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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 16, 2024 3:40am-3:55am MSK

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to cope with the conditions of a new, rapidly changing world, love must still be a priority. i know that your foundation is now continuing to collect coins for a monument in moscow, which will be erected in moscow in honor of the eightieth anniversary of the victory. tell us what kind of project this is and how many coins have already been collected? this is a magical project, we ourselves did not expect it, it is unprecedented. coverage, involvement of people, 130,000 coins ended up in the minsk monument, in bressk there is already the same people’s monument that will be installed in the brez fortress hero directly on the territory of this sacred place of ours next to the patriotic center, which is being built through the efforts of our belarusian republican youth union, our youth, we are proud that precisely in the year of the eightieth anniversary... the liberation of the bssr from
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the german fascist invaders, it will be installed there, half a million soviet coins fell into this monument, and today young people, children, first-graders, historians, we are creating in a single impulse, we are creating, the living generation of belarusians and russians today are creating a national monument, everyone can take part in it.
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the fate of your husband is a scene, it means i need continue to walk along this path, along this path, and since someone needs it, it means that we must continue to act in this direction, we cannot close ourselves off somewhere, abstract ourselves somewhere and live calmly, not paying attention. to what is happening,
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there are a lot of children's hearts, young people, families with children with disabilities, our life experience is necessary, it is important for the survival of specific families, we have already gone through this, i can tell them how my mother, father acted, my brother and this may be my payment for then...
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electric strollers, all my children went through this, this is the wind in our hair, which means we have a special seat belt, which means we like to drive barbecues on mine , they sit down with me , we fly somewhere where our eyes look, my youngest son and i definitely have a favorite task. there is a place in the city, it has its own houses, which means it’s a private sector, we have this location called a village, and he really likes to go there with his dad, that means, to get something for food, somewhere we have raspberry places, somewhere- then we have where cherries are growing, he is very interested, when we go there, we will see that certain berries are already ripe. and that means my son already
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gets it himself, not only does he see that vegetables and fruits grow there on the shelves of supermarkets, but he sees it as it happens, naturally, and he really, really likes it, we look with him in the grass for various bugs, spiders, all kinds of twigs let's take it, there are these puddles and a stream, so i can't do it, well, i look at him and i understand, he is there for me, you know, there is such an expression of empathy in psychology, we we experience the same emotions when we watch other people, children, how they... express themselves emotionally, even animals, this is the quality, we seem to still be involved in this. your secret of family happiness, love, talk, communication is necessary, especially i repeat, now is a difficult time, an era of change, as
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the sages of antiquity said, god forbid to be born in this time, a difficult time, each of us must endure all this, that’s why... we need to be able to sincerely preserve these feelings and know that we are family, that there is no one dearer than us, and we think about our future, our grandchildren, our dear grandchildren are just around the corner, this is worth living for. alexey, our program is called the meaning of life, what does it mean to you? life was given to us so that we, first of all, could understand who we are, that is, i am, a person, will feel his involvement in something very big, a connection with god and
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realize his mission, step by step, every day, understand, that the same soul that came into this world now has... a great opportunity to contemplate this theater called life based on different, sometimes dramatic situations, grow your potential to shine, live to the fullest, this is happiness, this is joy, this is grace, thank you very much, this was the meaning of life. aliaksey talaya. belarusian income, which is its jumping ability,
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is important for the time being in education and training. columns, or not columns, such pelasters, are very important in the scene, and also act as evidence.
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good players create opportunities, but realizing them requires intelligence as well as skill. hello everyone, me name is gennady vaitovich, on the air an intellectual and sports show, head game.
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sports fans are once again coming to the site of our project, let's get to know them: dmitry kozlov, minsk, a fan with twenty years of experience, loves sports sports. sports, first of all, football, by the way, we have a glorious sports past behind us, namely the gold of the union football championship among youths. however, even today he enjoys playing in an amateur mini-football league, and also goes swimming and fishing. artyom molchanov, minsk. love i woke up to sports after watching the 1998 fifa world cup in france. subsequently, he became a passionate lover of not only football, but... also hockey and biathlon, while he preferred not only to watch, but to play sports, and had
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awards in twelve sports disciplines at the amateur level. and alexander strigotsky, minsk, having graduated from the academy of physical culture of sports, coached the football team of the promsvyaz plant. true, later, instead of a football club, he began to manage a partnership of owners, but love of sports, all kinds of sports programs, as well. the spirit of the avid sports fan has not disappeared. hello, friends. artyom, awards in twelve sports. we will return to this topic later, but as i understand it, you should at least have a good understanding of these types, right? yes that's right. i am well versed in many amateur disciplines, such as darts, billiards, bowling, in addition to classical sports disciplines. well, friends, you have such a difficult opponent today.
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in controversial situations, participants have the right to declare protest, and the chief referee resort to video replay. correct answer: 5 points, incorrect answer - minus 5 points, the period lasts 4 minutes. what is the name of a pole with a rowing blade? alexander, it’s difficult to answer. more carefully, yes, more carefully, artyom, oar, oar, of course, as i understand it, the initial excitement is taking its toll, let’s continue, how many clubs from the gomel region will be represented in the top football league of belarus in 2023? artyom, two, two clubs, absolutely right, these are gomel and mozdriskaya slavia, youth or neman, who more often became the champion of the hockey extra league, now.
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in some disciplines they may be called, let's say, narrower.


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