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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 17, 2024 8:15am-9:00am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] a forensic fire technical examination was assigned to the circumstances. forensic experts from the department of the state committee for forensic expertise in the minsk region established that the fire was located in the area where the front left part of the main high-voltage battery of a porsche car was located. the technical cause of the fire was a short circuit in the battery cell. as the fire spread from the porsche, six nearby tesla cars and a suzuki motorcycle were damaged. by this fact is being checked by the minsk rod. the review of criminal and emergency incidents will continue to be published. it was prepared by victoria radevich. a terrible tragedy in a fire on the outskirts of mstislavl. the fire claimed the lives of four people. in the course of circumstances, when a fire began to break out in the home in the middle of the night, the residents were sleeping after the funeral. shocking details were voiced by vsk. according
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to them, the events unfolded last sunday. as it became known, after leaving the house as guests, the owners remained - this is a fifty-year-old man, his wife of 46 years, as well as the owner’s sister and his fourteen-year-old niece. both came from minsk and a cousin. he is the only one who was able to escape. young people passing by noticed smoke coming out of the windows. they tried to wake up everyone who was inside, but it was no longer possible to enter the house. eyewitnesses called rescuers. investigators do not rule out that the fire could have been caused by an unextinguished cigarette. an investigation has been initiated into the tragedy. criminal case, the exact cause of the fire will become known after receiving the results appointed examinations. after three stabs in the chest, he did not try to provide help, realizing that his opponent was already dead. investigators have finished looking into the case of the murder of a sixty-four-year-old man in a capital apartment on lishchinsky street last winter. his lifeless body with numerous wounds was discovered by his wife upon returning home to the kitchen on december 15. a thirty-six-year-old
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resident of minsk, who had already been convicted, will soon face trial - an acquaintance who died. he has been charged with murder and theft. according to the case materials, on the eve of the tragedy, the men were drinking together at the deceased’s home. both did not work anywhere and liked to spend time drinking alcohol. therefore, within an hour after the owner’s proposal, we were sitting at the same table. the guest was only released a few months ago after a ten-year sentence and he was very angry that his opponent, who had served 10 days of arrest, called himself an authority on the so-called prison laws. the brewing conflict ended with the defendant grabbing a shackle standing on the slab. hit a pensioner head, the owner of the apartment wanted to defend himself from the attack and grabbed a knife, but the accused , according to the investigation, intercepted the weapon, the victim died almost immediately from acute blood loss. i only remember how i hit him like this, like one blow, there was one or two. the attacker examined the premises for valuables. before leaving, he took the tv, a new electric chainsaw, the deceased’s mobile phone, and the rest of the vodka, the crime weapon.
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moving away from the house, the accused. drank some alcohol and the empty bottle and knife were thrown away by the snowdrift. the defendant was unable to hand over the stolen goods to the pawnshop , so he returned to his cousin, with whom he had been living lately. he was unable to conceal information about what happened and told everything to his relative and husband in order to avoid criminal prosecution, and the man went with him to molodechino. by the way, he was detained there. an impromptu feast with a friend ended in death for a pensioner from bobruisk. two days later, his body was found in the inspection hole of an unfinished garage. about it reported to you in the region. investigators are now looking into the circumstances of the tragedy that happened last tuesday as part of an investigation. there are few details of the story yet. it is only known that 2 days before his disappearance, the seventy-one-year-old man was drinking with an acquaintance. at some point, he left in an unknown direction and was not seen again until his body was found. according to the preliminary version, death was caused by drowning. all the details of what happened remain to be established by the investigation. what were you
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stolen? earrings. four residents of minsk were robbed while they were at home. the police told how this happened. the answer, in essence, lies in the carelessness of the owners themselves. criminal cases have been initiated. for example, one of the applicants invited two men to her place and, despite the fact that they knew little about her, allowed them to stay for several days. in the morning , the hospitable hostess found neither her friends nor her tv. why were they detained? grazh. theft of what, a tv. where did the stolen goods go? these were in the lab. how much money did you make? 120 rub. helped out for earrings 298. criminal investigation officers detained a thirty-five-year-old man from menchan and his thirty-seven-year-old friend, who admitted that they had donated someone else’s plasma to a pawnshop, and also stole gold earrings from a woman, the loss of which she did not even notice. in another case, a sixty-year-old minsk resident gave a duplicate of the keys to her apartment to her
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thirty-four-year-old neighbor, who had... an apartment, was distracted from management, in the capital's guy they named the preliminary cause of the accident on mkat in the area of ​​​​francisco skaryna street, where they had collided the day before truck and car. according to the preliminary version, the twenty-four-year-old driver of a heavy truck crashed into a volkswagen because he turned his attention from the road to the navigator; the accident occurred without injuries. this was the "area x" project. don't miss our evening broadcast on belarus-1 at 18:15. today we will sum up the week,
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take care and have a nice day. on may 17, nina mozheiko
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olga venskaya meets you today in our studio again guests , by the way, it’s 8:22 and i think it’s time for you to get very useful advice from our super nutritionist svetlana koshitskaya sveta good morning, good morning! good morning, do you know what question i will ask you today: what helps us to be successful, cheerful and confident in our abilities, food, food of light, and early in the morning, preferably, absolutely true, feelings of happiness are influenced by four special hormones, now i i’ll tell you how to get these hormones from food, they are released into the blood, at this moment we feel a surge of strength, it appears. move mountains, how to increase the production of hormones of happiness, love, motivation and internal antidepressant, that’s me, girls, i’ll tell you today. well, i know, the hormone endorphin, for me it’s the hormone of happiness, is that right? yes, this is really a hormone
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of happiness, each of us needs it, it blocks pain in us, by the way, it helps us survive in the most extreme conditions, it is produced during active recreation and sports. by the way, it is also produced when we laugh, communicate with friends, listen to music, this is what needs to be done, listen, i understand correctly, that is, i took it, told jokes, endorphin was all developed, it’s already so happy, danced, listened to music, watched a good movie, a comedy, or finally turned on our program; by the way, another hormone, called dopamine, helps us achieve our goals. a simple way to increase its level in our body is to eat properly, tasty food, that is , you won’t get away with anecdotes , there is something in this story, we need details, but we need to know
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what to eat, this is cheese, these are seeds, meat, fish, beans, these foods are rich in terosine and contribute to more intense production of this hormone, by the way, immediately looking ahead, i'll tell you more clearly or back. i don’t mean fried seeds, we add them to the salad, not something that after you are tired, have had dinner, that’s it, you sit down, take a bag of seeds and eat them, because excuse me, the seeds are very high in calories, a very... fatty product all these fats will go straight to being stored in reserve, we’ll eliminate the habit in the evenings, eat these roasted seeds in the evenings, i liked the advice about coffee, i’m a coffee lover myself, so i’m very glad that coffee improves our mood, and by the same effect it really at first glance it has coffee, but i don’t recommend getting carried away with it, this is a surge of strength and desire to act, confident in yourself, provide us with a high level of serotonin, that’s what... to increase its production,
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i advise, my dear girls, to keep your posture, yes, because when we slouch , the hormone level decreases, it’s true, this gait, you know, from morning to evening, we walk proudly to work from work, well girls, let’s be honest, we always walk like this, yes, it’s true about us, but we’re also we can add. cheese, boiled eggs, pumpkin, cottage cheese and lentils, they contain a very important amino acid, tryptophan, from which serotonin is produced, foods with a high content of vitamin b are also suitable, these are curroga, prunes, seaweed, which is also important for me to understand, that is, it turns out to be a doe, and in order to be a doe , you need to include pumpkin, seaweed in your diet, yes, that is what. will really straighten your shoulders, friends, but i think that there is one more good
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ingredient, let’s say, in this wonderful recipe, probably a good dream, without it you can’t get by, that’s absolutely true, and what is good sleep, let’s do it this way, good sleep is when we fall asleep, my dears, before 23 o’clock, at the latest before 12 o’clock, this is the first rule, but because at night we synthesize a very important hormone , growth hormone, thanks to which we all lose weight, if you want to stay slim, you should fall asleep before 11 o'clock ideally, but 12 is the ceiling, you need to sleep 7-8 hours, intermittent sleep, i think about something all the time, intense sleep , that is, this suggests that you are already experiencing bad phases of your deep sleep, this needs to be solved, and we can also solve this with the help of other products and other additives, and by the way, from me, eat less sweets, because you crave sugar. speaks of a lack of serotonin, but fast
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carbohydrates stimulate only the short-term production of this hormone, it seems to us that we feel good, and then we feel bad, it is much healthier to eat foods rich in complex carbohydrates, these are vegetables, fruits, listen, already strawberries, how delicious the strawberries are on sale , this is of course ours healthy porridge, and in general, when we are happy to communicate with our loved ones, friends, we stand out for... not only porridge with strawberries, the freshest
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aromatic, with nuts perhaps, but also in the company of close people, and let me tell you, the most important thing - hug, oxytocin is produced when we feel tactility, so the more you hug your loved ones, family, friends, girlfriends, the more you yourself are charged with these hormones and give them to them, tactility, hug, friends, it turns out to be an ideal continuation in the morning and ate porridge. with strawberries and nuts, and then you come up and say, dear, hug him, and say, please wash the dishes, i think this is a very good script, sveta, you’re not just a nutritionist, you’re also a psychologist, it seems to me, a first-class one, in general, you calmed us all down and really gave us all the hormones of happiness in this broadcast, we thank you, wish you a good day, and right now i ’m just sending you into the arms of anatoly moiseev, because he
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prepared breakfast for you. good morning today we remember the recipe that our grandmothers used to prepare, i assure you, you will definitely be satisfied with the result, we are preparing pancakes with sorrel, essentially this is a pancake casserole, a fairly common food in the 19th century, we will need pancakes, sorrel, milk, sugar, chicken egg sour cream . bake pancakes in advance according to your family recipe. the main thing is the filling. cook two bunches of sorrel in boiling water for 2-3 minutes. we recline. place it on a sieve to drain excess water, then rub the sorrel through the same sieve and sweeten the filling with a tablespoon of sugar. for pouring into the bowl pour a glass of milk and a tablespoon of sugar into a blender, add 100 g of sour cream, just beat in the egg and mix until
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smooth. spread each pancake with sorrel filling and roll it into a tube. save a couple of pancakes for the top layer. cut the pancake rolls in half and place them in a greased pan. we overlap the first layer and fill it with filler. we form the second layer in the same way. do not skimp on the filling, cover the pancakes completely. cover the top of the casserole with whole pancakes. add a couple of pieces of butter oil and place in the oven preheated to 180° for about half an hour. the casserole is ready, you can separate it into separate rolls, or you can cut it like a cake. the main thing is that the pancakes in the filling become very tender, like a soufflé.
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the sourness makes the taste of the dessert simply indescribable. i'm sure you will definitely like this recipe. bon appetit!
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i’ll go at dawn, i’ll return if i can, the wind is in my will, but i won’t have time to catch it... i won’t have time, taiga, yes, kilometers, a star or shining, siberia, who will answer you, if you shout, taiga, yes, kilometers, a star, barely it’s shining, siberia, who will fly away from you, if you shout for a generation of snow, even deeper into the depths, i
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’m going to visit god, he’s the only one who hears, kaiga and kilometers, a star, barely shining. siberia, who will answer you, if you shout, taiga and kilometers, a star, barely shining, sibit, who will answer you, if you shout, snow and burans. the frosts flew away, not too late and not too early, but you didn’t have time for each other, yes,
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yes, kilometers, a star, barely shining, siberia, who will answer you, if you shout. darega and kilometers, the star barely shines, now who will answer, you’ll soon shout, i’ll go to dawn, i’m no longer jealous of you, no one
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will help now, only for our tv viewers, we choose the best routes, today we are in polotsk, oh, you know that i haven’t thought about visiting here for a long time, because it’s a city, real history, it’s true that this is a former post office building, yes, 1952, a post office building, and not exactly a civilian one, there were military units here, that is, the guys received correspondence, and we set off on an exciting journey through
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our country, good morning belarus, good morning country, olga venska, nina mazeika, we continue you wake up and our live broadcast continues, and you know, we with great pleasure want to inform you, well, firstly, not only that today is friday, even if it is a working day, even if saturday will be a working day, but we still have ahead of us. summer is the time for vacations, and it’s time to think about where to go on vacation, by the way, the charter program of the most famous resort of turkish antalya is already gaining momentum, i would even say it’s gaining altitude something like this, and in addition to minsk , regional cities are now on the flight map. yes, the first charter flights from brest to antalya took place on may 13, then gomel joined the program, and passengers from vitebsk to the south will be able to depart on may 23. well, right now we’ll tell you what connected new york and the two. damn, let's find out the details, between these cities, you know , they created a virtual bridge, the project was called a portal, with its help it was possible to communicate in real time with people who
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were at a distance of almost 5.00 km, the portal was installed on the busy streets of two cities and equipped with large round screens forms and cameras that transmitted images. the author of the installation is lithuanian artist benediktes gillies, the main idea was conceived as a testament to the ability of the power of art to overcome physical barriers. that the portals will work until the fall, but just a few days later they had to be temporarily closed, the fact is that people on both sides quickly moved from dancing, singing and hearts, to demonstrating obscene gestures, naked bodies and even aggressive behavior, listen, well, first of all, what kind of art is that? makes you want to show an indecent gesture, for example, that’s also a good question, you understand, usually art awakens some of the best emotions in us, bright feelings in the end, well, it’s worth thinking about,
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in fact, in this case. yes, and if your head is spinning, then it seems to me that it’s only from good emotions, from the hormones of happiness, again, which are produced in us during a certain period, and it seems to me that most often this happens, and let it happen to my favorite job right now i propose to meet this a hero who loves his job very much and makes the morning of the country good. my name is klimovich alexander, i work at the wheel factory... in the morning, i get ready, wash,
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come to work, come to work at the beginning of six every day. i’m waiting for the start of the shift, the foreman conducts a shift change with us, we receive shift assignments and proceed, we come to our workplaces, we get to work, this is my workplace, i constantly work on it, the future part, the glass of bearings, the duties are included, the manufacture of parts according to the issued shift task, and this is the production of diameters of certain complexity. that is, even hundreds, it doesn’t reach microns, microns are already grinding, cutting threads of any complexity, metric conical pipes, it doesn’t matter, we hand over the parts, the manufactured parts further to operational drillers, grinders, then they clean the control table for gas assembly. 20 years ago i graduated from a vocational school, and well, i came to a distribution plant, although i didn’t
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really want a lathe for this one, but then somehow i came. how to install, how to clamp, how process what loads to put on the machine so that it comes out, it worked, it gave up, everything worked perfectly, bring it in, just don’t rush, don’t be nervous, you’ve already done this pass, look at the feed, you need to increase it a little, i’m a very important animal in a large chain. well, without me, here’s how to remove it, it will break, each worker takes a small part and ends up with one huge unit. i love my job because it makes my country's mornings good. friends, i really liked the phrase, the hero of our plot, without me, it will all just break, and so will you. treat the work you do in
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your work, we are sure that then the results will also be very good. and surprise not only you, but right now, i hope that we will be pleasantly surprised by the weather, nin, please burn the details, and i will definitely burn you, because look, you can really get burned by these temperature indicators, today in the capital in minsk until +22°, there will be a little rain, hopefully short-term, maybe a thunderstorm, we'll see, in brest the air will warm up to +23 to +22 in vitebsk, there will also be precipitation there today, in gomel exactly the same temperature, but although not, in gomel it’s also a little bit. well, it seems to me that the weather in may is wonderful, what would may be without a thunderstorm, but i will say more, in my opinion, judging by these indicators, it’s time to start the season of open windows, you know, when we have day and even night we sleep with the windows open, but remember that weather forecasters warn that
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night frosts still persist throughout the country during the day. there will be short-term rains, nina has already said this, so, well, i don’t know, take an umbrella with you, probably yes, well, by the way, more details about the weather, there will also be thunderstorms in some areas, but in the meantime, public transport in minsk is switching to summer mode, due to the seasonal decrease in passenger traffic, from may 16 on weekdays the number of mobile units on some routes is decreasing, we are talking about buses, trolleybuses and even trams, but here is our beautiful svetlana. borowska travels around the country in her usual way, it doesn’t matter, by tram, by bus, by car, the main thing is to be on the move, every saturday she goes to the streets to see new places, meet interesting people, that’s where she visited this time, we’ll find out right now. this saturday svetlana borovskaya will go to zhdanovich, you can’t drink it in public, and if
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not, the citizens will call, you know, yes, of course. this is hole number three, they are married, if they come, it’s no matter how many resorts come here, that sometimes everything here that is not very tasty, everything is very healthy, 5°, imagine, this is the month of may, i’m like a bugler, how athletes train on the minsk sea, where the dachas of the belarusian classics are located, what the medicinal water smells like in the sanatorium and who is responsible for life in zhdanovichi, you will find out in the new episode of the program this saturday, turn on good ranitsa belarus with svetlana borovskaya. tomorrow at 9:15 tanya, you are a heroic woman, the owner won’t kick the dog out of the house in this weather, let’s go get a drink so we have something to talk about, you say such difficult words, we just need a good road, in fact, if who is on the outside came and saw how he and i walked around like that, hugging each other, that we were screaming and thinking, how can one even touch such a person,
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you know, it’s like i’m an artist by training, in fact, i... maybe or maybe me on sunday too show, be healthy, never get sick. waiting for summer. baby dance is a fun and exciting lesson for children from 3 to 6 years old. such classes combine two formats. child to develop flexibility, we had a lesson aimed at having a small warm-up, dance warming up and warming up is just so general strengthening, and we did a number
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of exercises, specifically to prevent flat feet, in order to form the correct posture in the child, there was a game moment, because without a game moment, of course, there is absolutely nowhere in children’s fitness to do such fitness children can start from the age of one and a half, but on one condition: one of the parents must be nearby. classes with kids last 30 minutes, because at such a young age it is simply impossible to concentrate for longer. and it is advisable to practice two or three times a week, only in this case the result will be visible. but the kids are ready to go to such classes at least every day. everything we do, we do in the format of a game, because children of this age are good at any exercises for fine motor skills, for the development of flexibility, for the development of coordination, that is, for the development of any motor abilities of children only. through play, because this is just such an age, that is, everything should be taught only through play and through images, that’s why our clocks are ticking, bunnies, horses are jumping, we crawl like worms, make a sandwich
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or fold into a suitcase, of course, we do all this to cheerful music, because music gives us the mood, music gives us a push to either run or, on the contrary , relax calmly, and we dance to music, of course, dance lessons . although this is a fun pastime, there are many benefits from such activities. children improve their health, develop flexibility, dexterity, gracefulness , plasticity, correct posture, improve coordination of movements, and skills of aesthetic perception of life are acquired, in general, some advantages. it’s clear to god that the snow has melted into the damp earth,
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the rain has fallen on the road, the fall of the spree, the sun is warmer, the ice is gone, the snow is falling, the gloom of every day is jumping on us, vos... as we promised in the end and broadcast premiere for pioneer friendship day , which in our country
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is celebrated annually on may 19th. the music of the words was written by evgenia oleynik and yulia bykova. but this song was performed by angelina volkova, nastya kravchenko and nikita belko. this is a star trio on our sofa, good morning belarus, we speak. tell us how your trio came together, we noticed you back in the song together, we can do anything, in general, we noticed you a long time ago, honestly, you’re great, yes, how did this particular trio come together within this composition, well, specifically in my case, probably with the guys , it seems to me that evgeniy also called and offered to take part in the recording of the song, of course we all agreed amicably, especially with such a good lineup, he says be ready, and speak, always and of course, the the more creative tandem, as we have already said, had formed a little before this, so we were absolutely fine. how comfortable it is to work together on a new track, that is, you know what to expect from each other, yes, what nuances, okay, tell us in general about the composition itself, how you felt it, what idea you liked, whether it makes more
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sense to you in general yes, this composition, of course, resonates with a song about pioneers, so i, in fact , was also a pioneer at one time, when i was studying, when i was studying at the college gymnasium, and i wore a tie, yes, i had a tie, so i wow. it’s as if i’m familiar with this first-hand, so the song resonates, it’s so bright, very motivating, so i think it will find a response in the hearts of other people and will make someone, too, perhaps become a pioneer. nastya, well, i won’t ask you whether you will join the pioneers, yes, this is a personal matter , of course, but there is some favorite line in the song that just warms you, you want to sing with a special feeling, the country gives you opportunities are cool and open all the doors, take any, i want to say right away, i just wanted to add that it’s too late for nastya to join the pioneer, forgive me, of course, she already has a hamsam, i wanted to ask, guys, you know, that the video
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was in record time just. may 19th is already very soon, but it’s 102 years since the anniversary, which at one time united, it seems to me, all the youth of the soviet space, and how do you think some kind of community has developed in our country, here are young people, there are teenagers, youth, in general there is such a concept you observed and in the filming of the video, real pioneers took part, did you notice that maybe these are some
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people who are especially in love with life, that’s what’s special about them?
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somehow we all liked everything - it was so delicious, how juicy, how beautiful, the lights went into the chat, everything was like that, nikita, please tell me, you’re a musician yourself, this is also important for you, surely this the fundamental principle is the song, before you agree to do anything, you listen to the arrangement, here you are, what those are important of course, but first turn, sometimes there are people whom you trust, so you give them the right to do as they feel, like people you respect, and no matter how some such moments arise here. yes, let's ask, for the female component, did you want to improve something in the lyrics, maybe in the arrangement? honestly, no, that ’s it, we listened to the song, it was in the format, evgeniy plays the guitar, but it will be something like this, yeah, yeah, yeah, but overall the arrangement should go well, he says, it’ll be something like this: we are in leather therefore, by the way, such images are all clear to you, everything is ready for us, this is not a
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coincidence, right? it turns out to be a rakeshnik - it’s about such a rapid energy that sweeps away everything in its path, but i see the goal, i don’t see an obstacle, that’s why angelina has such cool boots, and also rakeshnik, there are some chains hanging here, now it’s clear what this leather is for you look super here, by the way, very cool, i like it, i’m just waiting, i’m just looking forward to this premiere, to be honest, and you? too, too, too, what do you want to say to the authors, but you need some let us now say to the authors of the scripts, maybe some words of gratitude for the fact that they chose you in turn, but first of all we want to say thank you for what they saw in our faces - people who can convey the meaning, convey the message of this song , to execute it in your own way, it’s so cool that in such a short period of time, it was like a certain task, it was completed very
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well, indeed. we say goodbye to you, see you next week, we will definitely see you, tomorrow is a working saturday, don’t forget to come to work. sun, heaven, blue lakes, wind in your hair, new spaces, the country gives you great opportunities, the paths
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are open, take whatever you want, always ready to grow and learn, always ready. take care, be ready, always ready, always ready, be with friends, do not decorate with good deeds, be ready, always ready, sports and art are interesting to us, by the fire of evening songs, be ready, always ready, i will open in my heart. .. listen, you can make this world a better place, believe and dream, achieve all the peaks, in the goal, on the way, don’t stop,
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we are now a level country, the future is behind us, here together, we are strong, we can do everything ourselves, always ready to grow, learn, always ready to achieve success, be ready, always ready, always ready to be together with friends, decorate a good world with deeds, be ready , always ready, sports and arts are interesting to us, at the cost of evening songs, always be ready. i’m ready, open your heart and listen, you can make this world a better place, i’m ready, always ready, if you’re open, if you’re better, you strive, if you love belarus, if you’re proud of your homeland, then i’m waiting for you
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friends, join us in the pioneer movement, get involved, always ready to grow and learn, always ready. achieve your eyelid, be ready, always ready, always ready with friends, not to decorate with good deeds, be ready, always ready, sports and art are interesting to us, treat the evening song, be ready, always ready, open your heart. listen, you can make this world a better place, open your heart, listen, you can
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make this world a better place, good morning


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