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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 20, 2024 7:00pm-7:26pm MSK

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hello, live news, lyudmila kazak is with you, watch this evening episode. the governor of the magadan region is visiting belarus in what areas to develop? our
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president proposed cooperation, we will tell you in detail. another event on the first schedule, new appointments. what tasks do kgb appointees face? the saints are carried to the embassy of the islamic republic in minsk. a five-day mourning period for the deceased president ibrahim raisi has been declared in iran. he served a five-year sentence under the close supervision of the west. today at zelensky's.
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minsk does not divide russian subjects into remote and non-remote; it is possible and necessary to work with everyone. it is in this case that the president sees good reserves in trade. now belarusian goods are imported into the magadan region, mainly through the central regions of russia. there are direct growth points across a wide range of areas from industrial products to food and cosmetics. the first is products. western brands have left russia and i think that you will find replacements for them with our products, if your support. in addition to supplying
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heavy-duty equipment, we are ready to participate in updating the passenger transport fleet, we can offer various modern buses in both gas and diesel versions and will provide mutually acceptable financial instruments. second. industrial cooperation in belarus , legislation in the field of assay supervision and the circulation of jewelry is clearly structured; we have preserved our crystal jewelry plant in gomel since soviet times; it is possible to work out options for creating it on the basis of this enterprise joint proceedings before your judge. there are specific proposals for each area, all taking into account the specifics.
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chemistry, cosmetics and other goods. and one more item in the work schedule of the head of state: personnel decisions in the state security agencies, this will contribute to strengthening. the special service noted the president's requirement for the kgb to thoroughly suppress the activities of foreign intelligence services on the territory of the country. everything that happens around us, you know, you know, no worse than me, to the policy of good neighborliness that we proposed to our neighbors, the poles, lithuanians and latas, taking into account the visa-free space, they respond in the opposite way, we see... an attempt, in addition to the information war, to impose on us a war of sabotage groups, we have also been noticing this lately and are fighting against it, we see that they are preparing different kind of armed detachments, and
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almost regiments, as they call them, in order to carry out an invasion of the territory of belarus, a lot has been said about this. our state, with your hands and mind, needs to promptly reveal various kinds of habits and negative trends in relation to of our state, it is necessary to stop, and very decisively, the activities of foreign intelligence services on the territory of belarus. another task of the special services is to identify and quickly respond to facts of corruption and possible attempts at protection; such facts should not exist in belarus. an important task that i would like to ask you about, and this is the main reason that i invited you here, in connection with the appointment, these are the issues of preventing corruption and corruption in our country on the part of the bodies under your control, you are leading
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intelligence is provided to both control authorities and law enforcement agencies, you must take appropriate measures and inform. me, if suddenly we have a desire for someone to expand their, so to speak, corruption activities into the territory of belarus, such hidden, hidden mowing, such as protection, as is customary in other countries, we often see films on this topic television and so on, we shouldn’t have this, this is the solution, if it exists, it will hit our people very seriously, this is it...
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iran has declared five days of mourning for the deceased president ibrahim raisiya, and mass processions are planned throughout the country in the evening in his memory. according to a statement by the iranian government , first vice president mahammad mahber will assume the duties of the deceased raisi, and his deputy ali bagherikani has been appointed acting foreign minister instead of the deceased head of the foreign ministry. to govern the country, special government committees are created, and elections for a new president of the country will take place. words of sympathy are sent to iran leaders, official departments from all over the world, including from our country, russia, china, turkey, azerbaijan, qatar, and the arab emirates. in addition to iran, mourning has been declared in pakistan, lebanon, syria, india, and iraq. the iranian people are grieving, in a single impulse from
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bitterness, an absurd loss, people take to the streets in thousands, praying for the dead, not holding back their tears. mass mourning rallies are taking place at these moments not only in tehran, sincerely praying. iran in belarus to honor the memory of those killed in the helicopter crash of president ibrahim raisi. on the building of the institution they lowered the flag, which is how it is customary to express grief in diplomatic protocol. last night was very difficult for the iranian people, everyone prayed for our president, his entourage and officials. but, unfortunately, it was fate, they died. there is a proverb in iran: a true friend is found in trouble.
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crowns, a book of condolences will be opened at the embassy; execution without trial in britain is once again gaining momentum in the scandal with death squads. elite special forces massacred afghan civilians, executions, executions, torture, secret investigations , testimony of special forces officers. why the perpetrators are not punished and how the evidence disappeared. let's show the facts in clear politics tonight after the panorama.
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the term expires, today zelensky ceases to be the legally elected president of ukraine, it was on may 20 that he was supposed to hand over the reign to his successor, who was supposed to be elected before march 31. the level of support for zelensky is decreasing; now, according to american and european polls, it is below 17%. the west is concerned about the catastrophic fall ratings, the service reports.
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adopted a law that obviously contradicts the constitution, which provides for the possibility of postponing the presidential elections, of course, this is a crisis, moreover, this political crisis has already begun, a parliamentary crisis has begun, in principle, the west americans, they have been leading zelensky to this for a long time, the security forces are working, they will work of the national security and defense council and so on, the national security council, there will be... these teams of his, yes, while everyone will shout that he is illegitimate, and
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his legitimacy now rests only on one, on the recognition of the west. the government and the state control committee have determined how they will prevent unjustified increases in prices for paid medicines. services. stabilization measures were prescribed in the joint action plan for this and next year. it is expected that documents relating to the establishment and application of maximum maximum tariffs and price formation will be adjusted. the plan provides for increased control over private centers and pharmacies, as well as stricter licensing requirements. joint program is focused on providing belarusians with affordable medical services and medicines. pay attention to violations in this area of ​​the order.
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the implementation of these measures will, firstly, revise the procedure for managing and applying tariffs for paid medical services, update time standards for certain types of services, and improve control over the quality of medical care and healthcare organizations. separately , the state control noted the dental sector
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during inspections in private clinics recorded violations when services were included in the list, but were not actually provided. also. 41 prosecutorial employees from all regions of the country today took the oath of allegiance to the homeland. it is symbolic that the event took place on the square of the national flag; the prosecutor general handed over to each colleague who swore the oath the code of honor of a prosecutorial employee of belarus.
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practice knows all this, then he will hone it, learn it, but if he has the core, honesty, core, devotion, this is our man, he will be a good prosecutor. andrei shved presented state awards and medals for impeccable service; they were received by experienced prosecutors who showed excellent results in their professional activities. an ode to love for the world, while the earth is still spinning on the stage.
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the feeling of the slavs, thanks to ivanna zhigan, thanks to us with her, we just merged into one, we just merged from this thought, i say, the earth is on the verge of destruction, they began to collect, collect, collect, here is vysotsky, block here we have, both serbia and metohija, the first world war, when the serbs fought against all this evil, there was a second world war, but the meaning is the same, this is the battle of the slavs
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for god’s world, where there are commandments, where there is love. where there is god, with the emphasis of ivana zhigan, the belarusian audience is already familiar, in gorikovsky’s office there is a performance by an idiot based on dostoevsky directed by a serbian author, the leading role is for ruslan chernetsky, a line of a classic, a line of a classic performed by an honored artist of belarus, today the main word is: and therefore we need rebuff, and rather, rather, because they are played by the most holy, truthful, simple-minded, fiery feelings... of the people and most importantly, they exchanged everything, everything for money, for low earthly power, and isn’t this the teaching of the antichrist, these words were written 150 years ago, they sound so relevant today that it’s as if he’s theirs today wrote, just yesterday, because well, now exactly what he was talking about is happening, a joint project
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of the ministry of culture and the youth variety theater, 36 creative meetings with regional youth, 18 of which have already... taken place with a bright, exciting duel, the final ended republican competitions of the children's and youth volleyball league, the ball over the net in the decisive battle for the championship cup , the teams of tsor, zhlobin and minsk-2 met for a guy born in 2009. it took the opponents four games to determine the strongest, 3:1 in favor of the guests from the city of stolivarov. we are already four-time champions, at this age, of course i want to give back. every year it becomes more and more difficult for the opponents to win, but the impression is that the organizers can say, thanks to the presidential sports club, which gives young promising children the opportunity...
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to join, move to a new level, and the more such competitions, the more the children succeed, they strive for the best, become the best. but for girls born in 2009, representatives of the minsk volleyball club became champions; after the completion of the competitive part, the best players and teams of the tournament were awarded medals and valuable gifts. i have all the information for today, a sports review, the broadcast will continue, the results of the day will be summed up by elena nasachova in disgrace. have a good one evenings. the third victory of the season was the belarusian cyclist anna tereh, our athlete
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had no equal in the race of the italian national calendar gipicita di mirano. at the finish line, terekh, who plays for the slovenian team btc city lublin, was ahead of the italians, giorgia biraani and emmanué zoneti. in total , the girls covered the 100-meter distance in 2 hours 24 minutes and... the semi-final series continues in belarusian mini-football, at this moment the capital is hosting arshensky, the first meeting of these teams ended with a score of 2:1. the match is broadcast live by tv channel belarus 5. let me remind you that yesterday minsk and vrz played their match, the winners were determined in post-match penalties, luck was on the side of the gomel team.
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it is clear to god that the snow has melted into the damp earth, the rain
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has fallen on the road, the storms of revelry, the sun is warmer than before, the ice has faded, the snow has fallen, the gloom of every day has fallen on us, the sun has fallen it seems. the geese are crowing, the spack is spreading on the oak tree, the cranes are crowing, and the winter is gone like smoke, the greener meadow of the krall is like hell pain adchuniala, our native land.


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