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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 17, 2024 12:45am-1:16am MSK

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lithuania must strengthen our relations with the united states, as the world changes, we see growing competition from authoritarian powers, be it russia, china. on the external political circuit, today the usa represents competition for world hegemony. russia and china. the unipolar system led by the states is being replaced by a multipolar one. the east is asserting itself, primarily in economic terms. this is an impressive share of global gdp. the share of countries included in brix today, for example, taking into account states that join the association, global gdp will increase from 36 to 45% by 2040. this would be more than double the share of the g7 countries. despite the fact that the organization.
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is an economic association, the west perceives it as a challenge and calls it an open enemy. the shanghai cooperation organization, among them nuclear powers, the second and sixth economies in the world, 60% of the territory of eurasia and almost half of the world's population. brix and sco are considered the main threat to us dominance. what do you have in i mean, speaking about strengthening relations between lithuania and the united states, that is, they are not strong enough. the usa is the most important. country, and of course, the most important thing, it seems to me, is that there would be more in america in lithuania, what happened there in the usa, what happened in the region, we stand very clearly with america, because it is the hegemony , at least now, a country with which we must constantly work and just so that nothing happens, the free world needs a strong america. the united states remains a preeminent global
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power and transatlantic ties are necessary for the functioning of nato, we are not all of us, this is true, this is how it is, at the moment there is no alternative to american power, and we must work with the american leadership, who is who, whoever will be president, this is very important. so that america remains strong and remains united. the usa is a hegemonic country with which lithuania must stand to the last. but now you are talking about foreign policy, and what other strategic decisions would you make if you were president of lithuania? well, of course, the usa comes first, the second thing is nato, and nato is like a foreign policy, but also a security policy, that's all, that's all, that 's all, that's all.
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with the chancellor of germany, with the president of the usa, this is the idea of ​​g+, germany, polland, lithuania, us, this is this, so that because there are polish troops in poland, of course, there are americans, there are americans in poland, we have americans, we have german troops, of course, all of our troops, we all cooperate and work together so that with...
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people, this is 44% more than a year earlier, but lithuania explained the percentage increase
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by the departure of citizens of ukraine and belarus from the country. yes, this, this, of course, this is not as a problem, but it’s just this, this is an issue that in...
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the middle east, women and children. belarus records dozens of injured, injured and killed. you were deputy secretary general of nato, and i will repeat your words, you know the alliance from the inside. as far as i understand, ukraine was counting on more participation from the alliance than is actually happening . what is happening in the west, we see everything well, and this, this is not a surprise, because... this is this year - this is an election year, we all knew that every democracy would be - in all sorts of interesting things are happening there, and we see very clearly, it seems to me, what is happening in the usa. another thing, this is our entire, well, ours
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, i say, western, western industry, the military industry, which does not yet work in military uniform, it is still us... who have this potential to produce weapons in europe , it is necessary, well, the pace should be completely different, ukraine is fighting for us. is inato
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ready for confrontation with russia? yes, we are very ready, we are certainly ready, and it is very important that... america remains strong remained united, yes, we need a strong america. we count. so, gedrim syglinska with his lips, the name of his country, lithuania, and derivatives sounded 10 times. america, usa, 22 times. do you think he's the only one? washington's relations with the baltic countries from the very beginning are built on the model of overlords and vassals, who are loyal.
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5 days before taking office as the president of lithuania, in us policy towards lithuania and other baltic republics, today a cleansing strategy is clearly visible. trained. america's policy, there is less population, less industry, agriculture and infrastructure amid the militarization of the region. ekaterina tikhomirova was with you, see you! over the past year, the memorial was visited by more than 520 thousand people. and these were citizens not only of belarus, neighboring countries, but also those from abroad. the memorial was visited by representatives from myanmar,
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angola, vietnam, china, great britain, france, the usa, and several other countries. and it must be said that as part of the reconstruction, a completely new museum was created, a new museum exhibition, which was visited by more than 130 thousand human. but what unique exhibits have been added to the museum’s exposition? and the church, which was lost, as the village perished during the great patriotic war,
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the church itself dates back to the end of the 18th century, it was illuminated on november 6 , 1794 in honor of the virgin mary, then it moved to the lonno orthodoxy and was the church of the holy mother of god when it was a decision was made to recreate the church, then of course we turned to written sources for this church, this is not... the creation of some new church, and not the reconstruction of the old one, yes, exactly a copy of the one that was in khatyn before the tragic events, but in addition to the church itself , the bell tower was also recreated, which was mentioned in the same documents, the bell tower on four pillars, it had three bells of different weights, so everything is really this part of the village of khatyn, it was recreated indeed, well, let’s say, completely down to the smallest... very important grains, well, they say that the new interactive museum is also of particular interest to visitors,
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tell us about this project, yes, indeed, except for the open part of the memorial and the renovation work carried out there, a new museum was created and opened, a completely new exhibition, and this is rather a museum of emotions, a museum space in which, with the help of new information technologies, there is a complete immersion in those dramatic events, the story goes rather than through:
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what as a result last year, khatyn was visited by a lot of belarusians, about half a million, besides, foreigners also came, there are more than 11 thousand people, why do you think our memorial complex is so popular? the memorial itself is like that an open book that allows you to see the result of any military conflict, any aggression, any war, which, unfortunately, fell to the lot of belarus , and today, thanks to the creation of a new museum... this topic is being revealed by new information means, and when a visitor comes to the museum,
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he sees how important it is to preserve peace, and how important it is to know about those tragic events so that such tragedies do not repeat themselves, because for our country, for every resident of our country, the great patriotic war the war was a humanitarian disaster. the moment of the nazi massacre of civilians in khatyn has already passed 81 years, and we keep this memory, why do you think this is really important today? well, i must say:
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this group has a special manner of performing kupala and harvest songs, which are called overlapping songs, our special manner of performing these songs is included in the state list of intangible cultural heritage. watch the travel show like at home on our tv channel.
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they are dedicated to their work.
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equal working conditions in the market, minister economy.
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is being discussed in the business environment of belarus - this is the law on entrepreneurial activity, or rather its updated architecture. the purpose of the amendments was to equalize the working conditions of individual entrepreneurs and legal entities, since today individual entrepreneurs, using a simplified scheme for entering a business, have much lower costs. entrepreneurs who transfer to a legal entity will have certain bonuses in terms of the possibility of registration at the place of residence, property registration, succession, license, certificate. and so on. more about the innovation updated law, we’ll talk right now with the minister of economy of belarus yuri chibataryum. yuri adamovich, you, as a regulator, what main goals do you set for the updated law on entrepreneurial activity, well, you know, small and medium-sized
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businesses play a significant role in the economy, a quarter of the gross domestic product comes from this category of business, a third of exports, a third of workers, these are all small and medium-sized businesses, so the key, of course, is to develop them. or not, but the state, for its part, gave such an opportunity, now here is the most discussed question: who will remain in the individual entrepreneur, who will have to move to a legal entity in order to
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work? proposals submitted for discussion on the legal portal, additionally, will more dialogue platforms be organized with business? yes, a list, draft lists have been published, these are projects, we focus attention, firstly, you can leave your opinion within the framework of public discussion on the appropriate one. portal next week, as part of a discussion at the ministry of economy, we will gather representatives of all business communities, so that they convey their point of view on certain types of activities, and thirdly, literally in the near future we will begin traveling to the regions, and we will try to visit as much as possible to gather a wide range of entrepreneurs in order to answer firstly, on current issues, and secondly, too... july 1 is the deadline for approving them, during which time it may
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be adjusted. yes, this is just a list for now, but in general, this is how it seems to you, who will definitely remain in the vp, and who will need should i still change my status to a legal entity? well, for sure, those types of activities that will remain are retail trade. we understand that many individual entrepreneurs. support for those who are scaling their business and building some new processes within the system? well, yes, all types of support remain, not only in
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accordance with the law, they are even supplemented with new ones, these are grants from local authorities, guarantees from our entrepreneurship support fund, as well as the expansion of the categories of those who will benefit from such types of support, previously these were only small ones. enterprises, today a medium-sized one is added to them, well, this set, in our opinion, is quite sufficient, but if not, we are ready to discuss any other forms of support with business. thank you, it was the minister of economy of belarus, yuri chabatar. now the results of trading on the belarusian currency and stock exchange, our ruble has strengthened against the dollar and yuan. so, the following exchange rates have been established: dollar 3 rubles 22 kopecks. for 10 yuaniya they gave 4 at auction ruble 42. 350 costs 100 russian rubles and the euro exchange rate according to the national bank is 3 rubles 50 kopecks. this is an area of ​​interest, now a short advertisement, later in
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the program: how businesses evaluate legal innovations and how they plan further work, we talked about their interest, together with the ministry of justice, we will tell you step by step what needs to be done to seamlessly transform an individual entrepreneur into a legal entity. who and how helps make our lives better, what are scientists working on today? a group of small devices is being created, one device is made by belarus and two devices are made by russian federation. this grouping is designed to study the near-earth weather forecasting space; only a network of surface netio stations is not enough, because. weather, as we know, is formed at altitude, so we need high-altitude observation data, complex things in simple terms, we are seeing a trend today where the magnetic
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poles. the history of belarusian synoptic meteorology began in the thirties of the last century, when a hydrometeorological institute was opened in our country. look project science is nearby on our tv channel. white and red is now our flag. let's form a hand-to-hand grip. the coupling is a priori an element. a smogar pro-ukrainian beer party, this is a prototype of a wedding in malinovka, the government is changing, words and views are changing, now they will change article 342, what conclusions were drawn, probably then i was under the emotional influence of the general
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information flow. very strong, now in my life there has been a big reassessment of values, we can have a constructive dialogue, so i demand the withdrawal of the russian troops from belarus, on the poster in my hands i support ukraine, why didn’t it previously support the inhabitants of the fraternal donbass, who were bombed by ukraine for 8 years, why now, being in georgia and moving around the european union, does not go out into the streets in support of palestine. ksenia lebedeva’s view on the policy of double standards in the project is different, watch it on the belarus 24 tv channel . this is an area of ​​interest, and we continue. so, now
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the list of species has been submitted for public discussion. activities permitted for individual entrepreneurs. the government calls for you to join they promise to listen to this discussion and sound business arguments. so far , the list includes various areas of activity, from agriculture, including growing vegetables, to manufacturing, which includes the production of clothing, furniture and equipment repair. all details on the legal forum of belarus. here you can leave your comments or suggestions. may, how does our business evaluate the proposed innovations, how do they plan further work and what does it expect from government agencies? we asked individual entrepreneurs, report by olga anishchenko. the resort village of narech is a magnet for lovers of a relaxing holiday in nature. during the season there are more visitors than local
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residents, the entrepreneur does not complain about the demand. this is a good way to offer belarusian goods to visiting tourists. belarusian goods are represented very widely. the room doesn’t allow you to fit very much, but the most necessary things, of course, are there. this is just lake narych, which is immense, but the village on the shore is much more modest, about 400 locals. it’s unlikely to lure big trade here maybe. retail chains don’t want to come to us; for them, of course, this is not the population. the nearest more or less large city is 40 km from us, so an individual entrepreneur helps out the locals, because in order to dress up for the season and just buy the essentials, not everyone can travel tens of kilometers to larger towns. this fact of the social significance of business in the outback was taken into account when forming the list of types of activities permitted for individual entrepreneurs. but on the other hand, people like elena lazar, who are ready to develop further, scale the business, moving to legal entity, the conditions are comfortable
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now. the entrepreneur managed to evaluate the concept of the upcoming work, well, in general, an individual entrepreneur is limited by the number of employees, no more than three, by a revenue limit; entrepreneurs who are stronger, like elena, will no longer be satisfied with such a business arrangement, there are also accompanying bonuses: the simplified taxation system remains , there are up to 50 people, employees, you can pay a simplified tax, llc will allow,
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in the future, maybe even to change. some type of activity or take up a new one type of activity that requires obtaining licenses. so far we are positive, and i would like this simplified system to help us develop and grow. and this is the capital, vladislav veucheysky, one of those who decided not to put their eggs in one basket, took up four types of work at once. he provides office services, repairs computer equipment, organizes events and...


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