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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 15, 2024 9:30am-9:51am MSK

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we continue our interests, now the current exchange rates according to the national bank: the american dollar costs 3 rubles, 23 kopecks, the euro is now 3.47, for 10 yuan they are asking 4.45, 100 russian rubles costs 3.51. investment in the belarusian economy is being restored. for this year, the authorities plan to continue growth, including thanks to the innovations that have been adopted in our country. the investment law will come into force in the second half of the year; the document provides for a number of benefits for investors. at the end of last year , the top foreign partners included cyprus, russia, the united arab emirates, the top five also include the netherlands and china. let’s ask dmitry krasovsky, director of the national agency for investment and privatization, why a foreign investor is coming to our country and what conditions we are ready to offer him. dmitry, how active are foreign investors in the belarusian market today and... are all
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the conditions created today to attract capital to our country? hello. if we talk about activity, then the nearest figures available to us for 2023, investment is a complex multifaceted process, measured many indicators, but we use such an indicator as foreign direct investment on a net basis, it gives us a picture of what we have in the bottom line. so, in the twenty-third year the country reached the level of 1.6 billion us dollars, which is growth. compared to the twenty-second year, moreover, this is a record figure for the last 8 years, that is, the activity is obvious. you correctly noted about the top five countries that invested in belarus last year, i would especially mention the chinese people's republic the republic that made it into the top five. unfortunately, in the covid era, due to strict pandemic measures, we were not able to develop contacts with chinese investors, e.g. travel to china was impossible,
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there was no opportunity to come here for a business mission or delegation, but this indicator of the twenty-third year suggests that the pandemic era can be considered over. regarding the terms and conditions of investing, is everything enough for the investor? i think the answer is probably yes, because today we are aware of the vast legislative opportunities, preferential regimes for the arrival of investors, you... correctly noted the amendments to the law on investments, which are being conceded this year, we are special - we are betting on a new mechanism of a special investment agreement that will work, in a nutshell, it will be a mechanism which is used by an investor who comes to a new niche, does not compete with anyone and receives guarantees of a state order for his products for this, in addition to the six professional regimes that exist today, these are free economic zones, this is... the regime
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of a high-tech park, this is the regime of small towns in rural areas, the orsha special economic zone, an investment agreement, in general, all the conditions are there. if we talk about what else the investor would like to have, then we note on their part a request for ready-made infrastructure, which is lacking today, but that is why two pilot projects are being implemented in belarus in the vrest region for the construction of industrial parks. industrial parks make the difference. infrastructure problems allow the investor to literally start production today for tomorrow. are industrial parks and preferential regimes the same thing? what is the significant difference and what does investor prefer today? thanks for this question: indeed, preferential regimes are often confused with industrial parks. yes, they are designed for the same task, but they do it differently. industrial parks are, first of all , infrastructure, it is a reduction in costs for...
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the construction of buildings, premises, communications for the investor, and most importantly, a reduction in terms. preferential regimes they give the investor benefits for current activities, tax, customs, in total, an industrial park, plus preferential treatment - this is the best that an investor can count on in any country. thank you, communications director of the national agency for investment and privatization dmitry krosovsky. this is all the information for today, good luck with your transactions and productivity in your business. we are on air every tuesday. wednesday and thursday to the most noticeable in the economy, see you later, who and how helps make our lives better than what scientists?
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made the world's first globe ancient greek scientist erotosthenes. it seemed to me that erotosthenes came up with the first map. oh, great machine, it remembers this rule. so what's wrong with the globe, who invented it? for another. any adult will envy their erudition. is it true that a computer mouse pointer can change shape depending on what object it is placed on? the cursor has so -called context sensitivity. and he really is. can change its shape depending on what object it is aimed at, there is a stick, above, below, me too i see that he is very comfortable, confident, relaxed, feels, no, he is worried, we have an object in our chest, a symbolic image, which is often used on email services
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to indicate a button that allows you to attach any files to a letter, maybe some brand, a push pin, it’s most likely a paper clip, here it is, history, nature, culture, faith, people, generosity!
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take nuclear technology away from under hitler’s nose, bring it to the usa, and then say that you saved the world from disaster, kidnap an exemplary nazi from behind bars, who will then take hundreds of executioners outside of europe along rat trails and save them from the tribunal.
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the nazis and hitler's favorite officer for special assignments, otto skarzeny, his fate is like a mirror of post-war tricks, the criminals fled wherever they could, the saboteur became an irish farmer and the founder of sub- organizations managed to avoid punishment after the war to help hundreds of fascist counterfeiters. this story dates back to the same operation paperclip, which we talked about in last program. in short, the americans exported nazi criminals to work
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for themselves. scientists, doctors, military, intelligence officers, anything that could benefit the white house. skorzeny initially found himself in this company. during the war, skorzeny was considered the most dangerous. man in europe and hitler's main saboteur. otto took an active part in the development of the implementation of the barbaros plan, a lightning attack to capture the territory of the ussr. counts. the most famous action taken by otto took place in september forty in the third year, operation oak was the rescue of benito mussolini's scarzeni, who was being held captive in the hotel campa imperator in the gran sasada mountain range of italy. the operation involved skarzeni and 16 paratroopers, who reached their goal on gliders. musalini was pulled out of prison, the professional intelligence officer became a hero of nazi propaganda. hitler trusted him with the most difficult missions, and it is all the more surprising that one of the most famous
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dangerous figures of the third reich, after the collapse of germany, avoided a tribunal and charges of collaborating with nazism. he just kind of personified this nazi elite. and the fact that he did the same with success later. so, after the war, the americans, yes, the americans, he recruited, he began to work for them, he for... israel then worked, so he worked for everyone who paid money, but his main task was given to him, this was to preserve the underground in the form of various underground organizations, to remove as many ss as possible from under attack, to preserve this force, which , in general, was successful. after the end of the second world war in the spring of 1945, otto arrested and placed under heavy guard. skarze was not imprisoned until july '48. until the cia and army intelligence decided that he himself. on the evening of july 27
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, 1948, a car with american army registration plates, carrying three former ss officers, arrived at the internment camp in darmstatt, where skarzene was then held. essovites, dressed in american military uniforms, entered the camp for... which skarzeny simply bribed the americans by giving them part of the nazi gold. similar
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ss man fredrich schwent did the same. he bought his life by giving the americans $200,000 worth of stolen gold. in the usa, skartsene trained paratroopers, and then at the first opportunity he left for europe. he lived under someone else's name in ireland, then in france, then in germany. the last country was spain. in september of forty-eight. german police reported that the skarzeny movement had arisen in the american zone of occupation. the movement is said to be spreading throughout germany, it was reported in report prepared by the us military. the main goal of the movement was supposed to be the fight against communism. another army intelligence report noted that a group of former ss soldiers and paratroopers joined the underground movement led by skorzene. as stated, this movement was associated with ... polish organizations in austria, as well as with the soviet occupation zone. later, skartsey received
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a gift of fate altogether in january 1951; his name was officially excluded from the list war criminals wanted by the german authorities. in 1951, the persecution of scarcenia by the federal federal republic of germany was stopped. later, he traded arms and was an adviser to two presidents, the argentinean juan peron and the arab-egyptian gamal nassar, and advised the french intelligence services. carried out representative activities of west german metallurgical companies. this is the path of a notorious nazi, a sales representative of metallurgical plants, he supplied weapons to the egyptians, was close to high politicians, and at the same time created underground organization of former ss members or odessa. the structure saved nazis in europe, transported them to south america, provided them with money, pensions, and even arranged sanatorium treatment. it is known that odessa was. danas corcenius in the year forty-eight or forty-nine. after the war, despite his past, he calmly traveled around western europe,
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visited argentina and collaborated with british and american intelligence. researcher lavrov mentions this in an article by otto skarzeny, the last years of his life. on instructions from odessa, skartzeni created the spider organization, which helped the nazis escape along rat trails to argentina and africa, was engaged in the rehabilitation of the fuhrer's associates, distributing money to them and arranging them. in hospital. spider actively smuggled out the nazis and helped create a well-fed life. the organization was active until the mid-fifties. thanks to her, participants in the most terrible nazi terror, the destruction of people. the fact that skorzeny could be one of the leaders of odessa became known in 1972, when the house of friedrich schwend was searched in peru. in the basement , the gendarmes found a huge archive, among which there was a folder with the inscription odessa. the folder contains a dossier on 10 members of the organization and minutes of the
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odessa meeting in the spanish city of marbelia, which took place in the early sixties. moreover, according to papers. it turned out that the ss men continued to fight. six former ss officers were living in israel at this time, and two of them were infiltrated into the israeli secret service massat. nazi smuggling was supervised by former ss men who lay low and established contact with each other. the organization was also involved in their further support, business creation, enrichment, but most importantly - guarding the nazi executioners, who have the blood of millions on their hands. they helped their counterfeiters along several routes, the most popular ones ran through. south america and scandinavia. another large rat trail odessa-north stretches through denmark, sweden and norway. the underground network of ss and werwolf veterans operating there transported fugitives by land and sea, where they were picked up by ships bound for spain and argentina. according to danish journalist henrik kruger,
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the smooth functioning of the route police officers from scandinavian countries, as well as argentinean ones, assisted. diplomats. the key performers on the ground were people at the end of the second world war who were trained in werwolf structures. skarzeny played an active role in their selection and training, and some of the werwolf members later became operational employees of odessa in scandinavia. the existence of such organizations is sometimes questioned by some historians because there are not enough supporting documents, but they are also an underground structure.
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the government of the country, only in 1983 it but he lived for many years, consulting and managed to be taken to europe and executed. according to many researchers, it was odessa, created with cartsen, that was behind the escape of these and many other prominent criminals. in the next story there is no retribution at all. essovets alaiz bruner drove more than 100 thousand people into camps. he lived quietly, sometimes in egypt, sometimes in syria. he died only in 2010. another cruel nazi, horst schrumann became famous for his experiments on castration and radiation testing at auschwitz. strood, but was still extradited to germany, but escaped here, lived enough for another 12 years. and it was walter rauf, who invented gas chamber machines, calmly managed a cannery in chile, and died in the eighties surrounded by his family. the executioner karl
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streibel, who killed 2 million jews during operation reinhard and 50. never left at all, lived in germany and died without answering for what he had done. once, however, they tried to try him in 1974, but were acquitted. this list is huge, and there are so many thugs on it. doctor death mengl, who anatomized babies alive, cut off the genitals of prisoners of war without pain relief, sterilized women x-rayed, lived a calm and even happy life, never repented of anything, drowned during. swimming in the sea in 1979 - stroke. ernst lerch, who personally took part in the execution of civilians by his lover, served 2 years in prison, and then lived quietly in austria. gestapo man kurt lishka was released in 1950. he didn’t even think about changing his name or address and lived quietly in his native cologne. he was, however,
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brought to trial again in 1977. after serving 7 years, he was released again. such a large-scale immigration of fascist collaborators was would have been impossible without the tacit approval of washington. as the cold war intensified, the united states, on the contrary, actively recruited war criminals to work against the ussr. justice did not reach kortsene. he died of natural causes in 1974. at the funeral, his comrades shouted and raised their hands to the sky. it is officially believed that this is the end of the life of the spider organization. but did nazism end there? unfortunately no. the mission began for the americans in liberated from... in paris , washington special agents needed to identify the scientists, who took part in the uranium project. the fact is that in 1943, us scientists were sure that the wehrmacht would attack.


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