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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 21, 2024 3:25pm-4:59pm MSK

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these are, in principle, the same pipelines that were previously used, only in a different design, that is, different insulation, different approaches, control methods, there are special conductors that, in principle, can, at the slightest, if even the slightest, say, appears there fogging, something inside or that damage may be developing, it shows, manifests itself, and we can react in time, through such aquaconductors water flows to several. minsk is more than 1000 kilometers away. the term of exploitation is large, what about the standard ones? every year, specialists in the chain are laying 100 kilometers of new pipes. the entire steel water system must be replaced with a more daily and permanent one. ilya tsvyatkov, raman filyutsich and mikalay yuzyfovich. agencies in this city, slutsk is choosing this year, the minsk region, the meeting for the regional stage of the republican competition has come out. geta family kalektyvy, yakiya...
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a very creative family, everyone either draws or sings, the children study in art and music schools, that’s why we a creative exhibition was presented that reflects the essence of our family. the accordion symbolizes life, the bass is the basis of our family, these are our ancestors, the bellows are life itself, and the breath of this life, already the keyboard, itself the main one - this is us, this is our family, our continuation, we have already... spent time in the regions there are qualifying stages in zhodino in derzhinsk and today we already have the final final regional stage so that we select one family to participate in the republican competition. we have something to be proud of in the minsk region; the number of families with many children has increased families, we have almost 22 thousand of them today, where 70 thousand children are being raised. as soon as the fatherland is gone, the peramozhians of the regional final will present the minsk region to the ars.
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these cossack heroes' meetings were poignant and vividly reflected the images of the works of pushkin-chekhav shchadryn. andersen. the theatrical works of valery rachkuўsk have been widely recognized at international festivals of the lyalek theater. as a child, he dreamed, according to his wife’s memoirs, of becoming a pilot. and so he said that the artist and the pilot are very close, that everyone can achieve a state flight. and so the flight of his fantasies turned into his life, where he embodied theatrical dolls and sketches. he worked in different theaters, not only in the belarusian state theater.
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in the skies of the capital, the summer music-tourist season has begun, with the end of the concert, on which the world's hits were played by young musicians from all over the country. here are the summer posters and the pastanova theater lyalek, a young star, a musical and a new dramatic one. i will present performances for young and old.
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speaking about our project, the summer musical and tourist season, it’s worth it should be noted that this year one of the venues has moved to rakovskaya street and there will be a theater courtyard where on weekends... a historical ensemble that conveys the spirit, let’s say, of those bygone centuries, and i just wanted to visit and also go to the church , look, we were on the review site, this is a library, we were really amazed by the scale and grandeur of the building, so...
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this is the final super final game of the seventh season of the intellectual show, i know this means that there will be people on the site eleventh graders, and one of them will leave with the title of super game winner. we will announce the name in the finale, now we will announce the names of all participants in the show. alexandra bogdanova, secondary school number 18 of the city of baranovichi and geography teacher irina anatolyevna snegerevich, artyom
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vlasenko, yelsk regional gymnasium, deputy director for educational work, natalya ivanovna klyuchinskaya. artyom efemovich, gomel irininskaya gymnasium and... class teacher, chemistry teacher, elena dmitrievna, arkhipovets, alexandra baraban, gesgalovskaya secondary school class teacher-english language teacher tatyana vladimirovna shikut. danilo rabbimov, secondary school number 210 in minsk , primary school teacher elena nikolaevna tumanova. andrey letvinovich, secondary school number 9 of the city of kobrino, class teacher, mathematics teacher svetlana.
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egor troshin, secondary school number 8 of the city of borisov, deputy director for educational work vladislav vladimirovich zhilnirovich. i just have one more person to introduce, this is our scientific expert ekaterina duko, head of the department of methodological support for mathematical and natural science education of the academy of education. in case of controversial situations, it is she who will decide whose side is right. hello guys, congratulations, you are in the super final, you are already winners, i wish you a bright game today. interesting questions, correct, quick answers , good luck to all participants. hello guys, we are glad
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to welcome you to our playground, at this very moment in the staff room, my colleague yulia pertsova is already communicating with your teachers. julia, you have the floor. yes, vasya, we are holding back our emotions a little, because today, i know, the super-graduates of the seventh season of our tv show are playing. and our advice from the teachers' lounge, guys, don't sway. jump into the game from the very first question. our dear participants, catch the support, our hearts. vasya, start the final game of the seventh season of our tv show. we are starting the first round. let's remember his rules. in the first round, players are asked 12 questions with possible answers - yes or no, of which only one is true. the choice must be made in 7 seconds. each correct answer earns the participant one point. eight. players with the most points advance to the second round. the first question of the first
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round: is it true that the equation sin x = 7 has no roots. time! andrey, the value of the sine varies from minus one to one, seven is not included in this range, which means the equation has no roots, and the correct answer is yes. that’s great, they broke in, they broke in, since seven does not fall into this range, there is no solution, there are no roots, the correct answer to our question is yes, the second question, it’s true that ivan melizh ’s poleska chronicle cycle would not be finished, time, danila, let’s talk to you, but there’s nothing to talk about with me, i... i don’t know, well did you press at least some button, pressed the yes button, the yes button, so, who wasn’t
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guided by intuition, who can tell us, daria, please, i answered yes, but now i came up with a little, but it seems to me, that political chronicles are three parts of the famous ivanazh, and well, the first of them is included in the school curriculum, here we are read, people in the swamp, people in the swamp, so, yes, there are still two other parts, well, also about the main character labanovich, but oh no, this is ganna and vasil, yes, and there are two more parts, there is a continuation, but according to - i think they are finished, don’t remember these works, yes, no, the other two are artyom, the other is a mother’s death for hospitals, this snowstorm, and perhaps, as i remember, ivan melich wants to write a pentalogy, he only writes a trilogy, clever girl, well done, based on the fact that... he really liked to write some sketches, some like that short moments, he did not follow
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the chronology, that is, he wrote in discord the way he wanted, it follows from them that there should have been five works, at the moment there are three, and the correct answer to our question is the third question: is it true that prenuclear organisms are otherwise called eukaryotes? time. sofia, let’s talk, i’m very ashamed, because i came with a biology teacher, but will you leave with him, but this is a question, a good question, i don’t remember which organisms are nuclear and which are nuclear, i i pressed no, because it seemed to me that prokaryotes are still an organism that has a nucleus, so wait, eukaryotes, eukaryotes don’t have, they don’t have, but prokaryotes, it seems, yes, they have, so, well, it was kind of difficult here... . i answered no, yeah, because after all,
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prokaryotes are prenuclear, they don’t have a nucleus, yeah, but eukaryotes, they have a nucleus. well, the structural and functional unit of living organisms is the cell, but it will not be a secret. the cells of protists, fungi, plants, animals have a nucleus, these are nuclear organisms or eokaryotes. but bacterial cells lack a nucleus. such organisms are called. nuclear or prokaryotes? the correct answer to our question is option: no. fourth question: is it true that heat capacity is measured in joules divided per kilogram. time? danilo, judging by your reaction, something went wrong. i'm confused about the concepts of heat capacity and specific heat. and how did they respond? answered, no. so, look, this is very important to understand now. you are confused in concepts, that is, you are extremely unsure of
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your answer and at the same time answered no. yes. that's it, let's stop there. alexandra, how are you? i answered yes, management. because, well , heat is measured in joules, heat capacity is how much heat something can include in 1 kg, yeah, that is, just joules per kilogram, but in my opinion it went a little into another, so well, your logic is clear, we’ll find out very soon whether it’s close or far from the truth, sasha, what do you think, well, i answered , also an option, yes, also an option, yes, yes, well, let’s figure it out, if we take...
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egor, how are you do you think? option yes, greenland the largest, self-administered territory, it is governed by the danish kingdom and it is the largest in area, the largest in terms of population of rick. well, friends, if you believe the geography textbook for the tenth grade, it is... page 15, and not to trust this textbook, i personally have no reason, the correct answer to our question is: yes, the sixth question, it’s true that it’s a substitute neshta, admovny, time, sophia, it seems that yes,
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otmouny, otmouny, that is, as if he were denying something, maybe there is such a thought that geta neadmoўny, just like pa-belarusian i don’t remember, but pa-ruska geta there is no one, no one, these are vague ones, as if it doesn’t deny anything, yes, that is, it doesn’t tell us no, doesn’t remove something , but leaves this short pause: sasha, what do you think? well, i think that no, that these are definitely not administrators, but i can’t say for sure the category.
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alexandra answered, yes, i remember from the chemistry course that h2co3 passes through carbonic acid exactly when it passes through inorganic chemistry. composed of organic substances most often include carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen, less often halogens, but some carbon compounds belong to inorganic substances, this is carbon dioxide,
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for example, well, our carbonic acid present in the question. the correct answer to our question is yes. eighth question: is one petabyte more than 1 terabyte? time, tanilo, i answered yes, because petobyte is 10 to the twelfth power of the prefix peta, and terra is 10 to the ninth power, it turns out that peta is simply larger, but what if we... i won’t confuse everything further, because everything there will be 1024, well, by and large, and we ’ll just change the name, they say that a record in
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our program takes 1.1 terabytes, the correct answer to our question, option, yes, one petabyte includes 1024 tb, ninth question, pay attention to the screen , tell me, is it true that this is a painting by pieter bruegel, the elder, hunters in the snow, time. alexandra, how did you answer? well, i answered, no, i remember this picture, but i don’t remember exactly who i painted, there’s also something like bruegel is not the elder, but bruegel is middle, maybe younger, maybe or just junior, maybe this is his painting, because, well, i’m not sure that this is exactly the elder, well, as for me with the elder, here we go. so they discarded all of bruegel the elder; this is a painting of hunters in the snow? well, to me it doesn’t look very much like hunters, as if it was just some kind of city, the townspeople went out to skate on the ice.
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takya, what do you think? i also answered: no, i agree with alexandra, this is not very similar to hunters, yes, i think these people are having fun, about peter bruegel the elder, i know that usually in his paintings the people are small, well , compared to the whole picture, so this may well be the case. senior, but a different picture, how to identify the picture, that is, if everyone looks like homeless people, then it’s rembrandt, if everything is small, well, on the internet you can find a very funny video, i think many have seen it, we just recently watched it with her this video, so the northern revival, we watched it right away and remembered all these bruegels, and maybe that pieter bruegel the younger then all the people are big, i don’t expand so much in paintings, probably, so let me help then, look, the picture that we see on the screen. this is a painting by pieter bruegel the younger, it’s called a winter landscape with a village, a skating rink and a bird trap, 1602, if anything, the picture of hunters in the snow
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looks like this, here they are hunters, here are their living creatures, although they look more like devils, of course, although i understand that these are goats, well , what is happening at the foot is very similar to the picture that we saw. before this, the correct answer to our question, is no option. tenth question: is it true that the literary association lev stood for the left front of the arts. time. artyom, what do you say? honestly, i have never heard such an abbreviation, but if we assume that this association has been formed. well, somewhere in soviet russia or the ussr, then it is quite possible that it was called that, as the left front of the arts, as an association of some soviet artists or writers, well, something
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like that, but what if it is still a union writers, then what kind of writers could go there enter, writers in your opinion, any, from the soviet period, some maykovsky, or perhaps even our belarusian writers, some from moyako. artyom, what do you say? well, i want to say that the lion, in my opinion, was created, well, or vladimir yakovsky took the main part in it. yes, i still remember, at first i entered pasternak. so, ah, well, in my opinion, yes, it stands for the left front of the arts. and in what year? in which? oh, after the october revolution, something like that. well, this is the beginning of the 20th century, yes, of course. and this is 1920.
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sofia, how can we cough with the emphasis on cough, cough, on the first syllable after all, as we do, so we say, in fact, in essence, we coughed, and what ’s wrong with this spelling, there’s an emphasis, cough, cough, you don’t say that, you don’t like it, or do you remember that you can’t do that, cough correctly, cough, is there anyone with an alternative opinion who would n’t mind? cough there are no such people and they did it correctly cough only in this way the emphasis is on the first syllable the correct answer to our question is no. twelfth final
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first round question. is it true that wages calculated on the basis of the quantity of products produced of a specified quality are called piecework wages? time! sasha, i personally cannot give a precise answer to this question. well, let’s put knowledge aside, it seems to me that you can get to this question simply by logic, guided by pure logic, yeah. it seemed to me that piecework wages are probably wages for a transaction, a deal is usually concluded in the same format, you do this much , this, this, we pay you this much for this, so i answered: yes, well done, i’m very pleased with you, i love you, i can’t, but you can make a deal, look, for example, you sit at this workplace for 8 hours, you do this 22 days a month, then you get paid , will this be a deal or not,
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it seems to me that this will be an agreement, then let’s make everything as clear as possible, two types: time-based product, what we have in question, when you have agreed to produce a certain number of products of an established quality - this is deal, alexander, you are absolutely correct deciphered, this is what i listed, you come there, sit down, sit on this stool for 8 hours, you have an hour for lunch, and at the same time, of course, perform some function at the end of the month. you receive your salary, it’s time-based, the correct answer to our question is yes, well, now, as they say, we have something to compare, this is not your first time with us, and this was also the first round, but is it any different? from the first round of the qualifying game, daria, what do you think, yes, it’s different, mine was more difficult play, than, why, they were just a little more difficult themselves, perhaps, the range of such
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subjects is wider, in other words, we will meet you in... this does not happen often, you will notice how many players fall into the orange zone, into the controversial orange zone, and in order to resolve this dispute, we need to turn to the computer in order to establish which of these players gave their questions faster, i keep my fingers crossed for you and pay attention to the screen. alexander, alexandra, artyom and sophia passed through, unfortunately,
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can you imagine what... who may not be lucky with knowledge, but with speed, and yet these four players leave our site. thank you, good bye. last time i took third place, this time there was a little more excitement, because there was more responsibility, of course, and it seems to me that this had a greater influence on the outcome of today's game, this round seemed a little more difficult to me than in that game, in which i took part initially, but overall the emotions are positive, it’s an experience, and i’m not upset, i’m a little upset, as in last game, my main goal was to play longer, i especially wanted to play until the third round, where the questions were so logical,
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bright... remembered, i was just a little unlucky with the topics, anyway, thanks to everyone who came with me, thanks to everyone who supported i was sick, who supported me, here i have the best, of course it’s a little offensive, i could have taken some questions, but my intuition let me down a little, and some i just made a mistake somewhere, i misread the question somewhere, in principle i didn’t imagine that i'll go to superfano, but i'm here and i'm very happy in this there were questions in the game. simple, i answered nine of them, but everyone also did very well, may the best one win, be good!
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i don’t want to run and scurry like the rain, the rain, the bright sun, and how our life is built up from these fragments. i want to look at this world for everyone and my skin day to reveal something new for myself, this is so important to us, because we work on this with anyone, with anyone and belarus.
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we are starting the second round, let's remember its rules. in the second round, players are given 10 questions with three possible answers, of which only one is correct. the choice must be made in 10 seconds. each correct answer earns the participant two points. the four players with the most points advance to the third round. first question of the second round. determine how many fifth roots there are from the number 48. option a. zero.
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i don’t know, to be honest, what i was guided by, well, just two to the fifth power is 32, three there would already be a strong overkill, well, in general, i guess, plus or minus , by eye, yeah, someone i was guided by, well, i don’t know, maybe some kind of rule, and egor, i don’t know how much of a rule, but to factor the number into prime factors, i first divided 48 by 2 and so on , one by one, up to two, it turned out that there were four twos, one. three and if there was a root of the fourth degree, then it would be extracted as 2√3, yeah, the fourth degree of 2√4 degrees out of three, well, then i’ll give you another way, just in case you like it, since there is only one root odd
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power of a real number, then there is only one fifth root from the number 48, the correct answer to our question, option b: one root. second question: indicate a novel that does not belong to dostoevsky’s peru: a) humiliated and insulted, b) sunday, c- the karamazov brothers. time! danila, how did you act? literature is passing me by. in general, in general. dostevsky belongs only to crime and punishment. this is where my knowledge ends. brothers karamazov, for example, i understand you, i don’t ask anymore, artyom, can we find something in common with you? well, brothers karamazov, i know, i suspect that perhaps sunday also belongs to dostoevsky, dostoevsky, so, but
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it turns out that the lower one is insulted, superfluous. i realized that someone can definitely answer this question for me, alexandra, more boldly, but i answered option b, sunday, because i remember from the program that the karamazov brothers belong to dostoevsky, and the humiliated and insulted are one of my favorites. books and i know that it was dostoevsky who wrote it, so good, and sunday, who wrote it then? no idea, leo tolstoy, it turns out that option b is the correct answer to our question. sunday is leo. third question: from the late palealitic flocks in the territory of belarus, we know the waters of berdysh, and when will the region be adnositstsa? a chachersky district, b. chervensky district, tse. chashnitsky district. time!
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gomel region, if i’m not thinking about it, what kind of heaven is there? so, it means chervensk, gomel. i say cherenski. i can’t say anything further. so good. aliaksandra, how are you? i ordered the administration of the chashnitsky district, so this is the viciebsk region, and this report is not there. at the end of the day after all the torture, i know, as already in kagosti from the uzelnik, the thought of the cherensky districts flashed through my mind. ale ў that same moment... i thought that the chervensky district is the minsk region, and the buildings,
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the camps were not there, but i grew up with all this voice from my galava, said chervensky, b. wow, well, let's sort it out, chachersky district, gomel region, chervensky, minsk region, chashniksky - this is the vitebsk region. gomel region, well, since they were found in the gomel region, geta chachersky district, the correct answer to our question. option a chachersky district. fourth question: the name of which term comes from the latin word meaning people, population. option a - species, option b - area, option c - population. time. egor, what do you think, how did they answer? i answered option c - population. maybe. was guided this way, the area is
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the area, that is, it is definitely not the people of the population, closer to the population, the species is not a quantitative indicator, it is more qualitative, so i answered population, since it relates more to the population, then there is a quantitative, a species is literally what is visible, a range is an area, egor, well, you are 99% correct, you said everything correctly, only the area is an area of ​​distribution on the earth’s surface of some kind. one-piece? a pinned, b - riveted, c - which type of connection of parts is classified as screw. time! who is good at drawing,
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except for four little dirty little devils they drew in black ink, drawing, alexandra, you don’t remember much about drawing, like tenth grade, everything has already been forgotten, when it was, well, really, well, i would answer, riveted, yes, well done, well done, sophia, a lot of water has also flowed under the bridge since then, yes, i know, the outline is no greater than yours, answered riveted. well look, let's just take a break from drawing and just think logically screw means a screw, that is, something is screwed into something, pin, but again there is a certain connector, there is a pin, well, that is, this is a more or less collapsible design , what is riveted can be taken apart without damaging the structure, well, at least you will damage the rivet, you will damage the hole, in in my case, also the hands and those around me... therefore, the correct answer to our question is option b.
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riveted. this is a non-demountable design. sixth question: which scientist was able to experimentally prove that brownian motion in liquids is caused by the movement of molecules, which confirmed their existence? a) gian perrin, b. robert brown, c-niels bohr. time. danilo, i answered the option with nilsbor, and look, i immediately dismissed brown because...
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he’s more popular, as it were, in circles of, let’s say, nuclear physics, well done, well done, so i answered aperen, then let’s do this, a small, very easy excursion into history, well , physics in our case, the first quantitative theory of bronze motion was proposed by albert einstein, proposed, now the experimental confirmation of the theory was the merit of the french physicist jean perrin, the correct answer to our question option a.
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sales, he offers something, by the way, now there is a very erroneous misconception that in our country those who are engaged in sales are called managers, this is more like a marketer, and a manager is still a leader in some kind of commercial field, that is, a person who is engaged in telling you where to go, how to do it, controls all these
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processes, that is, older, to put it simply, the correct answer to our question is option a, manager. eighth question, attention: screen: indicate the substance whose formula is presented: a - methane, b - propane, c - ethane. time. sasha, what do you think? ethane ch4, ethane, c2h6. a comprehensive answer, the correct answer to our question is option b. propane. ninth question. which river does part of the border run along? between laos and thailand: a ganges, b. kaveri, ts-mikong. time. sophia. i
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have no idea, i remember that the ganges always remained with the indus, it is definitely not there. well, where does the ganga flow? in india you are doing great, very good, how did you respond? and option b, option b, kaveri, andrey, how did you answer? i discarded ganga because it is in india, and i discarded kairi because it looks more like some kind of american name than natal, for example, that's why mikong answered. mikong, the correct answer to our question, option c: mikong. the ganges flows through india and bangladesh. kaveri is one of the largest rivers in india, just like the ganges is considered sacred. tenth final question: what type of software do file managers belong to: a - system, b - applied, c - instrumental time. egor,
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was guided by the following: file managers, we do something through them. we do it, it acts for us as a tool, therefore instrumental. interesting logic, artyom, what guided you, well, i proceeded more from the concept of managers, like, again, managers manage something, perhaps this is some kind of system, therefore systemic. alexandra, what about you? i was surprised that system software is what allows the computer to directly work and exist, well , not by itself, probably, but in the format in which. we can use it, let ’s just say, alexandra, terrible things will begin when the computer can control itself and do things, yeah, instrumental is the one that is used to create other programs, and applied is the one that is presented directly. for use and based on this, i gave the answer b applied, since through the file manager we directly work with files, what is the correct line
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of thinking and what little stumble did you have at the very last moment, look, the system software allows the user to exercise guidance and control over operation of a computer and a computer network, and also provides the ability to execute other programs, which is exactly what file managers say: as far as i have, i have six correct instructions, then i have 22 points, and honestly, i find this funny, because recently
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the first round was a similar situation, 10 for the first round, 22 for the other, however, because the most powerful people gathered here, i don’t know what i’m wondering about, see the prices and prices of the tour , look, we're going to stop this fortune-telling about cafe gourds and look at the screen, alexandra bogdanova is definitely passing. again we have a controversial situation, again there are players who scored the same number of points, we again must turn to the computer and ask it to clarify our dispute. alexandra baraban passes, here she is, the four players with whom we will meet in the third round of the intellectual show, i know, at the bottom of the list, the four players with whom we will say goodbye here now. thank you guys for the game, all the best. after the second round there is
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a slight feeling of dozha vu. 4 years ago, i was also eliminated in the second round due to a controversial situation, because i always answer slowly. i set the bar for myself, of course, much higher, i wanted to win like any participant, but how did it happen? to me in general i liked the game, but i think that... the previous one still had easier questions, for some reason i knew in advance that this game would not be successful, as the past one was, i would like to say thanks to all the teachers who gave me these publications , it was thanks to them that i got to this game in the super final, overall i’m happy with the result, in any case , it turned out to me that getting here to this program is already a success, of course, to be honest, i ’m such a little selfish, i was hoping for a little more, but we have to. faster, there is no limit to perfection, there is room to strive, there is gaps, they need to be closed, i suggest you take a musical break, stage finalist of the show
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x-factor belarus, victoria poplevchenkova, my sea broke your pier. and finished off the ships of my hopes, i will forget everything that you ran around, but doubts raise the sword, it was the case, you closed the chestnuts of childhood, i’m happy for you, the truth is that i don’t have my whole heart, somehow it was cold between us that we couldn’t separate. you burned bridges, but this definitely won’t keep you warm, right into the heart with needles of words, trigay, trigay, trigay,
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trigerit, you will dissolve quietly forever, don’t call me again without hammering, right into the heart and words, trigs, trigs, trigs, tricks, you will dissolve quietly forever, don’t call me again without asking, your ex is with you, end, i’ll literally read everything between the lines, you don’t know how to leave until the end, you remember, i ’ll teach you, frankly , you can’t brag about who you’ve become, i’m happy for you, the truth is not from the bottom of my heart, the theme is body to body, but... no, the attraction of the place, somehow i grew wiser in your arms, tightly, right in the heart with needles of words,
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trigs, trigs, three ! stuck words, trige, triger, triger, triger, dissolve quietly forever, don’t call me no more, without hammering, right into the heart, a needle mislono, trige, trige, trige, trigeri you will evaporate quietly, forever, don’t call me anymore, right into the heart and eyes words, trig, trig, trig, trigirit, you will dissolve quietly,
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forever, don’t call i don't need to bother anymore. cuisine, this is not only potato pancakes, very unexpectedly, in fact, in essence, the dish is very similar to carbonara, but here there are potatoes, we are in the 13th century, it is associated with the name of prince vyshalka, there is information about his delights of culinary masterpieces, and we opened one of them, this dish, meat under a puff
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in a monastic way, we learn more about the historical past. so, meet marta, the wife of mindaugas, during whose time in the novogrod castle guests were treated to noble contagions, let’s show what they eat in different parts of our country, my brain can’t cope with this very well, because on the one hand i see a viennese waffle, it’s projected that something sweet, something so tender, on the other hand, it’s a potato pancake, a belarusian potato pancake, see the food project. i congratulate you on reaching the third round of the super final of our show and before we
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let's continue asking questions before you... played, forgot everything, and then went about our business, you know, if we remember the previous game, then we came here to have a good time, relax, look at others, show ourselves, that's it well, it was a kind of adventure, he was very relaxed, this relaxation and lack of concentration led to the fact that he took fourth place, but this is a pretty
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good result, i think, in what mood did you return home after that? that qualifying game? great, no, no, i came to enjoy, to get high, i have no panic, no anxiety, i’m enjoying the game, i’m not preparing, never at all, no, of course, for school, no, of course, if you know what you know, yeah, and the way the teachers look at it, well, a gold medal, that’s how it looks, it seems to me that yegor is being a little disingenuous here, because he didn’t prepare, that’s a very loud word, guy, we have enough... inquisitive and his scope of vision is very wide, so i heard somewhere, somewhere i spied it, saw something somewhere in class, then finished reading it myself, revised it, confirmed my knowledge and deepened it, so, well, i’m not lying here, but somewhere a little, well, perhaps, it attracts attention to itself in this way, but he really doesn’t do his homework, not all of them, my colleagues swear at him very much for this, but i have to defend him
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from time to time, and there were some questions in general, well... i understand that you are very positive , but the question is, which you remember from the qualifying game, about the lactic acid image, i came and told my teacher, how did the qualifying game end for you? well, i made it to the finals, yeah, the fourth round, but ended up
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second. what went wrong and where is the root of evil, is it in the fourth round or much earlier? for three rounds i didn’t worry at all and it helped me a lot, but in the fourth round i forgot everything like that. moment and give the correct version, give is present, but she knows how to put together the required correct answer, she has experience in this regard, she is the captain of our school team, that somewhere, when, yeah, last year these guys won the republican tournament, right away started preparing or something like this... egor: no, well, i really like egor’s tactics, it’s not that i prepared intensively, but i didn’t sit idly by, that is, i read some things, yeah, but i read some things too -
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what's this? in general, i tried a little bit on each subject, well, some subjects are more, some are less, this of course came out to me during the game, but since i’m standing here, it means it’s not in vain, was she preparing for the super final? what is the plan for today? what is the plan? well, i really don’t have a plan either, but of course i want more, but if it happens that i i won’t make it to the fourth round, i won’t be the least bit upset because... that i have already made it to the third round, and this is like my favorite round, it’s the most interesting, so i don’t worry about it either, we somehow worked on the speed, after all, the third round, we need to do it faster, well, i
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realized during the first second round , that everything is fine with my speed, because i’ve already been in this orange zone twice and twice i’ve already gone further, they talked about plans for this game for the super final, these are the minimum plans, the maximum plans, i think that she has a maximum plan. there is a win, it's it would be strange if she didn’t have a maximum plan, because i think since she made it to the third round, she already has passion, i think she’s thinking about winning, we wish alexandra good luck, thank you very much, i think it will work out we have everything, of course, and now let's talk to andrey, andrey, what was the result of the qualifying game for you, i took second place, lost to alexander, who unfortunately was eliminated in the first round, i was very upset because i was very strong rival and... i would, of course, like to continue with him somehow compete, but such is fate, you have some kind of disorder bordering on joy, no, andrey, i don’t, honestly, he was in the sixth grade when he participated, he had the same situation, his gap was
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two points, yes, now he again has a gap of two points, after the shooting they left your studio, he says, again a shell hit the same crater, again i’m in second place, again two points behind, i say, andrey, it only hit once in here. he won’t get there the second time, i say, so don’t worry, everything will be fine, and he was afraid exactly when in the super final of the first stage, because when he participated in the sixth grade, he was eliminated at the first stage, the minimum plan was fulfilled, it turns out, well, yes, the minimum plan was fulfilled, but he is a person who strives to the highest peaks, he should be the first in everything, with what mood did you leave that qualifying game, with a positive upset because of that question in the finals that you didn’t take,
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get ready, the aura of frivolity didn’t hurt you, that’s okay, i just kidding, what did you cook? what they paid special attention to, paid attention to all subjects, and even some questions about this.
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the last editions of the last season, for the sake of this process, and the finale, i was surrounded by the first 30 episodes of one of the finals of the sixth season, she is very, very independent, satisfied, one of the most significant graduates of our school for many years, she olympiad athlete, international athlete, international athlete, i ’ve been working with her for 5 years, during which time we’ve gone through, well , there are 20 olympiads here, maybe the most levels, i have perfectionism. is off the charts, she should always be better, but she looks at life with contempt, and accepts failures, maybe some, and knows how to overcome them, i’m generally proud that she was in my life, and i’ve been talking to her for so long , let's end our communication on such a positive note, wish the guys good luck before the third round, and keep our fingers crossed for them, yes, vasya, start, finally our third round, it's time to get back into the game, let's start the third round.
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let's remember his rules. in the third round the presenter asks 10 questions. the participant with the fastest reaction gets the right to answer. a correct answer earns him three points. in case of an error, the right to answer passes to other participants. the two players with the most points advance to the fourth round. first question of the third round: in the slavic number system, in order to distinguish letters from numbers, a special sign was written above letters with a numerical value. what was it called, andrey, it looks like a tilde sign, repeat your answer, tilde, tilde, alas, sasha, it’s your move, but i don’t have any versions, but egor, no version, no version, alexandra, no, no version, the correct answer to our question, title, title, andrey, it was not in vain that i asked you to voice the question again, i.
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voltage, let's say, voltage, right, what, just voltage, magnetic field voltage, not magnetic, magnetic field voltage, no, not it, alexandra, no versions, no versions, egor, electric field voltage, electrostatic field strength, alas, i i can't accept your answer as correct, it would be disrespectful.
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the answer to our question. bravo, sasha. fourth question. what type of age structure of the population is characterized by the following features? egor.
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tasha hurried, the crane. no, alas, this is not a crane. alexandra, well, i saw the word rejoicing, let there be a splash. it's not him. egor. aist, please clarify. black stork? no. andrey. common stork or white stork? what is ordinary? stork, common. i think this is the name of the bird. and what color is it? white and black. well, more white, more white, this is a white stork, this is the correct answer to our question. the sixth question, and this one the question will be asked by oksana tsybulka, co-author of a textbook on geometry for the eleventh grade. attention to the screen.
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good afternoon, dear game participants. so, the question is: the surface of a soccer ball is sewn from regular black pentagons and connecting them correctly. white hexagons, it is known that there are 12 black pentagons. determine the number of white hexagons on the surface of the ball if their number is equal to the denomination of the banknote of the republic of belarus on the front side of which image of the rumyantsev and paskevich palace, located in the city of gomel. andrey, 20, yes, 20 rubles. well done, a lot, well, he’s a mathematician 20 - what are 20 white hexagons, in my opinion, 20 white hexagons, thank you for your answer, yes, that’s right, it’s great that you figured out these intricacies, and bills, footballs and
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balls. the seventh question is a question from the chest, this kitchen gadget with the inscriptions soft, medidium and hard, is placed in the pan along with the product. that once again the first word is cooker for cooking eggs such a device is placed on it on it you can keep track of how well the egg is cooked, yeah, very good, let's check if dasha is there , well done, yes, the same as the egg, yes. here it is, just look, it’s also shaped like eggs, i was confused by the word cooker, well, i understand what it’s from, what it’s about, but i’m still more accustomed to hearing the word timer, well, it’s somehow clearer, otherwise your answer is absolutely
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correct. eighth question: at the end of the play the cherry orchard, after firs’ words two sounds are heard, the first fading sound is the bursting of the strings, andrey. the second sound is the sound of a garden being cut down, that is, an ax hitting a tree, not i know about you, thank you for this clarification, without this clarification the question would have looked almost complete, here is the sound of an ax and a tree, this is a brilliant answer, bravo, not only mathematics, as you said, yes, but yes, but andrey said, that he came here to win, the ninth question, in the collection of the national art museum of belarus there is a portrait painting. written in 1923. years later , this girl will become a famous actress, play dozens of roles in theater and cinema, name the artist and his daughter. andrey, last name is shagal. so, and daughter, well, just
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for interesting things, no way at all. no, it wasn't a walker. sasha, let’s say, is sirov, no, not sirov. egor, you have a version, there are no options, there are no options, alexandra, no, there are no options, we are asking the same question to the teachers’ room, maybe there are art historians there who can help us, irina anatolyevna, but there are no art historians, i’m just i know that there is such an actress, there was such an actress, stefania staniuta, it seems that her father was an artist, but i honestly don’t remember his name, but stefania staniuta, a great actress, such i was in belarus, in the picture there is a portrait of my daughter. artist mikhail stanyuta depicted his daughter stefania stanyuta, a famous actress. the question required only the last name, so i would accept the answer option: stanyuta. tenth of. the final question of the third round and it will be asked by tatyana shimanovich, co-author of a textbook on
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the russian language for the eleventh grade. attention! hello, dear eleventh graders! in writing, as you know, we use three types of quotation marks. use of one of the types in russian a russian academician introduced quotation marks to indicate the literal meaning of a borrowed word. centuries with georgian and scottish roots. attention, question. name the scientist linguist who introduced a separate type of quotation marks to indicate the literal meaning of a borrowed word. on the screen you can see exactly this type of quotation marks, but we are interested in the surname. alexandra, i’ll start with you, you have a version. no, no version. sasha, no versions. andrey, i can’t guess.
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the author of this question has the correct answer. attention to the screen. academician nikolai yakovlevich marm introduced single quotation marks to indicate the literal meaning of a borrowed word. two commas mirroring each other, raised to the top line of the text. and it will be sasha, sasha, sasha, sasha,
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alexandra, sasha and andrey, we will meet with you in the fourth round of the supergame of the intellectual show, i know, egor, alexandra, it was just a little bit short, and yet this is a brilliant result, thanks for the game, all the best. guys, i congratulate you, alexandra, let's start with you, tell us what happened in the third tour, because we didn’t hear you, completely disappeared, didn’t have time to press the buttons, didn’t have enough knowledge, or, oh, just let it go by itself? well, in fact, it’s all in totality, some questions i simply didn’t have time to answer, some, of course, i didn’t have enough knowledge, yeah, that’s it, but i’m happy. tatyana vladimirovna, your emotions, i believe that sasha has quite deep knowledge, maybe some questions are not the same.
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it was truly a super final, a super game with worthy questions, with players, competitors, the questions were logical, in many ways and were in many ways narrowly focused and yes, this is a super finale on its merits. vladislav vladimirovich, what is your impression of the super game? oh, i ’m really impressed, because i repeat, we didn’t plan to go that far, but this is a natural process, i would say, yes, if a person is talented, he is... talented in everything and today we are sitting here with egor, surrounded by such wonderful guys, this is confirmed;
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i am certainly pleased with the fact that my student, my pupil, my in a good way, comrade for so many years, he is one of the best eleventh-graders in our country in 2024, this today’s result is the result of a very long, fruitful work, which turned into such a wonderful success, congratulations guys. in the fourth round, participants are asked to answer 10 questions from different categories: the leader by the number of points is the first to choose the topic of the question and, if the answer is correct , receives four points; if the answer is not...
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perhaps you have 34 points, you choose your category, let's russian literature, name the hero bulgakov, who was embodied on the screen in various film adaptations, evgeny vesnik, vasily livanov and leonid yarmolnik, professor preobrazhensky, no, alexander, there is an opportunity to earn walla, unfortunately. i don’t remember the name of the hero, i have two versions, either this is the doctor to whom one of the heroes came running, confident that he had cancer or a liver tumor, or this is the doctor to whom the mentally ill were sent, alas, i don’t i can accept speculation, you need to decide, give one
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version, this is a doctor who dealt with mental health health, but i don’t remember his last name, alas, i can’t. accept this answer as correct, we ask this question to the teachers’ room, maybe the name of this hero, this character will be named to us there, but our teachers are confused, we think that this is the master and margarita, but we just don’t remember, we don’t remember this doctor, unfortunately, well, alexandra, now the choice is yours, of course, geography, which state? highlighted on the map is the state of malaysia, malaysia, the answer is absolutely correct, yes, you have four points, andrey, let’s continue, russian language, pay attention to the screen and tell me in what cases the letter and is written at the place of the pass, privilege and diligent, this is
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the correct answer, alexandra, although it returns to you, the capital. which modern capital in the past was called batavia? let's say berlin, no, andrey, let it be batumi, no, the correct answer is jakarta. jakarta is the capital of indonesia, in the past one of the largest colonial cities that belonged to the netherlands. andrey, we continue with you.
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not with the nineties, with the 90s, absolutely the correct answer, yes larisa nikolaevna andrey will be the top of proud women, you even took the question from the belarusian language, well done, alexandra, biology, what are the names of the tissues in some types of gegraphite plants that store air,
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aerochema, aerochema? i think it would be fair to do the following: do not make this decision alone; scientific expert ekaterina duko is present in our room. ekaterina, you have the floor. alexandra, please repeat your answer. rarohima, we cannot accept this answer. thank you, ekaterina, this is the truth, and the stakes are too high. andrey, i think this is aerarchym. and eirenchyma, yes, eirenchyma is the correct answer. alexandra, yes, just one letter. yes, i understand you. andrey, two points go to you. andrey, is it your move? let's computer science. as it is called, high-speed computer memory, which allows you to increase the speed
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of operations and serves as a buffer between ram and the microprocessor. constant. memory, no, alexandra, temporary memory, alas, no, it’s either cache memory or just cache, i think you've probably heard, clear the cache , just this very memory. which periodically becomes clogged, filled, and which needs to be cleaned. alexandra, you have the last opportunity to earn your points. and great options for earning them. let's say physics. fill in the blanks: the amount of heat can spontaneously transfer only from passing heated bodies to passing heated ones. quantity of heat. can spontaneously move only from more heated bodies to less heated ones, from more to less heated ones, this is absolutely the correct answer is yes alexandra, you earn four points, on this the questions
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of the fourth round of the super final, i know, have come to an end, all 10 categories have been sorted out, all that remains for us to do is find out the final results, only one will win, attention to the screen, andrey , andrey, andrey wins today’s game with a score of 48:40. alexandra, there weren’t enough, well, literally two correct answers, there would have been a draw, and there would have been additional questions, but not now. thank you very much for playing all the best.
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of course, i tried to act like a muggle, however, the whole lid is not good, well, some kind of low self-esteem of iryna anatolyevna and alexandra ours?
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geography, reach such heights, well done, sasha, i’m proud, i can’t.
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and glorify our country abroad, and here show yourself in all its glory. thank you very much, i congratulate you on your second place,
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i’m going to the main site myself to congratulate the winner of the super final among eleventh graders. the super game is over, it's time. congratulations on the awards, the winner of our project and his teacher are thanked by the ministry education of the republic of belarus. this wonderful bouquet is for you, please accept it, thank you. the intellectual marathon among eleventh graders is over, the name of the winner of the super final is known, this spectacular battle puts an end to the series of super finals of the seventh season of the show, i know, thank you for being with us, see you next season, bye.
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information is a weapon, propaganda is a weapon, they made a fuss about our exercises to create an information fund around the deployment of german troops, they go like occupiers to lithuania, this will be the most combat-ready formation of the bundeswehr, right next to our borders, they accuse us of carrying out some kind of escalation here, listen, we don’t need a pro-russian one.
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let me emphasize once again, they are going against the interests of their citizens, against the interests of their national ones. today we are saving europe from a big war with our competent, independent policies. the project is objective, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus24 tv channel. getting to know belarusian enterprises and the outstanding results of their work. we today we are already installing elevators with cabin speed. up to 2.5 m/s. and this makes it possible to install elevators in buildings up to 45 floors. in belarus, this is generally a unique enterprise, the only one that is engaged in the production, development of integrated circuits and semiconductor devices, and microelectronics in general. an approach to business that everyone should strive for. we constantly monitor messages. information is processed if necessary.
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watch the quality mark project on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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the news is on air now, tatyana nikrasova is with you. hello. the control and supervisory activities of belarus will be improved, the emphasis will be on reducing unnecessary inspections and monitoring, on measures to improve the performance of enterprises, rather than on searches.
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