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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 15, 2024 7:20am-8:01am MSK

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the chickens were stolen by a poultry farm employee. the police uncovered a large-scale theft scheme from an engineer at an agricultural enterprise in shlov. it was established that a thirty-nine-year-old man , on duty, had access to the incubation workshop, where he stole day-old broiler chicks and transferred them to a private farm in the gomen region. over the course of several months, he stole more than 18 thousand chickens, causing damage to the enterprise amounting to about 15.00 rubles. there's a guy in the minsk region. tried to steal someone else's car by connecting the ignition wires. employees the criminal investigation department detained a twenty-seven-year-old who was a failed racer. it all happened early in the morning when, returning from the bar, a young man pulled the door handles of cars parked along the road. having discovered an unlocked foreign car, the defendant entered the cabin and tried to start the vehicle in the way he had seen in the movies, by connecting the ignition switch wires, but the car did not start and a man from... the area identified another
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moonshiner, he turned out to be a thirty-five-year-old resident of the urban village of porozova. man in in the village of kusintsy he organized a mini-production. the bootlegger simultaneously worked as the chief agronomist in one of the farms; according to him, he produced the drink as a hobby. police officers closed the brewery of more than 2.0 liters. the device was seized, the man did not have time to drive out the product itself. accident involving a biker in the minsk region. according to preliminary information, the day before, a twenty-two-year-old motorcycle driver, indura, was driving along minskaya street in zaslavl. in a straight line, the reckless driver accelerated too much and lost control, the bike tipped over, which is why the motorcyclist himself received injuries and was taken to the hospital. it was established that the offender was drunk. this
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was news from zone x, stay with us on belarus 1.
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in the very center of the night in a huge city i will find a table of old telephones. he will extend his hand, as if he were an acquaintance of mine, the midnight bell will break your sleep, in the very center of the night, in the city it is huge, we are a hotel of thousands of dreams come true. and no one in this sleepy world
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will bother us or bother us. your beautiful company and spend this morning, wake up the country, share good news, just wish each other all the best, good morning again, well, i’m telling you, it’s a great vision to wake up in such company, you’re immediately recharged and smiling, such is the power of alexander lupinenko’s personal brand, sash, what news have you prepared, share your life hack, how do you get out from a long weekend, sasha, yes, by the way, well, you know, everything is enough. just, just when you are getting ready for the morning broadcast, imagine, for example, that you are rushing to catch a flight, romantic, you know, this is a good start, i know these feelings, to be honest, so, so, so, well, in general, in general, when you rush to the morning broadcast on the main channel
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of the country, and you know that you are the only person in the gomel region who will wish everyone good morning, this obliges you to a lot, i wanted to say, that yes, the live broadcast , in fact, like an airplane, will not wait, that’s for sure, in gomel and the region there were quite a lot of interesting and bright events during the week, about everything in order. a ceremonial presentation of the potential of our region took place in moscow as part of the days of the gomel region. chairman of the regional executive committee ivan krubko demonstrated the best achievements and signed new cooperation agreements. by the way, bilateral cooperation between the gomel region and russian regions includes about 40 agreements. on the day of the ceremonial presentation in moscow it was signed. a few more documents. the gomel region has captivated the russians, our products, tourism, rich culture and the best enterprises, all this is the image of our region. the gomel potential presented at the exhibition in moscow is united by the common style of all belarusians, this is hospitality, patriotism, respect for our peoples and
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, of course, a mark of quality in everything we do. that’s for sure, sasha, but for you personally, here are your favorite products, where, which are produced specifically in the gomel region, at least. at the economic university of consumer cooperation, a computer class that has no analogues was opened, which is not yet available in other higher educational institutions of the gomel region. the specialized class is a joint project with a russian it company, it took only one week to launch the equipment, but students will study here,
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their future profession will be directly related to it technologies. in addition, among the immediate plans of the educational institution is to hold an international forum on youth and entrepreneurship. representatives are included among the participants. sash, what other news from the gomel region, we are looking forward to the next one. in the name of those who exchanged their jacket for a military tunic, the prosecutor's office of the gomel region prepared an exhibition called according to the law of martial law. the exhibition features about 50 portraits prosecutors of gomlyshchyna who took part in the great patriotic war. among them are those who were mobilized and those who independently went to the front or joined the partisans. while in service, prosecutors never stayed away from significant events for the country, continuing to serve the law in the rear areas, for example, investigating criminal cases against deserters and traitors to the homeland. collecting materials about prosecutors and war heroes took about 5 years, the search for information does not
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stop in the name of those who served and continued to serve their homeland and the law at that time difficult time. sash, surely the correspondents from gomel have prepared some interesting story, what topic would it be on today? for 5 years now, as a unique tradition, it has been on the unesco list of intangible cultural heritage, as yuri’s day was celebrated in a unique belarusian village, that’s about it, all the details are in our story, it seems to me that the tradition is famous absolutely throughout belarus, i’m talking about it too i heard, now with pleasure, let's see how... every year in the village of pogost we thank you on a grand scale for this wonderful collection of news. celebrate yuri's day, vivid examples of ancient round dances and songs, folk costumes and ritual bread round dance. the ritual of yuri in the zhitkovichi region is a living form
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of one of the authentic rituals of the spring cycle. in 2004, it was included in the state list of historical and cultural values ​​of belarus as the first in the country among non-matter. the jurassic rite of cow breeding has been recognized as a historical and cultural value of the republic of belarus for 20 years and has been included in the world cultural list for 5 years since 2019. on the day since ancient times, many have celebrated slavic peoples, it means the beginning of spring.
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more than 40 years ago, yulia panchenya stood at the origins of the revival of the tradition in her native village, she says that the ritual gives the locals hope for a rich harvest, so that the horses will be fed, so that the cows will sift, so that the cows will eat this, so that the arable land, so that the wheat will grow. , so that the life will give birth, and this is a korogoda. guests became the central place of the regional festival of intangible cultural heritage, the round dance circle. more than 200
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participants touched the source of the club rituals. our first exercise will be bending. this is why we become. stand with your feet straight, hands on your belt, raise your left hand up, bend to the right, diagonally forward, down and rise, and repeat the same with the other hand, and we can do such exercises from ten, well, the number of times, whichever you want, and one, two, three, four, continue, one, the hand should stretch forward. yes, we bend down, we don’t lean back too much, the back should be straight, the butt
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tucked in, the stomach tucked in, the hand when stretching diagonally forward, we must stretch as much as possible to work out all the muscles, now we proceed to the second exercise, it will be called a table, for this we need to stand with our feet together, arms to the side, we will lean forward, our legs must be straight, our back is straight, head looks forward, we try not to bend our back, it should be straight, we get up and do this 20 times, our next exercise is called a bush in the shade, the bush grows, for this we need to sit down in a low squat, one time we raise our butt, our knees: straight by two we hide, it turns out that the bush is growing, the bush is in the shade, and we do this 20
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times, let’s go, our heels are a must, if it works out, you can put your palm on the floor, it happens like this it’s a mistake that we stand up and our knees are positioned like this, they are bent, if we can’t straighten them completely, we straighten our legs, but don’t touch them with our hands, in this case there will also be an effect. place your feet shoulder-width apart, do not bend them at the knees, bend to the sides, diagonally down, stretch your arm forward, keep your back straight, your stomach should be tucked, now put your feet together, spread your arms to the sides, bend forward, don’t bend your knees, don’t lift your feet off the floor, keep your back straight, watch. in front of you, sit down, hands on the floor, lift your pelvis up, but do not
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lift your palms off the floor, try to straighten your knees, but your feet should not leave the ground. now squat down again and repeat each exercise 20 times. let today's game become for you not so much an intellectual competition, but a bright, unforgettable one holiday. hello guys, we are glad to welcome you to our playground. is it true that a computer mouse pointer can change shape depending on what object it is placed on? the cursor has so-called context sensitivity, and it can actually
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change its shape depending on what object it is pointed at, a stick, above, below. i also see that he feels very comfortable, confident, relaxed, no, he is worried. we have it in our chest an object whose symbolic image is often used on email services to indicate a button that allows you to attach any files to a letter, maybe some kind of stamp, a push pin, it’s most likely a paper clip, here it is, an intellectual and entertaining show, i know, look on the tv channel.
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this is the most awakening show in the country, the program “good morning belarus”. good morning country, good morning world, after all, on our calendar it’s wednesday, may 15, but what temperature indicators do the weather forecasters promise us for this day. my hot colleague, in every sense of the word, olga venskaya, has all the details. well , also belhydromet, he is responsible for the weather outside the window today. so, friends, we are expecting this morning, these are the indicators in minsk up to +6, in brest up to +5, the country is like this... in the city it’s cooler than in minsk, but in vitebsk in our northern capital up to +8, that’s it surprisingly, in gomel a modest 2.4 with a plus sign, in grodno 4:6 above zero, the same in mogilev, let’s see how these indicators change during the day, i’d like to to see that the air will truly warm up like spring, after all, it’s mid-may, and the beginning of summer, only 2 weeks left, so, in minsk 16-18 above zero,
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today we expect, in brest - 18:20 with a sign plus, in vitebsk 16:18 above zero, in gomel - 15. with partly cloudy weather, chance of fog, but in general the temperature will be comfortable up to +20, in my opinion, for may these are normal indicators, we are within the climatic norm, this you know, or did april spoil us when...
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we go to work in a good mood, after this is very difficult to do on a long weekend, but nevertheless, be inspired by history, the hero of our next story. my name is igor
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ksenzov, i work as a repairman at a confectionery factory, i don’t have dogs, my son is an adult, well, that’s it, i’m standing, washing, breakfast, first, second coffee, that’s it, i come to work, i come to work at... 8 :00 the first thing we do is gather here at the table as a general team , the head of the department comes and distributes work to everyone, what are the current tasks for the day or are there any urgent ones? we disperse further and further, we all work, everything according to the measure of completion, we gather here or here we do something in the workshop itself, this is the range of tasks, mainly repair and technological equipment in the factory, and we also manufacture spare parts for some non-standard equipment according to the drawings that the design department is developing, here is our workshop, and this is about my
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workplace, where i work, well, various installation work, when there was technical re-equipment, we were engaged in both dismantling old equipment and partially installing new equipment, our team is five people with lisars. well, here everyone is connected by work, there is work, and there is friendship, and well, yes, i baptized someone’s son, and the friend who brought me here at one time, let’s say, his aunt and my mother lived together neighborhood in the village, well, he came there, well, we knew each other, then somehow we just started talking, well, how about getting a job, well, he said, if a place opens up , i’ll call, well, he probably called there within six months, so i came here we talked with the head of the workshop, well it suited me, it suited me, the next day i... quit my old place of work, came here, in case of some kind of breakdown, complex, more or less serious, we get together, move into the workshop,
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something is quickly fixed as far as possible, well, when sometimes you have to stay late, or take days off if necessary. i love my job because it makes my country's mornings good. perfection. and harmony, we change addresses, we change numbers, sometimes they even change us, to other names, to other voices, to other people, they change to... only the same you and i, the sky above your head, the same as always, whatever you say in your
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soul, in this big room, there is no one , only you and me, even if we get together here. crazy, i have you, you have me, even if everything here burns down, unchanged, it will only be us, tell me how many stars there were this night, we just didn’t sleep... until the morning, how many tears we cried, so much has broken us, we have to start all over again. we changed
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cities, we changed everything around, while the earth rotates, you are always my sister, you are my very faithful friend, i know that you always have me, even if the whole world is going crazy, i have you, you have me, even if everything here goes to hell, only we will remain unchanged!
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even if the whole world goes crazy, i have you, you have me, even if everything is reported here. will speed up, unchanged, there will be only us, unchanged days, there will be only us, thank you.
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good morning belarus, good morning country, sunset, sunrise - it’s almost, you know, like in a tarantino film, a hysterical plot, beautiful actors and passions that are not carried away until very credits, with the premiere of the incendiary new composition of the video, in the studio dobraya ranitsa belarus, i am glad to welcome sergei ashmat, sergey, good morning, good morning, good morning, sergey, please tell us about this wonderful composition, then about the video, so, sunset , sunrise, who wrote this song, what is it about, i don’t know, about the weather, about
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something? the song was written by a wonderful belarusian author, by the way, he is the author of the music of words, german titov, the song is certainly about the fact that something must always end, and this helps to ensure that something new and interesting begins, this is what happened in the song, we close some box, page, and open a new one with brighter emotions and mood, look, our hero turns out to be an optimist in life, yes, who -i would be upset about the order.
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another visual, of course, we thought about the plot for a very long time and came to show two pictures, look, there are dancers who want to learn to dance, and the most important thing is that when two people have the same opinion, the same desire, they everything will work out, there is also some kind of relationship, probably some kind, where there are two people with different opinions, but they are two good people, but these two different
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opinions do not allow them to be together. to say dance a cool dance, yes, but separately they, that is, when they are together sparks just fly, it is impossible to do something pleasant, absolutely true, yes, yes, listen, okay, in this story, in the video we will see you just like like...
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intelligence, like yours? i hope you won't do this, we had a real one take part a living mind, the director’s, yes, yes, there was nothing artificial in it, real emotions, real thoughts and real all these messages in the best mood, okay, you once argued with the director, but i don’t see myself like that, or let’s go like this, the plot development line, and in general who the director is, we didn’t clarify this, let’s call it teamwork, teamwork .
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she told me something about the previous visit, i even edited the clip myself, that is, i didn’t let go of the process at any stage, like you, or was it a surprise, they say we’ll arrange a premiere, so i’ll watch it at the same time, or directly edited it, sat, advised something, of course, there were six versions of this clip, yes , six versions, and which of the six will we see, the sixth, but i certainly took part, but not like that here, to say that i myself am near the monitor, no, we have... remote work, because mine, so to speak, is this one, like an editor, which is correct? the video engineer didn’t let me in, this is my own territory, he says, i did it calmly, advise yourself with your advice, yes, but then they looked, maybe this
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lengthens the process, maybe, i think, no, on the contrary, you, how can i say it, delegated, you directed the energy where it was needed, if then why were there six versions, well, because you know, creative people need choice, agree, yes ? well, in any case, you look at the picture, your eyes blur, when you look, that’s all, and you’re already looking, well, but i ’d rather go there, but i’d better look there, here somewhere, well, these are the strokes , this is literally polishing, this is normal, listen, well, you’re intrigued, honestly, in every sense, i really want to see what kind of creation it is, and a little more intrigue, i already have three songs that are being prepared, there are already three, i’ve already upgraded the album a little, yes, here’s some kind of long- play awaits us, as i understand it, yes. this is wonderful, with all the premieres we are waiting for you, of course, on our sofas we have the good morning program in belarus right now, friends, let’s remind you again, and sergei shmat is our guest, and we are expecting a wonderful premiere, not just
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the song, and also the video, the main philosophical idea, what is the song in your opinion, what is the message that there should always be two opinions that meet each other halfway, and what do you choose personally, sunset or sunrise, me? definitely sunset, which is better, day or night, which is better, day or night, but day or day is always better, the difference is in belarus, coffee or tea, tea, tea, olya, yes. just a program good difference belarus, something like this, friends, i hope our light mood has rubbed off on you, it’s very important to get back into the working part of the week after such a long weekend just like that, it’s easy, thanks, among other things , to the cool clip that we’ll be happy to watch now. we had sergei shmat, let's watch his new creation right now, a sunset, sunrise clip, and we 'll be back after the news release.
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there is better than me, there is no better than you, i am a mouse, you are a snake, i am afraid of the dark, you wear a veil and a man suits your face. and the nerves have become, believe me, under the face, the sunset is rising, goes into the sky, our passions have subsided, but i’m not where we weren’t, where two were not saved, the law is rising, goes into the sky, our passions.
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sunset approach, leaving in silence, our passions have subsided, but i’m not where we are, not us, where the two are not you, the approach of the century, leaving the sky, and our stress has disappeared.
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matins broadcast on belarus one and belarus 24 continues the news in the studio pavel lazovik, hello, the development of medical care in the year of quality, emphasis on accessibility, modernization of the material and technical base , implementation.


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