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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 17, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm MSK

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evaluate their weight, do not take ones that are too light, for healthy dishes, take the nuts in your hands ; such fruits either have no kernels at all, or they are dried out. ground beef is dark red in color and has a pleasant smell with a slight milky aroma. a proper breakfast is the key to health and good mood. today we will be making lasagna with pumpkin and spinach, quite unusual, but i think i treat myself sometimes. okay, let's get started, if
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you have a difficult day ahead, and you know that you need a huge amount of energy, this is the breakfast that is like once again it will help you, don’t forget about invigorating exercises, we raise our arms up, raise our legs and do this cool exercise, cockroach, we start shaking our arms and legs, our lymph flow starts, watch the breakfast of the champion project on the tv channel. belarus 24. its history, its nature, its culture, its faith, its people, and its generosity. you will feel it once and never forget it again. here. everything is real,
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salary in an envelope, money down the drain, officially i received a salary of 650 rubles, and not officially i received a salary of more than 3. the benefit is momentary, the consequences are long- term, the insurance period is counted only during those periods when the employer pays contributions. for your employee to the budget of the social protection fund, striking examples of violations of the law, the fundamental reaction of state control, office salaries, the revenue that, the measures taken by the state to combat salaries in envelopes, it is necessary, apparently, to introduce the responsibility of those who take these in envelopes money, then they will stop taking, and desire will also stop...
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a joint project of the state control committee of the television news agency under the control of the president. watch it now. once upon a time , this building on minzhinsky street in brest housed the office of two construction companies, which turned out to be serious offenders. from 2017 to 2022, their management organized a scheme to pay salaries in envelopes. they employed people in belarus, and then sent them to poland, where they worked, food and accommodation were at the expense of the receiving party, but when they paid salaries and part of the money still belonged to the commander. in addition, according to
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the employment contract, the salary ranged from 400 to 700 rubles, but employees received an average of over 300 rubles, all of which significantly reduced taxes. and insurance payments, the total damage to the budget exceeded 14 million. they offered a normal amount of 1. 1200 dollars and above, accommodation in a hostel, in a hotel, free food, provision of work clothes, well, i agreed, the fee had its own nuances, officially i received a salary of 650 rubles, and not officially i... rubles, from which the budget was not paid income tax from individuals in the amount of 2.3
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million rubles, and insurance contributions to the social security fund in the amount of 5.8 million rubles have not been paid. according to the results of the preliminary investigation, the guilt of the defendants was fully proven. as experts say, salaries in envelopes do not exist on their own, but are a kind of indicator that there may be a shadow economy in the country; the sources of illegal payment of wages are very diverse, ranging from unaccounted revenue and illegal financial transactions to... so-called dead souls, workers who are only registered at the enterprise, and others receive wages for them. currently, the state control committee is fighting against illegal payments, wages in envelopes, in several directions: firstly, it is identifying and
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suppressing crimes and other offenses related to the payment of wages in envelopes, and in 2023, the bodies of the state control committee carried out : 62 checks related to salary payments in envelopes, and 103 were identified crimes. the amount of additionally submitted income tax and insurance premiums amounted to more than 24 million belarusian rubles. here are just a few striking examples: in mozyr, the director of a company selling things came up with his own scheme for how to pay employees, but at the same time not make contributions to the social protection fund . the businessman revealed. out of a staff of three employees, i registered them as individual entrepreneurs. in essence, the specialists did everything the same as before, only now the director did not pay the social security fund from their salaries. as a result of such actions the director underestimated the real tax base of the enterprise, which in
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turn led to non-payment of taxes to the budget in the amount of over 1.3 million rubles. including over 450. income tax. accused. found guilty of tax evasion and failure to fulfill the duties of a tax agent in calculating and transferring income tax to the budget, he was sentenced to imprisonment for a period of 1 year and 6 months. according to a similar scheme, some vitebsk companies also paid salaries to their employees. businessmen. they also registered workers as self-employed workers and entered into a service agreement with them in order to replace labor relations with civil law ones. the employer paid 400
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rubles in wages for his employees, and from these amounts he paid income tax and a contribution to the social protection fund. also in vitebsk , large-scale criminal activities of managers of owners of a chain of restaurants and sushi cafes were stopped. the criminal group included eight people. the business was fictitiously fragmented and re-registered into a dozen controlled organizations and epic workers. in addition, more than forty sushi bars had a consistent system for hiding the cash received. office salary. i wrote it all down. the stock turns out to be hidden revenue that revenue that is closed, yes, this is with this, this is part in envelopes, that revenue that is hidden, including in a chain of cafe restaurants, in a courier service, among administrators, administration,
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management, that is, directors , chief accountants, in total there were about 400 network workers, all of them illegally. as a result of the illegal use of simplified tax regime benefits, as well as concealment of trading proceeds, business owners saved 4 million rubles on taxes. needless to say, the lion's share of this money went to the same salaries in envelopes. and in minsk, two companies providing taxi services through
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online services paid their employees in envelopes. in the first case , the director of the company hid the actual proceeds received, which he subsequently used to pay gray salaries to drivers. the state suffered damage in the amount of 630,000 rubles. in another case, which generally amazes with its, well, scope, it would probably be... it’s correct to say this, the head of a business entity, using taxi services, this is yandex, uber, registered about 10 business entities under his control, using details which this activity was carried out, illegal in the form of, again, receiving money and not reflecting everything in the accounting records of the enterprise. according to these materials criminal cases were initiated, the republic of belarus has already received about 300
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thousand rubles in taxes. in the minsk region alone, over the past year, more than 5,500 employees received payments in envelopes. criminal cases have been initiated against forty-three people. as a result of this work, the receipt of mandatory insurance contributions of more than 23,500 rubles was ensured. you. in mandatory cases , we consider the issues and study the issue to identify the employees who were paid wages in envelopes, and accordingly, on the contrary, if we identify facts by paying salaries, then we must not find the sources and conduct a check to identify them. the fight against salaries in envelopes in belarus is being monitored at the highest level by order. the head of state in 2021, the sgc thoroughly took on enterprises
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that hid their income and paid their employees gray wages. in march of the same year, a proposal was made to introduce liability for all participants in this illegal chain. we won’t be able to cope with envelope salaries without you. necessary always stop this reptile so that it is never a hydra.
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salaries in envelopes, the employer could only be brought to administrative liability, so individual
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violators, even after paying fines , continued to violate the law. as a result , tightening liability for the employer has become one of the effective mechanisms for protecting the interests of both employees and the state. the state control committee initiated the introduction of appropriate legislative changes providing for the introduction of criminal liability for evasion. payment income tax in particular and insurance contributions to the social protection fund. this initiative was supported by both the upper and lower houses of parliament and the head of state... in may twenty-one , a corresponding law was signed, including the introduction of relevant articles into the criminal code. since june twenty-one , we have two new articles in the criminal code, these are 243 with icon one and 243 with icon 3, and providing for criminal liability for evading the obligation to
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calculate the transfer of taxes to the budget, that is, for evading the transfer of taxes. income tax evasion of mandatory insurance contributions. another mandatory condition for bringing to criminal liability for evasion of payment of insurance premiums is the proven fact of their intentional non-payment. officials of the organization who do not hide wages, charge insurance premiums, but do not transfer them to the social protection fund , for example, if on the current account no money, still. are punishable only by fines, when we are talking about decision-making at the level, especially of strict government regulation, in the pricing system, in taxes or in other areas where costs for business increase, then we must be very clear about whether the system will push business -into the gray zone,
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but there are always two sides to the coin, but what about the businessmen themselves and those who... chose not to play by the rules, everything is clear, they risk it , sooner or later they pay the bills, but after all there are moments when an entrepreneur finds himself hostage to the situation, for example, because of the receivables of partners there is not enough money in the accounts to pay salaries to employees or pay taxes, the director of the business union zhanna tarasevich, which includes more than a hundred organizations, can name such stories a lot, but this is not a reason to break the law. 99% of us are honest, conscientious businessmen who do business in belaya, they are the ones you need to look up to, and not look up to those who are initially, well, already potential, let's say, criminals, this also happens in human psychology, yes, it is also very important to work together, there is, say, business,
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society, power, and a few more cases from a business expert, so as not to fall into debt.
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will be a penny, the same system of accrual and vacation pay, another guarantee of official salary - this is the so-called golden parachute, if a person is fired at the initiative of the employer, he has the right to receive three average monthly salaries, in this case it can be , oh, what a shame if official accruals are in the statements were minimal, but perhaps the main case is the future of a person, what kind of pension he will receive, it is clear that its value again depends on the level of salary. thus, only those periods when the employer pays contributions for its employee to the budget of the social protection fund are counted in the insurance period. suppose a citizen agrees to an employment relationship without formalizing it . thus, we understand that a person is not an insured person in
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the state social system insurance, he does not have the right to work. modern challenges require advanced solutions; today there is a special internet platform created on the initiative of the social protection fund. by registering on it, you can receive information about how much salary deductions the employer pays to the federal social security fund, and whether your real income is being hidden. state control officials decided to follow the it path in 2021, then on the website. used by the dfr when planning inspections. in 2023, the online panel received 269 messages about payment facts
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salaries in envelopes. the majority certainly concerned business entities in minsk and the minsk region. some of this information was confirmed ; business entities paid a certain amount of money to the budget. as law enforcement officers themselves say, another key to success is increasing the level of interaction. between security forces and regulatory authorities to promptly identify illegal facts, for example, in march 2022, an agreement was signed on the procedure for interaction between state control, security forces, the ministry of labor and social protection, as well as tax authorities. in itself , a salary in envelopes is already a result, and in order to achieve this result, you need to understand how the law was violated, where this money came from and where it is possible to pay it. this is the comprehensive work of the tax authorities to identify such sources and suppress, well, one of the most common violations is the concealment of cash proceeds, you and i, as ordinary consumers
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, visit various stores, use various services, it’s elementary when you they do not issue a cash receipt or do not provide the opportunity to pay using a payment terminal, if there is reason to believe that this money is hidden from legal circulation, from taxation, they will later form a source.
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reported on how things are going with taxes, especially salaries in envelopes, we have introduced very strict norms into the law, we support pensioners, someday someone will support us, that’s why they are not so rich here, you can’t run around them . thanks to the work that is being done in our country to combat salaries in envelopes, hundreds of thousands of rubles flow into the budget. this money is also used to generate pensions, payments for child care and the disabled, and payments. sick leave it is difficult to overestimate the importance of this financial case, because for some it is the only source of income. belarus is a socially oriented state;
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every person with his or her problems and difficulties is important. therefore, it will be fair if , in response, people do not think about how to save on taxes by paying salaries in envelopes, but begin to conduct their business honestly and transparent. and what categories of belarusian goods are most in demand in foreign markets? and of course these are the most probably? we ourselves can always say that these are meat and dairy products, these are our food products, mechanical engineering is a huge success,
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agricultural engineering attracts foreign partners, our flagships, mtz, mass belas are always at the top at any exhibition, confectionery, and scientific and technical developments are also enjoying great success. look behind why do belarusian products successfully compete in foreign markets? first of all, this is quality, this year is the year of quality, yes, and i can say that at foreign events, at our exhibitions, products are presented that can rightfully be said to be of the highest quality, and if we talk about food products, especially... in our country they monitor the standards, all the guests, so international partners
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value this very highly, this year we have. even more events are planned for this year, it will also be bright, i think even brighter than last year, we have planned an event in african countries, first of all, this is a very important market for us now, and we have been entering this market for a long time, but of course we have had such a geography of countries in africa for a long time there wasn’t, we are starting with algeria, then we have zimbabwe, and zimbabwe we have been participating in general since 2018, so we have already become very famous there, and the republic of south africa, and angola, namibia, tanzania, in general, egypt, so for the african region, we will be exporting our belarusian enterprises to international forums, and of course, this is... asia, ah,
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china, we have the number one annual exhibition in the world in the world, in asia in food products, i think, of course, it may be, will soon be in the world, this is seal-shanghai, a very famous exhibition, our enterprises are participating there, food manufacturers, and we are also planning an exhibition in the city of chongqing, in china, and, well, the asian market will also be represented here widely, this includes korea, malaysia, and hong kong, we are planning, therefore we hope that our enterprises will find partners in this region, do not forget about the middle east, we started the year with the galfd exhibition, this is the number one annual exhibition for food products, our enterprise.
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kazakhstan, azerbaijan, in general, are all our already favorite partners, we always need to maintain contact with them, come to the exhibition, and of course, do not forget about new partners and look for them in these countries. only for our tv viewers, we choose the best routes, today we are in polotsk, oh, you know what, i haven’t considered fighting here for a long time, because this is a city, real history, it’s true that this is a former post office building, yes, 1952, a post office building, and not exactly a civilian one, there were military units here, that is, the guys received correspondence, and we set off on an exciting journey around
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our country. “ola, girl, this is a children’s museum, but i’m already an adult, they don’t let me in there, or i don’t let me in, she says that yes, it’s a very interesting towel, it’s wood-based, it’s also the oldest towel in our collection, there’s also an old grammar when there are ers and i, but in the 11th century in the st. sophia cathedral not only the service came, here the prince received ambassadors, concluded agreements there, that is, the cathedral was such an administrative building. discover belarus with the belarus 24 tv channel . editors club. what does the all-belarusian people's assembly mean for the country? this is one of the mechanisms that will ensure the stability of all branches of government. this is the foundation on which belarus will continue to be built, this is the foundation of the belarus of the future. we have a new constitutional body. but there is another
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one. don't miss it on belarus24 tv channel.
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the news is live in the studio yulia pertsova, good evening at the beginning.


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