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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 17, 2024 11:15pm-11:51pm MSK

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some topic and somewhere we may disagree with each other, but at the same time we remain patriots of our country. the ultimate goal of the boletus, the beetle, eismant, markov and everyone sitting in this studio is the same: an independent belarus, a strong country that will develop and which will develop independently, and not according to someone else’s dictation. once again, i would like to remind our editorial staff that i personally signed, in my opinion, some letters; a number of requests have been sent to european journalists and politicians recently.
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american, they were asked to accept participation in our broadcasts, a live broadcast was promised even on the topics they raise, not a single one responded: in their democratic country, and you know how they communicated with us before, we write to them after the twentieth year, and they call the ukrainians and say : it is dangerous for us to read and send letters to the republic of belarus, there will be an electronic trace there and...
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we all want this victory, but our viewers and our listeners already know the truth, because we are telling the truth. yes, thank you, it was a club of editors, see you in a week on tv channel belarus 1, don’t switch, all the best, goodbye.
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what is information warfare, what is it eaten with, how is it prepared and at what temperature is this dish served, and does it cause upset not only of the digestive system, but also of the nervous system. belarusians found out in august 2020. before this , of course, we noticed. attempts in our direction by foreign information workers who were actively working continue to work under the roof of western intelligence services, but in 2020 we realized that the games are over and with the help of the word and its variations they will shake us, they will attack us
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put pressure, well, we must do something in response, at least explain to you, our viewers, what our opponents want to achieve with such actions, why the word has become a weapon. defeat, the main thing is to know where to hit. and i’m with you, ksenia lebedeva. hello. more recently, alexander lukashenko, during the appointment of vladimir pertsov to the post of deputy head of the presidential administration, emphasized that we are in the middle of an information and economic war. in order to prevent an aggravation, we had to...
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always, you know this well, on territory of belarus, we absolutely know what they are doing there, they are running around different decision-making centers, and advisers, from america to brussels, are asking for money, and most importantly,
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give the media, media, media, to which curatos say to him: guys, well we’ve already been in the media, we need something hotter, like the moscow crocus. city, god forbid, terrorist attacks and armed confrontation in belarus. the goal is to enter belarus and seize at least a piece of land, declare our power, call here foreign, well, not mercenaries, already troops, but they are power, we see this, we understand when i'm running out of words, i need to use something hotter, shooting people in crocus city hall is one thing. such examples when the enemy sees the target, but does not see the obstacles, and even a large number of casualties of innocent people does not stop him. a striking example of such manipulations to create a profitable news story in 2014 was the tragedy that happened to a malaysian airliner
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in the donbass. there were a lot of foreign journalists, and i was even amazed that sometimes cnn could admit there that... to operate on the territory of the dpr, they had to come to us to register, suddenly, the very next day after the provocation, that is, we understand, there are military operations, here the borders are all closed, suddenly the next day is just as if they were waiting somewhere high start. we have 350 foreign media registered, that is, the impression
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is that they were there at the start, that that’s all for them, they went to unwind this story from the point of view of the fact that they are terrorists, that well, that is, we and the militias are terrorists, russia, we then many investigations on this topic were carried out by the beech, from which, yes, from which the militia allegedly fired, he was driving there just towards ukraine in snezhny, they are all different. immediately so many foreign journalists arrived so that the whole world would immediately know that
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it was the pro-russian militia there, which means they shot down a civilian boeing, and we, and we went and carried toys to the site of the crash of this plane, the site of the tragedy, and flowers, because we understand, that more than 200 people died there, innocent of anything, that is, they were just their well for the sake of his interest... when he was going there, when he realized that we were giving away these intact black boxes, he
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smiled out of place, but because this is a tragedy for the malaysian people, he smiled, realizing that he would do the mission they sent, and what we then see, they still distorted everything, regardless of the facts, primarily the western media, with them the ukrainian ones, turned the tragedy in their favor, having prepared in advance, of course, for a general sudden invasion of foreign media in the donbass at one time it became a bad sign. but it worked like a litmus test, unerringly. in 2014, ukraine, in particular the donbass, became a testing ground for honing the methods and technologies of color revolutions. on the territory of the country of the former ussr, for the first time they were faced with the fact that, due to inconvenient information, a site could be blocked, and publications from a popular video hosting site promoting pluralism of opinions and freedom of speech could be purged. it was in donbass that it did n’t start easily.
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how the population will react, what else can you play on, play for pity or, conversely , play on some more harsh themes, and how to implement all this, for example, without causing discontent among the population, that is , well, it’s just obvious, i just remember how it was in ukraine, how they tried to promote this topic of the ato, so that the maximum number. lure people into this, i just remember, for example, here are camouflage networks, i remember, i was in
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prison, the tv was on for a while, i just turn on the news, there every day, that russia, donbass must be destroyed , constantly, every day, every day, every day, but, for example, at the end there they have news, and even evening news, they have such a social plot, like some good girl, which means she is weaving these camouflage networks somewhere in... a school somewhere on the periphery, so people are involved in helping the army, this so worthy, it’s so great, and of course, everyone says, we are against war, we’re just helping, helping. lads, it’s just that we’re helping the lads, and i ’m just looking, i’m biting my elbows like this, i understand what they’re doing, first she’ll come, weave nets, horizontal ones are formed there connections, the military come there, they communicate, there are connections there, so how are things there, how are the guys doing, yes, what else do they need there, maybe we need some kind of medicine, maybe we also
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need it there, maybe we need to congratulate them, in short happy bandera day there, so send them some kind of burns, whatever. that’s all, and then it’s formed like this, it gets used to, people get involved, then suddenly , unexpectedly, here she started working networks, and then suddenly she’s already a doctor in some place in some azov, that’s how it happened that way, of course, probably not, it was serious work for years, they knew what they were doing, they wanted to fight, they knew that they wanted to get involved in the war, they saw a certain...
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this is one of the largest polish daily newspapers. look at the title of this article: gloszaty of the krzysztowski regime, leader of the front party. the regime is about the authorities of the republic of belarus and the authorities of the russian federation. but what's important here? this article features a fugitive traitor, a citizen of the republic of belarus, a certain pavel latushka. this is the person who
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is a member of a terrorist organization and this person acts. i said that this is not true, belarus has excellent quality products, and we all know this, it’s impossible to lie here. i showed your belarusian beef jerky and compared this packaging with polish beef, which contains an incredible amount of chemical additives. belarusian beef commands complete respect. on the other hand, what did this fugitive belarusian traitor pavel latushka do? in this article he raised the question of by what right i brought this piece beef to the polish state showed this. he apparently wanted to bring me to criminal charges, because you can’t bring food, even such a small thing, which he
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latched on to. look how they take money, these belarusian parasites, to distort reality. lie to the poles at the same time lie to you, the belarusians. for seven centuries my ancestors, polish peasants, lived here, on my land in the podlasie region, for seven centuries, and this fugitive belarusian traitor said in this article that if i don’t like my land, then i must leave, a traitor who betrayed his country, who slanderes, today dares to pass judgment in my country, on my land, and thereby insult not only me,
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the situation, almost every military conflict affecting the interests, primarily of washington, every major an operation of the american armed forces begins or is accompanied by the provision of intelligence data of dubious origin and the spread of fakes by the american media, while using information warfare methods american specialists are not at all shy about the introduction of proxy wars on... this is different, i was with you, ksenia lebezeva, see you in the next program.
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children's curiosity and genuine interest, absolute honesty and sincere emotions of the characters. hello everyone, in exactly a minute a hero will come to us who will answer everything. are you ready to meet our hero? why do you think the children chose you to talk to? i hope i can answer their questions. a show in which famous people answer tricky questions from the younger generation. how are you at work different from yourself at home?
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it seems to me that solely by appearance, i don’t turn from some kind of grumpy cat into a cute cat. no, i’m either a grym everywhere, or a cat everywhere. how do you feel when people feel sorry for you? extremely categorically negative. "to feel sorry is not the same as to sympathize, pity is an arrogant feeling, it is a feeling of superiority, look at the project 100 questions for adults on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. we watch the launch of a rocket with manned ships.
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lights out, on that day, march 21, 2024 on at the baikanur cosmodrome in minsk, all over belarus they were breathing equally heavily, everyone understood that there, at the very top of the huge launch vehicle, was a fragile girl, a belarusian, whom by that time everyone was already calling us. 66. this film is about how the story of one little girl in the photo became the achievement of an independent country.
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to understand that i can do something for my country makes me happy, that’s why tears flowed, because , of course, i didn’t experience other moments like this, the start was in my own way, and the landing was perceived, of course, this it’s also an incredible feeling, i can’t put it into words, but what happened today touched me to the depths of my soul, and what,
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i told you, at the moment of presentation, i said: “don’t cry, marina, everything is fine, a lot of work awaits us next and i understand this perfectly well, i approach this issue with full responsibility, the country met marina vasilevskaya, then still a possible participant in the space flight from belarus, in december 2022, here she is calmly going through the centrifuge, the president is observing, this is a most difficult test that has passed, they say, as if an elephant had stepped on. a person is pressed by a mass that is four or eight times larger than his body, i have arranged your life, well, at least you will have something to remember, of course, i hope, well done, the first citizen of the republic of belarus in space will be a woman, that idea of ​​the president when the space mission is completed, alexander lukashenko admits that the responsibility was cosmic, when will your children be in
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space? you will understand what it is, what a citizen of belarus and a citizen of belarus are in space. and only in the minsk apartment can they understand what alexandra lukashenko is talking about, it was their daughter, sister, granddaughter, who flew into space. i was probably worried and worried for six months, i don’t know, it was very difficult, but they didn’t tell her that you were worried, or did they? no, no, i didn't want to upset you. i’ll cry for her a little, into my pillow at night, but i understood that it was very difficult, studying for 8 hours , everything was new for her, of course, i understood that it was very difficult, right away, none of my loved ones took
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the conversations seriously about space. even thought about the worst that is so veiledly hidden health problems. marina spent 2 weeks in the hospital, all applicants were checked first in belarusian clinics, then in the star city of russia. absolutely great, mom exhaled. the first time i saw her and talked more specifically, it was november 2022 during an interview with a group of girls who were being selected for... a trip to the cosmonaut training center. marina was in a beautiful cornflower blue dress, very impressive, high-heeled shoes, loose hair, when i invited her to the interview room, she told me: you you know, i don’t know whether i will be the main one or the backup, but i know for sure that i will be in the project, why did this happen, where
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did i get such confidence? i can’t say now, but she was charged like this the first time she met us. charged immersed - this is from an unpublished photo of examinations and acquaintance with the experiments that were to be carried out on the iss, without having a scientific degree, one cannot fail to become the hands and eyes of belarusian scientists. but experiments, for example on loctophyrin, a proxybiotic, are very important, this is the goal... of these works to produce a product that will be useful in the space sphere for astronauts, for with probiotics, which will maintain the level of human microbiomes, yes, that is, of course, this is all science, we have seven targeted works, these are three joint russian-belarusian and belarusian work on our scientists, i will say this, they did everything according to our program, they did it well. there are
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the results of these studies, the bacteria for lactoferin arrived alive and even tried them, they are delicious, so i am incredibly glad, i also needed a photo. ground, this is how it happened, well, everyone is interested, on a mobile phone, did they take special equipment with them, or is it there, a lot of photo and video equipment is located at the station, numerous and varied, the radiogram says which device i should take or what kind of camera, video camera, and certain settings, we were taught this, at a certain time, for example, we fly over the republic of belarus at 13:20 and there are literally 1-2 minutes - which allows you to take a photo or video of the earth’s surface, of course this is crazy interesting, but unfortunately now the weather is like this, especially spring-autumn, there is a lot
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of cloudiness, and no matter how hard i tried, no matter how much i wanted, belovezhskaya pushcha, of course, i saw and photographed, i hope that more good pictures will turn out, because there were experiments with a hurricane, this was using those... and you can take photos and videos with good, very high-quality equipment, pictures that we threw onto our hard drive during our expedition about visiting each experiment, each target work, so there is no need in phone. and with marina
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our relationship is good, we supported each other, we support each other, marina is a very open, always smiling person, kind and very strong. we literally walked this path side by side together, a lot of things happened in the star city, first of all, we began to prepare on the theoretical foundations in order to start, let’s say, everything from scratch, so that we would understand in general what the ship consists of, what systems are there, how it all works, and we started with theory, so we had to reorganize a little. remember physics, mathematics, then more training acquired such a practical nature, we worked out various first regularly, and then various emergency situations during the flight, there was, of course, serious
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physical training, how to conduct radio communication, there was amateur radio communication, we also had tests of various kinds, for example, weightlessness on the il 76 mdk, such a large laboratory.
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in winter conditions, build a hut there and try to survive there for at least two days, when it’s in the forest, well, probably not everyone, even a man, can do that able to do, why come to us?


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