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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 21, 2024 1:05pm-2:05pm MSK

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rain fell on western poland, either with snow or with hail; the streets of the city of gniezdno were covered with a thick layer of ice the day before, after which it began to melt, flooding began, and streams began to flow along the roads, sweeping away everything in their path. the natural disaster was short-lived, although cold weather and rain have not yet left western poland. there were thunderstorms in belarus; the day before, some city streets were flooded by heavy rains. the drain could not cope with the flow of water at the intersection of the thick one. one of the establishments on moscow street was seriously damaged by water. basement type on kirov street. on the international street, a downpour hit and damaged parked cars. nemiga was also flooded. due to heavy rain , water leaked in the vessels of the lenin square metro station. thunderstorms are also expected today, an orange level of danger has been declared, but the temperature will reach 27°. my colleagues will have more information at 15:00. with this i say goodbye to you. all the best.
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hello everyone, are you ready to meet our guests, te, olga, what do you expect from the children you are about to meet, of course, first of all, we are probably expecting some interesting, hundreds of interviews, and
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something tells me that today this will be a very unexpected conversation, in what mood are you going into the conversation? the most positive thing is that there really is interest in this today, it’s an experiment, because in front of such a large audience of children, an audience of teenagers, i’m probably answering questions for the first time. you promise to tell only the truth, then good luck, so, we welcome our heroes, today our guest is creative and family union of two artists theo and olga rydzhikova. hi hi. then, olga, you have the right to refuse to answer the question three times. and be attentive to the questions. at the end of the program you have to choose the best one. well, now you have it. you have one
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minute to briefly introduce yourself. time has passed. friends, theo and olga ryzhikova welcome you to the studio. by the way, my real name is yuri, vashchuk yuri alekseevich, married. i forgot to add, yuri alekseevich is 41 years old, but in principle it feels like 31, right? well, when i was 31, i was still very young, and i then went to eurovision. by the way, please love to welcome, charming presenter, singer, poetess, olga ryzhikova always. and 18, the rest is experience, believe me, i can say about myself for sure, i can hold a concert, i can watch it, and sometimes i can arrange it, as for songs, i can also write them, listen to them and sing them, well, perhaps our biggest hit - this is our beloved daughter, she is 5 years old, she is our main listener, our main critic, our main art director, you didn’t get it in one minute, but this predicts a very interesting dialogue, we have 100 in our studio children. everyone has their own question, let's see
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how many questions you can answer, who will start? when and under what circumstances did you first meet? olga, your version? we have two radically different versions. we met when i was 18 years old, the fact is that when we met, i clearly understood that theo didn’t like me, it’s not true, it’s not true, you see, we disagree on this version, we met in leonid’s studio. i liked him very much, he was all like that , well, in general, nothing has changed after many years, i thought you really didn’t tell me about it even once, and then i managed to come to leonid shirin’s studio in bell-bottoms with three pigtails, then after many years he told me, he says: you know, these are yours these bell-bottom trousers, they were kind of small, very childish, he said, i thought you were about 15 years old, that’s why i liked them. immediately, but i had to
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try a little to attract his attention. so, we listened to the first version, and in fact, i liked olga, she ’s such a very well-mannered girl. and i was surprised by her desire to create something so bright, large-scale, she came with such a pile of notes, she wrote this song, listen, look, yuri, how do you like this, and i think, well, god, what a cool child, that was my first assessment, years later, after a while, i watched olga blossom, i clearly remember that moment, one day in the studio during recording, at the microphone, i was recording her vocals, and i just looked around and realized, god, what a beautiful girl is now standing in front of me, i didn’t say a word, didn’t show any gesture, but probably for a week i walked around thinking about what i should do, while i
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was thinking, olga did it herself and invited me to take a walk with glasses of cappuccino what we actually did. in general, as they say, girls, if you like it, seize the moment and never give up. olya, did theo look after you beautifully? very beautiful, theo knows how to take care, 100%. by the way, we even have one funny story: we once went on a date, and i had cold, and he even politely got out of the car so that i could somehow work with napkins, with my nose, and then , of course, it took me a long time, so i will never forget you. but in general, as for , of course, beautiful invitations, courtship, beautiful flowers, very romantic dates and meetings, it’s all here, i’m ready to praise endlessly, and most importantly, the attentiveness with which people fall in love
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with each other and give it to each other friend, the most important thing is to carry it through time, i really hope that it will continue to be the same, so we still live, and this is how we plan to continue to live. before you became husband and wife, you were independent artists, soloists, now you are not offended by sharing the glory between two, as for solo performances, this all continues, along with this , in parallel, we have our duet history with olga, neither in any case , we don’t have any business of fame here, i probably wouldn’t even wish it on anyone, if some kind of teasing starts on this topic in the family, that, that would be sad, that’s why we have absolute harmony, i hope that we have absolute harmony, how has your creativity changed after joining a duet, only for
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the better, it seems to me, essentially, well, the process has changed, that is, before we could meet somewhere in a cafe, with a piece of paper paper, and i, for example, am there with some kind of instrument, that’s it... now we do it at home, and it’s a significant time and more productive, by the way, and you can imagine what a pleasure it is to go together to a concert, filming, broadcast, to some city, give a solo concert together, answer questions together i think it’s absolutely fair to explain to the guys that this doesn’t mean that we walk around like this all 24 hours, of course everyone has their own personal space, their own personal time, and you know, there’s a saying with a good person: it’s great to keep quiet. what do you think are the pros and cons of modern music? minuses? and to be honest, i don’t see any downsides at all, because now for modern musicians it used to be necessary to participate in vocal competitions or some kind of music competitions, now you have everything
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in the hands of guys, just create, and if this is really music and this creativity will appeal to a decent audience, then everything worked out for you, you know, here’s the downside, i ’ll answer you now like an old grandmother, there is... in the ninth grade yes, with my own money i bought a jacket, bought jeans, bought boots, yes, my first fee was very small, it was, well, i don’t know, probably, well , if translated into 10 dollars, i once
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started my career as a radio presenter, here is the very first order for which i received the first money in my life was a voice-over for an advertisement, tell me, what if you... e: you have such a wonderful treasure as olga, tell me, how much money does it take to maintain your treasure? and to be honest, i never thought about it, although i won’t hide it, i once, well, if i can say so, on the air, i caught a glimpse of a conversation between two guys - in line, which means one says to the other: listen, mishan, and how much does yours cost you per month? and i at that exactly at that moment the third thing in our
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situation is that i don’t need to support olga, because that our budget is not separate, we have a common piggy bank, and if someone needs to buy something, but there is some need, please, i remembered, because in our family there is one little person who has his own separate budget, this is our daughter, she is 5 years old, her name is lera. she puts all the money that her grandparents give into her piggy bank, so it’s probably safe to say that she has a separate budget. which of you earn more, who spends more? well , i probably spend more than i do myself i set you up now with this answer, right? well, we agreed that everything was fair? well, probably, uh, probably, i still earn more, but - i don’t think that this is right, well, it should be exactly like this, that the man in the family should earn more, because... the situation, that’s what it is unpredictable, today it’s like this, and tomorrow suddenly your profession becomes absolutely
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useless, and you are not a source of income, here the support of a loved one you love is important, you love each other and you are obliged to support each other, and also, girls, never try to compete with your man in the number of works, in quantity, well, if you suddenly go into concert history, there is no need to equalize this number of works, concerts, i have to work the same amount.
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annoying, annoying, teo, he can never wake up after the first alarm, he has this habit, he sets it, if he needs to get up at 8 am, he sets it at 8, 8:01, 8:04, 8:08, 8 :16, 8:22, 8:24, and if just on this day, for example, i didn’t have to get up at 8, then by about 8:08 i i’ll definitely wake up, because there are so many alarm clocks and you know how to stop them. or maybe there is some kind of second button for repeat, and so he always presses repeat, no matter how many
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conversations we had with him about this, until this issue is resolved in our family. why be surprised? sitting in front of you is a man who overslept for the entrance exam to the university of culture and arts, a man who overslept the wedding of his wonderful friend, a man who overslept the presentation of an award after a trip to european studies in ministry of culture, the person who overslept when you were the entire delegation of belteleradiocompany. i really like to sleep and nothing restores me like sleep, but now to your question, so, olga, if you want to get a - so to speak, the most non-resurrection sunday, you need to see olga, this is the person who will wake you up at o'clock 9 am asking you a lot of questions, you haven't even opened your eyes yet, he says: so, well, today let's go, where are we going for brunch, or maybe we're going to the movies, or maybe we're going to see friends, or maybe let's go on sunday, i've been waiting
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for this day all week, it's when i don't go anywhere, and i'm just lying on the couch and for once i can turn on the tv, flip through the channels, maybe actually watch something , but at home, and i really love hiking, movement, meetings, and i really like to make plans and do it for my whole family, otherwise everything is fine with us. leite. in our show, participants will not be helped by cheat sheets; here you can only rely on your own strength.
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congratulations, you are in the super final, you are already winners, i wish you a bright game today, interesting questions. indicate a novel that does not belong to dostoevsky. dostoevsky belongs only to crime and punishment, and that’s where my knowledge ends. the brothers karamazov, for example, from the program i remember that the brothers karamazov belong to dostoevsky, and humiliating insulted is one of my favorite books, and i know that it was dostoevsky who wrote it. watch the intellectual and entertainment project, i know, on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. i don’t know if i’m hungry. or something, but i really want to go on this trip go, we will prove that belarusian cuisine is not only potato pancakes, very unexpectedly, in fact, in essence, the dish is very similar to carbonara, but here there are potatoes, we are in the 13th century and it is associated with the name of prince vyshalka, there is information about his delights of culinary masterpieces, and we discovered one of them - a dish, meat under a puff pastry , monastic style. let's learn more about the historical past of belarusians. so, meet marta, the wife of mindovg, during whose time in novogrod castle guests were treated to noble diseases. we'll show you what they eat in different parts of our country. my brain can’t cope with this very well, because on one
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side i see a vienna waffle, something sweet, something so tender is projected. on the other hand, this is a potato pancake, a belarusian potato pancake, watch the food project anywhere on the belarus 24 tv channel . how are you registered in each other’s phones? favorite beautiful question, well, i can demonstrate it, i have it written down as a favorite, cool question, thank you, thank you, i have a small test of attentiveness for you, but for this you will need to turn around friend with their backs to each other, wow, theo,
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please tell us in detail what olga is wearing? olga is wearing white boots with a good quality tread, a dress of such a satin sheen, she is wearing the same silver jacket, her bun hairstyle is not quite ordinary, today she has such a topknot, she has two pigtails, and she has earrings, i don’t know why, but she 's... let's just say, oblong, i didn't pay attention to the second one, describe the manicure, please, manicure, my goodness, olga just went for a manicure yesterday, but i didn't pay her any attention
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attention, yes, but definitely not french. definitely not a french manicure, olga’s, i believe that this color is probably this red, yes, scarlet, so let’s say, a scarlet manicure, i guessed it, probably, well , of course, almost, almost, yes, olga, now a question for you, what is your husband wearing, oh, easy, black sneakers on white, yes, next. black trousers that are a little too low, a white t-shirt, a shark fang, by the way, a real one, a beanie cap, well, the beard is always with him. thank you, thank you, the next question is from the black sector, to your right, kim had your best day
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why in life? i remember it was exactly 9:30 in the morning, when i was sitting in the corridor, they allowed me to go there, i heard the first singing. our daughter, our child, this is the moment when olga gave birth to our daughter, this, this is so magical, it’s unlikely that anything else can repeat the emotions that i experienced, not even just at that second, but i was in this state , all day, well, at the peak of this state all day and... of course, the birth of a child is the happiest day of my life, absolutely i agree, i support my husband, it’s just that life was divided before and after, that was
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the life before, when we didn’t have lera, and after, when we had this little miracle, which is now so funny, ridiculous, asks such interesting questions , how are you, but when you found out that you were having a girl, who was most happy about it? there is some kind of seventh feeling when you don’t even have any doubts, questions, from the first day when we found out that we were having a child, i had no doubt that it would be a girl, when all the ultrasound tests there, the doctors said that you were having a girl, well, of course yes, how could it be otherwise, but as for me, i clearly understood from the first second when we found out that our family... was expecting a child, and olga to me i asked the question, who would you like, a boy or a girl? i say, i absolutely don’t care who we get, this is our baby, and by the way, i’m very happy that i’m
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a daughter’s dad, you know the connection, daughter and dad, dad’s daughter, it really exists, it’s very strong strong, that is, a father for a little girl is such an animator, all the ideas, toys, come on, like this, this, this, you can experiment with dad, and dad always allows you to do this, despite our very bright, beautiful profession, where sophie is, this is the stage, music, songs and dances, of course anyway, all household chores, everything is like everyone else, we are the same ordinary family, when we need to do a little work, and prepare a little, and take the child to kindergarten in the morning, to clubs, to gymnastics, so thank god that dad has enough... to entertain, not only to develop, but also to entertain, i do it’s with joy, with great pleasure, now i’ll ask you, on a count of 1 2 3, to name the name
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of your next child, if it’s a boy, ready one, two, oh, well, to be honest, i’m not ready for something, well, somehow this you know, it’s like something probably so secret, we don’t think that far ahead, we have the right to refuse to answer a question, you can use it. okay, you have two options left to refuse to answer questions, one you have used. would you like your daughter to follow your steps to the big stage, or will you still not force her to do this? there is definitely no coercion; no one should ever be coerced. i think my dad once said correctly, it doesn’t matter what profession you choose. the main thing is that you become a professional in this profession, and do it with love, then everything in your life will be a pleasure, then you will truly enjoy what you
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do, and we will never force an aller we’re not going to do anything, besides, now she’s doing gymnastics, she does it simply because we see she likes it, but we have no goal of raising an olympic champion. she chose the profession of television, pop, some kind of acting, but yes, because, well, perhaps we could be
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useful to her, as coaches after all. these are two people with higher musical education who can certainly help her choose the right key for a song, so if she chooses this profession, i think that the most important hit, that’s all we have in our bins, we still we'll give it to her true, definitely, the purple sector is to your right, please tell me, what did you dream of becoming when you grow up? i wanted to become a flour truck driver, then at some point - i was seriously interested in medicine and dreamed of becoming a doctor, but as soon as i got into the variety studio of our school - pozna, although i also wanted to go there - i really wanted to get there, i just passed by, i always listened to high school students rehearsing, it was a live ensemble, real live drums, drummer, bass player, ritten guitar,
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synthesizers, there were no such fashionable ones at that time. synthesizers, i played the tom 1500 synthesizer, this is such an ancient model, when i was accepted into this studio, i was happy, literally a month later we already had performances by our group, not only at school discos, but at all sorts of holidays in other scenes - and i realized that i was already infected with the stage, that’s it, i want to be on the stage, in fact, i’ve been going towards this all my life and... in fact, i’ve been doing this all my life, and as for me, i had two absolutely these are equivalent big dreams, i couldn’t decide in childhood, i i dreamed of becoming either an artist or a cashier in a store, but do you know why? because i sincerely thought, i was 100% sure, that right next to the cash register there are usually all the chocolates, bars, chupiki, yes, chewing gum, i
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don’t know. why? well, i thought that if a person works at the cash register, that he has the right to eat all these sweets in unlimited quantities at any time throughout the working day, well, plus there was also a machine there, you had to press, of course, today i i can say that it’s great that not everyone dreams are destined to come true, only some. now i want to invite you to play a game which one of you is, for this i have prepared several questions, and i will ask them now, your task is to answer them with your eyes closed
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and pointing. which one of you has the better sense of humor? who is more likely to be stuck on their phone? which one of you is the cleanest? who likes to sleep well? who snores louder? which one of you swears more? we don’t allow ourselves this, but okay, which one of you is really an alien? who would eat something they really don't like out of politeness? which one of you is bigger?
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loves cheesecake? which one of you sings better? excellent result, but we learned the whole truth. please tell me the question, who snores louder? olga, who were you pointing at? what do you think? well, of course, yuri! do you have any pleasant habits? eat. let's tell us about your bad habits? of course, there are bad habits. of course, i would like, well, probably, to adhere to some more standardized sleep and rest regime, but somewhere due to our work, and somewhere due to our laziness, it is not always possible to do this. it would be better to do more
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sports, and less delving into the phone, gadgets, yes, on social networks, or watching some videos that captivated during the... flight, of course, it would be better to eat better, more healthily, cook more often and do less... then snacks, well, probably, i would like to never be late, we, we are not late, but we very often arrive on the spot, that’s what concerns me, i have, i think, one, please, the most important bad habit, and sometimes i still allow... sometimes uh cigarettes, yes, unfortunately, but i'm on the way to so that this is final, that is, i promised to be extremely honest, so i answer extremely honestly, well, answer the question honestly, when you quit, in the near future,
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guys, we will certainly come to you later and check, keep your promise or not, thanks for your honesty, the next question is from the black sector, i have a question for you, why did you... maybe you had complexes in childhood, and if you had complexes, how did you cope with these complexes? oh, well, my answer is clear, simple, i've been throughout many, many years in childhood, exactly 4 years old, i wore a plate, my teeth were straightened, well, now this system, it is already so very popular, i see several guys and here in the hall they wear the same plate, and i was the seventh child of the republic of belarus, who was given a well... innovative method at that time, yes, i wore a braces system, all my peers wore a plate that could be removed, such an arch, yes, they mostly carried it in their pocket, and my parents put a plate that is not removable, it goes into your pocket it was impossible to put it down, when this whole
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story began, i thought that, well , you know, like a child thinks, well, well, a week, well, a month, six months, a year, so this whole thing stretched out for four long years, and if... probably other children wore the same records, maybe i wouldn’t be embarrassed, but at that time i was the only one at school, i was also a girl, and you know, somehow i always smiled like that, well, i don’t know, well, just like something like this, then, when they shot this record for me, i directly remember that day, i was walking down the street instantly, smiled at the whole city, like some kind of person for whom something wonderful happened, i just remember that day of mine... well, don’t blame me for taftology, but my story is also connected with teeth, there really was a different story, and once we were friends let's go play hockey, and a stick hit me in the face very well, it landed really well, and i saw half
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of my front tooth in my palm, god, what should i do, well, the first thing you think is what am i going to tell my parents now, not how i will i have to live with this, what else will i tell my parents, i was hiding for a week, at a rehearsal, at that time i was studying in the folk group karagot, i remember, we were learning lyavovnikha’s dance on stage, the music stops, mom’s voice, yura, come into the office, i come in, i don’t understand what’s wrong, he says, smile, that’s it, i had to give up, i showed my smile, and my mother understood everything, and congratulations, there were no technologies at that time, that is, i lived with it. probably for two years, i was having a very big complex, because i clearly understood that someone was laughing a little, that was it such complex times, well, now you both have wonderful teeth, thank you very much, thank you, thank you, the next question is from
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the red sector, this is to your right, how did you spend your time in your childhood, you didn’t have any gadgets, definitely not as you, now arriving and... past the school where i studied, i don’t see a single teenager, not a single student, well, if we say, this is the summer period, which are dirty just black from the rubber coating that lies on the basketball court playground, we played basketball or football until dark, we had constant activity, we were never on gadgets, well, for obvious reasons, there weren’t any, i grew up in the village, here we have... the school is literally behind the stadium, there’s already a forest, and if we didn’t play, by the way, war games in the forest, then we, for example, could simply fry a piece of lard on a fire with some bread, or if we don’t go into the forest, then the whole crowd of us sit on our
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bicycles and roll kilometers in complete pleasure, that is, i think that it was more active, really , although in no way do i condemn your generation, this is a given of this time. and i am convinced that many of you also attend sports clubs, engage in some kind of sports, maybe not only sports, but in principle not only, so to speak, they spend time on... their smartphones, but i know, let’s let’s now conduct an experiment, how do you celebrate your birthdays at a quest, quests, yes, quests, option, also, laser, water park, water park, look, we had a different story, we celebrated birthdays either with our parents in the room, or in our own, that’s it, there were two options, we were very happy, because, probably, we still communicated more in person, but i envy
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your generation, because you really have more options when there are elections for sure, listen, after all, the tradition, this good old one, has been preserved in at school, in the class there is a sweet table on birthdays, thank god, that’s all, which means we understand each other well. hello, my name is katya , i have a question: is there friendship between show business artists? of course, of course, although this whole story is framed by such a terrarium, but for the society that is here continuous squabbles, intrigues and so on, in our country, what can we hide, belarusian show business is not so big and not so much. last names, in fact, that’s why everyone knows each other, this
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is clear, not everyone is friends, in fact , no one is obliged to do this, because not everyone, say, for example, is employees there, employees of some organization, friends, that’s right, or people who work in the same workshop, they mean that they are all friends, but there are those who go to visit each other for the same... stories, that someone has some kind of intrigue, ah
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you’ll be ugly today, of course not, and theo even forgot his shoes once, in my opinion alexander sukharev is yours, because imagine, an artist comes to the song of the year, but he forgot his shoes, who has black ones from ’42 here? size, you are with me, hold it, that’s all, this also happened, and this is normal, these are human relationships , they are in any field, it doesn’t matter, are you a kandy cook?
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since the distant soviet times, people who performed the loudest, most sonorous hits, again from the same time, they are still in honor when these people say kind words to you and trust you with their ability to create, and they trust you, well, in particular , writing songs for your repertoire, well , it’s expensive, it’s impossible to buy or sell, it’s probably what something like a confluence. circumstances and a little bit of luck,
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if your life were a film, you would enjoy watching it, how beautifully you turned it, so, well, i would probably, to be honest, rewind several times, and if this is a film not in a cinema, but film at watching at home, i would rewind several times to... the brightest moments of my childhood, my formation, our wedding, the appearance of our daughter, honestly i would like to do it again... there were so many episodes in this movie of ours, you laugh with me, this is so sweet, the film is wonderful, the main thing is that this movie is not black and white, that
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it has more bright, colorful, colorful moments, the next question is in the purple sector, my name is victoria, as usual you are... greeted on the street, as usual on you react? well, no, they smile, who knows how, what is the first reaction: they say hello to us, well, at first, at first, when i heard that, oh, hello, i say, hello, and at that very second you miss who it is , me, where could i see this person, no, i don’t think i’ve seen him anywhere, i have a good memory on my face, and most often, you know what question they ask, it’s you, at that moment you say, well, it’s me, yes , but you just don’t understand whether they mean you or maybe some other artist, then when they somehow address you by names, you understand that yes, no one really got anything mixed up, and of course many even want to hug there, take pictures, to be honest, they recognize theo more often, perhaps,
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because well, it seems to me that, you know, they’re actually men, that’s how in the frame, so in life there without any evening dresses, accessories about... in the store in front of people in a more ordinary form in a simple way, and of course it all ends with a photograph, or some kind of pleasant wishes , to be honest, i haven’t heard any unpleasant ones, but i once had an interesting story, but this is right at the dawn of performances in general, i took part in one television competition and in one of the cities a person came up to me and said: listen, it’s you, i know it’s you! i say that i, he says, well, just now i sang, in this competition, i saw it on tv, it was you who sang, i say, well, i got so crazy, well , yes, yes, yes, and he adds, such you drank nonsense there, do you think creativity and love
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for the homeland are inseparable, love for the homeland, for me it’s completely... a separate feeling, but it’s about love for your loved ones, it’s about the love of that birch tree that you walked past to school, patriotism is about love, not invented, but not written down, but love comes from here, and i think that i’ve always succeeded in it, because i truly love belarus, i love my homeland, i love my family, i love my small homeland, the love for the homeland lives here... it just comes to life in the heart, it’s great when this feeling of love that it overwhelms you, it gives you strength, it creates, and if there are ups and downs in creativity, there is a creative upsurge or vice versa, you keep something on tumblr, well, well, at this moment, for example, it’s not written, then this love, it always lives, it’s with you, and that’s right, but can
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we also listen to your work, can you we should sing, i think it’s a great idea, we’re ready to perform for ours... and you’re ready with us with joy, we’ll dance, right? there were so many episodes in this movie of ours, you laugh with me, it’s so cute, everything around is a reassurance, a river of time, we are carried in circles, honestly, honestly, honestly, yes, the world is waiting for me again, only yours here, questions will be answered for a long time. everything is there, if you want, slowly, hand in hand, how good it feels for us, honestly, honestly, yes, let’s sing together, we won’t sleep at night and the whole area will hear, and i saw the sounds, we’re dancing along the seccom, we’re singing, how we
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’ve been spun, spun , mom allowed it, but... it’s like mom allowed it, mom thinned it out, we’ll grow out of the front, we’ll cut the dances, yours, how she spun us around, loaded us up.
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that the time for questions to the heroes has expired, theo, olga, now you have to choose the best question of this program, well, in general it will be difficult, because, to be honest, it was the most unusual interview, you only need to choose one, maybe it’s a question about how we are recorded in each other’s phones, i at least found out, i at least found out how i am recorded in your phone, who asked the question, my name is christina, i study at the sixty-eighth school, in the fifth grade, christina, according to the rules of our program, the author of the best question receives a special gift, and you are the one coming out today, please, thank you,
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congratulations, thank you, comrade olga, now you have the opportunity to ask the children your question. let's get creative and go a little bit to the future. how do you see olga and me in, say, 20 years, what do we sing, what do we look like, what are our concert costumes? i see you so happy, you know. when the spouses have lived side by side for a long time, they already have such a platanic love, they still stand so seemingly modern,
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everywhere, everywhere you want to show yourself, so beautiful and happy and the daughter next to you is also already an adult, but also for you always will remain a small child, oh thank you, thank you, something about love, thank you, i think that ah... you will be calm, well then you won’t have as many concerts as now, because well, this is already a calm time, that is, you want to be a family with your daughter and grandson, if of course there are any , and well, i think that everything will be calm, peaceful and you will.
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for me, perhaps, it was the most difficult question, what are you ashamed of in your life, a question calling
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for serious analysis, i am still under the impression, so to speak, some different situations are running through my head, today you managed to answer 41 questions , is this a good or excellent result, thank you, we we will definitely call you again, thank you, thank you, i am addressing our audience. do you think that our heroes today were as frank as possible with you, whoever thinks so, raise your hands, i believe that theo and olya were as frank as possible with us, since they, one might even say, told us in great detail not only about your present, about your life, performances, and about your childhood. theo and olga seemed so frank, they made me sparkle.
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they told everything in detail and were not shy to say that they love their daughter, they love each other, in general they love their family, in their answers one could feel this chemistry that they were talking about, one could feel the unfolding, the fact that they were ready to tell us about everything, and this is what a warm and necessary feeling, who thought that theo and... olga ryzhikova still didn’t say something, they were a little cunning. raise a hand. it just means that they were completely honest with you today. nobody doubted it. theo, olga, we have such a rule, the last word always belongs to the heroes. let me down the result of the conversation. and once again i would like to say thank you for the invitation to this program, it’s an amazing, cool format. and, probably, this is a rare hour in every
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person’s life when you manage to do it in 60 minutes. go into the past, be in the present , fantasize, fly somewhere into the future, and today this happened only thanks to the children, we were simply in some wonderful place, a wonderful time, for which we tell you, thank you very much. the creative and family union of two artists, theo and olga ryzhikova were visiting the program from 100 questions for an adult. see you in a week. what is the miracle of belarusian politics? in that we do not forget about people, the common man is at the forefront. china and belarus will
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work together side by side.
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the cranes began to dance, and the winter disappeared like smoke, the meadow became greener, and our native land sank like hell in pain.
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three traditional bakings of bread and four sacks of loaves of bread are among the elements of the intangible cultural decline of belarus.
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