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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 18, 2024 6:00pm-6:35pm MSK

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picture, these are all my experiences, here, here, here, so many experiences, a lot, because i am a thing in itself, a thing in itself, uh-huh, uh-huh, what does this mean, like abnormal, yes, a thing in itself is it’s a very complex thing, i’m a mystery to myself, you know, krylova, i also love riddles, and i have different experiences, but i had one artist friend, well , he read the elements of fables very well, he comes to me one day after a concert and says: i’m shakespeare, yes, not sidorov, not petrov, but shakespeare, since then shakespeare got it right shakespeare, it happens, it happens, you should go.
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krylova, can i give you the address, where? well , you know, in such cases, shame, not smoke, doesn’t eat your eyes, that same artist, he lay down for as long as he was supposed to, and then he took off his tailcoat and waved the stage, and no shakespeare for you, understandable, understandable, well, i’ll go, i’ll go, yes, yeah, that’s better, go, go. krylova, krylova, hello, happy holiday, what a holiday, hello, no one can jump for you, we’ll have already hung the office there,
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come on, come on, get dressed, hung it up, yes, okay, i’m coming now, hold on, well hold on, sasha, it’s still unknown what height you’re jumping from, but... flying at least two kilometers, they’ll definitely announce it to us at the start, why sing 104, you fool, who jumps that fast, there are special machines for this, anba, lidva better, let’s see, depending on which one they push, sasha, sashenka, but i could jump, you, yes, it’s unlikely, there, you know, how my ears are ringing, they’re straight up and the eardrums are bursting, from the wind, why, from the wind, from the. ..
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overloads burst. sasha, you will take us through the plane itself and introduce us to the pilots. oh, girls, i don’t know. oh, wait, wait, me you still have to run for a parachute. imagine if i got on the plane without a parachute. so that's it. stay here and wait for me, and i will quickly take a parachute straight to you. just wait, okay? agreed. ok. make sure you don't get lost.
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petrovich, but there is no door, and why won’t you fall out, listen, petrovich, tell me, what theory of the origin of oil, organic or inorganic, do you agree with, 70 years old, petrovich, i don’t refuse, how it turns out, yes, and i , and i, then, yes, kostya, yes, listen, kostya, well, and this is yours by chance it’s not a backpack, a parachute, it’s a parachute, or maybe a backpack, wait,
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wait, one day, one day, baby, a wing jumps out in your group. krylova, yes, where did she come from, the painting brigades, somewhere even further away , thank you, brothers, well, brothers, understand your conscience, well, i’m going to jump without a parachute, or something, i understand you, mowing, get ready. so what does this mean? where did you come from? it doesn’t matter, i’ll jump, what are you saying, it’s okay , even if i’m not an artist, let me jump, but i
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’ll jump, okay, jump, well, jump, it’s early, it’s time, bones, we need to talk, jump, there let's talk, okay, i'll jump tomorrow, wait until tomorrow, kostya, what, sashka, i understand, kostya, come in for landing, there won't be a record, nothing will happen, what are you talking about, come back, mom, mommy, i'm crashing, kostya!
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that's right, comrades, more humor, now we will learn a new game, let's stand in a wider circle, hold hands, so the wider the circle, the more interesting the game, comrades began, rest is
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the best medicine, everyone is very... not happy about it, everyone knows this perfectly well, one step forward and one step back, everyone has fun, comrades, come on! circle, we arrived in the snowdrop, forest, water and aroma, and a ticket, a response, and a step forward and a step back, what’s the matter, comrades, where are you going, we haven’t finished yet, comrades, sasha, you’re alive, alive, alive, and you're alive, oh, who 's hanging around like that? where did i get caught up there, and
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comrade takhin, what are you doing here, i’m working here, let me in, krylov, why did they lie, it wasn’t the same as what you said? sorry, i'm not the one for you.
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watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus 24 tv channel, this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts especially important events. live broadcasts from the scene, current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, art companies for all ages. in the countries: finland, sweden, norway, denmark, the netherlands, germany, france, spain. portugal, cyprus, austria, switzerland, italy, greece, romania,
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serbia, croatia, poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia. set up a satellite dish satellite express am8. the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with tv channel belarus24. discover belarus. tell me, how much do we know about our people, do we often remember the exploits of the heroes to whom we have dedicated many books and even named streets and cities after them? the question is, of course, interesting, let's look into it. hello, travel lovers, today it will be hot, despite... today i will follow
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guerrilla paths, try myself in the role of kat's mother, master a master class on making vitamin pancakes, listen to waltz on an old vinyl record. i will take orienteering in the youth-patriotic school center in brestkoy. for the first time i will take a shot right at the bull's eye. the path ahead is not close, i go to the ivatsevichi district, the village of korochin. you need to get to the city of ivatsevich, it’s 213 km, then the task is more complicated: from the bus station,
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take a regular bus to the village of korochin, and from there it’s a stone’s throw to the urocheshchevan region. yes, it’s not easy to get there, so it’s better to use your own car. first m1, then turn in the direction of the city of ivatsevich and move straight, crossing the railway crossing, turn left, further along the signs indicate 25 km, and we are there. they say that it was here, on an island of earth, in the wilderness, surrounded by swamps and... that the headquarters of the breshchina partisan movement was located. by the way, this place is shrouded in military legends and secrets, some of which i will definitely reveal to you. and it all started in october '42. on the 112th day of the war , a partisan detachment was organized here, three people from the walkers led by nikolai and four
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encirclement, including lieutenant alexey chertkov, who. next he became the commander of the 112th partisan detachment. she met me a well-known partisan messenger in the polesie forests, whom the locals simply call babaraya. hello, hello, hello legends, and it's a pleasure to meet you. and i am very pleased, we welcome guests. well, tell us why this place got this name, why khovanshchina? why khovanshchina?
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as the partisan liaison said, according to one of the khavan legends, the fascist policemen believed that the 112th partisan detachment consisted of 112 regiments, which is why the partisans with special power crushed enemy garrisons, organized ambushed the german occupiers and committed sabotage on the railway. underground newspaper, regional newspaper zarya, yes, and you and i will now go to the house where the newspaper zorya was located, we also have signalmen there, if you want
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to take a look, let’s go, of course, i couldn’t help but take the opportunity to try myself as a signalman. .. to kat’s family, today everything is simple for us, a lot of messengers, social networks and no problems, but how the messengers did it during the war, the morse key, you can try, it works, you’ll be stunned, but what’s the best here’s the short answer, i can, well, the simplest thing is that our guys usually practice either sos or mama, mama, yes, let’s go mama, mama, let’s take it like that,
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and i’ll move on, i have a music lesson scheduled at the forest school. i am sorry. so, dear guys, we are starting with you the lesson “singing in the forest school”. the apple and
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pear trees were blooming, fog was rising over the river , katyusha came ashore, onto a high bank, onto a steep one, katyusha came ashore, onto a high bank, onto a steep one, well done, guys, well done. it's getting close to lunch, i'm in the fresh air i worked up a serious appetite. hello, hello, what is so interesting about you here? well, here is the most important thing. the nurse is probably this joy of the partisan, because you need to fight, you need to eat well, at least eat, as they say, not just well, but in order
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to eat, probably the most important thing in this was bread, you can’t do without bread, sifted grain, we fill in the millstones, the flywheel, at this point you need to be very fast, let's go, oh, you see, you turned. look, in order to increase this grinding, that is, what this time there is such a small stand here, and since it’s fake here then, look, everything works, wow, wow, good, yes, yes, now we’re trying, let’s, oh, oh, but you need to remember that you need to feed 30 people, if we will work like this, we will remain hungry,
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so we need to, look, let’s have a better dinner today, wow, i see, i see, i see, cutie, well cutie, you can cook something milky there or some kind of, well, some kind of soup... then, yes, i did, yes, this is the rye flour that is used to make pancakes, pancakes, the camp was very large, there lived more than 300 people, so the food was varied, here, uh, they kept cows, they had their own farm, but they often used it for milking and flour, yeah. we fried pancakes, but the pancakes were unique, specifically for khovanshchina they are unique, they were made with nettles, which means we take ordinary
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nettles, ordinary nettle leaves, chop it up, just chop it up with a knife, yeah, just use a knife to pour the whey into the whey, chick-chick- chick, pour in flour, you give flour, i’m here. don’t give two or three spoons with a hump, and then we’ll see, well, let’s go fry, yes, cool, maybe a little, yeah, come on, well, it’s not very cute, the first pancake is always lumpy, especially with nettles, yes. i hope you're hungry, because i'm with treats, try it, it's not even pancakes, but
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flatbreads with nettles, let's fly in, with your hands, with your hands, of course, only with your hands, before, what kind of forks were there in the partisan camp, it looks like potato pancakes with onions. a seemingly simple oak tree grows near the place of execution, but as it turned out later, the tree has been around for a century and a half, and it is this giant that is a witness to those bitter events past years, today the khavanshchina memorial complex is a place of memory and strength for future generations, which has been preserved almost in its original form. many historical events took place on the evatsevich land, and a lot can be said about this place, and this is an excellent reason to return here, but we are not saying goodbye, we
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are moving on and going to brest, information is a weapon, propaganda is weapons, they made a fuss about our exercises in order to create an information fund around the deployment of german troops, they walk like occupiers to lithuania, this will be the most combat-ready formation of the bundeswehr right next to our borders, they accuse us of carrying out some kind of escalation here, listen, we don’t need a pro-russian pro-belarusian president, make a pro-european leader who thinks about europe, execution the treaty on the non-proliferation of conventional arms in europe and withdrawal from it is aimed at one goal: in order to avoid war, we have always religiously complied with international agreements, but we understand perfectly well that this will not help, the west will attack us, if he sees that he can win,
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the only way. so that there is no war now, it is to be strong, these are the rules of the game now in europe, when politicians, i emphasize once again, go against the interests of their citizens, against the interests of their national ones, today we are saving europe from a big war, with our competent, independent policy. the project is objective, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. the next point on our route is the museum, which houses a unique collection of 3,000 exhibits. tell me how you started the history of your museum, well, our history.
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we have a unique family on the territory of belarus, we have 13 in our family, it started with our family, figuratively speaking, so, people who gave their, so to speak, lives and still continue to serve the motherland, that is, we are military personnel, in general difficulties. we have served for over 330 years. my son, alexey, is a very enthusiastic person. and so, it means that while he was at the border outpost, literally in those tools that were there, entrenching tools, he discovered this sapper's shovel. she was this sapper shovel is painted, that is, i am
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correct. i understand that it was with this thing that your muse began, yes, it was painted, then he became interested in what could be written there, so when he rubbed the paint on it, he found the year 1916,6, which means this is the history of our xx century, yeah, that’s why in this museum, we mean... we want to tell and show what our grandfathers, great-grandfathers, our generation did in the last twentieth century. surprisingly, here you can see rare examples of military uniforms of red army officers and the soviet army, deceiving military personnel of germany, japan, the usa and poland. the collection includes a variety of household items from the last century, numismatics and military antiques from the first and second world war. particular attention
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is drawn to the exhibition of retro motorcycles produced in the thirties of the last century. by the way, did you know that back in the first world war, russian cavalry cavalry took part in defensive battles on wooden wheels. yes, yes, exactly on wooden ones. today, of course, it’s hard for us to believe this. xx century - he the age of motorization, that is, military people begin to sit on some wheels. yes. we have those collected here. motorcycles, which we then focused on in the future, began to be produced in the soviet union, this is the main combat motorcycle of the wehrmacht dkv-350, it was produced from 1938 to 1944, and then they began to produce these dkv-350, yellow in color,
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what is it like? difference. and the difference is that whenever countries are at war, problems with metal arise. by 1943 , the germans had such problems with metal, that they... made a decision, apart from the production of aircraft and missiles, aluminum was not to be used anywhere, if here there is an aluminum engine, then there is a cast iron one, the weight increased by 40 kg, this one is 135 kg, that one is 10075 kg already, the second problem was when they fought in europe, there are better roads, less dirt, when we entered our, so to speak, road network, there was so much dirt clogged under these wings that it was impossible to clear it, the decision had already been made to produce motorcycles like this from 1944, where it was possible to sapper clean it with a spatula, then this plant, like
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which produced military products, was confiscated from them after the victory, an account for compensation for damage caused to our country, and this plant was taken to... the territory of the soviet union, on the basis of this plant the ish-350 motorcycle was produced in 1946, in forty de-49 , thus, this is, well, whatever you want to call it, either dad or mom of our izha. the main motto of the chita tikunovs in this fascinating matter is that if the uniform is from 1941, then the laces must... be appropriate, the entire military collection is assembled from authentic historical exhibits. here you can see bandages from 1941-1942, maps of that period, and letters,
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most importantly, these are triangles that came directly from the front, there are very unique ones here, here they are unfolded, which means one soldier wrote: girls letter from front, well, he had a simple pencil, he wrote a couple of words there, he drew the aunts with a simple pencil, i really want to see, to be honest, this is unfolded like this, no, don’t think, i haven’t read it, although to be honest, i really wanted to at least look one peephole, black box at the bottom. please determine what is in this box, and this is a container for food, no, a cosmetic bag, no, sorry, no, a set of tools, no, uh,
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a radio, no, something is stored here, well , i mean, what is there -they moved it, we’ll open it, then we’ll see, well, this one, this one... for security, no, but no, well, hello, as you understand, i received a two grade for the assignment, the secret was simple, it’s a trench one, it was produced since 1941 until the forty-fifth year, it was borrowed from switzerland, this one was produced when the war ended, it was necessary to take out a license to... produce this, but something didn’t work out, which means either there wasn’t enough money, or something else, and such a patent was not taken, and they stopped producing it, so we practically don’t have them, but only a few, which can
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be more useful than a joke, they cure us all from illness. everyone has known for a long time that a harmful phenomenon, a bad mood, is worthy of condemnation to follow, do not be shy, do not be embarrassed, wash yourself, and let it be said.


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