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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 14, 2024 6:30pm-7:46pm MSK

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our bright name goes to the people of the fatherland union, our beloved mother lives forever, belarus , our people, my mother, for the sake of. i am eternally alive belarus, once again, soul forever, we are a paron, i will slaughter you, forgetting to slaughter you.
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our belarus, beloved, mother, joy, may you live forever, dearly belarus, service to the people, strength of the people, our escape, our own paths. our
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song is clear, i will be, with all possible joys of the saints, our earth will be heard, praise the people of our forefathers’ union, our beloved. spasitiki, our favorite thing. and may there always be peace on our land,
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and may our descendants always preserve the memory of the heroes of the victorious may! it is clear to god that the snow has melted from the damp earth, the evil of the road has fallen, the storms of revelry, the sun is warmer than the sun, the ice has become worn out. the summer is falling, the gloom
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of every day is upon us, everything is visible, the geese are crowing, the sap on the oak tree is spreading, the cranes are dancing, and the winter is disappearing like smoke, the greener meadow is like hell the pain was overwhelming.
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goodbye, happily, kostya, heavy, oh, this time it’s not just salaries, here’s the thing.
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let me go, i say, help, help! but it stared at me so much that i don’t remember how i turned off, nothing, nothing, let’s go, that’s it. i’m alive, well, let me help, i wasn’t wounded, no, i’m going to die, i wanted to curse, but i’d rather, i think, i think, it’s better to kill me, but i won’t give it up, the police, but you ’re calling the police, andremech, well, you see for yourself how in recent years the criminal
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investigation department has been equipped with a wide variety of equipment, don’t worry, lieutenant, technology is technology, but it still cannot comprehend all the nuances of a little man, investigator sulitsky. dorokhov, matushkin, urgently to the incident. at the entrance of the tochnaya plant the mechanics attacked the cashier. go immediately, the car is at the entrance.
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major dorokov from the criminal investigation department, i ask only direct witnesses of the incident to remain. you, andrey demrievich, give orders here, and i’ll take care of the cashiers and the driver, come back, and draw up an inspection report. okay, let's go, let's go, let's go, comrade major, we found a cap here. it was lying around the car, where exactly? here, here in front on the right. okay, thank you, please, vera petrovna, take it, please tell me what did you saw? misha, yes, misha, let my friend try, take it, okay, let's try to sit. what did you see? i saw two people running there, one was in a coat, the second was in a jacket, and one more, like this, like this, like this. thank you for seeing? well? i heard a shot, ran out, they had already left in the car, over there, thank you, what did you see? well, when
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everyone ran there, i also noticed that two people were hiding around the corner, i didn’t see anything else, thank you? well, i also saw that there were two of them, one was so light, but they right around the corner and, thank you, we heard screams, everyone who was in the entrance ran out into the street, then we look, there are two people rushing around a muscovite, which you saw, but i didn’t see anything, i actually came later, we they asked only witnesses to stay, don’t interfere with work, okay, i’ll go. comrade mishkov, do you think that the second raider deliberately prevented the first
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one from shooting you, but of course, they were about five meters away from us, a little more and, as they say, a couple of wreaths on behalf of the local committee, thank you, please tell us what you noticed ? i i noticed that the second raider was behaving somehow strangely, he didn’t help him, but rather got in his way, so he grabbed him by the hand... he crawled around the corner, i see them running away, but i can’t run myself, their legs are miles, well , you know, who likes to run into a bullet, but you don’t remember their faces, i don’t remember, but people are like people, one is your height, the other is a little smaller, but i didn’t see their faces, some spots instead of faces, thank you, thank you, mikhail zakharovich, i’ll tell you, i saw everything, we stood there, and... the two of them ran to the car, one was without a hat, the second was tied up like that, and this one took him by the neck
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and dragged him there, thank you, well, if i remember anything else, i’ll find you myself, okay, okay, thank you. vera petrovna, there are traces of a car here, the width of the tire print is 14 cm, the distance between the protrusions. 3 cm. the length of the track trace is
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2 m 70 cm. so far, unfortunately, i do not have any clear assumptions. and in my opinion, everything is extremely clear. there were three criminals. two of them attacked the cashier and the driver. the third was waiting for them in the car around the corner. the first two had a pistol, from which it was produced shot. based on the shell casing found, we can say with confidence that it is a pistol.
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well, why are you in such a hurry, tire prints are only part of a typical tread, and even then without any special features, that’s why we can’t even determine the make of the car, vera petrovna, with difficulty, but we can, no, with difficulty we can’t, allow me, yes, please, a hat made of andatra fur, a water rat, homemade, handmade, size fifty-seven, it was worn a little, judging by the smell, the owner uses cheap cologne. i advise you to show it to someone from specialists from our cooperation, they will tell you where such a hat could be bought or sewn. thank you, thank you. well, finally, in our hands was a hat that belonged to one of the criminals. yes, we can find intruders using this hat alone. as the ancient
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romans said, sapinte sad, smart enough. yes, a hat. of course, this is indisputable evidence, but we still need to think about how to use it to find the owner. the city has a million inhabitants, approximately half of them are male. how many of them wear andra hats? statistics are not yet available i've arrived. just estimate how long it will take to find the person who lost this particular hat. yes, we need to check whether there have been car thefts recently ; perhaps no one will dare to do such a thing. it’s bad that no one could clearly
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describe the signs of the criminals. in general , there are a lot of unclear things in this case, well, what is not clear, at least that one of them shot from a distance of five steps and did not hit anyone, they were leaving, which means they wanted to scare, when people in broad daylight decide to rob a factory cash registers, then usually they are without any. in general, something is wrong, two witnesses testified that when the tall one raised the pistol, the second one pushed him under the arm, well, what does it matter, in our business everything matters, and the more incomprehensible the little thing, the more important it can
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turn out to be , so what are we going to do now? think, search, search and think, andreyvich, why did you remove me from interviewing witnesses, because you started it wrong, which means wrong, and so, you shoved a microphone under a person’s nose and bombarded him with questions, the witness didn’t really have time yet answer how you interrupted him and asked a new question, in general you need to be more careful with the microphone. “many people get lost at the sight of him, i’m not asking for my own pleasure, i’m an official person, they, as citizens, should help, everything is correct, the civic duty of every witness is to help us find the criminal, but you will be convinced more than once that he’s the only one a witness tells two people differently, we must be able to listen,
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mountains of books have been written about the art of speaking, but about the art of listening - i didn’t have to read anything, everyone urgently provide police protection to officials who receive large sums of money from banks. immediately report car theft cases to the criminal investigation department, together with the public. identify men who have lost their andra caps. imagine!
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the first information about the missing hats has arrived, we need to sort it out. i wish you, comrade major. hello. district inspector mazurok. how are you, comrade mazyrok? what did you come with? brought a case of car theft. interesting. we usually find stolen cars quickly. a 3 a rather strange incident happened a few weeks ago. a taxi was stolen in broad daylight. the driver stopped home for lunch. half an hour later he comes out, but the car is gone, it’s unclear who needed the car for why. car number, 11:38 mis, how did you search? yes, in any case,
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as if it fell through the ground, we decided that it had been dismantled into parts. why do you think so? as you yourself understand, you can’t drive it, every traffic police employee knows its number, they would have spotted it right away. well, i'll have the matter for now, okay, and you keep us informed, say thank you, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, andridich, do you really think that criminals could have used this car? it’s unlikely, but not impossible. yes, those statements that say that the hat is not
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andatrova’s, rabbits, i don’t check, we will check every signal, touch each hat with our own hands, think, think, but not seven times, as usual, criminals are dangerous, what do you want, so that they would repeat the attack somewhere else? we have to search, search, search, i understand, anton georgievich, well like your new assistant, nothing, nothing, in my opinion, he’s a great erudite, eager to fight, and what kind of worker he is, this can only be understood in practice, well, go ahead, andrei dmitrievich, but i’m warning you... you need to find them how as soon as possible, yeah,
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childish curiosity and genuine interest, absolute honesty, sincere emotions of the characters. hello everyone, in exactly a minute a hero will come out to us who... tricky questions of the younger generation. how are you at work different from a talk show where famous people answer themselves at home? it seems to me exclusively external view. i’m not turning from some kind of grump into a cute cat. no, i’m either a grymza, everywhere or. everywhere, how do you feel when people feel sorry for you? extremely categorically negative, to feel sorry is not the same as to sympathize, pity is
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an arrogant feeling, this is a feeling of superiority, look at the project 100 questions for adults on the belarus 24 tv channel, the heroes of this program chose life. outside the city, why do you need it, and where does the money come from, the two favorite questions, i would really like to take a look at what the school looks like, which no longer a school inside, there they see more opportunities, use them to the maximum, 26 piglets, you have chickens, 130 chickens, who else do you have, ducks, cow, cow, cow, ducks, that's what you don't have, it's free. why rural life
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is still better than city life, then in the future, maybe we’ll arrange this, when we make reception rooms for guests here in the future , we’ll make some coffee somewhere, maybe some kind of lawn service, that’s what we have valuable remains here, we’ll hang them here, probably for display, it’s fashionable now to tell the reception there will be how it all happens, 13 children, we’ll just reward you with a portion of applause, smiles, thank you very much, look. project i'm from a village on the belarus 24 tv channel . hello, old, yeah, and borya, great, hello,
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how's life, and okay, where have you gone?
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then i had some anti-theft secrets there, but just in case, in general, you had to know them before getting into the car. secondly, this is not a private lada, it’s a taxi, you can’t easily drive it around the city. i'll try to guess who she's for did you need it? how was her speed, how long could she survive, and what speed was there, but the engine was acting up, it was already necessary to change it. i gave 60, well, you don’t need to go around the city anymore, you know, but what do you think, maybe one of your friends? no, what are you talking about? yes no, yes no, i can’t even think, but maybe it was dismantled into parts, oh, what kind of parts are there, what are you talking about, it’s repaired and rebuilt,
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but i wouldn’t take it for scrap metal. comrades, the principle is this: based on the facial details that you remember, we are trying to recreate the portrait of the criminals, everyone offers everything, what did he remember, let's start with the leader, who remembers his signs? well, he had a hat pulled down over his very eyebrows, uh-huh, what kind of face did he have? i think
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his face was square. please come here, look, there is something similar here, or here, thank you, sit down, yeah, it wasn’t square at all, it was wrapped in a scarf right up to the nose, but, on the contrary, it was, in my opinion, oblong, how did you determine this? if the face was wrapped in a scarf up to the nose, i don’t know, of course, but it seemed to me so, well, what kind of eyebrows he had, who remembers, and the hat was pulled down so low that the eyebrows were not visible, no, he had eyebrows, they were all the same, that ’s what, lord, eyebrows, well he had no eyebrows or something, i remember, well, what kind of nose did he have,
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was his nose visible? crooked, straight, like a shoe, like a potato, does anyone remember, i remember his eyes, there was something like that in them , here, not... whenever i forget them, how are you doing? nothing came of it, one says one thing, the other another, and the cashier declares: show me their little darlings, i recognize them by their eyes alone, first we need to find them, we need to check this statement, another hat, guess what, the fifth one this week? andrey dmitrovich, what should we do? if necessary, we will check the thirteenth hat, the twentieth hat. who do you want? good afternoon. good afternoon. i'm talking about your statement about the missing hat. ah,
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very good. please pass. but, unfortunately, oleg just left. nothing. have they already found the robbers? no, the robbers were not found. they only found the missing hat. please look at which of these hats yours? this looks similar, very similar, look closely, but it’s her. you see, there is no mark on it either, i got it through friends, olezhka will be happy, and maybe this is not your hat after all, but do you really think that i don’t recognize my son’s hat, which i bought myself,
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you can consider that it has been returned to its rightful owner, excuse me, but i cannot leave it with you until the owner himself recognizes it, there are always some formalities, a child. how old is your child? 19 where does he work he doesn’t work he studies at night school how about he doesn’t work like that and studies at night school , how naive are you and you also work in the police? already in the eighth grade, oleg began having conflicts with his teachers, and he had to bring in the evening class. it’s clear, of course, we got a certificate. and here olezhka has come, oleg. michael, oleg, what?
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they brought your hat here. look, here. what, did you file a police report? well, what about it? you know how much this hat cost me. you are crazy. i never expected that you could throw something like this away... forti, oleshenka, oleshenka, just look at this hat, as it should, she’s definitely yours, well, look, you’ll leave me alone, but what should i do with him, you see how he talks to me, because i dedicated my whole life to him, that’s gratitude, he wasn’t like that before, something happened to him lately.
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comrade major, you instructed me to check this hat, i will bring the matter to the end, until tomorrow, until tomorrow, this is where it all happened, here, yes, yes, here, it means you were walking along this alley, two guys caught up with you, they tore off their hat and ran away, remember their signs, well, guys...
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if we could help, let’s go and sit down, otherwise the more i ask you, the more questions i have, well, maybe that evening there was nothing at all, but what did you want? to say this, but the fact that from 100 to 11:00 in the evening, you were in the last physics lesson at school, and your c was recorded in the journal, listen, why are you attached to me with your hat, well, okay, but no one has me robbed, i came up with all this for my mother, so that she would get rid of it, she ran to you, where did the hat go, and this is, after all, my personal business, if you want, consider that i have lost it, that’s it, no, not everything, you’re lying again, if you had lost your hat, you would have paid attention to the one your mother identified yesterday, but you
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didn’t even look at it, and i i just knew it couldn’t be my hat, why? listen, let's put this conversation off until tomorrow, no, we'll finish it today, i can't do it today, well, i'm late, but if you 're in a hurry, tell me, go with your hat, okay, well, well, i gave it to wear for a while and one of my comrades is satisfied, can? look at this comrade, but this was still not enough, in which case you will have to come with me, this is where else to go, to the criminal investigation department, oleg, lena, olesh, dear, what happened, but you forgive lina that you could not meet, i’m having a conversation with the lieutenant, the fact is that the police received a statement from oleg shustoy’s mother about the loss of andatrov’s hat. what statement did you
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give me with her face? well, here you go, so why don’t you give me 2 days, but i really ask you, don’t say anything to the deer’s mother, okay, you you know, when i was driving this hat, i thought i was dragging a pike, but it turned out to be god knows what. six, don’t think that i’m weak, i’m just sorry for the lost time, five, milk, strange, at school i didn’t get less than 25, probably the pistol was bad with...
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nine, ten, ten, and you don’t have a lot of lieutenants, i'll have to practice some more. no credit, well, in general, now in the criminal investigation department, marksmanship seems to be of no use, yes, please, tomorrow , take care of the missing taxi. andrey idmitovich, could you explain to me, what is the connection between the attack on the factory cashier and the missing taxi? so far, unfortunately, i cannot definitely answer your question, but you need to check, but in my opinion, there is no way. there is no connection here, and there cannot be, well
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, think for yourself, what kind of cretin will go among belodnya to rob in a car, which for the second month now all the traffic police have been looking for, the one you work with is dead, and ' well , like an old man, he finds fault with every little thing, not without this, wow, you’re already a senior lieutenant, we’re working, you know, but to be honest, i thought everything would be fine...
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we’re all young, we’re working without regard for authorities, so come on, bye. andreyvich, yes, don’t you think that the business we are doing is unpromising, we didn’t succeed with hats, and now we don’t even know what to get hold of, i
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somehow didn’t even know that there were such concepts as promising and unpromising. for me , the main thing is that there are criminals who have a gun and a car, and who are unlikely to give up their criminal plans, so finding them and neutralizing them is simply our duty, comrade major, i decided to move to another group, as it is, go to another group, well, i’m not going to... persuade or deter, you are not a boy, you have a legal education, in general, do as you see fit, the last tt pistol was put on the wanted list 23 years ago.
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well, sadis, then you want to leave dorokhov? yes, but what exactly doesn’t suit you? this is a difficult question, comrade, but still, well, somehow we didn’t immediately have a relationship with major dorokhov, as it were... maybe the age difference, well, dorokhov forces him to check every little thing, which means nitpicks over every little thing, a callous man, in general, a decent cracker, yes, i see, comrade colonel, you know major dorokhov quite well, yes, dorokhov, i know
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who, who, and major dorokhov, i know better than whoever it is. well, in principle we can transfer you, but we have a rule that we don’t leave halfway. hide your report, bring the matter to an end with the doctor, and then come, i will transfer you at any moment, if of course you want, agreed? well, your situation, andrei dmitrievich, yes, it can’t get any worse, yes, and there seem to be a lot of moves,
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but not a single sensible one, it’s a tricky thing, aren’t you? made friends, hmm, nothing, you always have an unexpected move into the stash, i know you, old man, we’ve worked for many years, but when you and i worked together, then it was a different matter, now they gave me a newbie, everything ’s not right for him. well, i give up, let’s take revenge before my consultant comes, i can’t take it anymore, i promised my wife to come early, muttering at young people is a sign of old age, andryush,
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you see 10 years ahead, two or three move, well, what do you want, and i propose revenge tomorrow, tomorrow, then tomorrow, let me play with you, well, please, you play strangely, not at all according to theory, but i have my own theory, to play not like ... everything, you know, i believe that every game is won by one strong move, the main thing is not to miss the moments to make this move, but you are too much, you can’t go anywhere. let's see how you put your theory into practice, well, when i have the opportunity
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to take it, i always take it, please, but keep in mind, greed will not lead to good, you are in a hopeless situation, this cannot be, because i still have a fersy. here is your ferce, but this is a purely random loss, accidental, you are playing too adventurously, and with such a game , collapse is usually inevitable.
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we tell you how to choose quality products for healthy dishes. take the nuts in your hands and estimate their weight. don't take ones that are too light. such fruits either have no kernels at all, or they are dried out. ground beef is dark red in color and has a pleasant smell with a slight milky aroma. correct! breakfast - the key to health and good mood. today we will cook lasagna with pumpkin and spinach, quite unusual, but i think sometimes you can treat yourself. let's get started. if you have a busy day ahead and you know you need a lot of energy, this is the breakfast that will do the trick. don't forget about invigorating exercises. we raise our arms up, raise our legs and do this cool exercise. watch the breakfast
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of champion project on the belarus 24 tv channel. what is the miracle of belarusian politics? is that we don't we forget about people, the simple person is at the forefront . china and belarus will work together as peace-loving states and... he is truly humane, the future lies ahead of us, the project, don’t be silent, don’t miss
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new episodes on the belarus24 tv channel. hello, andrey dmitrievich, yes. how many years, how many winters, we haven’t seen each other for a long time, but we rarely come here, please excuse me for being late, you know, business, worries, troubles, i’m at your service, excuse me, i ask you, whose job? this is andattra, judging by the quality of the fur, look, it’s homemade,
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non-standard, in general, it’s a handicraft hat, they don’t sew such hats in our city, i know that for sure.
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it's late, go home!
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lieutenant, try to change your mood, otherwise it will be difficult for you to work, okay. it’s you, andrei dmitrievich, you ’re calling late today for something, i thought you gave me a break, but understand, nikolai ivanovich, i’m not the only one tormenting you with questions, the sixth precinct officer, i’m tormenting you for this evening, andrei dmitrievich, i’m telling you i gave all the information about the lost hats, and the cars are on mine
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they didn’t steal the site, maybe your friends did something else. yours in the corner, for sure, well, what an eye, just a sniper, you probably spend all your evenings here, but what can an old man do, i ’ve been retired for a long time, the old woman died, my sons scattered in all directions, one consolation,
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billiards, it’s obvious. well, don’t tell me, but you know, in my youth i played well, i didn’t have the same, but now you know, the blow is no longer the same, no, the blow is not the same, my eyesight has let me down, well, sometimes some weirdo will come across, like you, you look and the winnings, the double, that’s it, well, please go to the buffet. two beers, please, why did you decide to play with beer? and what, on a large scale, they say they are playing here, but no, the player has shredded today, yes. it’s rare that
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they play for big money, but it’s true, a week ago the guy was alone, since he had a scar, he put a whole box of cognac against one of ander’s hats, yes, for your health, beauty, at first he lost, he lost two games. and then he still won. what is a scar? nickname? don't know. everyone calls him that because of his scar. he has a scar right here on his right cheek. listen, does it start like this often? no, for the first time. he works here, just around the corner at the grocery store. andrey
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dmitrievich, tell me what's new with you? comrade colonel. so far i can’t say anything reassuring, we are working, feeling for connections, checking versions, but there are no concrete results yet. i have information that yesterday in sberkass, in a shady alley , two suspicious types were hanging around for a long time. the police department has strengthened security there, but this signal indicates that you, andrei dmitrievich, need to hurry up. and you still haven’t found it is this a stolen taxi? and the taxi fell through the ground. or maybe this car was repainted or the numbers were changed? “it’s unlikely, we, together with the traffic police, have been looking for this car for a whole month, all the workshops have been warned, besides , this taxi, in addition to the paint color and license plate
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, has its own special signs, but maybe it can still help you, well, take plishkevich’s group under your command and entrust her with searching for this taxi. thank you, anton georgievich, “not yet, you know, too much fuss can sometimes get in the way, well then hurry up, major, we simply don’t have the right. to allow a second attack, although dorokhov is engaged in the search, none of us can remain on the sidelines, that’s it, the meeting is over, everyone is free, volodya, i’m at the department, stay andrid. no, i’m busy, i’m busy,
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it’s difficult, yes, it’s difficult, but how is andrey, your assistant working, right? everything seems to be fine, anton georgievich, he’s trying, the matter is very complicated, he might still be replaced by a more experienced one, but why, we’ve already worked together, okay, keep me informed of all your affairs.
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they were born in different parts of the world, i came i came to belarus from syria, i came here to study, i came from kazakhstan, the city of almaata, very much. beautiful mountainous area, i had no one left there, everyone went their separate ways, everyone found something for themselves here, these masks took part in several shows, which we organized first here in our village, then again in the city lida was the opening of such a creative space, i also had a fashion show for masses there, each hero has his own unique story and his own view of belarus.
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i work at a company that makes special equipment that helps save people. our quality, your safety protection. our company is famous for its traditions, as well as for many dynasties of cement workers. ready to share knowledge. in 1933, the state commission signed an act of acceptance for operation of the cement plant. the first tons of krichev cement.
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interesting thing about this makeev, andrey dmitrovich, according to the deduction method everything fits, and you tell me more about this deduction, this makeev, nicknamed kolka shram, from the very beginning in the winter he wore an andatrovo hat, suddenly appeared at work in a cap, said that he had touched his hat somewhere while he was drunk, before that he served 3 years in a colony for hooliganism, andrei dmitrevich. maybe take it and show it to the cashier,
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everything will become clear right away. what about the presumption of innocence? after all, apart from the fact that he lost the andathrian cap and was judged , we have nothing significant at our disposal. my intuition tells me that makeev was probably involved in this matter. intuition of intuition. very careful attitude towards people, especially those who served their sentences, they react very painfully to undeserved suspicion, let's not get into a fever, and check everything again, well, come on, andrei dmitrievich, sorry for the late call, you were interested in makeev, he...
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just fell for stealing wheels, i already sent the car for you, what i said, i got caught with this makeev, well, let’s get to know him legally. hello, i wish you good health, hello, allow me to report, yes, please tell me how everything happened at my site, except for taxi hijacking. over the last month, three more
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windows were removed from cars, one also had wheels, the head of the department simply did not let me pass, they kept stealing and stealing, then i decided to watch them, i didn’t sleep at night, i tortured all the wipers, i caught them, right red-handed, where it happened, we have one big yard here, where there are a lot of private cars, i set a trap for them there, but you didn’t go from the yard to the street...
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why did you go stealing, you can have a cigarette, smoke, you needed money, but you know the wheels , such a product that you just offer, but the buyer, that means... was waiting in the car at that time, in what other car, in the one that was parked near the house, i didn’t even see any car, they say, two weeks ago you lost your andatra cap, you never know what they say, as you can see, the andra hat is with me, this is the same hat that you won in billiards, where did you put the first one? i
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wore this hat to her at the beginning of the winter, it was the case that i touched it somewhere while drunk, but in vain you make a sober person remember what he did while drunk , and you could not defend her during attacks on a cashier at a precision mechanics factory, what cashier, and you want to attribute this to me, well, go ahead, go ahead! all dogs, i’m a convicted person, and if we show you to the cashier, show, show. tarikov pyotr fyodorich, electrician, zheka, born in 1960, how come you are a young man, how did you end up stealing, that’s all, well , honestly, if it weren’t for him, i would
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never, never, well, well, believe me me, well, well, honestly, where was the car waiting for you, what car you were going to take the wheels off, but no, we came on foot, that’s how long in all, he asked me to say, help me, no one will faint, right? well, if i knew that everything would be like this, i would, well, never, never, well, believe me, honestly, it’s already five, yes, it looks like makeev didn’t really trust this tarikov, i’ve got him somewhere i saw someone, tarikovo, and quite recently, i can’t. where remember, remember, maybe it will be useful, uh-huh, all sorts of these, olechka, well done, well done, so, let's run,
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let's run, sasha, don't lag behind, good afternoon, hello, lieutenant matushkin, criminal manhunt, can i distract you for a few, come on kids, yes, yes, of course, i would like to talk. so he got in touch with the company, i even went to the military registration and enlistment office, i wanted him to be accepted into the army, well , i couldn’t wait, he got caught for hooliganism, only after 3 years he returned, i barely
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persuaded my husband to come back to live with us, well, then things seemed to go backwards, they push, go play, where are you going? he lost it, then he got a new one somewhere, what a story, and well, you know, my husband’s relatives live in novosibirsk, and so do i i asked them to send... a hat, and i told my husband that i would write and ask them to send two, but nikolai lives in our family and we wanted him to somehow not feel lonely, so they sent these two hats, and nikolai was very happy, so he wore this hat, so half a month ago he came
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without a hat, and i tell him where you got the hat, and he says that i lost it, but i have a husband i was on a business trip at the time. nikolai was very upset and i then told him not to be upset, i gave him another, inna nikolaevna, will you calm down when your husband returns? yes, and then, it means, he brought this hat, he got it somewhere, in general, he calmed down later, he was so cheerful, and my husband. when he returns, i received a telegram, today, the day after tomorrow in the morning he should return, you know, it’s all my fault, i, i beg you, but maybe we can help nikolai somehow, please, we will do everything that can be done ,
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just calm down, excuse me, i have to go, thank you, goodbye, all the best, goodbye, goodbye. comrades, we have lunch, come after 3 o’clock, so 4:12, 3.62, 60 kopecks. 75, hello girls, hello, hello, how's the trade, 4:42, we're having lunch, come after 3, please. sorry, that's 60 kopecks. i don’t understand something here, from the criminal investigation department. to you for help. how can we help you? makeev worked for you, you didn’t remember who he met with, but you know, he had acquaintances
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in half the city, they came, you can’t remember everyone, who was his friend, well, your admirer, what a fan who gave us candy here treated him, and igor vasilyevich, what a friend he is, sometimes gave him vodka without waiting in line, but he was some kind of scientist, he invited him to go for a ride on the volga, and which one? somewhere he had a volga, who do you take me for, i have no idea, as if i would immediately agree, but he was often in your store, you know, he used to be often, but in general he hasn’t been seen here for a long time, well, thank you, please, please, 4:12, 3.62, 60,
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andrei demievich, in general, everything fits, look, there are three here with a car, there are three with car, again a hat, yeah, in my opinion, it needs to be arranged very... everything will become clear right away, but maybe there’s no need to rush into identification, why? this makeev behaves very confidently, and tarikov does not look like a participant in the raid, he is too much of a coward, by the way, do you remember where you saw him? no. but somewhere i saw him, somewhere i saw him,
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i remembered, i remembered, you know, where i saw him, at the scene of the incident, he was spinning there, i also took him for a witness, he was wearing a jacket with a company logo, that means tarikov at all recently... he quit to cover his tracks, of course, tarikov is the spotter, makeev is a participant in the attack, the cashier will definitely identify makeev, you see the arrested man, please take over. to any place among them.
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hello. hello. citizen yatsevich. yes it's me. in accordance with article 164 of the criminal procedure code of the belarusian ussr, you are invited to... please look at these people, tell us, do any of them look like your attackers?


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