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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 18, 2024 2:40pm-3:00pm MSK

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many of us were told as children not to slouch, keep your back straight. a girl always needs to be well-groomed and tidy or... a true lady does not behave like that, so how should a girl behave in modern society, which rules of behavior have changed in recent years, and which have remained eternal classics? we’ll talk about etiquette and culture of behavior with the founder and director of the center for the development of creativity for children, teenagers and adults, teacher of public speaking and etiquette yulia rusakova. alina nevoina is with you, and this is fashion on culture.
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general civil, let's say so, or, as they say, european etiquette. let's take a closer look at women's etiquette. how should a woman behave in modern society, or does she not owe anyone anything? this is a very good topic for reflection, because a truly modern woman, i can talk endlessly, she is very interesting, she is smart, and about a modern woman, this concerns , first of all, etiquette in general is not only for women, it is self-respect.
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the family has some, say, deviations from certain norms and rules, so you can get up at any time to become one, you woke up in the morning, looked in the mirror, you realized that you are beautiful, you are smart, when we go to work, this is ours, we use business etiquette, that is we don’t wear an evening dress to work, that is, we should look beautiful, neat and natural in fashion, when we have some event in the evening, a theater, a cinema, or even just... we go to a concert, that is, we dress in according to the event we have planned, so we can talk about this endlessly, i think stylists are also doing this very well now, and this is also, by the way, about etiquette. let's look at this situation: you came to a cafe or restaurant, your device falls, how should a true lady behave in this situation? this can happen to anyone. in this situation, you need to behave absolutely calmly, the people who are sitting next to you, this too, by the way. about etiquette, they shouldn’t
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react, we shouldn’t react at all when we’re sitting at the table, react to some actions of other people, don’t fly under the table, don’t throw yourself at someone’s feet, don’t feel anyone under the table, don’t look for these utensils, napkins, the waiter comes and cleans everything up, so you just need to stay calm, stay in place , smile, because that’s how it is for a real lady, a smile is probably the main weapon in etiquette, including showing your confidence, because etiquette is, first of all, a confident woman, the waiter comes up, cleans everything up, the waiters know what to do in such situations, therefore now everyone is very well trained, the staff will also help you. table etiquette is an important part of our social life, many people know that you can’t put your elbows on the table, and what other rules of table etiquette exist that we need to know so as not to be considered uncultured when we come to some establishment for a social event. as a rule
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, all the utensils are already in place, our most basic utensils, which we will use to cut, are on our right hand, on our left hand we have forks, arranged. on the left side there is a glass, a glass, a plate there, for example, with butter, sometimes it is often served, if it is some kind of morning, that is, we go to the left hand, but there are certain rules that if we have eaten, then we carefully fold the fork is followed by a knife, that is , this means we have finished the meal, it is also very important not to eat everything to the end, because this is probably considered very bad form now, we should leave a small part on the plate, this does not mean that we it's not tasty, there are various ways to thank the cook so that he understands that it was really delicious, sometimes after a meal women often demonstratively take out their beautiful mirror, bourgeois, chanel begin to powder their lips, of course this
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should not be done under any circumstances, we have a restroom , where are the beautiful mirrors, we can do all this so that no one sees, this is also the basis of etiquette that must be observed, now a little... not about table etiquette, but about a lady’s handbag, you came to a restaurant, where should you put it? yes, that's the question occurs all the time among women, first of all, i advise you to take a small handbag with you to a restaurant, there is no need to take a shopping bag, which is now very relevant, very fashionable, we take a small handbag, it is neat, it is small, in some restaurants they serve a special chair for the handbag , but as a rule, we have hooks under the table where we can hang our purse, if we don’t have one... we just put the purse behind our back, it’s very important when we’re sitting in a chair, yes, we don’t have to sit on the edge, because what's wrong from a psychological point of view, when a person sits on the edge, it means he is not confident in himself, we just sit deeply, but our back does not touch the back of the chair, this place
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remains just for the bag, if we don’t know where to put the bag, this is the only a place where we can use just to store our things, everyone knows this: that everything comes from the family, and if in childhood the parents did not teach their children etiquette and rules of behavior, how realistic is it to do this in adulthood and why in general? is it better to start getting acquainted with etiquette? as i already said, getting to know etiquette is , first of all, respect for yourself and the people around you, the basic rules of observing the use of the elevator, transport, we are repeatedly at school, in kindergarten, constantly... they talk about this, that is, safety precautions, using the elevator, how we enter, where we look, who enters the elevator first, who enters the transport, then to whom yields, this, i think, everyone knows, and children, even those who were not taught etiquette in childhood, they all anyway it goes away within
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in life, you can learn everything, the main thing is that a person has a desire, because etiquette is not boring, it is fashionable, modern, i would even say, and this has happened before. just self-confidence, because when a person is confident in himself, he really behaves differently, but are there any popular rules of etiquette that we most often violate, yes, as i said, about the handbag, very often we violate when we enter the elevator, so we can’t understand, let’s say we’re at work, we have an elevator, who’s first, who should let us pass if both a man and women are standing, we go into the elevator in general , this is the rule here, men usually... always let a woman go ahead, not counting those cases if, say, we have a child or an elderly person, when we must be the first to enter the elevator, this is for safety reasons, but if we are talking about business etiquette and some events, that’s exactly what concerns business etiquette, we will allow a table to be reserved, if
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this is acceptable, colleagues come in for work and they know where to go , women can come in first, but if women don’t know where they are going, the man always steps into the unknown first; there used to be a rule that when a man walks, a woman walks on the right hand. now this is in the modern world, of course, the rule is not very relevant, it is believed that a man must protect a woman from some kind of car that may be driving and just have a puddle, pour on the woman, or some awkward situation, so we we can even lead on the left hand too. that is, at the moment this is what it is exceptions, etiquette changes a lot, changes over time, and naturally, we must look at the rules according to the situation, because there are situations when these rules may not apply or work, i mean this
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when it comes to human safety, with which we go, that is, the most important thing in our modern etiquette is to act according to the situation, of course, we look the interlocutor in the eyes, unless we... what is a familiar life for belarusians, for others may seem truly exotic. volkovysk, if you have already come to the swedish mountains, then be so kind as to count the quantity, and why do you need to count, this is such a tradition, of course, these are coins of a rather rare mintage from...
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navakolnyh meadows, lasoў i paleoў and the hellishly memorable life of the distance. today we are going on
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a folklore expedition. things have happened many times before in the past of vitsebshchyna. let's follow the history and myastsovye abrads. the greatest rulers would be mikalai khlyustsin, like the grandee of any horse. meў pan 150 galova violent ragatay zhively swedish people. what did you know that marysia and stasem are are the exits correct? chula? and i am asked, as yany geta so hutka pubudavalisya, dziva neikae, good day at your house, hi gastsey budze rich, and let the old traditions of the new life, byary dzevitsu, garden mint harvested, unmown grass, just with projects on mind last time on the tv channel belarus 20. who and how
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helps to make our lives better, what are scientists working on today? a group of small devices is being created, one device is made by belarus and two devices are made by the russian federation. this grouping is designed to study near-earth space, weather forecasting, just a network of surface weather stations is not enough. because the weather, as we know, is formed at altitude, so we need how the northern lights are already observed in belarus, as well as the most interesting facts: the history of belarusian synoptic meteorology began in the thirties of the last century, when we opened a hydrometeorological institute. watch the science nearby project on our tv channel.
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ilya, you teach public speaking and etiquette at the center for the development of creativity for children, teenagers adults. how are etiquette and oratory interconnected? the relationship is very, i would even say, subtle, because oratory is the art of speaking beautifully. how are your classes going? our children come from an early age, children learn very quickly, they pick up everything on the go, a lot of them act in some tv commercials and even just so that they can leak out at school. recite a poem beautifully, because this is also very important, the principles of self-respect are laid down from childhood, you are also
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you teach modeling, but at a modeling school, this is also very interesting, there is a peculiarity of model etiquette, if you and i are now sitting upright, our back does not touch the chair, then in modeling we can move a little apart, lean on our elbows a little, but our back there may even be... there is always only one pose, this is where we gather our legs towards ourselves, and sit as tightly as possible, why this knowledge is fashionable, 100% fashionable, because i come back again, self-love, self-respect and respect for others, these are the rules that we simply must know,
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we must adhere to them and pass them on from ourselves to our children from generation to generation, the more... one knows the rules and regulations of the ticket, the more educated our society will be. agree that it is never too late to engage in self-education, because a person develops throughout his life, improves his professional and personal skills. and the german philosopher and writer jagan goethe once said: a person knows himself only to the extent that he knows the world. be open to this world. engage in self-development and follow fashion trends trends in the cultural life of our country. alina nevoina was with you, remember, being cultured is fashionable. see you in a week. until new cultural meetings.
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white and red is now our flag. let's form a hand-to-hand grip. the hitch is a priori an element of attack. and of course, the phrase “let’s stand close together is a call.” here is a bc flag - inciting social hatred and enmity. but this is different, i guess. smagar pro-ukrainian singer, this is the prototype of the wedding in malinovka, the government is changing, words and views are changing, now he is exchanging article 342, what are the conclusions did, probably, then i was under the emotional influence of the general information flow, very strong, now there has been a big reassessment of values ​​in my life, i can
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have a constructive dialogue, so i demand the withdrawal of russian... troops from belarus and on the poster in my hands “i support ukraine” . well, before that she didn’t support the residents of the bratsk donbass, who were bombed by ukraine at the age of 8. why now, while in georgia and moving around the european union, does he not go out into the streets in support of palestine? author's view of ksenia lebedeva the policy of double standards in the project is another matter. watch on tv channel belarus 24.
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live news on belarus 1. in the studio yulia pertsova. good afternoon, in this issue. symbolically, on the eve of border guard day, more than a thousand recruits took the oath throughout the country.


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