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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 21, 2024 3:10pm-3:26pm MSK

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c will be transferred to ukraine twice a year for military use. in total, the eu froze 210 russian billions. in addition, there is still a certain amount of property, both state and private structures. the annual income from all this property is estimated at 3.5 billion. the eu considered and rejected the idea of ​​its complete confiscation. this is fraught with courts, the need to change laws, and reputational losses. defense attaches from six arab states are visiting our country. in belarus military.
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extremists, four more articles of the criminal code were added; according to the established algorithm , as part of investigative actions, the real estate and property of those involved in the case will be arrested. inspections and searches are currently underway. it was established that in 2024 a decision was made to reorganize this criminal group with the subsequent appointment of new ones. leaders of extremist cells. it is the reorganization in this environment that will help the leaders get rid of outsiders in the political game and reward the most dedicated performers. feeling the approaching complete loss of conventional authority and funding from western curators. well-known fugitive criminals such as azarov, latushko, prokopyev, as well as lesser-known ones who were not at all engaged, put forward their candidacies for the right to sit at the master’s table.
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abroad. according to the investigation, back in 2020, representatives of the most radical cells created an extremist organization in belarus, bypassing the coordination council. after the active work of our special services, some members of the organized crime group fled the country. abroad , fugitive criminals cooperated and organized a parody of the state system, where the so -called coordination council was assigned the role of a proto-parliament, which was supposed to control small radical communities. but as the investigative committee notes, despite all the attempts of the fugitives, exhaustive measures will be taken to ensure the principle.
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the inevitability of punishment for indignation of damage , including within the framework of special proceedings. how will the housing and communal services sector develop further? today this was discussed at an extended meeting of the relevant parliamentary commission together with minister gennady trubilo. this industry directly affects belarusians. during receptions with citizens, deputies receive the most questions about housing and communal services. the ministry hears all requests. together with the previous convocation , we worked closely on adjusting the housing code. there are immediate plans to update the law. drinking water supply, we will inventory all drinking water supply service providers who do not belong to the housing and communal services system of other suppliers, so we did not use them within the framework of the law on drinking water supply, we are also expanding the powers to introduce a register for the construction of sewer networks, which , in principle, lag a little behind the construction of water supply networks, we need to bring this balance into line, well and other adjustments that are already dictated by time. improving water quality is one of
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the main challenges for the industry. by the end of next year, a new iron removal station will appear in all regions, and minsk will completely transferred to underground water supply sources. strengthening and preserving traditional spiritual and moral values. a youth forum is taking place in mensk, hosted by the spiritual and educational center kovcheg. over 200 people participate. this is a youth association of the belarusian orthodox church, university delegations and activists of youth structures. emphasis on family values. the forum began with. it was lovingly headed by the metropolitan of minsk and zaslavl, patriarchal exarch of all belarus veniam. the best experience, of course, it will be broadcast again in regions, will be proposed by the participants of today's forum there, locally and more widely, to follow this good example, to use the achievements of their peers to make life better, more beautiful, and most importantly, for families. created by
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young people in belarus, they were based on the spiritual traditions of our people, this in itself already gives such strength. the forum is the meaning of life and the future, it is most importantly dedicated to ensuring that young people learn, feel and work on the most important values, thanks to to our efforts of the state, the belarusian orthodox church, the pokrov charitable foundation for supporting motherhood and childhood, everyone has gathered here today. as part of the form , the winners of the competition of youth social projects of the youth of belarus for a moral life were awarded. and family values ​​and presentation of the exhibition family cradle of virtues. sports news will continue to be released, but ilizaveta lashkevich has joined us, she is ready to talk about the news of the minsk region. elizaveta, good afternoon, what's new with you? tatiana, greetings people in minsk and the magadan region are looking for economic benefits. the russian delegation
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visited the masses of belas and the summer music and tourist season in the capital is open. we’ll find out what will surprise the city of music on our broadcast. thank you, well, we are back on the air at 17:00. see you. good news comes from sochi, russia, where the russian team championship in athletics is taking place; the belarusian team already has four medals. elena soboleva in the hammer throw and violetta skvartsova in the long jump won gold medals. evgeny bagutsky in competitions in discus throwing and ekaterina bilanovich in the 400 m hurdles took second place. will take the tenth round of the belarusian football championship. at 16:45 islach and minsk will begin their match. immediately after the meeting in molodech, neman will host slusk. the starting whistle will sound at 18:45. both matches will be shown live on tv channel belarus 5. let me remind you that clubs from the minsk region and grodno will play
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in the final of the national cup this saturday, may 25, which is scheduled. belarus charmed them at first sight, in fact, everyone knows, especially those who come here, they know about the beauty of minsk, as for me, i like everything here, my sister lives in germany, we met in belarus, and the first thing that caught our eye was that it was very clean here , i really liked the people, they are very friendly, good-natured, then this is a natural component for me...
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broadcast on the belarus tv channel 1st march of the capital of the minsk region, with you on the live broadcast of elizaveta lashkevich. zen are kind. the magadan region is focused on pastakovka kar'ernaya technologies and belarusian creativity, as well as an emphasis on innovative products, this year stated in jodzen. the governor of the region, sergei nosau, visited the belarusian automobile plant, along with the authorities
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of the original ideas. the state officials collaborated with the general director of our machine building company, sergei lesin. at the top of the conveyor's gallery there are things that are collected. 450 tone. the governor of the magadan region himself is right asabists test drive the electric lubrication shaft on the test site. who is with russia? belaz consumes the most, with i was pleased to learn that metallurgy takes a lot, these are iron ore mines, gold miners are just switching to belaz, those innovative approaches that enterprise managers have today, i think, will give their results, and machines, machines, belaz machines, and they are already no worse, in the future i’m sure they will correspond to the most... the dachshund of the state from russia has been able to fuck with the image of
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belaz’s navynak - this 90-ton truck was self-imposed in the belarusian national style. the delegation of the magadan region visited the taxman of minsk automobile plant. the special equipment of the belarusian creators was used by gastya. people from russia have been demonstrating axle tractors, dump trucks and high-tech equipment for carrying out a particular type of work. it was possible to subscribe to the pasta of the belarusian party. enterprises and organizations in the region need modern and functional automotive technology. currently, the minsk automobile plant is ready to satisfy the transport needs of enterprises in the magadan region. delivery agreements have been reached four units of all-wheel drive mass truck tractors; a passenger bus is also currently being supplied for operation in the city of magadan. about plans to develop supra-parenting.
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in minsk, there is a planned connection to the water supply system, where in the worst case, the taps will not work, as specialists optimize and save the process of correcting the work, and the residents of minsk are working on watch hell , we'll sort it out. information on microdistricts and streets and on reporting dates the work in these areas has already started.
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it is also possible to carry out water procedures during the season for repairing chain networks in the garadian lakes. this time of trying on their shepherds is growing. the steam room is a must, both finnish and russian baths. so, jacuzzi, for this period we traditionally have a larger number of people. this is a pressure test pump for increasing pressure in the heating network. now we will put it into operation, and we will demonstrate to you how the rise happens. adklyuchenne padachy
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garachay vada adbyvaetstsa autamatychna z the central point of kiravannya. in support of this , the specialists of the minsk chain networks are beginning to carry out repair work. manipulate the camp of the underground kamunikatsy, and then liquidate the pashkojan corpse. previously, all these manipulations lasted for two thousand days, now you can continue for 10 days. we know that this section is in technically good condition and requires a certain replacement of some part of the network, we also prepare for this in advance when , by and large, we do not have such issues that require intervention and some kind of replacement and networks have been tested, then naturally the shutdown period is minimal. the entire length of the pipeline to minsk is 400 km, and the program is aimed at repairing underground communications. exit and paste replacement of cast iron pipes of the old style with modern, newly sealed ones. these are, in principle
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, the same pipelines that were previously used, only in a different design, that is, different insulation, different approaches, control methods, there are special conductors that can, in principle, at the slightest, if even the slightest, say, appears there , fogging, something inside or something that may be developing damage, it shows, manifests itself. in such aquatic parks , you walk in several districts of minsk, more than 100 kilometers away. the operating terms are longer than those of standard ones. skin year specialists tseplosetak. we are installing 100 kilometers of new pipes, replacing the entire steel water supply system with more daily and permanent water supply. ilya tsvyatkov, raman filyutsich and mikalay yuzafovich. telenavin agency. this year in slutsk is chosen as the year of the minsk region. söleta seven teams advanced to the regional stage of the republican competition. geta family kalektyvy, which they collected.


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