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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 21, 2024 7:10am-7:20am MSK

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in the legal system of ukraine there are no backup options in this regard that would legitimize this or that order of government, that is, in fact, in ukraine, if you strictly follow the norm of their legislation, today there is no longer a head of state, and no one has the right to exercise his powers, this this is a legal conflict; on the one hand, the authorities formally have no right to do anything. do, they have no authority, on the other hand, someone must still exercise this power, well, in fact, we have power in the hands of the same people, only now they they have power on the basis of their own - well , sort of, their irresponsible behavior based on the fact that they refused elections. in
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belarus, mechanisms for price regulation of paid medical services and medicines will be improved. this is provided for in the joint action plan of the government and the state control committee. thus , adjustments are expected to the documents that relate to the establishment and application of maximum maximum tariffs for paid medical services and the formation of prices for medicine. the plan calls for increased control over private centers and pharmacies, as well as tightening licensing requirements. the department noted separately.
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this year, more than 50 thousand applicants will enter belarusian universities, almost 700 places for olympiad participants who can become students without exams. the most comfortable conditions will be created for the admission of applicants, igor petrishenko said before the meeting of the state commission for this year’s admission campaign. according to the deputy prime minister, the state commission is faced with the task of ensuring that all trained and motivated graduates could exercise their right to receive higher education. more than - 50,600, or rather, we
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will accept higher educational institutions, of which 31,200 are for budget uniforms and 19,400 are for paid education. well, we are carrying out corresponding work in our colleges; accordingly, we will admit 39 thousand applicants to the college. i want you... on may 27 , an important stage of the entrance campaign begins, a centralized exam, those who did not apply last year can pass the test, and on may 30 a centralized exam will take place in russian and belarusian languages ​​for all applicants; testing in other subjects is scheduled for june 3 and 6. folk humor with philosophical motives in minsk, in the new drama theater , the premiere of the play comedy took place. this is a production based on the play by vladimir rudov, which he wrote based on...
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harliquin, pierrot and columbine, is a kind of anecdote that has some meaning. the point is that a person must be responsible for his actions, words, and actions for those whom he has tamed. any work related to a new performance, a new premieres are always interesting, of course, it’s a little difficult, because, well, probably during rehearsals, directors, actors, probably all departments put a piece of their heart and soul into the performance, in order to present it all later.
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you can get an insight into the aesthetics of belarusian literary culture at the next premiere show on may 31. the minsk football players will try their best on the field. further economic news, let me remind you that the projects of the television news agency are available on all social networks, as well as in our mobile application using the qr code on the screen. have a good day and see you at 8:00.
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external supplies added more than 7% at the end of the quarter. transactions on apartments in the capital updated the record and the turkish ministry of finance announced a stop to the depreciation of the lira. we'll tell you about the most noticeable ones in the next few minutes. you are watching economic news in the alina lapo studio. good morning. exports in the first quarter grew in physical terms by more than 7%. - said the ministry of economy. the number one trading partner is russia. the second most important markets remain asian countries . china. essentially to the celestial empire supplies of woodworking products, mechanical engineering and food have increased, which indicates the competitiveness of our goods. the third important export vector is the african continent. the increase in supplies to this region was almost threefold. over the year, investments in fixed assets
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increased by 2 billion rubles. the national statistics committee calculated the figures for 4 months. the total amount of invested funds is almost 11 billion rubles. in terms of regions , minsk takes first place. region, the lowest indicators are in the mogilev region. in terms of investment structure, the lion's share the share fell on construction and installation work. exports of goods from residents of free economic zones exceeded $2 billion over 3 months. the amount is the largest in all the years of sez’s operation, the relevant department said. investments increased by more than a quarter, and production by almost 17%. deposit rates for businesses increased by a third over the month, and loans fell in price. according to the national bank, adding up. the average return on deposits for the month exceeded 6%, loans, on the contrary, fell slightly in price both for physical education and for business. the regulator noted that the continued availability of loans creates
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favorable opportunities for economic growth and supports consumer activity of the population. now, by the end of trading on the currency and stock exchange, the dollar and russian ruble have started to rise in china. the yuan fell in price. so, american currency costs 3 rubles 22 kopecks. the euro exchange rate according to the national bank is 3.50. for 10 yoan they give 4 rubles. 39 kopecks and for 100 russian - 3.51 belarusian. in the first quarter in the belarusian capital, over four thousand transactions for the purchase and sale of apartments. the national cadastral agency called this figure a record compared to previous years. the vast majority of apartments sold in new buildings are one-room. the leader in the number of transactions was the oktyabrsky district of minsk. in total, apartments were bought in partizanskoye. the average price per square meter in the primary market was set at $1,465, in the secondary market it was 1,420. the most expensive district of minsk is the central one. and finally, the turkish ministry of finance announced a stop to the depreciation of the lira. trust in valuation
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increased, the foreign trade deficit decreased. there are no problems with sources of finance. the value of the turkish lira against the dollar in march reached a new historical low, breaking the level of 32 lira for the first time. at the same time, annual inflation in turkey in april, according to the country's institute of statistics, accelerated slightly relative to the march figure. this was the economic news, have a good day and don’t miss it, today is the latest issue of the area of ​​interest. see you. the morning broadcast on tv channels belarus 1 and belarus24 continues with the program zone x. i karina pashkova. hello. the car is not locked, the key is in the ignition, and
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a thirty-year-old local resident who drove off in someone else’s car was detained in the area. the fiat was open, the man didn’t even have to make an effort to drive. only on the way the car stalled, after which the driver.


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