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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 17, 2024 1:05pm-2:06pm MSK

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social diversity. more than a million americans are without power after a major hurricane in houston. four deaths were reported. according to the fire service, two people died as a result of falling trees, another from a window that was blown over by the wind. gusts reached 170 km/h. the wind tore trees out of the ground and broke windows in high-rise buildings. because of the storm, all schools in the city closed two airports. consistently warm, but with rain and thunderstorms, such a weekend awaits belarusians; short-term precipitation is expected in some areas of the country on saturday, fog is possible at night and in the morning, the night temperature will reach +12, and during the day the air will warm up to 26 degrees. on sunday night, precipitation is still unlikely, while in the daytime , as a result...
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short-term fogs will thicken in areas of the country. at the beginning of next week the weather will not change significantly, it will be warm with thunderstorms and rain. my colleagues will have more information at 15:00 on our air, all the best. good evening, this is the economic environment on belarus 1 satellite tv channel belarus 24. gold and foreign exchange reserves of belarus continue to grow, according to the national bank of the international reserve. increased
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by $89 million in april; as of may 1, their size exceeded $8.4 billion. let us remind you that our country’s gold and foreign exchange reserves have been showing positive dynamics for the third month in a row. the key reason is rising gold prices. the volume of shipped innovative goods in the twenty-third year increased by almost 40%. according to belstat, the costs of belarusian organizations on innovation last year exceeded 1.3 billion rubles. among the main effects of implementation innovation by enterprises. there is an expansion of the range, improvement in quality, preservation of traditional and development of new markets. germany is facing a worsening crisis in its manufacturing sector. almost 40% of local companies complain about a lack of commercial orders. energy-intensive sectors are suffering the most, all this against the backdrop of a slowdown in the eurozone's largest economy. the geography of exchange trading in belarus has expanded to 15 countries. the czech republic concluded a deal for the first time on the belarusian universal commodity trading platform. exchanges. the most active
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participants this year are from russia, uzbekistan and tajikistan. over 4 months, the amount of exchange transactions amounted to over 350 million rubles. and it increased by 75% compared to january-april of the twenty-third year. as part of the district one project initiative , 34 investment projects have been completed. this is data from menaconomics. in terms of industry, the most active investment processes occur in woodworking, metallurgy, machine tool building, and processing of agricultural products. and pharmaceuticals. over 2 thousand new jobs were created from planned nine. a draft list of activities that individual entrepreneurs can engage in has been submitted for public discussion. the proposals were developed within the framework of the new law on entrepreneurship. let us remind you that the law is aimed at leveling the conditions for doing business. they decided to initiate changes, including due to requests from legal entities. what innovations are expected by business, is the business community ready for a more civilized environment. forms, what measures are being taken
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to painlessly scale your let’s discuss the matter and whether there is enough time to prepare with competent experts right now. today in our studio.
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the main thing we are talking about is that the law is aimed at making it possible to create mechanisms for the growth and scaling of business, to enable entrepreneurs who today see potential in development to increase their production, increase their trade, increase their income and, accordingly , the income of our country, and in order to make it both interesting and profitable to do business, we have provided for including a number of short stories.
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the necessary steps have been taken, yes, that is , entrepreneurs today, no matter what category they belong to, this is the so-called self-employed, now it will be called an individual engaged in professional activities, there is an artisan, which means a citizen who has an agricultural estate, or
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a classic individual entrepreneur , they today each have their own tax regime or the opportunity to choose a tax regime and the adopted law.
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there is also such an item as a list, yes we have it let's discuss further, here it is important to emphasize that our president pays special attention to the development of entrepreneurship, the main message is to restore order, business must be conducted according to the rules and work not only for yourself, but for the country, let's listen, the decision has been made accordingly.
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entrepreneurs, they also claim that this law is based on solving the problem of
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labor shortages, supposedly in this way the labor market will be restructured, all individual entrepreneurs are welcome in factories, tax collection will increase and in the revenue part of budgets at various levels , in this way there is, well, finally, a reduction in the number of people with critical thinking, well, i suggest not even discussing the latter,
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first of all, we are talking about creating equal working conditions in various categories, in various types of activities of various forms of doing business, this, in principle, came also from the smallest medium-sized businesses, when organizations worked and said that let’s work in equal conditions, this is what we are talking about today, and those same 40 thousand for them in accordance with the new by law, there is an opportunity within... literally a year and a half until january 1 , 2026, to choose a new form
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of doing business, please, switch to a legal entity, as we have already indicated, within one day by preserving all your documents, details, and certificates and so on, if not, you understand what it means you have other interests, you can choose to choose a craft activity, and so on, this is also why such mechanisms are created.
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they said, in business, well, no, random people, you know, our initiative, one region, one project, yes, support for investment projects in the regions, and so, when meeting with many owners of these enterprises in the regions, i often ask the question, how, in what way did you come to the conclusion that today it is necessary engage in the production of this or that, you
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know, the majority answered in principle the same way, that we... the difficulties that arise in certain industries, well, by and large, cannot be solved by those industries, this is also such a dynamic process, here we need to explain to our viewers, what's in it there is nothing wrong, there is a shortage of highly qualified specialists in certain industries, for example, during seasonal periods such a shortage can
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be observed in agricultural organizations, that is, there are no chronic problems here, dmitry nikolaevich is correct. i absolutely support, we must understand that we have, well, if we operate with these figures, 40,000 individual entrepreneurs who supposedly will not find themselves in the new list of activities for individual entrepreneurs, but this does not mean that these people go nowhere, yes, that is, they must go somewhere to factories there as turners, well , in general, in order for me to also want to say such a thesis, to claim objectivity in the comments, you must first read the document, which...
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is absolutely impossible agree with this, because dmitry nikolayevich said a little earlier that this law has absolutely no fiscal goals, those 4000 that we just discussed, i would like to draw your attention, probably, that this figure is somewhat overestimated, because assuming the list of types of activities, which today has already been posted for public
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discussion and the statistics that we as a tax service have, that is, about 4000 potential individual entrepreneurs who can even, as dmitry nikolaevich just spoke about, transform into other organizational- legal forms, we would not talk about this, that is, this figure will be an order of magnitude smaller, again it will largely depend on how the final list will be formed, then it will be possible to talk about this in more detail, but in general i absolutely agree that the fiscal goals of adjusting tax policy in terms of the taxation procedure. please note that this in no way led to a decrease in entrepreneurial activity, plus or minus, we see the number, well, that’s what we call them, active,
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directly engaged in entrepreneurial activity, the number of entities, their number will not stop, and if it does, then this objectively determined by their flow into other organizational forms, and most importantly for our indicator is the number of hired persons, that is, in comparison with the twenty-third, twenty-second year, the number of hired persons among entrepreneurs has literally decreased by...
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and is more often used by entrepreneurs in their activities, that is , there are more production cycles when a small business entity until recently , he received government support and understood that the limit of his dreams had, in principle, been reached, he needed to move somewhere, scale somewhere, but today the law provides such an opportunity to do this painlessly with the transfer of those property benefits, material assets that he acquired during the period of activity as an individual entrepreneur. this is quite a serious argument, that is , by and large, the interests of entrepreneurs are not infringed upon in the general and such approach. moreover, the law
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provides for such support measures as the pre-emptive right to purchase state-owned objects that are currently in lease legal relations, with installment payments and many other norms this law suggests the possibility of a more lenient one, maybe... carrying documents on paper. now everyone is clapping their hands, which is not necessary
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in accordance with our state program for small businesses, we annually provide support for 3 years of the current five-year plan, we have provided such entities with more than 500 for 40 million rubles, in accordance with the law, three new mechanisms are being introduced: the first is a guarantee .
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starting or continuing or scaling your business by local governments, third, we expand the the opportunity to receive, today these are small enterprises, according to the law, medium-sized enterprises are also added to small ones, so the number of entities, recipients of support in principle will be significant, to financially support entrepreneurs to streamline business, in fact, this is how we can briefly interpret the innovations on ... legislation, the emphasis on creating clear and transparent conditions for running your business. key know-how, a mechanism for a seamless transition from an individual entrepreneur to a legal entity while
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maintaining rights and obligations. and a package of documents, what you need to know, alina loppo i’ve collected the main things in the following material, let’s see, you can scale your business in a day, and what’s important, without losing your accumulated baggage, this is one of the special incentives when moving from an individual entrepreneur to a commercial organization, now we’ll talk about everything in detail, but first it’s worth noting, earlier there is no transition as such... it was impossible to reorganize an individual entrepreneur into a legal entity, the only way is to close your business in the prescribed manner , in fact, start it from scratch, the period for cessation of activity in such cases can reach up to a year. innovations give the right to obtain the status of a commercial organization without suspending its activities on the same day. at the same time, all rights and obligations to employees, contractors and the state will transfer to the new commercial organization. in other words, if you register
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a legal entity, you can get it. create a commercial organization, then submit the appropriate application to the registration authority, and here it is important to note the procedure itself; termination of the activities of an individual entrepreneur will not be carried out, this will happen automatically, and a record of exclusion individual entrepreneur from the unified state register will become the date of registration of the new legal entity. in order to create this commercial organization, you will first need to agree on its name. the name can be
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checked in advance. web portal in order to make sure that such names no longer exist. confusingly similar, it will also be possible to check there. then fill out an application with the selected name and send it to the registration authority electronically via the web portal. v on the same day or the next, the individual entrepreneur will be presented with a certificate of approval for naming. then he prepares a package of documents for submission to the registration authority. the minimum package of documents is... two copies of the charter and you will need to submit a certificate of state registration of the individual entrepreneur. all permits and licenses received by the individual entrepreneur also remain. these documents can be used for a year; in the future, their re-issuance will be free on an application basis. among other benefits for creating a legal entity, there is no state duty charged. within two years from the date of registration, the organization will not be included in the plans for random inspections, and its location may be a residential premises. of course, with
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consent. residents registered there, utility costs at the rates of individuals. so, to summarize, innovations in legislation really simplify the existing order. let me remind you that existing entrepreneurs whose activities are not included in the final permitted list have the right to work until 2026. to continue their work further, they have to transform into a legal entity. registration of new individual entrepreneurs in areas not included in the list will be stopped in october. it was said in the story that the current order, it is quite strict, in my opinion, it even seemed, from the commentary, that if you want to register a business, you must stop existing activities and start from scratch, it was said, i would probably agree with this we didn’t agree with the transition, but i wouldn’t agree with it, that is, at the present time, especially taking into account the adoption of the law.
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wasting time is one thing, but it's tax encumbrance, because previously this would have been considered as alienation of property, in this case it will be considered as a transfer of rights to property as part of a seamless transition.
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precisely the discussion of the possible potential of those types of activities that should remain in the category of individual entrepreneurs to move into other types of activities or, therefore, as part of increasing the corresponding lists for the self-employed, therefore we worked out the first together with the regulators, together with the regions, we looked primarily at social economic effects so as to ensure appropriate standards of service within the framework of regional policy, issues not to harm the manufacturing business, and so on, in principle, the lists that we published today are subject to
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discussion, as part of this process we will go to the regions, meet with entrepreneurs, we’ll hear from everyone again to understand whether some amendments really need to be made somewhere, and we’ll have a big discussion at the ministry of economy next week, we’ll call on all our business circles, unions so that they can inform from below from their, let’s say, subscribers, and those very same ones, here is the opinion, then the government has until july 1, we will approve the list, dmitry nikolaevich, well, i can’t help but ask you a question , i know that you , as a systemic person... in numbers we are now talking about entrepreneurship, but if we talk about returns, and entrepreneurs, about the contribution of entrepreneurs to the formation of budgets at various levels, what amounts
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are currently being discussed and predicted is the ministry of finance, well, increasing this contribution to the formation of the revenue side of budgets at various levels, and if so, then in what amount? a pressing question, if we are talking about the contribution of small businesses to the budget, to the income of the country or individual entrepreneurs, here we must understand that there are amounts in absolute amounts and relative ones, yes, if we look at the absolute size, these are hundreds of millions of rubles, perhaps there are even up to billion, today there are individual entrepreneurs somewhere, we can say that about a billion rubles is their contribution to the formation of the budget, but if ...
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they are interested and the relative figures have grown by somewhere from one and a half to two percentage points, there in local budgets the share has grown from 3% to five. with the adoption of this law, we do not see any such systemic, global
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consequences both for entrepreneurs in terms of the fiscal burden on them, and for the budget in terms of revenue receipts. igor viktorovich, tell me what the tax authorities expect from innovations in the field of entrepreneurship, from your point of view.
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there is excitement, there may be misunderstanding, or something else, but in general, wise entrepreneurs who have been working for a long time, they understand that, in general, there is nothing wrong with this, right? evolutionary changes in the economy presuppose the presence of an equal competitive environment, the entrepreneur who grows out of small pants, he always tells that young person growing up that let’s work honestly on the same site, a good assessment from representatives of entrepreneurship. that it’s time to grow out of short pants, refrain
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this also goes through these legislative changes that we are discussing today, entrepreneurship under the new rules, our correspondent, olga onishchenko, talked with individual entrepreneurs and will tell how businesses plan their future work and what they expect from government agencies. let's see: this is one of my shops and two more shops, the ussr is on that side. also with clothes, these are such rural format stores, where in appearance there is only the necessary minimum, in reality, says the owner, if of course not everything, then many belarusian brands, the entrepreneur is trying to... present our hardwood industry with a face, belarusian goods are presented very widely, the premises do not allow you to fit very much, but the most necessary, of course, it’s all there, it’s only deliberately vast, a resort village on the shore, much more modest , about 4. local residents, not a magnet, of course, for big trade, retail chains don’t want
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to come to us, for them, of course, this is not the population, here in postavy there is a brand store markformel, svetanok, but it’s 30-40 km from us the nearest one is a more... small town, so it’s given to locals by an individual entrepreneur. this fact of the social significance of business in the outback, the ministry of economics promises, will be taken into account when forming a list of types of activities permitted for individual entrepreneurs. so this kind of retail retail is unlikely to change. but for those like elena lazar, who are ready to develop further, scale up the business, moving to a legal entity, the conditions are not very comfortable. now this can be done quickly, conveniently and inexpensively, not like before. u... first of all, we are not in minsk, we are located remotely, agree on a name, then make a charter, contact the executive committee, pay the state fee, register cash register equipment, that is, it would be necessary to close it all, suspend activities and register, well, probably within two or three, maybe maybe four weeks, that’s all, and now it’s announced that
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it can be done in one day, in addition to the convenient and simple re-registration technology , the entrepreneur managed to evaluate the concept of the upcoming work, well, in general, it’s limited the number of employees, no more than three, the limit on revenue, entrepreneurs who are stronger like elena will no longer be satisfied with such a business arrangement, there are also accompanying bonuses: the simplified taxation system remains, in my opinion there are up to 50 people, employees, and you can pay a simplified tax. llc will allow, in the future, perhaps even to change some type of activity or engage in a new type of activity that requires obtaining licenses. so far we are positive, and i would like this simplified system will help develop and grow, and this is the capital, vladislav veucheysky, one of those who decided not to put their eggs in one basket , took up four types of work at once, he provides office services, and repairs computer equipment, and
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organizes events, and accompanies tourists, probably reform will affect the usual way of life, but there is a plan b, this is opening a legal entity and working in... in the required legal field, but it will be more difficult, but an entrepreneur always has a risk, that’s why we are entrepreneurs, we must develop ours first of all entrepreneurship in order to adapt to existing realities, while business for the most part is waiting for july 1, the deadline for the appearance of a list of types of work allowed for individual entrepreneurs, those who will not be on the lists will obviously have to make a choice, fortunately business is not in a hurry to make decisions , it’s good that time is given, this is order. a year and a half for the final transition, there will still be such a smooth movement - based on this time, there will be time to comprehend, weigh, all the pros and cons. in the meantime, entrepreneurs are delving into all the details upcoming work according to the new rules, just in case re-registration is coming. the entrepreneur does not hide, the law has been adopted, but
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it is clear that not everything is clear yet. in particular, using the same electronic digital signature keys, as this will be transferred, i will need to buy a new one for a legal entity.
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today's law, such individuals were constantly asked this question, here is the law, and the answer is for entrepreneurs, please, as soon as you have the opportunity and the need to grow, hire already. more employees, re-register in legal entity, draw up the contractual relationship accordingly, hire as much as you need, please, of course, that’s the answer. but what conclusion have we drawn for ourselves, because we interviewed a sufficient number of entrepreneurs, traveled to various cities, what is the conclusion that
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entrepreneurs in general are concerned about these legislative changes, but mainly about technical aspects, and some of them do not know who can ask questions, we will provide them with the opportunity to ask our experts from entrepreneurs, please: when transferring an individual entrepreneur’s business to a legal entity, in particular to a private unitary enterprise, a current account opened for an individual entrepreneur, will it be transferred to a private enterprise, will the banks work to re-register the account, how long will this procedure take? currently i am engaged in retail trade of food products, including perishables. and i am very interested in this issue, due to the fact that today the issue has not been fully resolved, but as far as i know, it is being resolved with the unp,
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purely technically, most likely this will not be very acceptable today, but opening a current account for a legal entity takes half an hour, and a new current account, i think, will not be a problem for a bank to open again for any entity, but how will the financial flows to translate, well, this is probably a question for the bank. sector, we, of course, when preparing the law, discussed and met with banks, they guaranteed that, on their part , they would make every effort to complete all procedures quickly. next question, please, hello, my name is ruslan magomedovich umarov, i am an individual entrepreneur. for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities providing legal services, there are various licensing requirements for carrying out this type of activity, in particular for... which will become a legal entity to bring its activities in
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accordance with licensing requirements, and whether such a legal entity can carry out activities before bringing according to requirements. thank you. i think that still, an individual entrepreneur must accept for himself that if he is a licensee in any type of activity, then he must adhere to the position that he must nevertheless become a legal entity. for individual entrepreneurs who work on marketplaces, it is extremely important to save payer account numbers, this is due to the fact that the work account
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of the entrepreneur is tied to the payer account number, if this number is changed, it will be necessary to re-create a new one office, which will lead to loss of income, loss of ratings, is it possible to maintain records in this case? let us emphasize that the issues are exclusively technical, how to deal with this aspect, what
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to do with this aspect, so i think that in the near future the ministry of economy , together with those interested, will resolve these issues, and to summarize our conversation, how do you see the future of entrepreneurship in our country, and what we all need to do for this, yuri adamovich. first, we talked about this a lot today, this is scaling and height. so that business gives the country the maximum return and grows, secondly, so that business goes to the regions, and thirdly, it is also probably key at the moment, so that business goes into the manufacturing sector. dmitry nikolaevich, well, in short, future entrepreneurship, i see that these are opportunities, opportunities to quickly realize your entrepreneurial potential at low cost, this is the first thing.
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our range of tasks that we carry out is quite wide, the most important flagship of our television company, the most important program that we have been producing for 30 years, this is the arsenal program, this is why we are recognized, then the program by... which our viewer knows us, also our programs full face and military review are the main programs that go on television, but we cannot say that we are limited to this, but we are widely represented on social networks, on the internet, our youtube channel gained 100,000 subscribers last year, we received a silver button, we want to brag among all law enforcement agencies, and we became the first received such an award, and we also have quite a lot of other internet projects
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and documentaries that are released... on other tv channels in the country, and i think that our viewer, he knows us, recognizes us, and most importantly, recognizes according to our content. every day our correspondents go to the fields, every day we are at the training grounds, every day there is more than one report, there can actually be several of them, in addition to this, we produce the information that our viewers see every day on the internet, we give video information about the military to the main state television channels, that is, if you see news about the military, most often it is like this:
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we are always together with the army, we always, as you said, cover all the events that take place in the belarusian army, and we see this, we constantly tell about the equipment that the troops receive, we talk about what the army goes through, what stages in its formation the army goes through, stages in its development, and indeed, if
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you open or turn on any of our programs that we produce. you'll see what it's like today the army, it is modern, it is mobile, it is high-tech, and well, it’s worth saying, we always focus on people in our reports, we talk about those who serve in the belarusian army, and well, probably this aspect, it does not change, these are the those who love their job, those who love their homeland and are truly ready to fully devote themselves to this profession.
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yes, a year ago he set his sights on setting a record; he wanted to run across all of africa from south to north. two-time champion of the planet in steeplechase anouk garenier has installed a new world record for climbing kanati.
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a thirty-four-year-old french woman used her hands to climb to the second floor of the eiffel tower. we listen to the opinions of competent specialists. observing the trend of the last few olympic cycles, we see that modern swimming is not increasing as much. all this is in sports projects on the belarus 24 tv channel.


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