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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 14, 2024 4:40pm-5:05pm MSK

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it was not easy for him, because the last words that i still managed to hear, he said, oh my god, that is, it was not easy for him, such a gap, but i want to ask you this question: your hometown, pinsk, no offense, lisa , this question in the third round, it was the most offensive thing in the entire history of my life, it was probably the most offensive moment, perhaps these points would have been enough for you to now stand on the main platform, yes, as they say in my city, i'm trampled on my back. but here i am i forgot about it, forgot about it in my city, but i ’m sure i knew this answer, i just wasn’t sure that maybe it could be some other city, i decided to wait for the end of the question, so arseny decided not to wait, well... first, you are from pinsk, and it seems to me that you can pronounce this phrase with pride even now, because this is a super final, you were so confident in the fourth round, the questions were not easy, of course, arseny was probably not entirely lucky.
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was in the lead, let’s just say, and i’m even amazed, like stesha in the fourth round i got these points, and i understood, like a mathematician calculated, that just one point would not be enough for us, but we are happy for arseny, we are proud of ourselves, really, a worthy opponent, a worthy victory, everything is super, i congratulate you, well arsenia managed to make a rematch, yes, i'm going to the main stage. congratulate the super winner,
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the super game is over, it’s time to congratulate the awards, the winner of our project and his teacher are grateful to the ministry of education of the republic of belarus, this wonderful bouquet for you, congratulations, thank you. the game is over, now we know the name of the super finalist, a ninth grader. there are two more super games ahead of us, in which there will be interesting questions and unexpected answers. see you later, bye! is it true that the autonomic nervous system has two divisions: sympathetic and parasympathetic? speaking,
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i don’t know, because i don’t know biology well, so my nervous system is on edge, i’m not sure, and as you answered, i answered that yes, it’s better to have a positive answer than a negative one. how long has it been since you held a book in your hands? we turned over page after page, greedily devouring every word. of all the manifestations of human creativity, the most amazing and worthy of attention are books. the thoughts of past times live in books, the voices of people are heard clearly and distinctly. "everything that
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humanity has accomplished has been preserved, as if by magic on the pages of books, by reading a person survives centuries, reading brings generations together, we value the past. belarus 24, the faces of saints from its wooden icons seem to look into the soul, you can’t hide from such a look, you can’t hide , people are used to seeing the same icons or something drawn, pictures here, postcards there, something like that, they come here and nikolai practically looks at you: having never studied the art
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of woodworking, he creates absolutely stunning works, equally deftly, managing with miniature chisels and huge chainsaws, i have three of them. all of different sizes, i make one there under the saws, the second above the saws, the third is the thread, i see what should happen, well , i see an almost finished thing, so i start choosing unnecessary parts, that’s all, the main thing is what he’s talking about dreams that the person who sees his creation wants to buy them for himself will experience the same emotions as he himself during work, if i cut something, i put a part of myself into it... i put it aside, because well, well , how else, it’s not just like that, i took the board, planed it there, i even need to feel it myself. valery fitinsky, a woodcarving master from the small town of derechin in the grodno region, a man who at one
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time, like many villagers, went to the big city for money and success, but years later he returned to his small homeland, and it was here, in his own words, that he finally... found himself. this gallery is only a small part of the master's wooden icons.
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figure out how to depict it yourself from, say, one of the sides, just on the written icon, this is not there. valery does not hide, in fact, he creates copies, but the faces in his works turn out to be very realistic, some saints look sternly and even sternly, some sufferfully and mercifully. for many, such realism is frightening and even alarming. people are used to they see the same icons or something... drawn pictures there, some postcards there, something, here it comes and nikolai practically looks you in the eye, like that. there are those, valery admits, who are fundamentally against calling his works icons in the full sense of the word.
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but for the master himself, it is not so important what those around him call his wooden creations, icons or spiritual panels. taking on such unusual creativity. many years ago he still can’t stop, let’s say nikolai, this, i sat down, i couldn’t to tear myself away from it, i sat and cut it all day, well , it took me about a day and a half to two days to make it, there were such moments that let’s say you start making an icon, now you’ve done half of it, but it’s like either he doesn’t let me in or something, i don’t, i don’t know, if i cut something, i put a part of myself into it, because... he has a partner, also a well-known wood cutter throughout the area mikhail grintsevich. together they can
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take on almost any, even large complex work, create a huge panel or carved chest. mikhail is an expert in geometric cutting. and valery rather specializes in large-scale work. by the way, with experience i came to the understanding that it is better to cut icons not from a single piece of wood, but to create them from several layers. it now consists of three parts: this is the first background, this is the first board, nikolai’s face is glued on it. here's the third one - this is a booklet, this one is glued, here the hand will also be glued to the top to create a large volume, let's say . yes, that is, it will be three-level, let’s say. for each work the master has his own tools: jambs, chisels, knives, cranberries. most are not purchased. valery says that a true master always makes an instrument to suit himself. this is the soviet one. this was
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once used to cut rails at some factory and it is very good. here i take it somewhere, i made this joint for about three hours. well, the most difficult thing. put your hand, my fingers were cut every day, when i just started, you’ll hurt yourself somewhere, but now we mainly make cutters for our personal, well, arm. that is, for it to sit in your hand, everyone has a different hand, right? mikhail is valery’s mentor, friend and colleague, many people around him are surprised, two masters, each with his own view, approach, with his own opinion, how they get along together, and even manage to work in tandem, they even reproach us that you cut together, well, why can’t we work together, we can’t do this, well, sculpture together, we can’t cut together, on the contrary and... more interesting, he starts doing something, even, i’m already like the eldest, i say,
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what are you, what are you you make something like this, but in the end it turns out to be a masterpiece, you know, in general, this is all the more surprising considering that valery never studied cutting, and not only small work that requires skills in handling a huge number of special tools, but also work that requires completely different professional qualities must be given to a good person. well, i see an almost finished thing, so i start choosing unnecessary parts, that’s all, here
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the volume is completely different, and you have to carry the saw all day, so it’s not easy, i’ll say, but i’ve used more than one saw with saws, i have them three, they are all different sizes, one is me i’m doing a saw there, a second one above the saw, a third carving, sculptures have appeared in the park, now many of them are covered with snow, but in the summer the park comes to life, children run here, belarus and uzbekistan are looking for new points of interaction, after the historic visit to tashkend of the belarusian leader in a delegation led by the minister arrived in minsk. the countries have reached a new level of partnership;
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an impressive package of documents was signed in february, and these are not memorandums, agreements that actually work in the energy sector, agriculture, science, and education. roadmap for 2 years, in it specific projects worth more than a billion dollars. new products also help promote technology under the made in belarus brand, among which an unmanned tractor will soon appear. what is known about this? during software development, special emphasis will be placed on... security and navigation systems. the main thing is to take into account the wishes of the farmers, because the drone will get to the field and do the work on its own. you can start the smart car from the remote control, the maximum speed is 38 km/h, and it can work 24x7. filming is planned in belarus about the legendary partisan father minai. who will be working on the project when it premieres? this is a joint work of the national film studio belarus film and the russian studio voen film, which it directs. news, analytics,
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expert comments and interesting facts: watch the events program on thursdays on the belarus 24 tv channel. children's curiosity and genuine interest, absolute honesty and... and the emotions of the characters. hello everyone, in exactly a minute a hero will come to us who will answer everything. are you ready to meet our a hero? why do you think the children chose you to talk to? i hope i can answer their questions. a talk show in which famous people answer tricky questions from the younger generation. how are you different at work from yourself at home? it seems to me solely by appearance. i’m not turning from... into a cute kitty, no, i’m either a grymza everywhere, or a kitty everywhere, how do you feel
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when people feel sorry for you, it’s extremely categorically negative, feeling sorry is not the same as sympathizing, pity is an arrogant feeling, it’s a feeling of superiority, see the project 100 questions for adults on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. like most young people, i dreamed of leaving the village for a big city, and he had such an opportunity, he could easily enter the then institute of physical education in minsk, i came, well, stuffed , a little guy who had never been anywhere, came, and there was an anthill, there were people there, i’ll be honest, i was just scared, or it wasn’t my thing, or i just felt like this...
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woodworking, i decided to try it, and this activity, as if it had become an outlet for him. then a difficult divorce took place in his life. valery recalls that if it weren’t for his creativity, he could have simply drunk himself to death. and then fate throws him another test. he gets into a terrible car accident. i barely survived, i lay on stretch marks for probably a month, i lay in hospitals and at home for probably a month or a month and a half, and i also couldn’t get up. but it was a shame to become disabled for the rest of my life, so i took my hands and stood on my feet while i was walking. valerie believes his miraculous salvation is not accidental. in this moment, at the request of a friend, he was taking an ancient icon to another city for restoration. maybe she pushed me to do what i ’m doing now, maybe she was protecting me, maybe on the contrary, something happened because of her.
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after all these trials, valery took a completely different look at his life. i realized that i no longer wanted to participate in the pursuit of the benefits of the big city, one day the school director, my ex, no longer met him, said: “valera, where are you? i say in minsk, he’s in minsk, and even didn’t ask where i work, where what, the main question is what am i in minsk, all the questions immediately disappeared, where am i, what am i, maybe i’m some kind of janitor, maybe who, there were no such questions, the main thing is in minsk, but i’ve never been sick with it, for me...” it didn’t matter, after all well, he was always drawn here, always drawn to his homeland. valery returns to his native village and completely devotes himself to his favorite craft. once he just looks on the internet and sees work that sinks into his soul, he gets down to business without any fear, although he has never done anything before. i didn’t do anything like that, but i made carved wooden icons for him.
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become something completely separate and special. and that's good. having left life in the big city behind him, returning to his homeland, valery took a new look at his life. there is time for internal introspection. why did his fate turn out this way? we were plowing all the time. all childhood. i felt sorry that the children were on vacation, playing football there, swimming in the river. we
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had nothing. you just had to help your parents, work somehow, earn some money, somehow get up there.
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in order to justify myself to myself, so i went and it’s as if everything should be forgiven me, now people have much less faith, and even just a little bit, if i
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sell my icon, if i let a little person buy it, at least just a little bit to fix it, it wasn’t in vain that i worked, so it wasn’t in vain that i sat, right, at least a little bit, valeriy, a master of wood carving and... from the small town of derechen. it took him many years to fully develop his talent. he lived in the capital, built a career i earned a lot of money, but only after returning to my homeland did i understand that it doesn’t matter where in the world you are, the main thing is how you feel about yourself. if you have something you love, and the results of your work leave no one indifferent, then you are in the right place.
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we follow the sporting life of our country. belarusian weightlifters won three licenses for the olympics in paris. the final qualifying start for the world cup ended in thailand. the most unexpected couple in the president's cup final: zhlobinsky metallurg and brest. the history of the championship has been rewritten again; never before have the sixth and seventh squads of a smooth season reached the golden series. and we review the most interesting events. british.
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