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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 17, 2024 6:00pm-6:15pm MSK

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live broadcasts on tv channels belarus 1 and belarus 24 news from the capitals and regions. at the studio volga myadzvedz. good evening. development and modernization. the poor health system of the minsk region suffers from karyasny adkrytsts. finally, from them - dzitsyachaya paliklinika in smalyavichi. prime'ers ў'.
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the play of the azoras is not yet possible, here is the poster of the theater school of the 12th stolichny gymnasium. the hour of enchanting waters and landscapes. the flowers are splendid in all parts of the city. the worst calcification is in the batanic sadze. structure of ahova health minsk significant prime ministers are watching the ceremonies. geta, on the other hand, is a residential clinic in smalyavichi, the new building of the ablasnoga razilnaga house.
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area due to reconstruction, when some partitions were demolished, we now have more visibility, the ward itself where the patients are, we were well equipped in terms of equipment, and now they have added that we have changed all the consoles, oxygen, air, what is directly needed for connecting ventilators. work is underway in the clinical diagnostic laboratory, we have already completed 50% of the current repairs. in april, another structural unit was added to the central district hospital, this is a rehabilitation center for the disabled, which is located in the village of telyakova, 50 beds have been deployed, multidisciplinary beds, there are various pathologies, medical facilities, and a number of material and technical bases. ablasny competition
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for robatatatekhnitsy daroga ў future priority on the basis of the national technical park. their node was installed in more than 130 commands. young engineers of the central region worked on the in all types of tasks: work on trajectories, machine execution of complex tasks and rubasumo. students of junior classes collected made-up technologies.
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the tax for schoolchildren was ruled by the maystar classes of intelligent robotics, good projects can be distinguished in finance ... lessons from history and the memory of the great heroes of war not the performance of literary, musical and theatrical artists in the educational settings of minsk. this is how the students of the 12th capital's gymnasium danced to the prime minister of the play "the azores are here." two months creative acts of the studio and the crimson wind of the work on the pastanovka floor of the creative work. geta apoved pra samaakhvyarnast pyaci dzyauchy.
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in general , we studied the works of boris vasiliev, ozori zdesikhia in russian literature classes, we were interested in it, we were inspired by this whole process, so we are very happy to perform and show the audience our abilities. the most important event, probably, is the play that the children prepared and staged, this is... the play “the mischiefs here are quiet.” simultaneously with this our event is hosting a visiting meeting of the public organization of the city belarusian women's union. the history of our country contains dates that have burned our hearts for many years. as
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a young prisoner of the azarichi concentration camp, this topic is very clear to me. this stay left such a very strong impression and influenced ... the repertoire of the theater studio of the 12th gymnasium has so many performances in the back of your head. acrama scenic mastatstva, young patrons of ladziat themed exhibitions, collaborations with veterans and information about the horrors of horrors, arganizan flash mobs and velocipede memories, and an absolute assault on the military landing for the sake of honoring the month of military glory. the following rules govern the security of the deposit and the act of importation. the task is to stop the growth of the colcascia dtz. in addition, inspection on the ekatransport is necessary in special places. assembling the safety
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of the pedestrian crossings. i'll give you a few recommendations. from the need to move only on bicycle or pedestrian paths path if there is no one on the sidewalk, and my personal recommendation, as you just did, is to dismount when crossing the roadway, the weather conditions are favorable, our citizens very actively use personal mobility devices and bicycles, so the state traffic inspectorate pays special attention to this category participants. behind the vykanannaya hutkasnaga mode, yes, you will need to take photos from the cameras. stable whole, not with dajjas and bulkheads. such
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weekends await the residents of minsk and central region. saturdays have short-hour periods in some areas. the night and the wounds of the magchy fog. the starting temperature is +11. and during the day, pavetra pragraezza.
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we go here quite often, we really liked the lilac, there are flowers, well, colors that just give us goosebumps, we come for emotions, for joy, for photographs. it’s impossible to tear up the weeds without ever blooming, it’s not necessary at all, it’s not necessary, but only graze it, like a weed of the advent. in this type of lunge, in the coming years, you can get rid of, lose or lose more curvaceous and jumpy skin. sukvetsyaў. small landscapes, still lifes, heroes of russian folk cossacks and family fatalities. exhibitions of master's higher education are clear and important and pushkin's abasic library. autary canvas.
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at 7 miles navedvalnika. belarusian
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museums produce such creative partnerships. darechs, they have great plans for the show this weekend. spoiler. get enough sleep. where do the routes of the international events of the night of the museum go, showing our cultural guide dar'ya tarasava in the area of ​​​​the mainland. don't sleep and be an esthete, that's it russian churches were invaded all over the world. the galloun violin of the poster is the trajectory of the holy 85. from the life of the museum objects, the buds of the nimbi, the anniversary of the master of the 18th evening, in the evening and
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two nights. a course on jumping practical training in interactive technical areas in the russian master's hall. in quests, remember the heroes of the palace. and for those who want to jump on board, classy engravings. give it to the prime minister, please give the photo of vadzim kachan's metamorphosis. lovely roars at the international screenings of music by vaunishon khur at the academy of music. act of climax.
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this is the following phenomenon in archaealgic museums, here we appeal to those who have made great deeds and lethal remembrances for khannya, the valiant retserau of today. perarezh, red stushka of the museum night and the gallery of mikhail savetskag. royal's campaign is engaged in photography from minsk at the angles of vadzim kachan and navat on the entrances of the astrolog. bonus for triumphs of the quest. the prize, it has remained unchanged for several years, is a romantic evening. on the roof of the sovitsky gallery, one of these gifts will be a climb to the balcony of the town hall, our town hall for many
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they know, many are even afraid to go there, because they don’t know what kind of building they even let in, so on this mysterious magical night, one of the few days a year we are allowed on the balcony, you can admire the upper city from a bird’s eye view, take a photo, i don’t know, record something, melodious music tourists at the start near the upper city...


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