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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 21, 2024 3:00pm-3:11pm MSK

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the farewell ceremony for the iranian president is taking place in tabriz; people in all corners of the country will be able to say goodbye to the leader. an emergency landing in bangkok, the flight from london to singapore encountered severe turbulence. dozens of people were injured, one passenger died. the meaning of life and the future. emphasis on family values ​​at the youth forum. in minsk. control and supervisory activities in belarus will be improved. the approaches were discussed at a meeting with the president. this is not the first time this topic has been returned to, given its importance. in 2009 it was formed a complete control system, after 8 years it was comprehensively modernized. thus, according to the state control committee, last year, compared to 2019, the total number of inspections decreased by almost 30%. however, negative trends, according to alexander lukashenko, have not been eliminated. unfortunately,
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the practice of multiple visits to the same enterprise on identical issues never disappeared. the controllers, coming one after another, require a colossal amount of documentation to be submitted, that is, they are actually engaged in bureaucratic fuss around and catch fleas, as people say. i can’t help but agree with this. i will give a specific example, the period of grain harvesting.
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that the governors are stretching things a little, they are tired and don’t want them to check, well , the assistants, they are not only the president’s assistants, basically, but they have already become the governor’s assistants, so i am making a allowance here, but unfortunately there is no such thing as without fire, the most outrageous thing is that sometimes they check absolutely the wrong organizations that should be checked; there is no other way to explain the cases when i need personally intervene to restore order. as
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with the same pricing, the efforts of inspectors are often aimed precisely at finding shortcomings and applying penalties, it was necessary to improve the performance of enterprises, we do not need fines, punishments or some kind of sanctions, but to improve the performance of enterprises. today at the meeting they discussed a draft decree that... provides for adjustments to regulatory legal acts in this area. the head of state instructed to change the style and methods of work. i want to warn you, no pressure on enterprises, organizations, entities, economic etc. and people should not be. we shouldn't stop people from working. but if someone deserves to be tested, they should be tested as much as necessary. and cry. moaning here
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has absolutely no use, you should treat control and other bodies, law enforcement, our enterprises as their children, they feed us, therefore...
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it was signed in april, but a judge can exercise full powers only after taking the oath . to the ceremony invited the chairman of both houses of parliament, as well as the supreme and constitutional courts. in a solemn atmosphere, the judge committed herself to honestly, conscientiously and impartially defending the constitutional order and the supremacy of the fundamental law of the country. alexander lukashenko congratulated svetlana lyubetskaya on taking office, presented her with a judge’s certificate and a gift copy of the constitution.
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no traces of outside interference were found. the pain of the iranian people is shared by belarusians, residents of iminsk, as well as residents of other cities bring flowers to the embassy of the islamic republic. the flag on the building itself is at half-staff. today, the iranian diplomatic mission was visited by the leaders of both chambers of the belarusian parliament, natalya kachanova, as well as igor sergeenko and met with the iranian ambassador and other diplomats. they made entries in the book of condolences, emphasizing that president brahiim raisi will forever remain in our memory as a friend of belarus, a prominent political, spiritual and statesman. who devoted his entire life to selfless service to the iranian people, strengthening international positions and authority of the islamic republic of iran. just yesterday we noticed that our belarusian friends come here to the embassy
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to express condolences. we also received words of sympathy and condolences from the president of belarus, the ministry of foreign affairs, the government, young people, students and these signs of attention come here. will certainly further strengthen the belarusian-iranian friendship and warm relations between the two countries. the iranian embassy is located on stalichnaya street, starovilensky trakt. make an entry in the book of condolences you can tomorrow thursday from 10 to 12 from 15 to 17 hours. you can bring flowers at any time. tragic accident in the skies over thailand. the plane, which was flying from london to singapore, encountered severe turbulence due to powerful sudden shaking and at least thirty were injured. people, one of them died. panic began on board. the airliner was forced to make an emergency landing in bangkok, where the victims were provided with assistance. the head of the czech foreign ministry said that the european union has agreed on the use of revenues, received from russian assets frozen in europe. 90% of these funds
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will be transferred to ukraine twice a year for military use. in total, the eu froze 210 russian billions. in addition, there is still a certain amount of property, both state and private structures. annual. of all this property is estimated at 3.5 billion. the eu considered and rejected the idea of ​​its complete confiscation. this is fraught with courts, the need to change laws, and reputational losses. on defense issues from six arab states visit our country. in belarus, military diplomats will get acquainted with educational institutions of the ministry of defense, industrial enterprises and the history of the state. in the central house of officers, a briefing was held for the attaché on the military-political situation in the world, the official position of our country regarding world events. the visit takes place within the framework of expanding international contacts. representatives of extremist groups began to fight for grants and organized pseudo-elections. the farce has already continued in the legal field. and as the investigator reports the committee accepts everything in the confrontation for the position of the criminal hierarchy.


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