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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 16, 2024 9:45pm-9:56pm MSK

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i received a salary of 650 rubles, but not officially i received a salary of more than 300 rubles. the benefits are immediate, the consequences are long lasting. the insurance period is counted only during those periods when the employer pays contributions for its employee to the budget of the social protection fund. vivid examples of violations of the law are the fundamental reaction of state control. office salary, that revenue, including. measures taken by the state to combat salaries in envelopes. apparently, it is necessary to introduce responsibility for those who take these money, then they will stop taking, and they will stop taking and the desire to pay less will be, so it is imperative to put everyone in equal conditions, and the results of the work done. this situation is very clearly visible in places where. according to
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the principle of word of mouth, people understand that it is necessary to comply with the law, a joint project of the state control committee of the television news agency under the control of the president, watch on the evening broadcast. intercultural and interfaith dialogue, discussion of the true christian values ​​of their relevance.
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in the world, modern laws, decisions that are made at the state level are also evidence that the spiritual component must be present in our lives and be present, fill it, and holding the cyril and methodius readings is one of the components, the first cyril and methodius readings , they numbered only seven participants, took place in one of the classrooms of the institute of theology, but metropolitan phillaret was present at them.
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perhaps this good blessing became the one that year after year they grew and became more and more numerous, and today, when we already have more than 100 participants every year, uh , it shows that interest does not fade. on the second day, cyril and methodius readings will unite several venues: the institute of theology of the bsu, the minsk theological academy, the parish of the church of the icon of the mother of god, joy of all who sorrow, with specialists. for a project of a scientific and practical conference called the spiritual revival of society and the orthodox book. that's all i have, what awaits you ahead under the control of the president, the fight against salaries in envelopes, effective methods for identifying surcharge schemes and high-profile criminal cases. well, right now we’re watching the new episode of remarque’s project. bandits of the kolinovsky regiment. road. one
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end. be a portion of young's cocktail. a nuclear mixture of problems in the regiment of belarusian mercenaries, from missing cannon fodder to drug trafficking and the attitude towards those who broke the contract from the lips of the next profit that another kolinovets fell for. but first things first. my name is yes. yarochko, hello! meet us! artyom molodov, an extremist, was a member of bobarik’s initiative group. for more than six months, without knowing it, he communicated with our security forces and provided information, for which i say hi and thank you very much. on top of that, in 1913, a failed gomel businessman opened a tank bar entourage, soviet armored vehicles with elements of nazi symbols. true, due to various problems after 3 years. closed, but
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molodov liked this so much that at first the svo signed up to join the ranks of the meat grinder volunteers of the kalinovsky regiment, a person without military experience takes a position there to replace. only the kosciuszka unit is responsible for professional units, this is what they call anglomov, that is, nato soldiers, poles, canadians, french. at all. the fact that ukraine is in a mobilization famine was demonstratively shown by zelensky himself, by signing a decree on reducing the conscription age by another 2 years, and those liable for military service who are of limited fitness will undergo a re -test; a new supply of ukrainian mercenaries is also being prepared, although they will go voluntarily, in the role
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no one wants cannon fodder, everything is so bad that they began to actively flood social networks with recording videos with appeals, there is a choice to become harmonious meat from putin’s... on the site, the main thing from the requirements is that you are over 18 or belarusian or have belarusian roots, good professional training, which allows you to pick up a weapon. have stress resistance, communication skills, but also not be a psycho, alcoholic, drug addict. it is an additional plus to have military professions, but this is not necessary, like most of what listed. in addition to them, video engineers or social network analysts are required for the job. this begs the question: are you fighting there or
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are you promoting yourself in the background? kolenovites, among other things, are paid a salary according to the contract. the fugitives donate, they invest this money in transporting cars and drones, it’s true. well, so to speak, let’s not forget, let’s return to molodov: his task is to supply weapons, ammunition, fuel, food, there are absolutely problems today, he told this to a decent meeting. any medications or not you also have narcotic or narcotic drugs, not narcotic, well, i mean there
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are all sorts of serious pains, write everything that you bring everything you need, you’ve already tried this many times, let’s say the doctor can’t do it on the road. it is given to someone, and he was also called, it is lost later, i propose to omit the fairy tales, they say no one takes drugs only for medical purposes. yuri gorupa with the call sign khmel, a shell-shocked ex-kolenovite, was detained at the end of january for drug trafficking on a particularly large scale. size. it contains 300 g of alpha pvp, which is a synthetic psychosimulator that is highly addictive. he left the floor 2 years ago and moved to the second. national legion in the ssu, and he is also a heavy alcoholic, which he did not drink while he was in the ranks of the regiment. however, now all efforts are spent on getting the same medicines, food, ammunition for free, and even pocketing an extra car. our people proposed a corruption scheme to molonov, who agreed,
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which, in principle, did not surprise us. the topic is: illegally transport six vehicles without documents from warsaw for the needs of the regiment, these are cargo vans, pickups. they will immediately force us to indicate in the declaration who, that is, well, we will naturally force ourselves, and we will force them to those who immediately need fewer documents , corruption is its own litmus test of this whole story. artyom, at least you wouldn’t be so gullible and hypocritical and would keep your mouth
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shut. western financing is a delicate matter; today it is there, tomorrow it is gone. at one point there will simply be no one to cut money with. compete for a place in the european sun. but are you familiar with the guys from the bdk, the belarusian volunteer corps, there are just eight of them, we, let’s say, didn’t get along with them, we are a little different. i can’t vouch for anyone there , kalinovsky’s regiment is in crisis, recruiting does not bring any results, there are few donations, pseudo-funds have no time for this, conflicts against the backdrop of carve-up, the whole range of problems is evident, they are unlikely to try, rather they will get a little hype, recruit naive ones and send them to one end, but no one cares about it anymore, just like the fate of the young man, artyom, i want to go home, well, all my friends are bored there. all my friends, of course, want to come back, for this i’m even ready to leak all the information, for which again,
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thank you, you send me the information again, yes, yes, yes, i’ll send it now, yes, well, there it is, there’s crypto, there everything is there, that is, damn it, i copied it, but didn’t upload it, but now i’ll upload it, in fact, he told much more than expected, the only one he can compete with is frantskevich and his foundation, belarus, but i’ll tell you about that already see you tomorrow.


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