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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 15, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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translated to our employees from polish, now we can use it to treat everyone to this cheesecake. according to the guest, the neosvizh cutlet is not a cutlet at all, it is equated to fried meat, all because it is made from minced pork. let's dive into holiday culinary traditions. pich, of course, is pich, only here in this area it is not called kulich, if in the whole world easter cakes - it turns out to be easter cakes, in general, these are buns for easter, and we will also introduce the tv viewer to the history of this or that area of ​​our country, they go to nesves to see the castle, the farny church, everything connected with rodivil, by the way, pay attention to the caps, the letter r, which means rodivil, look in the project, where is the food?
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the next point on our route is the museum, which houses a unique collection of 3,000 exhibits. tell us how the history of your museum began, well, our history of the museum began with our family, figuratively speaking, we have a unique family on the territory of belarus, we have a family. 13 people
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who gave their, so to speak, lives and before we still continue to serve our homeland, that is, we are military personnel, in total we have served for more than 330 years, my son, alexey, is a very enthusiastic person, so here he is, being at the border outpost, literally in the instruments that were , entrenching tools, i found this sapper shovel, it was painted, this sapper shovel, that is, i understand correctly, this is where your muse began with this thing, it was painted, then he became interested in what could be written there, so. ..
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samples of military uniforms of soldiers, officers of the red and soviet armies, deception of military personnel of germany, japan, the usa and poland. the collection includes a variety of household items from the last century, nomismatics and military antiques from the times of the first and second world war. particular attention is drawn to the exhibition of retro motorcycles produced in the thirties of the last century. by the way, did you know that even in the first world war, the cavalry of the russian cavalry took part in the defensive. they begin to sit on some
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wheels, we have collected those motorcycles here, on which we then focused on in the future, began to be produced in the soviet union, this is the main combat motorcycle of the wehrmacht dkv-350, it was produced from 1938 to 44, and then they became like this dkv300.
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year, where you can clean it out with a sapper's shovel, then this plant, as it produced military products, was confiscated from them after the victory to compensate for the damage caused to our country, and this plant was taken to
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the territory of the soviet union, on the basis of this plant in 1946 it was produced motorcycle ish-350, in forty years... 49 so this is, well, call it what you want, either dad or mom, of our izh. the main motto of the tikunov couple in this fascinating business: if the uniform is from 1941, then the laces must match. the entire military collection is made up of authentic historical exhibits. here you can see the 41-4 bandages. the second year, maps of that period, and letters, most importantly, these are triangles that came directly from the front, there are very unique ones here, here they are unfolded, which means that one soldier wrote
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a letter to a girl from the front, well, there was a pencil it’s simple, he wrote a couple of words there , drew a flower with a simple pencil, it’s unfolded like this, no, don’t think, i didn’t read it, at least to be honest, i really wanted to look at least with one little eye, we have a black box, please define , what's in this box, it's a container for food, no, a bird, no, sorry, no, a set of tools, no, uh, a radio, no, something to be stored here, well, i mean, something was carried there, let's open it , then we’ll see, well, this one, it’s for storage, no, but no, well, hello,
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as you understand, i received a two grade for the assignment, the secret was simple, these are trench weapons, it was produced from 1941 to 1945, it was borrowed from switzerland, this one was produced when the war ended, it was necessary to take out a license to produce this, but what -it didn’t work out, which means either there wasn’t enough money, or something else, and such a patent was not taken, and... they stopped producing it, so we practically don’t have them, but only a few, which could be more useful , than a joke, they cure us more than anything, everyone has known for a long time that harmful
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a phenomenon, a bad mood, is worthy of condemnation, therefore, do not be shy, do not be turned away. and i go further to the bresse fortress to the kobrin fortification, built by karl operman almost 2 centuries ago. it is here, on the territory of the brest fortress , that the youth patriotic center is located, where children from all over the republic receive the basics. law, studies the history of his native land, trains endurance, endurance and dexterity.
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well, let's go meet the guys? attention, general team, stand, for example, now, on to the street for the step march classes, hello, olga, everything here is so serious, yes, the program that the children here are now studying in, this program is called training camps.
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there are some relaxations, yes, that is , boys learn to assemble and disassemble a machine gun, well, yes, i don’t presume to say that here girls also learn to assemble and disassemble a machine gun, boys do physical training, learn hand-to-hand combat, girls, together on par with them, sometimes, you know, the girls show results much better than the mochiks, what are you talking about, well, yes, victoria, and you would like to join the army, well, to be honest, not really. but at least i’d like to try, then i invite you to work out
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with our children, let’s go, for example, walk forward, walk in my foot, wave your hands, right shoulder forward, well, i’m a girl, can i do some indulgences? well, in the end, i like it, the dream team. the task set before me, i tell you, is not an easy one, because this is the first time in my life that i am holding an air rifle in my hands.
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we take the shot smoothly, we’re not afraid, we push it to the end, well done, by the way, well, almost in the middle, the first time, than well, in a double shot, that is, almost in the same place, a little to the left, you could have taken it a little more to the left, the yoke will be the second ten, where would i end up?
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well, the next obstacle is in front of me, i have to climb up the slope, a task, you see, it’s also, oh-oh-oh, well, yes, i would hardly have done it with my training. saved someone, but it won’t fall off, no, but the rope will hold one and a half tons, shoot it, it’s clearly better than crawling, oh-oh-oh, listen, this it’s really difficult, okay, you just need to get used to it, listen, i like it, the views
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are beautiful, oh, let’s continue, wait, that’s it, hoba, hoba, we’ve finished the exercise, cool, it’s beautiful, here, well, let’s sum up the results of the sports day, you you need to take a survey based on the results of the training camp, the final survey is called, please. thank you, thank you, travel and study the history of your native land, knowing historical
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victories and defeats is the most important thing to work on your mistakes, enjoy. peace and make the right decisions, agree, bye the memory is alive in our hearts, then an unbreakable thread stretches from generation to generation, from event to event, but we build the joyful moments of our lives ourselves every weekend , together with the project, the route is built, i was with you vika poplevchenkova, see you on interesting routes our beautiful belarus.
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stop running to see how it rains, leaves move, the sun shines, and how our life is built from all these little things, you want to look at this world differently, discover something new every day, we find it so interesting because we do it with love. with love from belarus.
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how scary the displacement is for me when i turn to you, to god’s people, whom the lord loved so much that he gave his life for them, how scary it sometimes is even to think about it. that i am a priest, as fragile, weak as everyone else, i say, in the name of father and son and the holy spirit, because a priest is not a profession or a position, it is a vocation, it is
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a ministry, clergy do not retire, they serve.. . until the last, while they can stand at the throne in the altar. there's no such thing, that you came home from work, hung your cassock in the closet , became a simple gelding who can say, don’t touch me, i’m tired, i have a day off, and at the same time there should be no illusion, as many young people have now... that they will save peace, it doesn’t happen like that, the most important thing for a priest is to love god more. everything that makes up life, and reflect your love in the life around you. in addition to the will
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of god, and life circumstances beyond our control, there is god’s providence, that is, the path of co-creation with the lord, this path destined for man from birth. hears the call of god, then he reveals his full potential in what he is destined to accomplish in earthly life, that’s how every step in life, starting from childhood, turned out to be necessary for me. belaya rus, a white stone temple, with a tall
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candle, a burning golden dome, it can be seen from the main avenue of the capital of belarus. this candle was lit by the belarusian people, lit in memory of all the fallen compatriots who defended their homeland. the place chose me. and it would be more correct to say the lord, who determined to serve him here. after the all-union celebrating the millennium of the baptism of russia, the city executive authority allocated two plots of land to the orthodox church, only he, the lord alone, knew what would happen next. an empty field, imagine now, lack of experience, alarming news. the collapse of life, and i returned from germany,
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a great country, a time of change of eras, devastation, to put it simply, many then left the country in search of work, the best to build a temple for god. the unknown is always alarming, but it makes you trust the lord completely. it all started with hope and faith, it was necessary to take the first step, and it was an acquaintance with the architect lev nikolaevich pogorelov, a new acquaintance, an acquaintance in a new way, because we knew each other through the project of the diocesan administration, which stands on liberation street in minsk. the task that i saw myself set before me.
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belarus and uzbekistan are looking for new points of interaction; after the historic visit to tashkent of the belarusian leader , a delegation led by the minister of foreign affairs of uzbekistan arrived in minsk. tell us the details. countries reached a new level of partnership. an impressive package of documents was signed in february, and these are not memoranda, but an agreement. which actually works in the energy sector, agriculture, science, and education. a roadmap for 2 years, it contains specific projects worth more than a billion dollars.
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new products also help promote technology under the made in belarus brand. among them, an unmanned tractor will soon appear. what is known about this? when developing software, special emphasis will be placed on the security and navigation systems. main - take into account the wishes of farmers, because the drone will get to the field and do the work on its own. you can start your smart car using the remote control. the maximum speed is 38 km/h. will be able to work 24x7. a film about the legendary partisan father minaya is planned to be shot in belarus. who will work on the project when. its premiere will take place; it is a joint work of the national film studio belarus film and the russian studio voen film, headed by igor ugolnikov. the start of filming has been announced for august, the release of the film will coincide with eightieth anniversary of the great victory. the majority of the film crew will be belarusian actors and specialists. news, analytics, expert comments and interesting facts. watch in the program events on thursdays on the belarus 24 tv channel. good morning
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belarus with svetlana borovskaya is a fascinating acquaintance with unusual people, you are a historian, but i have one technical education, the other in history, but we decided not to teach, to immediately make a museum so that we can be whole classes, well, the secrets of a good mood, i don’t know if it’s necessary for beauty put on the second beauty, let's be afraid, you know, it will be very beautiful, imagine, girls, boys, he talks about the roman patricians, and i like the needle for him, so god, this is just a work of art, and also many interesting educational stories , they said hello for the day , thank god for everything, besides playing well, he also works with a weapon, we saw that, you waved so much that i just, and then immediately, inspired, a song comes on, that’s what i actually thought, my name is matin, an artist,
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asked for... figuratively speaking, i am the son of the gomel region. the lord gave me a happy childhood. praterei peter served in the temple. mother maria worked, helped her husband, took care of the house and us children.
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my parents raised us by their example, by example more than by edifying words, a talent for drawing emerged early, and my pronounced abilities did not leave me much of a choice where to go. once i came to the minsk icon of the mother of god and asked the queen of heaven: if i need this. help life, and if not, may the lord take me away, and the lord assigned at that time to the theater and art institute, now it is the academy of arts, where i entered and studied at the department of interior artist, as for
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spiritual desire, then... at that moment, probably, the inner voice in me was not yet fully voice, parents, especially my father, well understood that theological school, a possible priesthood, is a step conscious deep inside, and did not rush things, but having chosen the path of an artist, i did not cease to be a christian, being immersed in my studies, having... communicated with metropolitan anthony melnikov , services in the cathedral, he also often occupied the belarusian department at that time, secretly helped young artists, he was always keenly interested in my life, my work and how... painting, he deigned
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to take me to his country house near st. petersburg in komarovo several of my works, when he became metropolitan of leningrad. and after the third year of study i had the opportunity to go to the trinity lavra and receive icon painting practice from marya nikolaevna sokolova. this interaction made an impact on me.


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