats, i ’ll rip your brother’s ears off myself, anyway , what time will he come with you today , that’s what time he’ll come for me to guard you here all night, what’s this, what’s this, quickly to the bed, hello , hello, hello? hello, if the third one pops up now, then i'll be crazy, new girl, new girl, what class, ninth, oh, cool to us, this is vadik, i'm edik, clearly, i'm zhenya, cool, zhenya, come with us, next door, basement, we'll show you something, oh, i can't, i
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just arrived, let's run, you won't regret it, there are such weirdos there, in general, what kind of weirdos, they ran. well, no way, life is possible. comrade lieutenant colonel, allow me to report, report, comrade lieutenant colonel, all things have been delivered, excellent, thank you, free, guys,
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ay-ay-ay, those are those, hello, tell me, cool weirdos, they are orphans, hello, hello, like
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orphans, and where is their mother, ensign buteyka shot his mother, in the evening, yes, in short, the ensign got drunk in the duty room, the finnish woman ran there to the soldiers. the warrant officer drunkenly trudged into the green house, well, to the toilet, that is, and she threw herself at his feet, he took out his service weapon and shot. he probably thought that you were his mother, and i would take him with me, and your parents would allow you, my mother told us that she would let him down the stairs with the dog, they would allow it, that’s enough, give it back, i already gave it to you for free look, where did you get it, the folder sent you, but you don’t have any folder, you’re just a fool, a fool, if only you were a boy. i would cut you off in the head. kotov, pavlik, let's go, your brother has come for you. tired. leave it to me.
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alin, everything. i have a limit, i no longer know how to behave with you, i don’t know she’s blind, she’s a grown girl, she understands everything, marin, i can’t be at this level every day. “i still need to work, i
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still need to fly, and what about you, please, what do i have to do with it, what do you want from him, nothing special, i just want you not to be irritated, i want you to be the same as before, marin, you have changed a lot after the sanatorium." what does this have to do with the sanatorium, what does it have to do with the fact that you became attached to me with this sanatorium, as soon as i went once, you think the devil, marina, don’t get started, but i see that something is happening to you, shut up, enough, that again, where is the medicine, the medicine, where in the bag,
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he fights like a real bandit, he offends everyone, he is rude to the teachers, to all the children. collected 10 kopecks for a kaleidoscope, not quite, hello, van, hello, lace, amuse me, i scratch with the stars, it’s clear that the boy is growing up without a father, you can’t see anything else, he’s not in your department with his father or without a father, sleep. and van, what? nothing, i just wanted to ask, well
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, i wanted to, so ask, i changed my mind, i changed my mind, so don’t ask, van, but gledoska definitely sent me a folder, van, you why are you silent, don’t hear, yes you hear, and why don’t you answer, the kaleidoscope folder is with you... a shoulder blade, yes, yes, yes, yes, well, we’ll go home now, so, quietly, quietly, what kind of apartment do we have? and now we’ll ask the neighbors, quietly, quietly, quietly, please, little one, hold on, hold on, there
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’s no one here, let’s go here, what’s wrong, phew, it’s some big girl who came, i thought it was vanya and her mother have already arrived. what, are you alone? yeah, vanka brought me from kindergarten on his bike... my mother rushed off, she works for us, like an owl trudges along, i see, oh, what is that you have there, shennitsa, oh, tosik, where did you get it, zhenya, where have you been, and i have a puppy, can we, can we go
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home, something happened, dad, are you on work, to work, home, go, dad, what is our apartment number? 69 uh-huh, okay, neighbor, i'll see you, listen, i have a colleidoscope, he sent me a folder of it, if you want, come, i'll let you look through it, and you can even play with the dog, sweeping, sweeping. who and how helps make our lives better? what are scientists working on today? a group is being created small devices, one device is made by belarus and two devices are made by the russian federation, this grouping is intended for
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the study of near-earth space. meteorological institute. watch the science nearby project on our tv channel. the hero of our program is the issued asobs, buried in their right. when you move on and think, what can be done so that it has such a sound, so that there are a lot of highs and a lot of lows, and for a balalaika
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it is very difficult for a small instrument to achieve such a balance of sound. i have left the knowledge of them. a bright performance, and you take it, a fragile young girl of 2-3 kg, and you need a whole performance, she needs to play, work, dance, hold her hand this and that, so you pump up and so on, you still feel, this is a puppet theater artist , someday, well, when possible, we will have such an area, we will try, it would be nice for this museum to be combined with a workshop, so that not only people come to the museum, but also come and look.
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lord, who do you look like, what happened to your jacket, what mud did you crawl on your knees in, anyway, where have you been, we didn’t have time to arrive, mom, mom, i have a puppy, and he will live in the room with me, if you throw him out, then i will leave with him, that he needs to be fed.
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yes, i’m planning a flight with me to test my piloting technique, yes, alka, well, are we going to eat today or not, aleftin, well, you haven’t given me a salad with cabbage yet, come over. comrade colonel, here’s the fish, potatoes, fish, potatoes, sunny, there in my car,
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well, you understand, uh-huh, uh-huh, i understand, period, honey, you’ll come on saturday. as usual, you can, well, what can you do, i can’t, i ’m dying without you, that’s enough, well, that’s enough, you’ll come, well, go, go, don’t be an eyesore, girls, i ran away, bye, bye, see you tomorrow, tomorrow.
2:22 pm
kill, give me the bags, you stern little kid, at least say hello to your mother, let's go, pasha is hungry at home, let's go, let's go, ninth grade, for replenishment, please love and... welcome, freely, everyone sat down, set aside,
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not everyone sat down, prokapenka, somav kukushkina, ushakova, stand up, hey, soviet komsomol members, or... who and where are you, prokopenko somov, how many times should i say why the hairstyle non-statutory, what is this, so that tomorrow even a centimeter on the neck, cuckoo, sushi, rubbish, take it off, you don’t have a variety show here, ushakova, shaka... i wave the thief with uvatsa soap, i painted my eyes like i don’t know who and where , who is a real soviet komsomol member,
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a real soviet komsomol member, is a young communist builder, right, and what is the appearance of a real soviet komsomol member, external. the appearance of a real soviet komsomol member is a mirror of his komsomol soul, that’s right, when i was your age, new girl, why are you stand, sit down, when i was your age, excuse me, please, where should i sit, where, where, on my own? when i was your age, please, but i don’t have my own place yet, what say, sit down, sit down,
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hello, matvey gennadievich, gennadia timofeevna, hello, you have a lesson, i’m liquidating. “matvey gennadievich, so what was there when you were our age? oh, shoals, i ’ll tell you this individually later, i’ll definitely tell you, sorry guys, i’m late, hello, well, who are you, and she’s been standing here for 8 minutes already . 37-38 seconds, i spotted, and this is a new girl, the director brought her and forgot about her, he told us about the komsomol again, it’s zhenya, she arrived yesterday, not the torofanovs, but...
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no one gave you a word, it’s no longer your own language, which means , your name is zhenya, and your last name, as i understand it, is lugovaya, lugovaya, guys, zhenya’s dad, lieutenant colonel lugovoy, the new deputy, commander of our regiment, sit here by the window, next to the tana bow. yes, with permission, come in, shapovalov, undress, i’m always ready to undress for you, sit down. please, please, hand, come on, come on
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hand, let's see what you have there, elena yuryevna, i wanted you, shapovalov, you don’t need to want anything now, take your hand away. 120 by 80, like gagarin, yes, better, i thought, maybe we can, well, like normal cultured people, just to a restaurant, maybe to a club or to the cinema, come on, city manager, we can, we can’t, shapovalov, we can’t , you are ruthless,
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good luck. flight, i understand, but my luck is in your hands, and my life is in your hands, go, shapovalov, goodbye, you are ruthless, but beautiful, shapavalov, as much as possible, good luck. yes, allow me, regimental doctor, elena yurievna, nagibina. that's right, lieutenant colonel lugovoi, your order is familiar. hello, levochka.
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atoms are made up of even smaller particles of three types. at the center of each atom there is a forming nucleus, protons and neutrons. electrons move quickly around the nucleus. everyone should learn the ninth paragraph, i’ll come and check, from their seats, so that no one gets up and doesn’t shout out any words, consider yourself glued, you understand, and don’t open your mouth, understand.
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my god, what's going on here? kotov, why are you standing in the doorway? it's all cats with it pranks? kotov, i knocked off all your knees, you crazy guy! van, why are you making fun of people? i have all the luck now! not only was he late, but he was also tossing around like a fool,
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so everyone sat down, burst out, i liked it, and you, cats, immediately put your diary on my table. so, andryusha, i graduated from the medical academy, when i found out that you got married, i was vomiting in tears for 2.5 years. then to tashkent, the central hospital asked for an appointment, they brought the wounded guys there, they worked around the clock, so my head quickly fell into place, my show your tears with empty water, you didn’t
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get married, you didn’t meet, you don’t meet your destiny twice, yes. i thought i forgot everything, so many years had passed, but it was bleeding, here’s the old drama, oh, den, den, it would be better if you didn’t come. lenochka, you are the most wonderful, you are the most wonderful, you
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are beautiful, the kind of jagor that clings us to other shores. only god knows. flight in 20 minutes. you still love, these others take care of you.
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getting to know belarusian enterprises and the outstanding results of their work. today we are already installing elevators at a speed movements.
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from my life, each of our cars is assembled by hand, because when you hold this part in your hands, you feel it, but how if you don’t feel your work, can you produce or weld such a machine? watch
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on the tv channel belarus 24. well, your hair is stunning, what money again, period, well, a fiver before payday, and oh, 5 rubles. 5 rub. well, ryaba, 5 rubles. yes sir. i'm free, the next one, tony, and
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tony, there's a tenner until payday, but no, fedotov, i won't give it, i gave it last time, you paid it back in two salaries, i won't give it, please, a loaf of bread and milk, oh, and i thought he was some kind of bachelor. people keep coming in the morning, uh-huh, they can’t make it to payday, they’ll squander everything down to the penny, come to me, i’m antonina, what’s your name, marina evgenia, and where do you live, instead of whom did you come, instead of the kovalevs, yeah, instead of the kovalevs, and so you are the wife of deputy commander polkanov, antonina, and can you tell me where the post office is, post office, marina elgievna. “it’s in our village, but there you have to
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go through the gate, but not through the main one, but through the second one, where the hangars are, and the bus runs, what should i do, please?” hello, hello, excuse me, can i order a conversation with leningrad? why did they quickly jump onto the windowsills? hello! hello, hello, hello,
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let's show what you have there, vanka, vanya, come here, vanya, we won't introduce you, she now lives in the same building as you, come here, let's go, let's go introduce you, vanya, what are you doing? you’re ignoring us, maybe i should just jump over to you, it’s a cool watch, now all you need is a fighter helmet, it’s zhenya, i see, but i saw you yesterday, and why did you hurt the ball... under a truck, and my parents and i were just driving in this truck, listen, you hitched yourself with your truck, you saw it, you didn’t see it, what’s the difference, what do you want from me, what’s wrong with it, i have no idea, it’s kind of strange today, he seemed to be fine, but it looks like some kind of fly bit him, yes, it looks like he was.
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yes, andryukh, we didn’t even have time to really talk, it’s been so many years since we’ve seen you, yes , i think it’s already 10 years, since the fifth anniversary of graduation, wow, damn, how time really flies, it seems like just yesterday you cadets we were running around, our daughters were just 15 years old, a bride, and i was still single. linochka is bent here, i know, we saw each other, marina, how normal, something is normal, you sound abnormal, everything is fine, san, everything is fine, okay, if you want to talk, we’ll talk, you know, i didn’t get married, i don’t regret it , but the nerves are stronger, in our business, after all, there is order in the family, order in the sky, and then a meeting. some lady, allow me
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to address you, comrade lieutenant colonel, listen, volodya, all the machines are ready to fly, well, if they are ready, then we will fly, too, comrade lieutenant colonel, where are we going, let me go, i allow you to eat, okay, andryukh, let's see you, come on, no, come on, come on!
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he’s destitute, the garrison of men is full of single men, and you, or maybe i love him, yes, you love everyone, well, say that heaven awaits everyone, alk, well, why did you turn up the music, you’ll deafen us all, don’t you look at what he’s doing , a?
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it's a jamb, but you and shnobel are right at the airfield, i've run out of water, let's get to work, that's it, that's it, i'm tired, huh?
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guys, guys, come to me, i gave you grades, get your diaries, stop the cats, where are you going, just stay here for now and wait until i hand out the diaries, you idiot.
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lately, fuck you all, vanya, vanya, vanya!
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good afternoon, antonina ivanovna, hello, hello, kotova, eh? you would like to cut it naked, well, come on, woman, the donut is naked only for the elite, that it’s a day off, a day off, a day off, a day off, so you decided to use it for business purposes, yes, cat, you should sculpt a sculpture for a museum, i put myself up to review to ruin people's mood, well, tell me too, antonina, you beautiful, yeah, beautiful, how...
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she doesn’t come into my store, yeah, otherwise i ’ve never seen her, but she’s a good person, she’s like a mitten, the flies in the store are dying of shock, listen, cat, are you defending her, but do you want to become her friend, or what? oh, look, she finds out that you and her man are playing tricks, then the whole garrison will laugh, and good luck, antonin, okay, i’ll go. i'm tired of looking at your charms here, go, go, gena, come here, gena, gena, gena, gena, don't you
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understand, oh, damn it, wild, if only you could invite me for tea, alenka, i ’ll come up, no,
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open it, you’re flooding my apartment, now the gas command will sound. everyone put on gas masks, get ready, time has gone, so , so, so, 7, 8, 9, 10, pichugin, shoals, maltsev, nosova, you sent, so, listen to me, a lesson in elementary, military... cooking prepares every soviet schoolchildren to combat operations theoretically and
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practically. it’s best for everyone to take off their gas mask, tanya, but how many monuments are there in the garrison, one, an old plane, it’s a monument, and the meadow onosova, stop talking. hello, hello, please, can i see fyodor nikolaevich petrushin? no, no, it’s not his wife, who’s asking him? this, this is a sister from baikal, this is intercity, no, nothing
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needs to be transferred, i’ll call you back tomorrow, goodbye. ships can be launched, oh, my god, my god, how can i do this, yes you go, go, i ’m broken, no, my wallpaper has already peeled off, it wasn’t enough for the floor to dry yet, we’ll glue everything back for you, you forgive me, please, my nerves are really bad today, i honestly don’t even remember how i i opened this tap. why, oh,
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no need, well, why, well, think both, i spat on this wallpaper a thousand times, my father painted it all for me anyway, think about the flood, but no one drowned, it’s true, it’s true, well, so what? then you cry, let’s scoop out the water, it’s unlikely that the letter will be sunnier. the days of the day are burning, the sentries are on duty, the heavens, the twist, come on!
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excuse me, please, but can you tell me what time it is? 6:22, thank you, 22
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in principle, everything is degrading for them today, diplomacy, when a diplomat whose mandatory the function is to build bridges, to maintain this thread of connection between the two conflicting parties, today these diplomats, on the contrary , are fomenting war, they are the main hawks, the same goes for their policies. in their economy, then what does the west care now? perished, if you are not lost, if you know who your opponent is, then you are moving towards victory. we are alien to this makevialist
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approach, according to which the end justifies the means, we are not capable of destroying everyone, we deny collective responsibility, we are not we are ready to lie, to meanness, to cooperate with the devil... the devils just to win, so our path is long, but this is a conscious choice, the mark’s project is nothing personal, watch on the belarus24 tv channel.
3:00 pm
this is news from the vladislav bunder studio. hello, here are just some of the topics of the issue. at the orthodox radunitsa , traffic police officers help relieve heavy traffic near cemeteries. exposing war crimes in afghanistan. supreme court.


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