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tv   100  BELARUSTV  May 16, 2024 3:25pm-4:31pm MSK

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explore rare species of plants and listen to the mellow birds. the memory of the past ten years and the memory of all the minsk palaces and young people had a creative collaboration of the wind with schoolchildren and students. there is peace in our land and the importance of maintaining historical memory, careful installations and the fact that the samadan was removed, then saved, created again in belarus. more terrible bastards of war, like bad luck. in songs, performances and theatrical miniatures, a number of familiar scenes, as a reminder about old stories that cannot be forgotten. spoke at this event with a poem by elena blaginina, a letter to dad at the front. i have always been very interested in the history of the great patriotic war, because my grandfather and grandmother fought, and the poem for me is very big...
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modern fashion, this appearance in new outfits that we are advertising from a belarusian manufacturer, it brings everything, just a great adrenaline rush, you get.
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documentary photography, and the main advantage of photography is the opportunity stopping time, i didn’t have a painful encounter with digital photography, i perceived it as a natural development of a technical form of creativity, well, i take documentary photographs with a digital camera, but i never interfere in documentary photography, the profession of an architect is like...
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hello everyone, exactly in a minute a hero will come out to us who will answer everything, but first according to tradition. our questions to the hero: vladimir, what sensations are you experiencing now, is it similar to the excitement before going on stage? no, the thing is that when i came out on stage, i was about i know what awaits me, here i am completely in the dark. do you promise to tell only the truth? for this i hope, well, some
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questions will probably have to be abandoned. well, then good luck, dear participants of the program, today our guest is the people's artist of belarus, soloist of the bolshoi opera and ballet theater, vladimir gromov. hello. i want to warn you that according to the rules of our program, if for some reason you cannot or do not want to answer, you have the right to refuse questions three times, and be attentive to the questions at the end program, you have to choose the best one, now you have one minute to briefly talk about yourself: time has passed, i am a happy person who does what i love, i sing in the opera, i can say i live in it, i open up, completely, well and naturally, this is a family, this is my wife, my children, my house,
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which, in fact, take away my whole life without a trace, you covered it in less than one minute, and now let’s move on to questions from our audience, in our studio of 100 participants, each with their own question, let's see how long you have time to answer, are you ready, yes, then let's begin, whoever asks the question, hello, my name is... it's such a symbiosis, but i think it's from the parents, and naturally, work and, well,
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god's conduct, how exactly you came to the opera, and this is such a long way, because at first i was not involved in singing at all, i was studying guitar, but somehow the curve of fate led me to first study vocals, and then, naturally, like... any lieutenant or a private dreams of becoming a general, i had a dream, at first i had a dream to be a musician, then it transformed, somehow crystallized, i wanted to sing, and then, when i began to take my first steps, i wanted to sing on the big stage, well, don’t be shy and don’t be afraid to set yourself some serious goals , another thing is that these goals should be based on some kind of foundation, because... well, there is nothing worse than when ambitions do not correspond to opportunities, so you need to soberly assess your
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capabilities and set yourself, based on these opportunities, how you can above goals and try to achieve them, then everything will work out. to your right is the purple sector. hello, please explain what is the point of opera itself, as it seems to me that opera is not the most popular musical genre? well , yes. i agree with you here, after all , popularity is such a thing, you know, mm, everything in life changes and not everything is so simple, uh, classical music, classical literature, it’s not by chance that it’s called classical literature, which has stood the test of time, generations , changing fashion, still this interest in this genre, in opera, it is still... present, another thing is that maybe it is not as widespread as it was before, until
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there was, say, television, until there was the internet, where you can, without leaving your comfort zone, sitting in an armchair there or on the sofa, eating chips with some drinks, attract all this to you here, but there are people who are interested in this, but about what does a popular genre mean, an unpopular genre? now, if we have the same melody, even you, you won’t like it, it will be around you constantly sound from every iron, as they say, you will get used to it and some short period of time will pass when you will no longer have enough of it, so this all seems changeable to me, this popularity, what is popular is what is heard, then, what is advertised, well, let’s say classical music is not like that. advertised, well , it doesn’t occupy such a large part of our
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lives, well, that doesn’t mean it’s bad, to become an opera soloist, you must have some kind of initial natural talent, or you can just pump up your ligaments to sing like that? no, well , it’s impossible to pump up the ligaments, nature gave them, they can only be preserved, developed, yes, what does it mean to pump up? there is a concept of endurance, because when i started singing, well, at first it was enough for, well, 5 minutes, 10, then more, more, more, because singing... well, it’s probably akin to make it closer to you, akin to rick, so you try to go out into the forest somewhere, so as not to scare anyone in the city, shout loudly, even now, you’ll shout ay, well, you’ll shout one, two three times, you’ll already be tired, but we coo throughout the whole evening, and we have to shout over what is called
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an orchestra, a choir, and in general, in principle , fill this building, the text must be understandable, this is quite desirable, plus we sing text, that is, it’s also hard, well, and i’ll repeat that it’s impossible to fill it with sound, a beautiful sound, it’s impossible to pump up the ligaments, these are two small muscles that fold and tremble there, it’s like blades of grass, many of you have probably whistled with blades of grass , a little stronger even a blade of grass is torn.
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just a quiet horror for me, i caught myself thinking that i don’t remember anything, well, you ’ve probably all had those moments when you ’re standing there realizing that there’s a blank slate and you want to fall through the ground, probably many of you have caught yourself thinking, that time is at this second, at this moment, it becomes somehow incomprehensible, either it is rubber and stretches, or it compresses, and it is you who are standing in this with... all the knowledge skills, what mechanisms are already activated here -the developments, what is called what has been brought to automatism, the same mechanism happened to me at the performance of carmen, i
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took this step, i thought, well, whatever happens, here’s a blank slate, i’m going out to...
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urgently sitting at the instrument and learning the program or practicing some... then exercises, of course i didn’t have enough of this, i see that all my guys there play football or ride bicycles or climb construction sites, but now i probably feel freer in the sense
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that i’m doing this favorite thing. what place does belarus occupy in the art of opera? i believe that belarus, with our opera theater and with our musicians who work in this theater, directors, conductors, it occupies a worthy place, our theater produces such performances for which, well, i had a peace all the time, so that i would not i was ashamed of the product that i was presenting to the audience that came. we make a good impression, so we must make such a good impression, which the viewer came for, that we would not be ashamed of it, and i believe that our productions, they occupy an absolutely
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worthy place, i was lucky and fortunate that i ended up in our theater and i am that speck that does something to ensure that our theater takes its rightful place in the art of opera, we are moving to ... the red sector is on your right, in films we are often shown how artists drink raw eggs to make their voice work, does this really help? well, you know, maybe it helps someone, eggs, in principle, are a high-calorie product, we all know, they probably help to gain strength the body, but the specific effect of this stomach itself, the protein, whatever, eggnog, i sometimes make it myself, but not for the sake of it... being there, but i just like the taste, mix, beat eggs with sugar, firstly, it’s delicious, regarding some positive effect,
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specifically on the ligament, on or on the larynx, i don’t know, i don’t dare answer you here with a full medical calculation, i judge only by myself, i know that in order to sing you need strength, because singing is very enough expensive. a physically demanding action, so you understand, well, when we play sports, well, many of you probably do, many don’t, but we’ve heard that we lose moisture when we actively play sports, and if we weigh ourselves before exercise and after class we’ll weigh ourselves, we ’ll see this difference, i have performances when after the performance i weigh 2 kg less than before the performance, you can understand. how much moisture is lost from a person and what happens to the body while singing, in your voice can i break a glass? no, no, the point is that
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why does the glass break? the glass cracks due to the fact that the walls of the glass resonate with some sound source, the sound is singing, it is loud due to what? there is such a thing as noise pressure. well, in decibels, you’ve heard this word decibels, as far as i remember, a plane on takeoff is about 100-something decibels, 110 is 120 decibels, a good, real strong opera voice is 70-80 decibels in decibels, that is, can you imagine? this is the noise pressure, what happens to the glass, on it these waves act and it goes into resonance. probably, there are voices that are tuned to a specific glass, it is probably possible to make a glass that will break from my voice, but so far i
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have not seen such a thing, let’s put it this way. vladimir, it was interesting, we probably tried it, no, i didn’t try it, i tried it differently, you know , it will probably be funny, in order to achieve some kind of correct sound, you need to hear it, but we sing here... yes, it flies off somewhere to the side, a completely different sound flies into our ear, we don’t hear our sound, we hear our sound, which was reflected from some object and returned to us, having already acquired the color of the room in which we are, so to achieve this, and i took the pan like this and sang into it, and you immediately hear , what happens, how this sound changes, you need to remember, choose that sound and... those sensations that you made, remember it, save it, this is a rather complex process, children, if you see a person singing into a pan, you know,
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this is a trap singer. you must be incredible at karaoke, i i don’t sing in karaoke, well, we were on vacation somewhere, i tried several times, i want to say right away, i didn’t get 100 points, people who sing did.
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calculate something at home that you perform among your circle of friends? well, sometimes we sing some songs among friends, well, in my childhood there were a lot of bard songs with a guitar around the fire, there is such a song under the blue sky, then a very famous song, how great it is that we are all gathered here today, well, some others
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there are several romances. some old ones, mainly if we get together with friends, relatives, we, but we just communicate, and not so much sing, and you could now perform something, besides opera, well, now i ’ll think of something, oh, you darling, beautiful girl, we’ll go... together with you we’ll take a walk , we will go with you, have a walk, and let the people of the dawn come at us, what is this?
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what a couple, good fellow with the red tewitz, applause, bravo, hello, my name is milania and... question: do opera singers insure their voices? well, i don’t know about this yet, it’s probably common somewhere in the west. if you were offered to insure your voice, how much would you value it? i have never thought about this topic, it seems to me that this is such a priceless thing, firstly, it is an irreparable loss,
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replaceable. well, in monetary terms, it seems to me that this is just blasphemy, it’s probably akin to assessing a person’s life, that’s how much money, they paid him, took him, took his life, that doesn’t happen, then, the purple sector to your left, isn’t it true the fact that an opera singer on stage is helped by a prompter? yes, in our theater we once even had a prompter’s booth, and there sat a man on stage and suggested the words, but somehow with...
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the third act the solo is quite deep, and i understand that i’m sitting at the table, and i can’t hear the orchestra, and i understand that something is happening wrong, that i’m starting to... slightly disperse in a few fractions of a second, i separate from the orchestra and then i see the prompter, who begins to sing to me, i don’t hear his singing, but i see his articulation,
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how he closes, and from his articulation i understood where i should it’s necessary, like this, to get along with the orchestra, well, then i already understood, so you need to rebuild everything a little mesanoscenicly yours.
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many people know this fairy tale, and there is karakol, he is a sweeper, a janitor, and so i walked there with a broom and walked around the stage, repeating all my movements that had been practiced many years earlier, and so i swept the stage with the consciousness of the matter, not at the performance, like this during breaks. to your left, yellow sector. is it true that the more an opera singer weighs, the better his voice? no, you know, i’ve already said that singing is a rather complex process, so it seems to me that any artist, and indeed
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an opera singer, should have a lot of strength, you can’t starve yourself, the body must receive food, it must spend calories, it’s like any person, well, opera singers... conservatories, that is, we met, back when i was a student, so we met, then we had joint performances in some concerts, that is, she played something there herself, i sang something, then somehow it happened that we began to perform together,
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natalya and i, well, that’s actually how our union was created, yellow sector, please, who 's ready to ask a question? i would like to visit you ask if you are at home or most often on the road? no, i’m mostly at home, it so happens that all my travels are quite compact, after all, it’s a family, it’s a family when everyone is together, now my eldest son is studying in st. petersburg, i miss this, although i understand that a person, well, has a family. at the parental home, any young man’s life cannot be closed and he must, like those birds, fly away somewhere into a free life, i understand this perfectly well, but i understand that my family is my home
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and i am happy that i spend a lot of time, most of the time , at home, i had a period when there were long trips. and it just so happened that when my youngest son was born, when i was born fedor, it turned out that i was not there in the summer when he was born, then i arrived, left again for a few days, then i was gone in the fall, almost a month, then i was away all winter, when the child was just a newborn, then i returned from a tour in the spring, and the child was already sitting and crawling, this is all the formation passes you by, this of course is like that... not very good in the quality of myself as a father, i missed this, and i am happy that my tours, if they happen, they are so targeted, you are
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famous and talented , women probably pay attention to you, well, they probably do, i try for this...
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a feeling, a person probably destroys
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himself by being jealous, so it seems to me that trust and love in the family is probably that fundamental , this is the foundation on which everything rests.
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what are the most unusual gifts that fans have given you? well, there are different kinds of expensive, inexpensive gifts, but recently they gave me an icon, when we were on tour in moscow, the artist came and, but he didn’t see me, but he passed it on through friends, he wrote it to me for... me guardian angel,
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a small icon of the guardian angel, just a few weeks ago, my colleague passed it on from him, he knew there that something had happened to me, not very good, he gave it to me, he also wrote an icon especially for me nicholas the wonderworker, this was probably the most unusual thing, do you think it’s possible for an actor to portray it? anything, but not feelings, a feeling, if a person has not experienced it, and he does not remember, because what is a feeling, this is it, you can now remember, for example, what raspberry jam smells like, so you got distracted in your head, you remembered it , yes, this is
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the moment of feeling, those feelings that we show on stage, we... experienced them once before, now this is the memory of this raspberry aroma boiling, we fish them out of some shelf somewhere inside ourselves, at this moment we put this experience of ours that once happened to us, we put it on the text of the hero whom we portray as a hero, but to worry we must have our own experiences and feelings that once... happened to us, if, let’s say, well, theatrical collisions, those stories that we show on stage, do not imply the events that should have happened to us in life, for example, someone killed someone there or stole something else there or, god forbid, but we can imagine it, as it
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was with that character, so we imagine it, we write down inside... ourselves this feeling, the sensations of this event, no, we don’t depict it, well, in any case, i, i try to be all the time, somehow extremely sincere, precisely in my feelings, that if this happens like this, then i feel it, you know, it even gets ridiculous, you can believe it, you can not, here, i’ve already told you somewhere, there’s even such a performance, bohemian, there we characters are cold, we are freezing, in the middle of the performance, my character he goes out into the street where it’s snowing, his coat gets wet, it’s winter, he’s freezing, imagine a theater, the month of june, it’s hot outside, it’s hot in the theater,
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it’s very hot, i’m wearing a coat and i’m cold. this is the level of some kind of internal exaltation that you need to do that work with yourself, so that it is, so that the viewer can see that this person is cold, this is how you can force yourself to believe in this or that fiction, someone’s inventions, which you show the stage, i swear to you, at that moment i was cold and i was shaking from the cold. 22-24°, i'm wearing a coat and i'm cold. we we move to the red sector, to your left. you devote your entire creative life to the stage. did you manage to misbehave during this time? naturally, even on stage
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sometimes we misbehave. for some reason this incident has come up for me now, there was a play, um... figr's wedding, and it was april 1st, a comedy, we decided to laugh at something, i started playing the fool, in the second act and in the scene in the garden my hero slaps one character in the face, well, we agreed that i should slap one character in the face, in the dark so the collision from the play was made that he misses and lands this slap in the face of another character, and so we... agreed that he would take two orbits with him, well, like the guy to whom i slap this slap in the face, as if i had done such a slap that i knocked out his teeth, well, just like that khakhmili, hello, my name is victoria, do you have any fears?
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artists probably even have the same fears, they have those nightmares that probably unite all artists. it’s a nightmare that you dream that you have to go on stage, and you didn’t have time to change clothes, the second common one, everyone has the same nightmare - this is that you need a scene, but you don’t know the role, perhaps, probably, these are some of the strongest fears, which are very frequent, they usually arise in these dreams, but it’s true, you really feel just scared, i already know this mechanism inside myself, and i see this in a dream, and i force myself to wake up in order to break out of this kind of enchantment.
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for some reason i remembered the phrase of baron munchausen, who, according to the schedule, at some time there, conventionally at 9 o’clock according to the schedule, a feat, here somehow boldly, well you know, there was probably a moment when my neighbor’s car caught fire in the middle of the night, i noticed it, i ran to him, knocked on his apartment, pushed him away, we ran to put it out, and it could have exploded at any moment... because i knew that he had a car with gas equipment, that is, there was a gas cylinder in the car, which if
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there was smoke from the engine compartment, well, the fire reached the trunk, it would explode, we ran, put it out, drive it away, the car was on fire, we opened the trunk, disconnected there, shut off the gas pipeline so that nothing happened, they extinguished the car before the firefighters arrived. there is where they fell, sometimes they fly under the piano, then you climb there , twist around, sit on them, and not under
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the piano, you climbed under the piano, sat on these notes, then the performance, yes, then they say that actor, well, some actors collect a bent nail on stage, well, because there is a crowbar, when it happens, they hammer in the nails, take them out, they are lying around somewhere, well, about... to change in myself, although i remember myself as a child i was very dissatisfied with what i see in mirror, but i somehow considered myself, maybe this
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will seem funny to someone, i considered myself some kind of ugly duckling in childhood, then over time, when i simply plunged into this abyss of my profession, you know in general... even by touch, i absolutely did not look there, and i believed that everything that the stage needed would be drawn by the makeup artists, my appearance, she, well, her appearance is only that, in my personal life, i have a wife, which means if she likes me, that means i'm normal for her, i'm normal, change something, i'll never do anything
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i didn’t want to be there, even i see, well , a crooked nose, they even offered me, they said , let’s do an operation for you there, we can fix your nose, i say, oh, i ’ve lived with him for many years and i’ll be okay with him without him. somehow it’s not like that, and even now there are performances that, well, you see that i’m already quite like this... whitened over the years, and there are roles when you play quite young people, well, this is the play onegin, eugene onegin, and the play the wild hunt of the king stakha, when my character is quite a young man, sometimes i they say, well, my colleagues, i mean directors or relatives, they say, well, somehow , your white hair color probably no longer fits with those young characters who are in their 20s. well, sometimes make-up artists darken my hair and when i see myself with the hair that i had 15 years ago,
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i no longer feel comfortable. i want to quickly get into the shower, wash my hair and return to the pristine state that i am now, in which i live, i don’t think that this is some kind of problem, i need to change something in myself, we need to support what we have and try to preserve what nature has given us.
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see in the project the route was built on the belarus 24 tv channel . when do you think an actor should leave the stage? oh, well, this is probably a rather complicated process, people love their
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occupation and what they do so much that it’s very... when the audience, well, understanding, throw up their hands that, well, well, he’s already old , which means it’s already too late in relation to opera, after all, singing is a rather complex physical process, breathing is also muscles, ligaments, they too should work smoothly, and not tremble, to see this process, you need to have the courage to tell yourself
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that stop, that’s enough, that you already... must make room for others, but again, here i am a little... i’ll repeat myself, in order to prolong your creative life as much as possible, you need to help your body, you need to exercise it, this is brain activity, too, as they say, so that there are no problems with memory, it needs to be constantly trained, but for us this is training, we are constantly learning some new texts, new well... material we are learning and music, words and in a foreign language, it’s all quite complicated, and this is such a serious workout for the brain, for the head, and in general for the whole body. we are moving to the red sector, in 2020 you were awarded the title of people's artist, what does this recognition mean to you? you know, in the days of my youth
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there was such a concept as a gost and a quality mark, on many... objects there was something like a five-pointed, well, not a star but a pentacle, and it meant that this product met some criteria and i... think what is this the title of people's artist, there is any title, when it is announced in front of your name, this is a sign of quality in the face of the title, it makes you treat yourself with even greater claims in order to convey to the viewer your creative product with even greater diligence and... qualities, that is, this is, let’s say, another degree of responsibility, mine to the audience. how do you think you can
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attract the attention of the younger generation to the art of opera? this means that the first thing that should be is some kind of information the reason, that is, it needs to be explained to the younger generation so that they understand that they cannot live without it. that the whole life he had gone through and he didn’t know what opera was, that it was all in vain, that when this first thing passed, that he would finally understand that he had to try it in order to understand whether it was tasty or tasteless , you have to try, any impression should be your own, and in order for you to form an impression, you have to try it yourself, now that this has already happened, our task is to captivate happening in such a way that... a person understands that oh, how is it, in a new language, oh, cool, it turns out that they are also depicting something here, and so truly like that, that is, here the task will be ours, so that , what
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was happening on stage was fascinating, and people became interested in coming to something else, because actually, why bother, we ’re all glued to our phones, that’s why it seems to me, uh, it’s very important that young people don’t forget that life exists beyond electronic devices, and precisely theater - this is the place where this electronics, well, of course it is present in our lives, but not to the extent that it haunts us in our lives, here we are, please. this is an excerpt from the play the snow maiden. on the warm blue sea, where the waves whip the foam, and the stones
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rock the coastal cliffs. take the priceless pearl. and give me love! this signal means that the time for questions to the hero has expired. vladimir, now you have to choose the best question of this program. well, the questions are completely different, but one question really caught me. taken aback, it was a question about something unusual, something unusual happened to me when i was talking about the broom. great, who is the author of this question? take the microphone, let's
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get to know you, what's your name? i study in the tenth grade, secondary school number 143. according to the rules of our program, the author of the best question receives a special gift from our guest: go out onto the playground. and this is for you, and may all adversities remain in the outside world and not fall on you. great, applause. vladimir, now you have the opportunity ask the children one question. i would like to ask children what modern people understand about living life.
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they asked a question about what i did that was so unusual, it was difficult to somehow formulate what is so extraordinary about your profession? what question have you been waiting for, but you were never asked? these are the questions that concern us all absolutely equally, so there were no unexpected questions. today you managed to answer 44 questions, tell me, if we call you again, will you agree to come? well, i think. yes,
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i am addressing our audience. do you think that our hero was as frank as possible with us today? who thinks so, raise your hands. and i think that our guest was really honest with us. i even saw it in my eyes. his were so pure, so filled with interest. yes, uh, eyes, look. i think yes, he was frank and honest, he never wanted to refuse. it was clear that the person wanted to answer the question, did not want to lie, who thinks that our guest was a little cunning today, cunning and something understated, not a single person, vladimir, the last word always belongs to the hero, these are the rules of our program, i experienced so many moments, sometimes even i found it difficult to contain the emotions that rose and... from within, but again, what i want
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to say is that children did not hesitate to ask questions that interested them, often children trust friends or the internet more than their parents, i want them to trust and communicate with their parents, ask more and receive answers, hear these answers. just like you were holding the book in your hands, you were picking up one piece after another, sniffing at the words on your skin. in good spirits. creative works,
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the most valuable and useful ones - these books. the books contain the thoughtful thoughts of the people, the reports and expressive chatter of people. everything that chalavetstva created, she ate up on old books, bytstsam witchcraft. we read more about the past centuries, we read about the closer ones, we appreciate the past for our daily life. belarus 244. what are scientists working on
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today? a group of small devices is being created. one device is made by belarus and two the device is made by the russian federation. this grouping is designed to explore near-earth space. weather forecasting by only a network of ground-based non-theoretical stations is not enough, because weather, as we know, is formed at altitude, so we need data from altitude observations. complex things in simple terms.


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