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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 21, 2024 9:50am-10:59am MSK

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from russia and speakers, belarusian children who choose foreign universities prioritize russian universities, yes, what bonuses are provided for our compatriots and what specialties do they most often choose? we have several programs under which belarusian children go to study at russian universities, this is simply a direct commercial admission there, signed a contract, went to study, and there is an olympiad movement, there is an opportunity to enter through the state... belarusian exam, just with some additional , and there is this one the very quota that was mentioned was the government of the russian federation, 1,300 people, we had almost 2,000 applicants, well, it’s a good competition, mainly medical specialties, medical there up to dentistry and so on, there are engineering, this is of interest to the guys from belarus and again ... i repeat, this is a two-way road
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, now belarus is making it easier for russian students to enroll in belarusian universities, as far as i read a few days ago, based on the results of the unified state exam, russian students will be able to enroll in belarusian universities, great, absolutely, there is a quota of about a thousand places for russian students, 1,300 is ours, i repeat once again, this is important, it is very important for us that students return and make belarus. this is belarus the main thing on the air of the belros tv channel, in the studio pavel lazovik, hello, state visit of the president of belarus to azerbaijan. we don’t have closed topics, we have
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everything open, we discuss, even if someone heard what questions, they thought, what kind of relationship do we have, the kindest, closest, we communicate like brothers, the situation is region and in the world, interaction in integration structures, strengthening trade and economic ties, our confectioners tried very hard, our artists brought such an open chocolate book, and a chocolate book, an open book. strategic partnership is a guarantor of security in the face of common challenges. we are faced with the task of forming our own macro-region. in the conditions of regionalization, there will be no global peace, there will be a world of macro-regions, completely independent unions, sovereign states. nuclear deterrence, eurasian integration and new government composition. what
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to expect for the union state in the big interview of the program. the vitebsk region is actively preparing for the 11th forum of regions of belarus and russia. we want to show all this to our colleagues, not only the topics announced at the forum, but also our belarus as a country with its own statehood, with its own history. think through everything down to the smallest detail before the start of a key union event, a little over a month. memory. which cannot fade away, given what is happening in the world and how anglo-saxon society is silent about the results covering this war to a greater extent, we are obliged, as filmmakers, to make as many high-quality films on this topic as possible, for the first time on wide screens they will show reliable episodes of the genocide of the soviet people, this will be a joint allied film project, something that enriches us, evening
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of choral music, history of icon painting and exhibition for the 500th anniversary of the novodevichy convent. the novodeevichy monastery, by the way, is largely connected with belarus. in the 14th century , monks came here from the nikutensky monastery - this is the city of orsha. a unique combination of traditions, the basis for the preservation of moral values ​​and the union state. the best examples of russian art were presented at the days of spiritual culture. russia in belarus. the situation in the region and in the world, interaction on integration platforms and the expansion of trade and economic ties. a large negotiation marathon in baku as part of the state visit of the president of belarus to azerbaijan. emphasis on the development of cooperation in industry and agriculture, common approaches to food security. countries are implementing a joint one. zagorodnaya
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residence of ilham aliyev on the shores of the caspian sea. they have been waiting for alexander lukashenko here since the morning. it’s a state visit, which means it’s greeted with all the ceremonial paraphernalia. first in a one-on-one format, then in an expanded format, the parties discussed the entire range of bilateral relations. we do not have closed topics.
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in any situation, looking at the prospects for our interaction, we see huge potential for increasing goods in the continued expansion of industrial cooperation and cooperation in agriculture. and of course we were we would be glad if belarusian companies and enterprises participated in the restoration of the territory, everything is open here.
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we will offer our options, including, i think, the ministry of architecture and construction will design the very type of agricultural town, including production facilities, dairy complexes. everything you wanted to know about communications,
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history, religion and culture in the modern world. associated with the name of prince izyaslav.
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the presidents discussed it separately.
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you know, it’s not easy for us there now, but we will be we will do everything so that there is peace there and we will move in this direction; azerbaijan’s experience of the post-war peaceful system here is very important for our region. there are plenty of niches for cooperation, the presidents were convinced of this at the caspian agro exhibition, 500 companies from 38 countries, all the most advanced from the agricultural sector and processing. compete.
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okay, well, it was built wisely, this is now the main gate of karabakh, from here to shusha,
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a road, a short tour of the city from ilham aliyev. fuzuli is a city with a big transport and logistics potential. according to the master plan, by 2040 the population will increase to 50,000 people.
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it will be in demand in other regions, in terms of urban planning, in terms of management, in terms of public utilities, that is, this is a modern model that will essentially change azerbaijan completely, the president of azerbaijan accepted the offer of belarus to take part in the modernization of the construction of infrastructure facilities in karabakh. for our states, the increase in recent years in the number of provocations from the collective west, in these conditions , strengthening the trusting partnership of the allies is the guarantor of security. in our studio , foreign policy expert and diplomat andrei savinykh. andrei savinykh, foreign policy expert, diplomat, deputy of the house of representatives of the national assembly of belarus of the seventh convocation, chairman
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of the standing commission on international affairs, was deputy chairman of the parliamentary assembly. union of belarus of russia, graduated from the minsk state pedagogical institute of foreign languages, institute for advanced training and retraining of management personnel at the belarusian state institute of national economy, british institute of certified managers, master of linguistic sciences, 44 years of work experience, worked as a translator, assistant, head of department in youth public organizations, was head of the information department, press secretary of the ministry of foreign affairs affairs of belarus, worked as first secretary of the belarusian embassy in the kingdom of the netherlands, deputy permanent representative of belarus to the un office and other international organizations in geneva, ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of belarus to turkey and iraq, awarded the anniversary medal 100 years of diplomatic service of belarus. andrey vladimirovich, in the era of global
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transformation of the political landscape, our place is belarus, russia, the union state in this world.
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and about a certain geopolitical factor for the first time, for the first time in the last, i don’t know, 30-40 years, a logistics
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transport corridor began to form not from west to east or vice versa, from north to south. by and large, this corridor completely changes the logic of economic development of eurasia, the raw materials and industrial regions of the north of eurasia, including russia. belarus is connected through azerbaijan and iran with india, and by and large with most african countries, this is not possible. interaction at integration platforms helps to better recognize each other’s interests and interact more closely, and of course, this is a large association, and the shanghai cooperation organization and others, where belarus is striving, in general, probably, an initiative, one the train, one track, also fits very well here... this is the palette of development of relations between belarus and russia with partners of a strategic nature. well, i would like to note several aspects here. on the one
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hand, of course, this multilateral dialogue is, in fact, a training session on how a multipolar world, a world of macro-regions, can interact in the future, ensuring equal, mutually respectful cooperation, essentially based on the principles of international...
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china says one belt, one road, they are in fact, they offer equal cooperation, pragmatic cooperation to all countries, and thus they
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will stabilize this process of transition, without any doubt, our allied macro-region and the macro-region of china will be long-term partners and long-term allies for more than one decade, from us, by the way, in it depends a lot on how bloodless... the transition to the world of macro-regions will be, well, the example of a union state, as an integration association, is largely noticed by our other partners in the same eurasian economic union, and other countries, well , again, a new government has been formed in russia, how can this change for the better for the union state, so to speak, interaction intensify, what will the future be like?
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i would call this the creation of industries that will produce competitive goods that will be in demand all over the world, this is not the replacement of imports, this is the creation of your own product, this is the economy of supply, as has already been said, and this is by and large we are counting a completely new stage of industrialization, digitalization, transition to the sixth technological order, which we can
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achieve together. forget the uec, the defense union, the problem is that it is not enough to build a stable state interstate formation, it must also be protected, we are now in a period of time when issues of security, reliability, trust between partners come to the fore, why is it with them who do not agree with the policy of their authorities, then the flight of the polish judge,
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dissident to belarus, that too... half the population of western countries understands perfectly the situation in which they find themselves. another question is that they do not have the opportunity to express their beliefs, well , how did they have elections in lithuania, they could have expressed it, it is impossible, in reality there is no democracy in the west, there is no democracy of any kind, it is rather a showcracy, where representatives of one class compete for who will occupy first or
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second place, so there’s no point in even talking, but you mentioned the polish judge, who is deliberately rational basically moved to the republic of belarus, this is a serious fact, why, because you need to understand, in the west there is the highest echelon of the political elite, this includes judges, from the executive branch, ministers, no less, and parliamentarians of the ruling parties who determine politics in parliaments,
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from the eu in favor of the united states of america, in fact, there is a plunder of old europe, and i absolutely clearly understand that a serious number of politicians in poland, in germany, and in france, by the way, they would not want, do not we would like such a future for our countries, but another question is that they are not subjects, they do not make decisions, they are forced to accept the dictates of this corporate oligarchy.
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we see how people ask questions, their people, after all, they go out into the streets, ask, but they just don’t get an answer, if they get it with water cannons, well, let’s return again to the issue of defense capability, it’s very... important today to keep , so to speak, the ear is sharp and what is happening at the border, escalation of the situation and provocations and the growth of these maneuvers with nato sides and strengthening of the contingent, nuclear deterrence of belarus and russia, timely decision of the president of our country? i think that it is not only timely, but also the only possible thing, the whole point is that a serious combat, offensive group has already begun to form near our borders. from 60 to 120 thousand, now, in my opinion , about 70 thousand people have already been deployed, and they are armed with offensive combat systems, why is this being done, clearly not to protect against these
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mythical russian threats, this is being done in order to draw, at some point, first into poland, bypassing article 5 of nato, and perhaps also the baltic countries in a confrontation with russia. the problem is that we are faced with a situation, if the conflict in ukraine ends, and it can only end with a victory for russia, in fact, the western system will find itself in a very difficult situation, most countries in the world will say, so it’s already possible, in fact, here it is this world order, based on the exploitation of the core periphery, it will be destroyed in order to prevent this or at least postpone it, prevent it.
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the answer that really brings all these aggressive plans to a halt is the deployment of tactical nuclear weapons on our territory, since any attack on belarus will essentially cost them much more, it can hardly be justified, most likely on the contrary, our people, those living in russia and belarus, of course, understand how much they are trying to make an enemy out of us today. this is a great victory - this is probably what is in everyone’s blood, but the younger generation growing up, as with him today we are talking, in principle, why today is so big, there is an attack on this great victory,
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rewriting, erasing memory and history and the great feat of the soviet people. well, the question is obvious, the point is that this victory is a historical phenomenon that unites and cements all the peoples in this territory.
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an active course towards restoration, to help in the regions of the dpr affected by military operations, ready allies, especially when it comes to food security. thrifty the owner on the donbass land in the city of volnovakha is a belarus tractor, reliable and unpretentious. how did the sowing season go this year? how many belarusian potatoes will be thrown into the local black soil in the program report? this is what hangars for agricultural machinery look like now, located near the town of volnavakha. even tractors and combines that are on the move in the donetsk people's republic pose a danger to ukrainian military formations.
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food safety is not easy here either. the city was liberated on march 11, 2022 and immediately they began to cultivate the land that had not yet been cleared of shells. march 17. in fact, it already began to recover immediately, well, almost immediately, well, it was psychologically difficult to bring people back to life, because they... climbed into the basement, they saw one city, and then they crawled out, ukraine destroyed it, and it was like a shock, there is no electricity, communications are destroyed, but no, there is no city, volokho was badly damaged, someone has lost someone, lost in terms of the fact that someone has parents in a neighboring village, it is unknown what is there and more you can’t go there, someone actually died, work somewhere even helped distract them, a belarusian tractor is working now.
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they work and everything is in order, so, well , really, this is one of the best tractors, probably, that exists now, and we are not going to, this year we have already bought emt equipment, we will continue to buy for sure, hello, hello, how are you , okay, yes, like the mtz tractor, they ask you, the plane is all. well, you heard it
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yourself, everything is equipped there for comfort person, it is available, it is a fast delivery, it is repairable, there are spare parts for it, it is reliable, so i think no one will refuse mtz, considering how the minsk tractor plant works, that is, well, this is a really good tractor, for many belarusians donbass is a coal and metal mining region. processing region, but we must not forget that donbass received the first order of lenin for agriculture and high performance in the industry, only the second for the development of mechanical engineering. the stakhanov movement of proskovye-angelina is all from here. the first women, tractor drivers, machine operators, female teams of machine operators - it’s all from here. therefore, agriculture and the food processing industry are one of the main economic areas. we have developed a number
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of agreements, we have reached a number of agreements, the first contracts were signed, that is, belarusian products are recognizable and present in donbass, our food production uses raw materials that we bring from the republic of belarus, the same thing, milk powder, cream, we will bring all this from you, from our side we are interested in updating their livestock farms, we have our strengths, we can act as a good, reliable supplier for you of a whole range of grain crops and industrial ones. crops that will be in demand by your processing industry and your livestock-related industries. before our eyes , a representative of western agricultural machinery is leaving the race. when you are on land that has undergone war and has relatively recently been cleared of mines, this has its own symbolism. valyantinovich, what are you doing? something does not work. another thing.
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sprayer on an anti-tank mine, well , too, well, the driver was just stunned by a little shrapnel there, but that’s okay, there are people who ensure the security of the state, and there are people who provide food for the security of the state, they are also heroes, they are practically in military operations. this is belarus,
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the main one. and then in the program is the finish line on the way to the forum of regions on the readiness of facilities in the vitebsk region for preserving the moral values ​​of the union state, how did the days of russian spiritual culture pass in belarus? we'll be back at the studio in a few minutes. belarusian russian flags, bread and salt laying flowers at the monument to gagarin. the crew of the soyuz ms-24 ship was solemnly honored in the star city. the home stretch on the way to the forum of regions on the readiness of facilities in the vitebsk region. the main thing will be discussed briefly later in the program. improving the quality of education, training, joint projects were discussed in minsk at a meeting of the board of the ministry
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of education of russia and the ministry of education belarus. emphasis on digitalization in the training of qualified specialists with secondary vocational education. for modern industries, they also touched upon the exchange of best practices in the field of inclusive education, a document was signed on the creation of an association and colleges of the two countries. the conversation about training blue-collar specialists for real production will be expanded, and the conversation will take place at the sites of the most advanced production associations of our two countries. the prestige of the working profession, especially now, when the success of a unified industrial... are trained in our colleges, enter the labor market, have common knowledge, competencies and come to our economies so that those specialists from
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countries can separately discuss issues of information interaction, we have created a state information system is my school, which... in which proven content, to help the traditional education system, protected data, the republic is of great interest, we agreed that we are transferring our state information system for use in schools of the republic of belarus. also, the delegation , as a tribute to our common past , laid flowers at stella minsk, hero city. measures to protect the external border of the union state is an issue. the situation at the borders became a topic of conversation at a meeting of the board of border agencies of belarus and russia in grodno. threat challenges require modern approaches to ensuring the security and protection of allied borders. the focus is on modernizing infrastructure and technical equipment. considered the move implementation of a joint program for the development
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of border security until the twenty-seventh year. this is already our fifth program, which has been implemented since 2023 during its implementation. due to the technical re-equipment of signaling systems , the density of state border protection has been increased, due to automated posts, technical surveillance, the likelihood of detecting state border violators has been increased, due to the acquisition of automotive equipment, engineering equipment, also increased the technical equipment of the border unit, the decisions taken will increase the level of interaction between border agencies to cross violations at external borders. the vitebsk region is actively preparing to host the eleventh forum of regions of belarus and russia, its peculiarity is three locations, the regional center, novopolotsk and polotsk, the latter was not chosen by chance, it is the oldest city in belarus, and buildings are currently being reconstructed here.
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today, those buildings, even those that have not been used for a long time, are like a house officers, is taking on a completely different look, and it will be a good pro... the eleventh forum of regions of belarus and russia will be held on june 27-28, the work of nine thematic sections is planned, the main directions are innovative approaches. in education, culture, healthcare and economics. an extensive cultural program awaits participants and guests of the forum. belarusian and
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russian flags, bread and salt laying flowers at the gagarin monument. the crew of the soyuz ms-24 was solemnly honored in the star city. this is the first female astronaut of the sovereign belarusian marina vasilevskaya and russian hero cosmonaut oleg navitsky. on marina’s chest is the golden star of the hero of belarus. she received the high award personally from the hands of alexander.
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well, as for the repetition, i think life will tell, put everything in its place, comparing a short flight with a drill, of course, is not very correct, these are completely different tasks, shorter work time, but nevertheless everything worked out, remember your roots , small homeland and fellow countrymen, the unshakable connection between generations of age-old traditions, remember with a kind word those who are no longer around, to visit the burial of loved ones,
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here we come, you have a day off, the leadership of belarus, well done. sokolniche is a small village in the mogilev region, a little more than a hundred kilometers from the russian border, so cars with russian license plates are not uncommon on radonitsa. alexander and tamara semkovsky were born in the dobruzhsky district of the gomel region. they have lived in russia for almost 50 years, but they always visit their small homeland on radonitsa. the parental home in the agricultural town of borshchevka is a place that warms the soul and returns.
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we ourselves are native belarusians, one might say, even though we lived partly in russia, we still live with belarusians, we come as if we were home, as if we were home, i would also like to add such feelings that when we leave, it feels like we are already leaving from there, here home, there home and here home , this is such a feeling, well, a good feeling, how many people i know, how many others i want to add, that belarusians, well, russians, well, come from belarus, are completely uneasy. i know a lot of people like that, we’re friends together there, the relationship is very good, both russians and belarusians, populist alexander
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and tamara visit the burial places of their loved ones, meet with fellow countrymen, the semkovsky family is confident that everything will be in order with the graves of loved ones on belarusian soil, they know that there is always someone to look after it, and this is the agricultural town of lenin in the gomel region, here are the students a local school is caring for the grave of a former teacher, war veteran leonid gribenko. for many years, together with their pupils, with their students, they have been caring for this grave.
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i lost contact with my daughter for a while, but now it has been restored again, she very grateful. i am very pleased, i always thank the children, schoolchildren, teachers, and just people, villagers, who pay great attention to this grave, here it is in such a well-groomed form, despite the fact that relatives are far away. radunitsa unites generations who strive to preserve the memory of their loved ones, who, unfortunately, are not around, but who always remain in their hearts and thoughts. the memory that cannot fade, the victory of the great patriotic war is sacred for the peoples of belarus and russia. with almost 80 years have passed since the victorious may of 1945, but even today shocking details of nazi atrocities are being revealed. for the first time , authentic episodes of the genocide of the soviet people will be shown on wide screens. this will be a joint union film project. the place
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of the greatest tragedy in... in soviet times , it was a children's boarding school, which during the great patriotic war, the germans turned into a donor concentration camp, in memory of the children of prisoners, a rally and fresh flowers. this place is soaked in blood, the blood of children, here were excavations by the prosecutor general's office this summer, right that's when the employee... it was from the children that they started pumping blood, why? because the children were just approaching
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the period of hormonal maturation, let’s say, well , no matter how it sounds.
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a child of war, he was four when germany attacked, he also saw another, the afghan war, where he spent 3 years, was wounded and shell-shocked. these memories are involuntarily somehow intertwined with today’s situation, and of course we have to reflect, think whether we are doing everything to prevent the most terrible wars. the story of vysomkov is not only about inhumane experiments, but also about the heroism of the partisans who liberated.
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from the camps. a third of them were created for complete donation, that is, to the last drop. taking into account what is happening in the world and how anglo-saxon society is hushing up the results of this war to a greater extent, covering it up, we are obliged, as filmmakers, to make as much quality cinema on this topic as possible, so that it can be seen not only by our post-soviet audience, but also global. and our film operation blood, it seems to me, will be the
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first step that will allow the world... global belarus has become a mass grave, where every third person died. the union state pays great attention to protecting the truth and preserving memory. memory train, patriotic marathons, exhibition projects. we have a lot of projects dedicated to preserving the memory of the great patriotic war, the feat of our peoples, projects aimed at countering the falsification of history, this is a big project, the victory waltz, an international project that we are implementing. together with our partners from the republican public association belarus, these are all-russian projects, but also reached the international level, such as the garden of memory, the planting of 27 million trees
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in honor of all those who died in the year of the great patriotic war, this is the fire of memory project, these are numerous round tables, forums of historians and experts. cinematography is a universal language; it forms a connection between generations and helps to understand what is happening. in those years. among all the regions of belarus, brest is secretly called the cinematic capital. for several years, the fortress has been hosting mass viewings of military-historical films. whenever possible , veterans come to the shows, and spectators come from russia. i was lucky to be at such a meeting. we got here completely by accident, and we are just happy, and we urge you to come, bring your children and grandchildren to such meetings, before... it’s still possible, you know, to the point of tears, i haven’t had such feelings for a long time upon arrival in belarus, that’s it stirred up again, last year local authorities entered into a cooperation agreement with the mosfilm film concern, now russian directors even before entering
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rentals bring their military-patriotic works to the city. modern youth in our country receive enough information about what happened, for example, society in europe, in america, is closed to this. the white house press secretary said that the war... was won by the americans, you can ask every american a question, he will also answer, the powers that be once said the same thing, but when they visited the places where the battles took place, a serious rethink occurs in their heads is happening, and the generation that will rule the world in future, it must be savvy by us today through cinema in this way. filming of the film operation blood will begin in the fall, the director's chair will be taken by andrei volgin, who is known for his work: the balkan frontier, and it seems to me that there is clearly a fundamental difference between our best, yes, conditionally hollywood technological, after all, we are interested in the person in the circumstances war, i hope it will work out, to combine manufacturability,
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modern form and such a focus on people, the film will be released on wide screens in 2025, on at the site of the tragedy in semkovo, a memory center will appear for all the children who died during the war; the memorial is planned to open on september 17, the day of national unity, because memory. this is what unites us, it is a source of values, a reference point for making the right decisions. an evening of choral music, the history of icon painting and an exhibition dedicated to the 500th anniversary of the novodevichy convent. a unique combination of traditions, the basis for the preservation of moral values ​​and the union state. the best examples of russian art were recently presented in the spiritual.
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in the program for minsk aesthetes there is music a journey through the 20th century, from the works of rachmanin to the works of schnittky. perhaps there is no other country other than belarus that would be so close to russia from the point of view of our common foundation of culture, these are our... common origins in the area of ​​faith, the very, say, very charter of our life. such meetings are our mutual enrichment, and i am very glad that we have long-standing creative, educational, scientific
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ties, the choral program worked out, but we intended to do it to show the diversity of the possibilities of choral art, represented by completely different genres. we have a common history, and the most important thing is that we...
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in four tablets, are iconic architectural monuments of the sacred art of the monastery. navodeevichy monastery, by the way, is largely connected with belarus. in the 18th century , the monks of the kuteynskaya abbey came here, this is the city of orsha, at the same time they brought a huge number of books that replenished the library of the monastery, because orsha is the center of kirlist book printing, there was even a whole tradition according to which the middle of the se... century, exclusively people from
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the kuteinsky nunnery were abbots, namely the vodevichy monastery. the all saints church in minsk became the concert venue. spiritual music performed by the moscow synodal choir sounded in the praised walls. and the tour ended with performances of the ryazan folk choir named after popov at the belarusian state philharmonic society. the international project "russian seasons" introduces the world to the art of its country. 2008, the tradition itself was started more than 100 years ago by the outstanding cultural figure of russia, sergei dyagelev. this concludes our issue, and we’ll tell you the main thing in belarus next sunday on the belros tv channel. all the best.
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what will best test your erudition and intelligence? that's right, tricky questions. is it true that the egyptian gods set and asiris were brothers? andrey, well, there was such a very interesting story: seth invited his asiris to the holiday, then it seems that he either cut him. or i’ll immediately throw it in the river, i’ll stop andrey from writing detective stories, of course, or horror films, this spaniard went down in tennis history as the youngest world ranking leader in history after winning the us open 22. vlad, carlos alcaraz. absolutely true, this is the correct answer. thanks to this, the seven heroes from the fairy tale by alexander sergeevich pushkin understand that there is a stranger in their mansion. the answer is c, because i came to them.
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our tv viewers, we choose the best routes. we also decided not to look at overseas countries and arrived in the belarusian city, where alexander vasilyevich suvorov seriously planned to stay for a long time. and we set off on an exciting journey. many centuries ago there were the lower castle and posad, and then the town hall, where the city magistrate was located, rose. so the kobrin princes of their squads stopped and feasted. definitely here
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not so long ago, by the way, a local resident caught a wobbler, that is, a plastic decoy fish, weighing 41 kg and 2 m long, to show how unusually wonderful our country is. in america , floating houses are called the fashionable word houseboard, house, ship, but the term for floating stations has not yet been invented, the landscapes full of thoughtfulness and sadness are enchanting. look program cities of belarus on the belarus24 tv channel. as if you were holding a book in your hands, clutching one piece after another, sipping on the words of your skin, the greatest creativity comes from all of us, the most valuable and useful
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things are these books. the books contain the thoughts of the past. everything that chalavetstva created, she ate up on old books, bytstsam witchcraft. read the chalavek perazhyvae stagodzi. reading closer to the heat. we appreciate the past for our today. belarus 24.
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