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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 16, 2024 3:10am-3:40am MSK

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and june 23, as noted in the ministry of education , benefits for the admission of gifted and motivated applicants are being expanded and systematized. for example, today the list of specialties that medalists without winners of olympiads can enroll in at regional institutions of higher education has been significantly expanded , that is, the list of these specialties is very wide, and the list of specialties for entry of specialized graduates has also been expanded. regarding the timing of the introductory campaign for future target students, it will last from june 27 to july 12.
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why do you need a book about airplanes? do i want to become a pilot? really, van? how cool, just like my dad! i think your man will just need it. hold on, i don’t like that she communicates with him, why is that? in my opinion, he’s a great guy, but in my opinion, chanthropa, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. love, vanechka - this is the most wonderful thing in our lives. you will definitely become a pilot, i believe in it, mom, what are you doing, you know what this means, you love, who you love, marina evgenievna, take the pashka, please, he can’t be there, i beg you, take the pashka, van, what happened, i won’t let you in, get out, mom died. what are you doing?
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watch the series embracing the sky on the belarus 24 tv channel. our range of tasks that we perform is quite wide, the most important flagship of our television company, the most important program that we have been producing for 30 years, this is the arsenal program, this is why we are recognized , then the program according to which ours. visually knows, also our programs full face and military review are the main programs that go on television, but we cannot say that we are limited to this, and we are widely represented on social networks, on the internet, our youtube channel gained 100,000 subscribers last year, we received a silver button, we want to show off among all the power departments, and we were the first to receive such an award, and we also have quite a lot of other internet projects and documentaries that are released on other...
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channels across the country, and i think that our viewer knows us , learns, and most importantly, learns according to our content. every day our correspondents go to the fields, every day we are at the training grounds, every day there is more than one report, there can actually be several of them, in addition to this, we produce the information that our viewers see every day on the internet, we give video information about the military to the main state television channels, that is, if you see news about the military, most often this is the one.
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historical project of the liberation of belarus, we tell this in several episodes in which we talk about the main points, historical. our correspondents raised and told historical facts that were unknown for a long time. we used a large amount.
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we also have a lot, a lot of ideas, i think that our viewers will be able to see all of this on air. for 30 years now, your television company has been, as they say, on the front line, you are covering all the probably most important events that are happening today in the belarusian army. in your opinion, how are the armed forces of belarus changing today? well, of course they change, that's can be traced primarily by the content that we transmit, we are always together with the army, we always, as you already said, cover all the events that belarusians are taking place. army, and we see this, we constantly talk about the equipment that enters the troops, we talk about what the army goes through, what stages in its formation the army goes through, stages in its development, and indeed, if you open or enable any program ours, which is produced by vntv, you will see what
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the army is like today, it is modern, it is mobile, it high-tech, and well, it’s worth saying that in our reports we always focus on people, we talk about those who serve... “the situation, we can’t always afford to be kind, gentle and fluffy, sometimes it is necessary to be tough.
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mine the guest is a real legend." a symbol of incredible courage, perseverance and strength of character, he is an example of how, despite trials, one must not give up, continue to live and do good. today my guest is a public figure, head of a charitable foundation, paralympic, alexey talay. alexey, hello, i wish you hello. i have been following your performances for a long time, admiring your performances.
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i’m from home, my hometown, having seen on our local television a story about these children, about how they lack the love of their father and mother, we made a decision, went there, i took my children, they were still very
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small then, 5- 3 years old, and of course this meeting was like this, one might say, the starting point for charity, to help and try to be together with those people for whom this help is very important, there is an expression, know the measure of charity, excessive help can make a good person helpless, how you feel about this expression is very correct. this is really something that i , somewhere, based on the destinies of various people , specifically realized, and the understanding that charity has taken root in me is that it
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should be reasonable, that is , a situation may arise when a person gets used to this, so to speak , support, relaxation and will also begin to demand, right? if you live, there is only silence around you god's grace, always mom, dad, brother, or some kind of charitable service, is baked for... based on certain life trials, and this upgrade of a person, each
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of us, takes place. the most important thing is to correctly perceive all these situations, all these problems, all these troubles, to understand that this is a new lesson, another lessons of life, these life circumstances, somewhere betrayals, somewhere... allows us achieve new results in the future, but how do you feel about such
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a popular opinion that charity do people bring money to atone for their sins? well, this, this is a positive moment, let these people be saved in this way, this, this is not bad, the most important thing is that it is sincere, you people... today is a great opportunity, here is our local charitable foundation, a paralympic athlete who has a certain , as i hope, is an authority in society, and people trust us that every penny is spent for its intended purpose, come, get in touch, participate in good deeds, thereby this energy in the form of money is yours...
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whoever we don’t force, we say: people, it’s the other way around, now grace is coming from us, we are giving you the opportunity, which means, to show up in today’s difficult life circumstances, to help donbass, the children who live today in conditions of hostilities, today you are before god so, yes, you can put some notes. based on internal messages and desires to participate in the fate of these people, it is very
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difficult to ask when we work, for example, with some large structures, so it is gratifying when these enterprise structures themselves they go out, don’t wait for lai to come to them, it means they bow, especially after the head of state at the supreme national assembly, last time he noted highly de... remember this, we have a lot of areas of activity and budgets, of
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course , are limited, so at any time you can come to us, we will tell you what projects we are currently implementing in the areas where your kind attention and participation is still needed, come, from the bottom of our hearts we will personally communicate with you, and we will be very grateful to you we are grateful and will pray. for each of you. everything, that you wanted to know about the connection between history, religion and culture in the modern world. the name of prince izyaslav is associated with the emergence of one of the oldest cities in belarus, zaslavl. this city was founded in 985 by grand duke vladimir and given to rognedi. what was the earthly path of the saints? she devoted time
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to the princes, reasoned, instructed, and reconciled them. another important shrine of the monastery is its power. we will tell you and show you in spiritual and educational projects on the belarus 24 tv channel. amazing people of our country. all that i hide as in sarcophagus in his works, in his small sculptures, this is already different, i don’t know what
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will happen. for me, creativity is getting out of your head and creating something that you have there. this hall will distract children from the street, attract them to boxing, former students are returning with their families, now grandchildren, you can already count grandchildren, you know, it’s very nice there, they have a lot of interesting stories behind them and are ready to surprise again again, when i gave the job to viktor ivanovich sukharukov , he looked at her, was silent, then somehow he took it, i say so, my god, some children have already been filmed there, the essence of something is... they lead a normal, well, normal lifestyle there, let’s say, they don’t do bad things, they have taken the path of truth, they are training, they have other goals , other tasks, watch the belarusians project on our tv channel. alexey, well, when
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you have to distribute funds, provide assistance to someone, this is how... your fund, what is it guided by and you decide who to help and who not? it's very difficult, it's a moral choice, it's really, really, very anxiously, we calmly, decorously, nobly make a rational decision, using, in fact, ourselves and the resources that are available in the fund. to provide maximum benefit for our society, for our children, youth and for a positive journey in our fatherland. i noticed such a paradoxical thing that many people are annoyed if someone does charity work, have you encountered this? i think that yes, many people do not understand this at all, they generally
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abstract, abstract like that, but there is an element of disbelief here, since... many structures, impudent and so disgusting, they discredited charity, there were many scammers, there were many structures that, under the guise of charity, collected pennies from gullible citizens and spent them somewhere, for some kind of personal enrichment, so here you can understand those who have lost faith, that’s why we see...
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i am my family, you look at how your family and friends perceive it, how they experience it, what they think about it nights because of me, because of such a special dad or husband, so this is more of a side of the coin here, i myself have long gotten used to some kind of criticism, you travel a lot around the country with motivational trainings, what questions do people most often ask? about life, about how i dug myself out, how i experienced trauma, how i achieved success, what kind of father i am, how i met my wife. how i raise my children, what they are like, what are my plans, what are my dreams, was there
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a question that stumped you and you couldn’t answer it right away, for a long time time i was shy and didn’t know how to answer correctly, how i met my wife, and whether what i discovered was correct, right? who believed in her man, felt it with every fiber of her soul, apparently, but i also tell people, and i felt
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this love, this care and affection and faith in me, how could i let her down, how could i not scramble forward, overcoming all this through pain, blood, somewhere i remember and we didn’t have a penny, there the business got better, there were different stages, she is with me, she believes me, i continue to move on, i continue to overcome all these some terrible moments for my dear little dove, i’m going into battle, today there are certain achievements and alexey talai, a famous belarusian, who is known and... only in our country, and that’s all it is, we haven’t set a wedding day, we’ve been for some time were together, lived together, perceived each other as spouses,
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but i gave this woman this opportunity, when anastasia said that it was time, maybe already yuzaks, my dear, i said, but since you, my beloved, are so confident. and ready, then i will be only glad, that’s your optimism, love of life, contagious, i don’t know, inspiring, but haven’t you ever had such situations when it seems, well, that’s it, there’s no more strength, it happened, of course, a lot and often, now we live in difficult times, different events, a lot grief and sadness and misfortune, and i... somehow have not yet learned to completely abstract myself, not to pay attention somewhere, although this is important, i’m not saying now that we should somehow
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harden and to be such biorobots, no, absolutely not, this is unacceptable, we must remain human and feel, be involved in certain events, but what is called not killing. don’t destroy yourself with these thoughts and excessive worries, well, at such critical moments, when it seems that you have no more strength, what helps you not to give up? i understand that one day this will all end, i understand that my life, it has its own cycle, it has its own certain segment, and soon my mortal body will embrace the earth. and since now i am faced with these difficulties, with these experiences, i need to go through this, so
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or otherwise there is no escape from this, you just need to come to terms with it and live, act, move forward, sport helps you switch, absolutely, our entire headquarters forces me, when they see me, i’m already... everything is on my last legs, alexey konstantinovich, that's it, next week, pool, i say, of course, i agree, and i’ll even go to the pool on monday. alexey, during the period when you were actively involved in sports, you trained every day, well, every other day, yes, four, how much training did you do, 1,200 m per workout, that’s quite a lot for person. without a nose and without arms, and this is a healthy person, not just anyone who can swim, i agree.
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you can accomplish a lot in 24 hours, and even more in 7 days. in our project, you will learn about key dates and events in the country and the world that happened during the week, in just 20 minutes. there will be time for entertainment, exciting projects that will surprise and lift your spirits, a series of films that are pearls of belarusian cinema.
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and we set off on an exciting journey. many centuries ago, the lower castle and posad were located here, and then the tower rose the town hall, where the city magistrate was located. so the kobrin princes of their squad definitely stopped and feasted here. not so long ago, by the way, a local resident caught a wobbler, that is, a plastic fish , weighing 41 kg and two long. meters to show how unusual and wonderful our country is. in america , floating houses are called the fashionable word houseboard, house, ship, but they have not yet come up with a term for floating stations. landscapes full of thoughtfulness and sadness enchant even the most fastidious travelers. look program "cities of belarus". on the tv channel belarus-24. nowadays
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they talk a lot about patriotism, in your opinion, is it possible to teach you to love your homeland, my dad sometimes told me this, when i speed up something somewhere, he says, i’ll teach you now to love your homeland, i probably did. in the family, of course, first of all, we learn patriotism and love for our fatherland, what the fatherland is, this is my family, this is my home, this is my grandfather’s hut, a birch tree, with my grandparents, my father and mother, planted in childhood, all this and there is love and continuity, when you know that before
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you, your grandfathers... great-grandfathers, grandmothers, great-grandmothers lived on this earth, of course, we are now increasingly seeing these new conditions, a new world around us, a new reality, and the internet, and various social networks that distract young people, take them away from the real world into the world of illusions, and here there are fewer and fewer points of contact with reality, with... some joint actions within the family, when the older generation and youth get together, when we let's show up friend in front of a friend, and through this love appears in the soul, so we need to draw conclusions, we still have a lot to realize and still try to cope with the conditions... of a new,
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rapidly changing world, after all, the priority should be love. i know that your foundation is now continuing to collect coins for a monument in moscow, which will be erected in moscow in honor of the eightieth anniversary of the victory. tell us what kind of project this is and how many coins have already been collected? this is a magical project that we ourselves did not expect.


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