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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 21, 2024 2:05pm-3:00pm MSK

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i will never see them again, and i will not see you, you will see, zhen, you and i will still embrace our sky, you and i will still be together.
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we will definitely, you hear, and you will definitely see airplanes, van, you will definitely see, you will become my pilot, i believe in it, you hear, you will write to me, of course i will, i will write you long, long letters every day, every day, wait for an answer ,
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hi, hi, zheka didn’t come, no, she’s still at school, vanka is leaving today, thank god. “i told you that the good man agreed to take notice of the matter as soon as he found out that alya died in vain, i would have spanked him, because i planted him at 10, and if he killed him, that’s why he shot, can you imagine what state he was in, i don’t even want to imagine when his mother died, i was scared at first , you never know why. it turned out that the abortion
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was criminal, of course, how else could such a woman end her life, a very logical ending to life, you are unbearable and unbearable. hi, dad. where are you going, i won’t be long, mom, no, eat first, mom, the truck is already at the entrance, oh, here it is, farewell, juliet, no, i said, you’re not going anywhere, mom, let her go, your roma will get by without a tearful farewell, marin, let her in, don’t interfere at all, go, mom, please, i beg you. she said, you’re not going anywhere, let’s go, i
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also want to say goodbye. thank you andrei vladimirovich, thank you for everything, van, let’s go without this, i never had a father, you are andrei vladimirovich for me, wait. nasi, the future pilot, andrei vladimirovich, they flew with me for more than 120 hours, thank you
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very much, you will say thank you when you become a pilot. "you'll become the best doctor" country, you thank me for this, i will still be proud of you, i will brag to everyone that i put you in my cockpit as a boy, gave you my notes to read, well, you will become the best pilot in the country, you will become a hero, i promise you, andrei vladimirovich. that's great, be great, good luck to you in life, that's it, get into the cab, uncle, if you've been waiting for too long, come
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on, if i'll get to the gate, okay, dad, okay, everything will be fine.
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stop, please, vai, i can’t live without you, vai! i can't do it without you, i can't do it without you !
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don’t leave, please, i beg you, don’t leave, i won’t be able to, i won’t be able to live, i can’t work, i can’t live, i won’t be able to, i won’t be able to live, i’m sorry, my, please, my, my, my, blame me, i can’t live without you, no no no, i love you very much, guys, we don’t have enough time, we’ll be late, i love you very much, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my , i swear, i swear, i will love
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you all my life, you hear, all my life, i swear to you, no, no, no, no, touch, touch, that's it! my dear vanka, how bad i feel without you, if you only knew, the world without you has become empty, colorless, all my thoughts are only about you, i always go to the airfield and embrace our sky, i watch airplanes and see you at the controls, how are you doing, my beloved vanka, we have physics now, tanya nosova is standing at the board. solves a stupid problem. edik mitrofanov looks at me and turns his head once again. yesterday he and vadik
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said that i had changed a lot, for some reason they were worried about me. oh, vanechka, most importantly, dimka kosyakov came up to me recess said that his dad is flying to saratov at the beginning of next month, and i can tell you something with him. you see what a great guy dimka is. and i have tomorrow, the molecule has woken up, continue the letter later. “zhenya, meadow, you can’t hear me, i ’m talking to you, what are you doing, give me your notebook immediately, i’m waiting, i repeat again, give me your notebook immediately, i want to know what you’re doing in class, for a long time i will stand with my hand outstretched, don’t test my patience"? i don’t understand,
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lukovaya, what’s wrong with you lately? what's going on? sorry, but don't do this. study for lessons. larka, call the older boy, he
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’s been explaining something in arithmetic all day, no, arithmetic, you know where it’s at, hang on, i said, i’ll talk to him, vanya, vanya, go, seva, he wants something with you talk. talk to your uncle, little guy, well, tell me. what plans do you have for life?
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what plans are you asking about? this is, well, school, when you finish, what are you going to do? should i go to summer school? oh, that means you'll learn to fly, and we're here with throw your brother's aunt's chest on... your neck, that's all, that's a face, but like a day off, so for a bottle, like for a bottle, so take the soul out of someone, go away, woman, mix it up, men, they're talking, it would be better if you didn’t go to learn to fly, go to the factory to plow, earn money, i know, there’s no need for stray parasites here in the house, i have my own parasites, damn it’s a cloud, but it’s necessary to give a fuck, a man, oh,
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oh, that’s it, the parasites have come , mother, and mother, why are you babysitting someone else’s boy more than your own, you genke, wipe your ass, and pashka has a brother over there, you’re not pashka’s grandmother, he’s not your grandson, why isn’t your grandson enough for you, or what? oh, son, they are all the same to me, so are you going to go to kindergarten over there? pick him up, and vanya, yes, vanya, you come after school, and it’s a joy for me to go for a walk, pick him up, he’s drunk as hell, let’s go, get the fuck out, don’t bother me, why are you showing off how
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to teach your son? there’s nothing to sparkle at me , will you sparkle? elena yurievna. "if you don't marry me, then i'll marry a scary, fat thin priest, she will crush me with her gigantic breasts, i will die a ridiculous death, and you will have a threat to your conscience, sit down, shupovalov, don’t you like me at all, why don’t you like me, you even
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like me very much, so you ... " a very handsome young man and a very positive person, 120x80 for you, then why do you ignore me all the time, because there is shapovalov, another man, why then don’t you marry him, because there is a woman who has already married him? , elena yurievna. igor, please don’t waste your time. you won't succeed anyway. i wish you a successful flight.
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elina. hope is the last to die, but i will not give up my hope. landasha was not there this time, excuse me, comrade, something happened again, who came to your wife this time for how many days , elena yulievna, but you have a memory loss,
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comrade. colonel, happy birthday, lenochka, thank you, andryusha, i thought you didn’t remember, i remember everything, and you don’t need to avoid me anymore, i don’t bite. next time come through the door, through the door, let shapovalov come in,
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will take it, then we will go together. bim, hi, hi, dog, hi, what,
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vanka, let's get in the car, quickly! what doused you? it happens, take a rag under the seat over there and wipe yourself off. are you disdainful?
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i don't have bath towels. i see alka has lisped you. grow up neat. that's it, a woman's upbringing. a guy should be raised by a man and that’s it, i’ll get to you before the locomotive leaves, how are things at school, okay, well, thank you cpsu, you’re in your garrison, what did you do, what does it mean, what did you study at school, well, that’s understandable, what's at school, when not at school, that he did differently. i ran to the airfield, played football in the summer, hockey in the winter, in short, everything is clear with you, you were doing crap, so
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from tomorrow i’ll take you into the business, what business, you’ll find out where it’s from, from leningrad, it’s written there, where did you get this letter from... and what's in the box? where else? will you have tea? do you have the right to read other people's letters? turn around when you talk to me? mom, yes, what are you doing, what’s wrong with you? i haven't read this letter, have i? why then was it opened? why is it lying on the table for everyone to see? i put put it on the table so you can see it, i actually thought it was from vanka, so i opened it, oh, from vanka? are you sure you haven't read this letter? that's right, mom, calm down, other people's letters, listen, i want to warn you, if you were smart enough to do one stupid thing, you might
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be smart enough for another, don't even think about telling your father about this letter, consider that he didn't exist, the old child also met, he had... mom, let's go, what will i say, it's nothing, mom, but you really are with pasha, like with family,
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sevka doesn't like it, he's already a beast to the boy he looks at him, he's all in his head, there's something against pashka and everything, like a bone in his throat, and that you are now with your calf tenderness, he's an orphan, a boy, he can't recover after the death of his mother, mommy says, she fell asleep and soon wakes up, well, how can you not caress such a little one, well, please, baby’s instinct has not let me down yet, leningrad, pick up the phone, hello, yes, hello, general petrushin, please, yes, yes, sister from transbaikalia, yes, yes, hello, katyukh, oh, hello,
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i need to send this parcel to my mother, yeah, well how are things going with the woman there? nothing, yesterday i sold out of your goods, today i don’t know how, she doesn’t feel well, her back doesn’t straighten at all, she’s thinking, hello, well, hello, i received your letter, and why is the commander his wife screaming, so she’s already this is the second year he has been shouting like this, and why is the general shouting? somehow she keeps calling several times a week, i’m tired of her, she’s in love with this general, what are you talking about, love, love, i heard all their conversations, i can’t shut up, i love, i can’t, i miss this one that's all the belberda, yeah, hush, hush, hush, fedor, well, i can't fly, you have to put yourself in my position, i beg you, but just don't get lost, don't scream, don't scream,
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please, you know , that i ’ve already gone crazy here without you, i’m going crazy, i can’t do this anymore, hello, hello, please don’t hang up, please don’t hang up, hello, hello, hello, marina evgenievna, marina. evgenievna, don’t cry, well, we are women, fools, we always suffer because of these men, but your general is not going anywhere, that the general, i say, is yours, won’t go anywhere, the main thing is that my husband doesn’t find out, so you decided to blackmail me, but run, run, report, i’m not afraid of you, it’s clear, you
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’re low, petty people, you... . don’t stand his fingernail, run, run, i didn’t want to give a damn about you, i didn’t want to give a damn, oh god, van. when will the folder come for us? i don’t know, pashka, it’s hard to say, he has a war there, van, why, van, van, i feel very bad here, i want to go home, now you and i don’t have any home, pashka. van, let's run away or
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let's go to the folder in afghanistan, they won't let us go there, van, at least somewhere, hey, what are you doing, be quiet, be quiet, everything will be fine with us, be patient, head! how long do you have to sing? a little, but a little, how much is that? i don’t know, go to sleep, come on, vanka, are you sleeping? no, get dressed while you're alive and you'll go with me.
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now we’ll take my co-workers to the station, to which station, to the railway, we’ll unload the freight train, carry boxes, it’s not like you’re playing football in the garrison. two duty officers, a man and a woman. i understand,
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i was instructing the boy, but why instruct him, knows less, it’s easier for us, he unloaded the boxes from the carriage and dumped them into the car. here's his entire briefing, the ninth carriage of the duty room, the ninth, yes, come on faster, you little bastard.
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the woman was getting in trouble somewhere, i was trying to get the man to look up, the woman wasn’t on duty, i even looked into the toilet, it was empty, zhurov gave us a mischief, man, go, there’s one on duty today, how’s it going, that’s it, let’s unload, bald man, bring the car, yeah.
2:38 pm
hello, zhen, hello, good morning, zhen, there have been no letters from vanya, no, there haven’t been for almost 3 weeks, he doesn’t write to us at all, vanya, vanya, definitely vanya. vanya, vanya, open it, read it, let's go, let's go, yes, yes, yes, of course, we 'll go, zhenya, then you'll tell me what you write,
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hello, my beloved zhenya, i'm sorry i haven't written for a long time, don't worry, i've got everything very good. aunt larisa and uncle seva take great care of us. pashka and i have our own room, a large, bright one. pashka has come to his senses, runs happily to kindergarten, and gets ready for school. in general, everything is great with us, you can’t imagine anything better, we’re just missing you. and there’s also not enough sky with airplanes. how good you feel, zhenya. you go to the lute field, you you see fighter jets flying. zhenya, i miss you very much too. i remember you every day. this memory is the brightest and most joyful that i have in my life now. i love you, zhenya. it seems to me that i love you even more than before. write to me, i re-read all your letters several times.
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that's it, i ran to play football. yours forever. vanka. i’m so glad, vanya, that everything is fine with you, what the hell are you playing, what the hell kind of music did i give you to study on, if we play a song in the folder, you can’t. come on, about the woman and about the gun, about what? he’s deaf, they gave him to music, yopsel, play with me, mother, sing here,
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you came, no, seva, you haven’t come yet. his fly will come to me, i will kill his reptile, but go away, mother, well, don’t make me nervous. the schoolboy showed up as a reminder.
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i didn’t drink out of fear, so as not to wet myself, no, no, okay, let’s go with the guy and grab some vodka, and we can be healthy, i don’t drink, but i said, let’s go and grab a glass of the world.
2:43 pm
oh, here you go! van, van, well, get the hell out of here, you brat, can’t you see, my guy and his brother decided to start coding, i won’t go, i said, get the hell out of here, i'll tell you, it will happen! go to hell, pashenka, pashenka, pasha, a whole era in the life of pierre bezukhov was the month spent in captivity, spiritual physical suffering taught him to value life, it was in captivity that pierre bezukhov understands and comes to the conviction that man... was created for happiness, guided by this conviction and
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desire, olya, the desire to help all the disadvantaged and oppressed, pierre bezukhov enters a secret society, it was at this time that a dark period of deep disappointment began in his life, but... at this time his life is illuminated by his love for natasha rostova, but bound by marriage to helen, whom he hates, pierre bezukhov understands that he must stop, so the jambs and the meadow, what kind of pantami are you portraying to me here, huh?
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you’ll get hungry, i don’t want to, i’m completely hungry,
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it’s no use you’re blowing your cheeks at me, i wouldn’t kick you out for the life of me, you’re my dears, where can i go against this beast, the main thing is i come home from work, he’s the one who tore his drunken zenki and let's throw away your things, i think i opened some stuff. stand up for you, come on me fists too, and i’ll kick you out now, you say another word, where will i go? “where should i go, van, forgive me, but i understand everything perfectly, well, maybe you will be happy there in this orphanage, the orphanage is decent, in the center of the city, ira karavaeva lives in our third house, she has there ’s a store that works there, so she’s even
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made an agreement about you, even if you hear what i ’m telling you, i hear you, but it seems to me that you’re keeping me for lunch?” well done, he also decided to go to flight school, who will look after pashka, he will be lost without you, marin, let's talk, marin, i ask you, let's talk seriously, i don't understand, i don't understand why i have to justify myself to you, because you are my wife. “i told you that my cousin, my mother, lives in leningrad, she is sick, she asked me to come urgently. marina, i never heard that you had relatives in leningrad. i didn’t hear, so i heard. marina, come to see me today tony popova came to the headquarters. that's how
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you should have expected it, okay, you wanted this conversation, you got it, i'm going to leningrad, i'm not a badass, i'm going to leningrad. to my beloved man, can you hear me, to my beloved man, i don’t love you anymore, lugovoi, i ’ve been putting up with you for over a year now, i’m putting up with you with all my might, arina,
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please don’t interrupt me, did you send me to a sanatorium to treat asthma? well, i met a wonderful man there, i’ve been running to the post office for a whole year like a schoolgirl, we ’ve been corresponding with him for over a year, do you remember, do you remember, i went to irkutsk to see my school friend, but i didn’t go to school friend, i went to see him, he proposed to me, i i joyfully accepted him, i wanted to wait until my wife finished school, but now i won’t wait, i’m leaving now, i can’t do it anymore. i can’t take it anymore, i’m tired, do you hear, i’m leaving you, i’m marrying him, i don’t love you, i don’t love you anymore, i never loved you, i didn’t even know what love was until i i met this man, by the way, he doesn’t get by in this hole, he teaches at the academy, he’s a general, so here he is, no, listen to me to the end, me, i , please listen to me, listen to me,
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listen, bastard, i thought that you would achieve at least something in this life, i was so wrong about you, you don’t need anything except that... to hold your steering wheel and it doesn’t matter at all in what hole, it’s petty, petty , onion, finely, onion. 120 to 65, i don’t like you today, did something happen?
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you know, elena yuryevna, what a strange thing, this is our life, you take one wrong step, but then you will break yourself, andry, what about the fact that everything with you and i could have been completely. begin, my dear lenochka is bent over, andryuzh, you are alone
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she always called me that, i needed to hear your voice. your hair smells so soft.
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why are you looking at me like that, were you crying or something?
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are you leaving? yes, you have to live alone with your father for some time, but i think it ’s okay, you get along great, especially since you’re already an adult. it’s time to get used to everyday affairs, he won’t let me leave in peace. hello, marina evgenevna. hello, if you are talking about a car, i don’t need a car, i made an agreement, they will give me a ride. died today.
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