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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 20, 2024 5:35pm-6:00pm MSK

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the events of the great patriotic war and to this day, in the memory of those living on bresskaya street in baranovichi, there is a grave of 3,100 soviet soldiers who died in the branch of the concentration camp number 337 in 1941-44, and this is a section of the dirt road preserved untouched, shchegai, sounds peaceful bell, the souls of 3,000 jews shot here by the nazis in the summer of 1942. even with a slight wind, the bell makes a quiet, intermittent alarming ringing. there is silence in the gai tsar tract; it is difficult to visit such places. but you can’t erase it from history pages, especially creepy ones. in its less than
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one and a half hundred years, baranovichi saw tsars and kaisers, saw the revolution, the victory of the bolsheviks, survived the german occupation, the city survived both world wars and for 50 years helped the soviet country build socialism and communism. throughout its history, it was russian, polish, soviet and belarusian, in general, native and familiar, for many, even for bronze birds. this is not the only bird monument in belarus, but as far as i know, the only monument to the sparrow, project local sculptor stanislav tselyuk, the calling card of the city. now it is almost impossible to notice a metal one and a half meter pipe that literally sticks out in the middle of the main square of baranovichi unless you know the secret. take a closer look, the city authorities managed to hide the architectural error by planting a small one here. they say that all
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your wishes really come true, i want to be able to travel and discover new cities for you, well, in baranovichi there is definitely something to try, there is something to see and there is where if you want to take a walk, if you want to drink what they say here is the most delicious water, please, before you get to it, it is purified using cream filters, at this moment classical music plays, in general, it’s worth a try. if you want to ride a bronze mare named expertise, no problem. you can also check out one of the local sanatoriums. our creative team did not miss this opportunity. there are massages and a salt cave here. and
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even the winter garden, walked around for another hour, regained vigor, gave myself the mood to move forward new discoveries, the main thing is to think through the route in advance and do not forget to take your phone or camera with you, so that when you return home, you will learn the material you have covered. the only way to catch the train is to be late for the previous one, we can’t be late, work is work, and you must open the door. that for belarusians, the usual life may seem real exotic to others; if you have already come to the swedish mountain, then be kind.
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it was on this river that the city was located, later named after the slavic-baltic toponym "vauka, vya", which literally meant wolf's neck, and this group has a special manner of performing kupala and harvest songs, which are called songs in the overlap; our special manner of performing these songs is included in the state list of intangible cultural heritage. watch the travel show like you're at home! on our tv channel.
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in the evening of 1970 , a phone call rang in the third city hospital of minsk, the third city hospital, invite professor tatyana vasilievna birich to the phone, tatyana vasilyevna is busy with a patient, this is urgently on the line of the ministry of defense, take
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telephone, a high-ranking employee of the ministry has an eye injury, there is a metal object there. when did the injury occur? 2 days ago, bloody swelling developed around the eyes. i will operate tomorrow, prepare the patient for departure, after which he will be able to continue treatment in moscow. we would like the treatment to take place in minsk, under your supervision. fine. tatyana vasilievna birich, famous. bssr, ophthalmologist, hero of socialist labor, corresponding member of the academy of sciences of the bssr, the first woman in history belarus, who became a professor, doctor of medical sciences in the distant pre-war years. honorary title, awards, position of deputy chairman of the supreme council
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of the bssr in the sixties. social, international activities. people from all over the soviet union tried to get an appointment with her. exactly in minsk. worked as one of the best ophthalmologists in the country, but throughout her long life, tatyana vasilievna often asked the same question: how could everything have turned out, if not for a different time, not for other circumstances. biric addressed this issue in her speeches from the podium of the session of the supreme council and during communication with students. what kind of country would they be? remained the same with the exploitation of the common man, for whom even getting a primary education was a problem. in the early twenties in the republic, the attention of young people, especially girls, to their active participation in
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the construction of a new society. at a meeting of the bureau of the borisov district committee of komsomol, there was a discussion of the candidacy. make a decision to send her to study at a university komsomol voucher. i propose to listen to the characterization of komsomolskaya pravda birich. the floor is given to the secretary of the lokshed komsomol cell. ask! birich, born in 1905, graduate of the lokshi school, parisov district, minsk province. there, after. she joined the komsomol and was sent by the volost revolutionary committee to three-year pedagogical courses. comrades,
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young people have been given new tasks. the republic needs certified specialists in many areas. in belarus. where even before the revolution there was not a single higher education institutions, now institutes are opening, in 1921 the belarusian state university, thank you, there is a proposal to send komsomol member birich on a komsomol voucher to study at the faculty of medicine at the bsu, i put it to a vote, special attention to the faculty of medicine,
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the enrollment for it was considerable at that time, 280 people, 117 of them are girls, including tatyana birich. and just a few years later , another important event took place in the life of the country and birich herself. photographer elya berman. secluded in his laboratory, with interest i was looking at the photographs that had just been hung up to dry, what is it like, this is a new intellectual elite, and they gave it some kind of incomprehensible name, the intellectual elite, so young and also an elite, so beautiful and why do they need this science? after some thought, he
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took out two original vignettes that he had saved for a special occasion, inserted a photo into them and signed them in a beautiful font. vorodova alexandra ivanovna. birich tatyana vasilievna, clearly satisfied with her work, placed photographic portraits in a prominent place. what pride, science, the elite! event! it was really important for the young soviet republic at that time; the first graduates of graduate school took place at the academy of sciences. 17
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applicants for academic degrees defended their dissertations, including women alexandra ivanovna voronova. she became the first woman among belarusian historians to receive a candidate of historical sciences. the attention to the dissertation of the young scientist tatyana birich is special, subject-oriented.
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the young colleague’s bold proposals aroused genuine interest. now there was a discussion the upcoming operation, which none of my colleagues dared to undertake. a lot of doubts were expressed, birich stood her ground. i think the proposed method may well be justified. transplantation instead of cadaveric cornea. as i understand it, we have no other choice,
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let’s do it! i will assist personally. the operation was then successful; only a scientist obsessed with the idea could have decided to do this. and birich confirmed this with her developments and bold experiments. one of them became a sensation. to restore lost vision, she decided to use oxygen by injecting it under the mucous membrane of the eyeball. this was not just an important discovery, it was the first time in world practice. this method of oxygen therapy subsequently became widespread in the ussr, abroad, everything. it would seem that it was developing successfully, both in scientific and practical activities. on the morning
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of june 22, 1941, entering her office, tatyana vasilievna saw two men there; they clearly did not look like patients. who you are? the questions they started asking right away were more like an interrogation. tatyana vasilievna, why do you prescribe a lot foreign literature? don't you think they write a lot about you abroad? repressed, and if you were not touched, this does not mean that you are not the wife of an enemy of the people, firstly, not you, but you, and secondly, if there are questions, i will answer, if not, do not interfere with work, urgently turn on the radio, without declaring war, german troops attacked
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our country, and this is... our border in many places and bombed from their planes, our cities, zhitomir, kiev, sevastopol, kaunas and some others, terrible footage of the first bombing of minsk june 25 forty-first, in the city of panika, a shell hit the novoladarsky hospital. there are many killed, wounded, the emergency room has already been destroyed, and there are dead. birich takes charge of organizing the evacuation, giving commands to stop the panic and begin removing the patients from the wards. the impossible was done. the employees were able to organize transport, which brought
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the patients to the ambulance car at the station, and they were sent to the rear. the last one left the hospital. tatyana birich herself, having taken her daughter, her parents independently got to the front line, and then with a train of wounded to saratov, the hospital was evacuated there. military doctor of the second rank, head of the military department of eye diseases of the saratov medical institute, on the basis of the discovery, the use of oxygen to restore it. she actively used this method in military conditions. see what is most precious to you. in 1961 , a film a person must
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see, dedicated to the outstanding ophthalmologist tatyana vasilievna, was released on the screen of the republic. to be an active member of society, she is able to solve even the most complex problems, to see this wonderful. tatyana vasilievna birich, author of 230 scientific works, four monographs. she made
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invaluable contributions to science, exploring various areas of ophthalmology. the creation of vision treatment centers in many regions of the republic is the founder of the scientific school of this trend in medicine. she has hundreds of trained ophthalmologists and thousands of patients whose vision has been restored. tv channel belarus 24 broadcasts for you around the clock, don’t switch. our daily task is to talk about belarus in the country beyond abroad. more than 100 million viewers
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around the world have access to watch the project. our tv channel, so what is it like, belarus? business and developing, hospitable, bright and festival. generous, picturesque and monumental! sports and team.
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we tell you not only about significant events. we introduce you to active, energetic and inspiring people who live in... belarus and do everything for its development. belarus can be different, to understand and feel it you need to see it with your own eyes. hello dear tv viewers, on the air on the belarus-24 tv channel. watch us every day, because we are making belarus closer. traveling is not just about experiencing history and sights. in 1717, anna rodivil, the wife of the chancellor of the grand duchy
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of lithuania, built the first manufactory in the nowogrod region in noleboki. they built this branch for 9 months, it was accepted on december 28, 1896, and this branch was so good that it was accepted into the treasury. travel is an opportunity to try. something new to understand what will come out bull, we need to make horns for him, that is, we made horns from an exhaust pipe, this is an exhaust pipe, and a kamaz car, and of course, join the unique folk art, and if we want a pattern, a herringbone, then press two, two on knives , then the middle two, i just sincerely admire the people who are...
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going on expeditions in the depths of our land, taking a breath from the waters of the forest meadows and pale forests and a wonderfully memorable life in the future, going on a folklore expedition and ruin just in time... in advance vitsebshchyna passed away. let's follow the history and myastsovye abrads. to the great rulers of the palace, mikalai khlyuscin was the lord of any horse. meў pan 150 galova violent ragatay zhively swedish people. and what did you know that marysya and stasem were visiting the entrance hall. chula, i'm asked. yak yany geta so hutka pubudavalisya. dziva neikaya. good day at your house.
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live broadcasts on tv channels belarus 1 and belarus 24 in the capital and regions. at the studio volga myadzvedz. good evening! service of young patrols on the basis of the military unit machulishchakh relay race of the teams of the patriarchal clubs of the minsk region.


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