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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 18, 2024 9:00am-9:21am MSK

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watch on tv channel belarus 24. good morning, on the air news, yulia pertsova is with you, in this episode. a piece of belarus in the central part of azerbaijan, our specialists will build a settlement in karabakh. france. really wants to be useful
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to ukraine. the fifth republic is testing a new development group during exercises in estonia. stay up for the international event night of museums. what program have you prepared for belarusian cultural aesthetes? more sports, more health. today is the day of physical culture and sports workers in the country. belarus will build in karabakh settlement of 400.
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did not visit the revived territories, so fizuli was returned under the control of azerbaijan in october of the twentieth year, this city with great transport and logistics potential. according to the general plan, by 2040 the population will increase to 50 thousand people, now only a few thousand. eh, 822 families have already moved, very satisfied, very happy, they work and work, they are all well-built, they are all employed, right next to each other. this is already the second complex, we are starting its construction by the end of the year , the design work is underway, it consists of two parts, a total of 653 apartments, then there will be about 10 thousand, around 10.00 in the city of fizuli, in the whole fizuli region the population is about 25,000, we are also restoring villages now, 10 villages there will be only 10 villages in this area, well that’s the city of fizuli, and other cities are also all other cities.
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but there may be more, this model, which we are now implementing in karabakh and eastern zangizur, then it will be in demand in other regions, in terms of urban planning, in terms of management, in terms of utilities economy, that is, this is a modern model that will essentially change azerbaijan completely, the presidents also inspected one of the residential areas in shusha, the city was founded back in the 18th century. let us recall that alexander lukashenko and
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ilham aliyev held official negotiations the day before, one of the topics post-war restoration of the territory. deepening bilateral economic relations between azerbaijan and belarus is important for ensuring economic growth and development of the countries. according to azerbaijani political scientist elgar velizade, the state the visit of our president to baku opens up new dimensions of interaction between the two states. belarus occupies second position after russia in the list of trade and economic partners of azerbaijan, and the trade turnover between our countries for a very long time amounted to about half a billion dollars, this is of course not the limit, but we have a lot of such promising projects now. economy and the visit
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of the president of belarus to azerbaijan opens new facets of this cooperation. the kyiv regime asked its masters the united states lift restrictions on the use of weapons against targets in russia, the wall street journal reports, citing american officials. the publication clarifies that ukraine also addressed the biden administration with a request. identify targets on russian territory that kiev can strike. journalists note that the request was made last week and is now under consideration by the american authorities. france, as part of an exercise in estonia , is testing a new development group, which
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will supposedly be useful in ukraine, radio reports rtl. we are talking about the fran group, responsible for moving beyond the enemy lines undetected to provide reconnaissance and capture trenches. soldiers. can hide in the bushes for hours in camouflage, using drone video. the terrain in estonia is very similar to ukraine with wide plains to the east. let me remind you that earlier, french president macron once again confirmed that he does not rule out the possibility of sending troops to independence. adhering to the traditions of goodwill and trust, minsk adis beba is celebrating his thirtieth birthday today establishing diplomatic relations. on this occasion , the president of belarus sent congratulations to the president of ethiopia. the head of state emphasized: both countries are consistent supporters of strengthening the principles of multilateralism in world affairs, a collective search for answers to global threats threats based on international law, respect for the identity of peoples and their ability to determine their own future. now ethiopia is
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a very significant reliable partner for belarus in the african region, says the congratulations. heavy rainfall tests france's strength. several cities were flooded at once, the streets turned into raging rivers, streams of water are destroying everything in their path, the rains have already caused serious damage to infrastructure, the authorities of the mazel department in the north-east of the country declared a red level of weather danger, and orange in three more departments. varda, varda, killed. and the warmth has come to belarus, in the coming days the temperature will reach 26 degrees in the country, it will be dry, there will be short-term rains in some places, thunderstorms are possible, light fog in places, it will become warmer and at night up to +12. direct telephone line
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of the state border committee for official activities of the grand service, held today until 12:00, express your suggestions, also ask questions in minsk. by the number that you see on your screens. the republican action of the belarusian women's union, women's health and the health of the nation continues to travel across the country. the initiative has already covered about fifty labor collectives and more than 10 thousand women. for many, the project has become an incentive to take care of their health, so for this in different dialogue platforms are being held in corners of belarus. the capital's doctors are ready to answer any questions. specialists from specialized republican scientific and practical centers tell not only. the need for early diagnosis of cancer in women, as well as the prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system and nephrological profile. and like any other cancer, breast cancer is very important to treat at an early stage, then there is a huge chance of successful
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recovery. in order not to miss the disease, to diagnose it early stage, every woman should undergo regular mammography. examination starting from age 49 years over. our medical community faces a very important task: preserving the lives and health of our citizens. we are cardiologists at the republican scientific and practical center of cardiology, focusing on the early identification of risk factors for the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system, their correction and preservation of the health of our residents, our women, preventive measures at the republican scientific and practical center cardiology. carried out regularly, such meetings are not just theory; within the framework of the project, medical organizations have been identified where women can undergo cancer screening. in case of problems, doctors offer additional research methods: ultrasound, computed tomography or mri. a sports lifestyle is the key
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to health. today is the day of physical culture and sports workers. in our country, this industry has always been prestigious. over the years of sovereignty, physical sports. the culture of belarusians has taken significant steps forward. now we can boast not only of achievements sports olympus, but also infrastructure for amateur sports. the day before the teaching staff. bgufk passed standards, which in soviet times were known as gto. andrey kozlov was among the participants. on this day, sports facilities on the territory of the university of physical education became a gathering place for teaching staff. which is completely symbolic, because the passing of the standards, which after the revival began to be called the standards of the state physical culture and health complex, took place exactly one day before professional holiday. our gto standards are a'. encourage us to engage in physical education, and they discipline us, that is, i
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can say from my own example and the example of my colleagues, we spend about two months annually preparing to pass the gto standard. your example is a special story, which is especially honored in such an institution as the belarusian state university, physical education. there was a series of tests ahead, in short, running exercises for the abs, pull-ups or push-ups, and flexibility. all tests for participants in the gto standards are not closed at the stadium of the university of physical education, then you need to go through the gymnasium, there are also very serious obstacles waiting for you. there are different age categories, but pay attention to the shape of those who educate our physical education and sports personnel. i personally went into this profession absolutely consciously, because without the physical culture of sports i... can’t imagine my own life and recommend it to everyone i come across, since
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in this way we not only prolong our own youth, but also form those useful habits that they help us live life at a higher level, with higher quality. the day of physical culture and sports workers has been celebrated in our country on the third saturday of may for 26 years now, and this is an important part of state policy, because a lot of effort and resources are invested in the development of this industry. my wish is that we gather at such beautiful sports facilities as often as possible, play sports and think about our future, about our health. happy holiday, dear colleagues. therefore, belarusians can boast of both achievements sports olympia, so use the infrastructure for amateur sports. passing the standards is a great opportunity to check how much you can keep your body in functional tone and be truly athletic and active. andrey kozlov, maksimov. and grigory kristofovich, television news agency. don't sleep
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until the last esthete. the international event night of museums is on the art radars of belarus today. a sleepless night for the temples, the mus welcomes guests under the slogan of a museum of education and research. on night routes, acquaintance with classical masterpieces, will highlight the technological capabilities of the venues, give classes, lectures, play music and host theatrical screenings. in total in our country about the masterpieces of world domestic culture. 157 repositories of valuables, public and private, tell the story. the stock treasury contains more than 3,600 storage units, including those on the list of historical and cultural values ​​of the country. over the past season, belarusian museums can boast of 7 million visitors. let's list the first three. gold takes the place of the feat of soviet soldiers. memorial complex brest fortress hero. the number of visitors over the past season was more than half a million people. at the khatyn memorial complex, bronze behind the museum of the history of the great patriotic war. and
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today, many cultural and recreational institutions will present their unique programs for guests, moon watching, dancing, quests, master classes, a vintage car exhibition and excursions. there will be a lot of interesting things this night. the capital, the epicenter will be the national artistic center, here. art night expected from 6 pm to 2:00 am. visitors will be offered many interactive platforms. including master classes on linography and scratching, photo exhibitions and performances by the ensemble of the institute for the border guard service of belarus. the action will shine here under the slogan path of light 85, the culmination of the triumph of art and technology, a laser show. let me remind you that the operating hours of cultural institutions have been changed. details on the official websites of museums. we are the musical future of the country. musical evenings at the town hall begin the summer musical tourist season in...
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the champions of belarus in volleyball, both women and men, can be determined today; the main favorites must confirm their status for this. so the minsk resident will play the third match of the final series in grodno against the local communal player. olga polchevskaya's girls won the two previous meetings, if successful, today will be the eighth time in a row and the thirtieth. in the history of the club will win the coveted trophy. live broadcast at 15:55 on the belarus 5 tv channel. and then follow the fourth match between shakhtar on the sports channel and energy. the meeting will be hosted by the capital's uruchye sports palace. the gomel residents celebrated their victory on this very site and today they will try to restore the status quo. will it be successful or will the miners win their eighth championship in
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a row. we will find out from the live broadcast on belarus 5 at 17:30. that’s all for now; we’ll tell you about the development of the event in the next issue, see you at noon.
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arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. set up a satellite dish. azerspace satellite 1. the tv channel signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus 24 tv channel and discover belarus. may today's game will become for you not so much an intellectual competition as a bright, unforgettable holiday. hello guys, welcome to our playground, it is impossible to know everything, but these guys are ready to prove otherwise. was the world's first globe really made by the ancient greek scientist eratosthenes? it seemed to me that ethospen came up with the first map. well done, she remembers these rules. so what's wrong with the globe, who invented it? someone else.
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any adult will envy their erudition. is it true that the pointer is computer. mouse can change form, depending on the object on which it is installed. the cursor has so-called context sensitivity, and it can really change its shape depending on what object it is aimed at, there is a stick, above, below, i also see that he feels very comfortable, confident, relaxed, no , he is worried, in our chest there is a symbolic object, the image of which is often used on email services to indicate the button allows... i know, watch it on the belarus 24 tv channel. belarus charmed them at first sight.


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