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tv   -  BELARUSTV  May 18, 2024 4:45pm-6:00pm MSK

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whether it’s a concert, or a program, you need to stop like this for a second, i do it like this, i kind of put on such a cap on myself, at this time, by the way, there may be a lot of people around who will tell you jokes about some of their affairs , they will tell you something, you can even tell them something... he answers, but you are in a cap, and you, from beginning to end, from the first minute to the last, you are talking about, well, not just saying, and you go through the entire concert, the entire broadcast, that’s all, from beginning to end, that’s when you did it. well, this is such a sign,
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if you do this, you will be fine, but i think that everyone sets it up in their own way, i do it this way, you are a believer, i think yes, why am i saying, i think, because, i, of course, i pray, of course , i say thank you, but what would you say to god if you were nearby, thank you? i do this every day, thank you for every day i live, thank you for the love that lives in my heart, thank you for having those whom i love next to me. hello, alena, my name is anastasia, and i want to ask you a slightly sad question. tell, please, are you afraid of loneliness? every
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person, of course, but in general i have to admit to you that i really love solitude, i like to spend time alone, it’s very interesting for me to be with myself, and sometimes i give myself such gifts, but i understand that you asked about something else, no, it was exactly about that, that ’s when... it’s no longer needed, yes, yes, of course, i’m afraid, and god forbid, someone should encounter this, because this causes a lot of troubles in a person’s life, that’s when it ceases to be necessary, there are a lot of different troubles may happen to him, god forbid, but what is your life motto? and i’m
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an optimist, no matter what, well, you know what an optimist is, yes, who is an optimist, a person who believes in the best, wow, this signal means that the time for questions to the hero is glass, alena, now you have to choose the best question of this program, i want to thank lilya separately for her question about mathematics because she... left me alone after the first successful answer, i will call this question the best, according to the rules of our program, the author of the best question receives a special gift from our guest, come out onto the platform, lilya, thank you very much for your tactful question. with which you asked it, in
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memory of our meeting, thank you very much, this year in this organization on august 1 it was 40 years that i have been working. alena, now you have the opportunity to ask the children your question, the person who asked me... what would i warn myself against if i were writing a letter, where is he? tell me, if you had such an opportunity, what would you write to yourself? i, i don't even know, but i not yet of the age to write something to yourself about the past, or maybe the future? in the future, i wouldn’t write anything to myself, i don’t want to, maybe someone else wants to answer this question? i would
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have written a letter to my past self, not to be modest and to be a leader, i missed a lot, although i could have already been popular, so to speak, i would n’t have written anything to myself... what could it have changed my life to do in it something else, but i would write to myself in the future, i would tell myself, if you are passionate about something, then what do you like right now, do it, because when you do something that turns you on, something that you really like, and something that makes you forget about the time of day, it always brings you great fruits that you may even think about you have no idea. alyon, the time has come... to say goodbye to our audience, thank you very much, i, but this is a trait of my character, so i know that i will go home, yes, i will remember our meeting and i will remember it with pleasure. so, tv presenter, honored artist of the republic of
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belarus, alena speredovich, is visiting today the program has 100 questions for adults. i'm waiting for you, alena, at the entrance to the site. here i will ask you to stay a while, what was the most difficult question for you today? and probably the question that i didn’t want to answer, questions about bad habits, but i explained why, i don’t don’t want to do this, what surprised you with the children, what surprised you? but they can withstand the blow well, i mean that our television filming is, in general, another kind of work, they are great, today you managed to answer 48 questions, tell me, if we call you again, will you agree to come,
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of course, if i'm free, i liked it, i don't think such meetings need to be practiced often. but from time to time giving yourself such an emotional shake-up is just a gift, so thank you very much for this invitation. i ask our audience if you think that our guest today was as frank as possible with you. alena seemed very sincere to me, despite the fact that she did not answer some questions, it still showed her sincerity, the way she explained her reasons. decided not to talk about it, and for me this is a great indicator of a person’s honesty, she was very calm, it was clear from her voice that there was no lie at all and there could be no talk about it, for me she showed the best side, i really liked her positivity, her presentation, as well as- it’s such
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a homely atmosphere, one might say, very cozy, our conversation was progressing, who thinks that alena still didn’t finish what today? revealed, maybe she was even cunning, disingenuous, or what? there are those, raise your hand, surely someone doubts, but i have no doubt that alena is a sincere and honest person, alena, we have such a rule, the last word is always with the hero, sum up the conversation that took place, i’m so embarrassed, i just happened to be eavesdropping, i’m very grateful for this meeting, and... i used the words “emotional shock”, there’s no better way to say it, i was actually very interested, i was interested in the guys and their questions, and i got a meeting in a week,
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look in the next issue! governor of the grodno region, ex-minister of health vladimir koranik. which is a mistake worse than a doctor or a governor? would you like to become president? tell me, if your children wanted to study outside of belarus, what would you tell them?
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ubachytsya, as іdze doshch, shapatіtsіtsіstіstse, svetіstsі sunshine, і і і і ў ў ў і з з ў з з з з ў shaped our life. i want to look at this world for everyone and my skin day to reveal something new for myself, this is so important to us, because we work on this with anyone, with anyone and belarus.
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leninsky prospekt 57. krylova, krylovo, krylovo.
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and left please, up, down, right, left, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, ho! that's enough, thanks, funny, great. that's it, that's it, that's it , thank you, wonderful, it means i can become
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a parachutist, of course you can, and an astronaut, please, here's a certificate for you, yeah, thank you, you're enrolling in our parachute school, i don't know, i haven't decided yet, goodbye, where are you going? build office number five for production, but they invited me to manage it, i wish you good luck, thank you, goodbye, be healthy, keep it up, you need to have your chest, i ran, sasha, to the head doctor, i can’t, ask someone else and ... because of you i lost half a day,
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oh, excuse me, please, the procedure is my dota, you know, i’m in such a hurry, and you know, me too, oh, forgive me, please, please, thank you. the world is alien, black light. to dance
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in strange and dead fields, in swords, cold comets, like a big moon. the earth is passing by, but you and i, i believe
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in only one thing, the radiance of the day. what will it be? like what? aperet? about geologists? yes? what geologists? astronaut? and who will you be? actually? am i from krylovo? what means? build office five? what's five?
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five offices, a team of painters, will we paint at your place? well, paint for your health! goodbye, goodbye, we've had a smoke break, are there a few of you here for four birds, hello, hello, how are you, girls, okay, let's have lunch, now, and who are you, i'm krylova. i work here, who are you? ptakhin ivan spiridonovich, your new boss, by the evening, to finish, we will finish, as you say, last name, krylova, we will take into account that we met,
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there was that house, familiar to all the residents, because it had already... stood for a century, so it was appointed for broken, the tenants have left the house for a long time, but the house while i was standing there, it was cold, cold, cold in the house, the front door had not been opened for a long time, the boys had already broken out the windows, and the plaster was crumbling everywhere, but something in this house remained on the third floor, oohing, oohing, oohing in the house,
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well, what do they feed, black caviar, mara, champagne, yesterday's cutlets, yesterday's cutlets, who was it, oh, he broke the house, hit the roof with a makirey, and then swore that he heard it. how someone moaned, pitifully, pitifully, pitifully in the house, whose song this was, he himself came up with, yes, well done, i’m a poet at heart. and i haven’t liked peret since childhood, why are you laughing, i seriously, the old man would have heard you, you know that children are no longer shaking with fear, there is no house
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that has stood for two centuries, and soon here, according to the reconstruction plan, dozens of floors will rise, concrete, glass, metal, it will be fun, cool, colorful, good song, listen, write to me, why do you need it, i’m filming, i have to sing, you know? about the damn bomb and love, you know, about everything at once, you’ll write, this is life, and music, flowers, applause, uh-huh, oh, if we don’t finish today, they’ll give us such applause, you’ll go deaf, uh -huh, actually, of course, on one side a motorcycle - that's great, but on the other hand, listen, you would stand on the other side. i can, well,
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have we arrived? well, we’ve arrived, the premiere, a flight into fantasy, on the other hand, physicists, lyricists, you sit here, i can. excuse me, can you tell me how i can find the artist romashkina? ramashkina, girls, i’m nadezhda pavlovna now, yes, she’s already left, so, of course, tell me, are you also an artist, no, i’m a painter, and, well, that is, at the moment, a painter. i play a painter, i get into character, but actually i’m an artist, you guessed it, young man, i praise you, but it was not difficult, allow me
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to introduce myself, my name is kostya, tell me, on the day of the song you are very busy, i personally am in demand, i know that, all good artists are in demand, you see? “i was sent from the factory to negotiate a concert, so ah, well then you ask romashkina, she’s not that busy, excuse me, but what’s your name? ay-ay-ay, young man, they didn’t recognize you, you know, i’m doing very poorly over time, i study at an evening institute, then these trainings, you do sports, yes, probably a boxer, no, a parachutist, do you jump?” yes, you have to cosmonauts are getting ready, well, that’s why you want to be an astronaut, strange, krylova, alexandra, yes
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krylova, but no, you can call sasha, we are simple artists, today a queen, tomorrow a maid, such a job, i understand, sasha, what, kostya. is it really impossible to think of anything for you to come to us after all, but i’m already regretting it myself, or maybe i’ll call you at the theater and you’ll decide, oh no, perhaps not, you know better, yes krylova, why aren’t you at work ? i'm coming, i'm coming, excuse me, rehearsal, hello, we'll take it into account. when and where on saturday, at 6, so, on the stairs, we agreed, we agreed, the girls are here, i
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went into a somersault, one look, another, then i threw it into a tailspin, suddenly i heard someone right at me, they pushed, well, yes. and this is also our guy, although, you know, and the main thing is that he is yelling and yelling something at me, but i didn’t understand right away, and away from him, but the earth is already nearby, you can see everything in the world, then he flies up to me and says , sasha, sashenka, hey, hey, who's there? it's me, your boss, little bird. i'm standing at a distance. what do you need? girls, darlings, maybe
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you’ll stay, huh? we won't stay, don't ask! can you stay? i can’t, i have a circle with i'm skydiving, okay? it’s clear, you’ll fall, but it won’t open up, even if it opens up, wife, you’re a komsomol member, a foreman, so what? and the fact that you need to be conscious is, again , the international situation, which obliges us to do, when all of progressive humanity, we are your debtor, if you’ve been drinking to sleep, go, we ’ll sort out the international situation ourselves. why were people removed from there, there were three brigades, three people remained, and this is not your model of krolov, the authorities know better, so let the authorities not work overtime, i will remember, we will take it into account.
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bye, oh, wow, the bird was scared, but aren’t you, i’ve never in my life, well, we’ll see. hey, don't forget to put up the lock, i won't forget.
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is anybody here? is there anyone calling out there? oh, is that you?
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so quiet, kostya, quiet, what are we doing, the tap dancers finish at 15:40, but there is laughter, applause, 2 minutes, no more, margonov arrives for 8 minutes, reads a fable, gets into the car and leaves, but we have business seams, arrives. well, well, 10 minutes of backlash,
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listen, excuse me, our conference, right, nothing wrong, in conferences it won’t last 10 minutes, i suggest to krylova, who is krylova, evgeniy maksimovich, they don’t know krylova, but you, you saw her, if you hadn’t seen her, you wouldn’t say, but krylova, good, good. what should i tell her? have you reached an agreement with her? i guarantee it will. i understand, i vouch for it. 66. how much did you say? did you say that much? come on. who should i bet? czech? yeah. o.
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good, put it to me, there is, i’ve already delivered it to you, and you replace it, but oh well. is this the same object? yeah, he has an apartment here. yeah. wait. kanovalov, have you laid the tiles? turn it off, have you laid the tiles in my garden in a bad way? did you put it to bed? well, let's see how you laid it out. ivan stereo. hello. well, i decided to take a look, what’s new in the world? arts, and oh, a lot of new things, and i didn’t even suspect that you would be involved in construction, what about a circus, a circus, yes, but not seriously, i left, so they invited me to the production, with a shortage, yes, well, why,
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i paid it off, it’s impossible without this is what they teach us through mistakes, the faithful ruler, that’s right, ivan speridonovich, well, when are you going to move, on saturday, god willing, we’ll move, you’re welcome for a housewarming, remember, you can’t live without women in the world, no, anspidonovich, where did you transfer the workers from the construction of the nurseries, and the nurseries, the nurseries, to those very same nurseries, uh, we transferred the workers, we transferred them to a particularly important site, it turns out that the nursery is already a secondary object, no, why , we also need nurseries, the younger generations, we can’t do without this, if they do, everything will be there, there will be a squirrel for you, there will be a whistle, there will be a... your apartment, uh, mine, do you want to see it? no, ivan spiredanovich, no, next time, someday, goodbye, yeah,
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editors’ club, what does it mean for the country? the all-belarusian people's assembly is one of the mechanisms that will ensure the stability of all absolutely branches of power, such a foundation on which belarus will be built further, this is such a foundation for the belarus of the future, we have a new constitutional body, but there is another function that the supreme national assembly can cancel the decision of any government body, if it does not ensure the stable development of society, with the exception of the decision of the courts, no society that builds.
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don't miss it on the belarus 24 tv channel. analysis of the opponent, working on mistakes, choice correct strategy for the match. athletes have to work a lot with their heads to become a champion, they know exactly what success is on sports grounds, but still, what does it feel like to become a champion? emotions subside, some realization is already dawning that we have actually achieved such a significant goal for both the club and the fans, but what will be the result in a real battle of intellects? what is the name of a gymnastic apparatus where two parallel bars are installed at the same height. vlad brusya bars, absolutely right, how the abbreviation bfvs stands for, you need to click, you don’t know, then that’s all, alexey, belarusian federation, maybe vs, vs,
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there is, yellow card, yellow card, the coach who won all these titles, so far he is the only one, in fact, he always considered myself. he always considered himself the only one, this is jose mourrinho, this is the correct answer. absolutely right, portuguese specialist. watch the intellectual sports show, head game, on our tv channel. ptakhin comes out, instead of the nursery, he gives himself an apartment forces. not only to himself at the head of the trust, i don’t know exactly, but he hinted, he didn’t hint at the minister, no, he didn’t hint, but that ivan spidonovich could hint at the minister, you know him too, yes, yes, we had to, we worked somehow together in the theater,
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worked as an administrator, it’s strange, and here you are, where everyone is looking, who everyone is, well, for example, you, me, yes, but what does it matter to me, how is this, oh, something happened, ah, man they crushed, they didn’t crush anyone, they shouldn’t crush anyone, disperse, disperse. he's not far from here, room ten, antonina petrovna, explain everything to her, quickly, quickly,
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please, i don’t have documents, excuse me, please, i have to go to the police, comrade, please hold the baby, i ’ll run to the grossovet for a minute, please, what a good uncle, thank you, wow, my good one, wow, my nice one, wow, my lard! “comrade policeman, i’ll leave the stroller, you look after it, thank you, let’s go, let’s go to work,
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stop, well, take what you take, take it, they tell you, but i’m walking past, why are you all walking past, come on, take it, you'd all go crazy whether? comrade senior lieutenant, foreman bushin is reporting, comrade senior lieutenant, i’m hallucinating, remove me from my post, when will she arrive, be patient, darling, let’s wait, call quickly,
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the deputy is delayed, yes, that’s it, well, to the police, they arrested ramashkina , she was driving a car, but forgot her documents, the deputy ramashkina, the artist ramashkina, well, for you she is an artist, but for us deputies, excuse me, are you also talking about the nursery, nursery, which nursery, ours?
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and you come in, everyone, everyone come in, well, i couldn’t do anything, hello, hello, police, out the city council says. come on, hello, what, who is saying this, my teddy bear, come on, here, what...
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comrade senior lieutenant, take it, there are still many of them there, a lot. mom, here’s another comrade lieutenant.
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please take a walk please let me some my god he is with us he is sala. you need to teach him a lesson, you know, definitely teach him a lesson, go closer, go, go closer, honestly, it’s possible, and i think i ’ve come up with an idea. hi, hi, kostya, what are you doing here, i’m resting, with flowers, with flowers, it’s clear, you’ve been waiting for a long time, it’s been a long time, brother,
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i should have played something, i lost... maybe i’ll play, try it , road, road, there’s no counting of steps and you don’t know where the end of the path is, along the road we walk on different sides, and we can’t... smile at me at least with your eyes, smile, i’m the opposite, i next to me, i’ll run through a red light, it doesn’t matter, just tell me when the smile, the smile,
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who it’s for, because like me, no one is waiting for it, i froze and my eyes closed, opened, but you’re alone, i missed the transition again , smile at me at least with your eyes, smile, i’m opposite, i’m nearby, i’ll run through a red light, i won’t get fined trouble, just tell me when i’m walking, walking, who’s going to stop me, the metronome of steps counts the way, i’m... ready to follow you forever, just don’t turn off somewhere, smile at me somehow with your eyes, smile , i’m on the contrary, i’m nearby, our path is long, but it will end soon, i’m afraid,
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come to me, i won’t dare. yes, don't wait any longer now, the deadline. where are these flowers of life, that’s for sure, flowers, i would add at least on the check, the owner, it will be, everything will be, there will be a squirrel for you, there will be a whistle, chicks, uncle mikhalkov, i didn’t guess.
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vanya, they forgot the cat, that the cat should be the first to enter the house, what to do, vanya, there, cat, there, me, me, they forgot, come on, come on, quickly, from the rear, come in, from the rear, come on. here she is, here, listen, the window is black, it doesn’t matter, hold her.
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in principle, everything is deteriorating for them today, diplomacy, when a diplomat, whose mandatory function is to build bridges, to maintain this thread of connection between two conflicting countries, today these diplomats, on the contrary, inflame. war, they are the main hawks, the same goes for their politics, their economy, then what does the west matter now, perishing, if you are not lost, if you know who your enemy is, then you are moving towards victory, this makevialist approach is alien to us, according to which the goal justifies the means, we are not capable of destroying everyone, we deny collective responsibility, we are not ready to agree to... lies, meanness, cooperation with the devil and the devil, just to win, so our path is long, but this is
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a conscious choice, markov’s project is nothing personal, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. let today's game become for you not so much an intellectual competition, but a bright, unforgettable holiday. hello guys, we are glad to welcome you to our playground, know everything. impossible, but these guys are ready to prove the opposite: was the world's first globe really made by the ancient greek scientist eratosthenes? it seemed to me that eratosthenes came up with the first map, well done, she remembers this rule, so what about the globe, who invented it? any adult would envy their erudition, is it true that the index a computer mouse can change shape depending on what object it is on. it is installed, the cursor has the so-called context sensitivity, and it can really change its shape depending on what object it
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is aimed at, there is a stick, two on top, below, i also see that he is feeling very comfortable, confident, feels relaxed, no, he is worried, we have an object in our chest, the symbolic image of which is often used on email services to indicate a button that allows should i attach any files to the letter, maybe some kind of stamp? a pushpin, it's most likely a paperclip, here it is, an intellectual and entertaining show, i know, watch it on the belarus 24 tv channel . they're going, they're going, comrades are all in their places, it's more fun,
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the children are ready, silva, start! people, people, there are so many above the wamba, there is nothing to please here, they themselves came, they respect, sasha, well done, krylovo, we are trying, comrade , hello, comrades, hello, comrade, timo, what have you come, irisha, instrument, walk, so walk, quietly , quiet, quiet,
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lenochka, what did you want to tell uncle ptakhin? well? thanks to comrade ptakhin for our good boxes, let’s ask comrade ptakhin, we’ll ask, please, please, please.
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we're still separated, you can't stop us, well, that's enough, comrades, let's drag the furniture back to the beach. we won’t drag it, comrade ptakhin, that’s why, because there will be bullies in your apartment, so you’re serious, we can’t make enough jokes, well, that’s enough , comrades, well, enough of the jokes, comrades, it’s more fun, comrades, it’s more fun,
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but let me in, let me in, let me in, what are you worth, unload, comrades, don’t let me follow, what right, there is no such law?
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well, everyone is silent, play, musicians, and you dance, who is ready to dance, and i’ll go, i need to think, master, should i pay? now, now, take all the money from my wife, come visit me again on your payday, i’ll give you my entire salary, in full, i’ll reward your modest, hard work, vanya, where are you going, vanya, you need to bring in the furniture, don’t cry,
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wife, don’t you need to calm down, a tired traveler will pass by, he will rest in our soft chair, play something on our piano, and remember ptakin with a kind word, or glorify him, no, it’s better to remember, doctor, goodbye... that’s it, goodbye, doctor, another attack, altruist, did something again, lord, what did he say, altruism, is it like a disabled person or something? altruism is a selfless concern for the good of others,
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a willingness to sacrifice for others, one’s own interests. well, yes, pavlovich, as always, we have pancakes with jam on saturdays, of course, pancakes with jam, come on, let 's go quickly, otherwise we'll be late for lunch.
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thank you, go ahead, young man, and never do that again. i won't do it again until goodbye, comrade academician, how do you recognize this, so to speak, simulation? according to the work book, young man, all the aggravations coincide with the dismissal, yeah, of course, be healthy, and
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here we train, this is our swimming pool, and this is our tower, the tower, hello, who is this? where? yes, he floats, how long? one nineteen, pale. this is evsiev, master of sports, would you like to meet me? well, how do you like it here? ok, but what is sashka doing here? what sasha? krylova. do you know her? our dormitory was painted. how did you paint it? are you crazy? she
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same artist. what an artist, painter, she has the third category. are you serious? certainly. don’t believe me, hey, sha, - meet sasha, kostya, mice on the water, i’m coming, don’t be bored without me, i’ll be back soon, we’ll try, kostya, yes, you’re angry with me,
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it seems i deceived you, no, i i know why you didn’t come, but as you guessed, i called the theater and they told me, i didn’t want to deceive you, but somehow it unexpectedly worked out for me, well, don’t i know what a tour is, a tour, yes , tours, you play all modern plays, yes, everything is like that monotonous, applause, flowers, tired, you stand, everyone is staring at you, photographers, journalists, it’s a shame, i know it from myself, but what are you doing here? during training, i told you, i’m a parachutist. yes, i would never have thought, you are so modest, dear, but,
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however, they say that now it’s completely safe to jump, yes, of course, you jump, fly about 5-6 km, then open the parachute and rest in the air, it’s safe. so insolent that sometimes you put on a backpack instead of a parachute, by mistake without looking, you jump, and it’s okay, sometimes we get out of it, somehow you plan on your hands, but it just takes you far, i was once carried into another area, no money, no documents, good, there were concentrates in my backpack, two weeks.
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first degree fire. lyalya. the elimination of this outbreak is given to you 10 minutes, well , well, well, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, go for a walk, daughter, go for a walk, don't interfere with the exercises, well, well, well done, where are you going, there, from the crowd , or something, where else, of course, from the crowd, wait a minute, wait, what group, group, yes, oh, right? i remembered all the time, suddenly
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i forgot, we are from the crowd, what a group, the machinations of the devil, here i also have the devil and pechkina, svetkina, pechkina, svetkina, come on in, so krylova, just a minute, krylova, i don’t have any krylova written down, come on, wow, they forgot. listen, let me through, but i need it, you know, i really need it, i understand, go for a walk, daughter, go for a walk, one, agility, two, courage, three, and endurance, four, and also, and what else, and also our responsibility for the assigned we care. nadezhda palovna,
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dear, save me if you don’t help me today if you can help, then everything is lost, who should we save, where are you from? i was looking for you and i was an extra, sasha, me, sasha, krylova, well, remember, you came to our construction site, well, the nursery, remember , remember, remember, remember, now i recognize you, so here you go, i already... . i’ve settled everything, your little bird will finish dancing, but he’s already finished dancing, but i have a different matter for you, here, you see, i have love, but i lied, to whom i lied, bones, to whom else, if i don’t bring you today, then everything is gone, but he is good, you can’t even imagine how good he is, sashenka, where do you want to take me today, yes kostya, you know, they’re having a concert at the factory, it’s a cultural event, let’s go, nadezhda pavlovna, let’s go, everything is ready, we’re waiting, yes,
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yes, thank you, no, sasha, i ’m not going anywhere with you, i have work, nothing, nothing, i think that because of this he will not stop loving you, well, where? there, exactly, exactly, everything is here, everything, understood everything, everything, look, you answer with your head, i can, there, exercise, exe, grandma, who came there, huh? here she
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is a little sick, sashenka, a guest has come to see you, sashenka, what’s wrong with you, it’s really bad, i’ll still call the doctor, young man, i beg you very much, stay with sashenka, and i ’ll be back soon, don’t worry, i’ll sit as long as necessary, thank you, thank you. farmers have something to be proud of, we are fully self-sufficient in food, enough for export, we sell almost $7.5 billion worth of food to hundreds of countries on the planet, and this is just a miracle.
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world center, with good agricultural technology and a good approach, today you can get wonderful harvests from our varieties. our corn differs there by 3-4 centners out of 100, and if we compare that seeds for sowing are 10 times more expensive, then imported becomes unprofitable. belarus is among the top five countries exporting dairy products and among the top 20 leading sellers of meat products. but there is no need to stop there. the well-being of our people and food security depend on the state of affairs in rural areas. our institute is engaged in the production of original elite seeds, and the most important thing is that we can give from science.
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you can’t help it anyway, you need to live it, i now have life experience, you look nowhere in the belarusians project on our tv channel,
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sasha. can you hear me, kostya, yes, through information, yes, yes, through information, thank you for coming, well, it seems i let you down again with the concert, but no, we got out of it. the concert was held at a high artistic level and was warmly received by the audience. and i was so worried, so worried about seeing or even the props. i understand.
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well, what's new in the world of art? yes , there is a lot of new things in the art world, especially lately, yes, that’s true, more props, a lot of props, you find, yes, i find. especially lately, a spray gun, because of this very props of a person it is difficult consider what you think, and how can i
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tell you, sasha. i might not know anything, but i know everything, i might not have come, but i came, who else is there, it’s me, hello, sasha, happy birthday to you, that is, i wanted to say, hello, congratulations on your upcoming it's a holiday, painter's day, so i have champagne here.
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we have to work, we’re working as best we can, level the sidewalk better, we’ll rent out monday, we’ll level it as best we can, comrade koshkina, i, why don’t you move to the first floor, we’ll have time, we’ll have time, we ’ll have time, we’ll rent out monday.
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krylov, can i come to you? comrade ptakhin, yeah, i thought you left of your own free will, that’s right, i thought. it’s a pity, i’m used to you, i’ll probably miss you, of course, i also came to say goodbye, you weren’t at the concert, i think maybe you got sick, or something happened with the parachute, but no, nothing happened, just like that, somehow it turned out, uh-huh, it happens, it happens that a person just doesn’t go to work, what’s special, you work, but i work, yeah, and you sit down, right, but there’s nowhere to go, and now we’ll come up with something, yeah no, it’s time for me to go home,
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why are you working so hard, the commission won’t accept this dirt, isn’t it dirt, this is my painting, a painting, yes, an ordinary abstract painting, they read about abstract paintings in krokodil, so i have something... something like that, how do you like me? don’t get involved in this matter, krylova, i don’t understand anything about this matter, it’s a very clear picture, these are all my experiences, here, here, here, so many experiences, a lot, because i’m a thing in itself, a thing in itself, yeah , uh-huh, what is this, it seems abnormal, that means, yes, the thing in you is it’s a very complicated thing, i’m a mystery to myself, you know, i also love riddles and
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have different experiences, but i had one artist friend, well, he didn’t read poetry very well, and he came to me one day after a concert and he says, i am shakespeare, but not sidorov, not petrov, but shakespeare, and since then shakespeare and shakespeare have gotten along. it happens, sometimes, you would go.


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