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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 21, 2024 6:15pm-6:35pm MSK

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the summer musical and tourist season will take place on the 16th of sunday, concert programs will take place on weekends from the evening and on the 10th of the evening, the marathon of performances by the presidential orchestra of belarus will end. that's all, mostly on our site afternoon evening. opponent analysis. over mistakes and choosing the right strategy for the match: athletes have to work a lot with their heads to become a champion, and they don’t know exactly what success is on sports grounds, but still how can one become a champion? emotions subside, it’s already coming some kind of awareness that they had actually achieved such a significant goal both for the club and for the fans, but what would the result be in a real battle of intellect, as the gymnastic apparatus is called, where...
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actually, he always considered himself, he always considered himself the only one, this is jose mourrinho, this is the correct answer. absolutely right, portuguese specialist. watch the intellectual and sports show "head game" on our tv channel.
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she ran so hard in the hope of finding freedom that in the end she did not notice how she found herself under by the power of the kyiv regime. agree, this would be a good plot for writing a book, at the end of which the main character finds out.
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that all this time she was leaking data to law enforcement officers, so most of what you will hear today is exclusive, this story will definitely have an ending, how happy, one can only guess, my name is daria rochko, hello, i have a little girl elena zharkevichi, that’s all true at first i was doing well, worked as deputy directors of a chain of confectionery shops, baked cakes, raised her son on... zaara was far from politics. in the twenties, like others like her, she fell for provocations and a year later she fled the country to square. there, a belarusian activist organized a shelter for the same refugees, stood up for her own people, for the truth, saying that belarus is occupied, come here, we will help. according to her, she escorted everyone who somehow got there through the forests and swamps illegally, without documents. zharkevich and a couple of her associates were even detained by the sbu. i contacted the cook’s office, but... it’s clear, there’s no time for
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no one did this at all, it certainly wasn’t the headquarters, lena ridkova lived with me, this is svetlana tikhonovskaya’s confidant, she wrote to the headquarters, she wrote to the headquarters more than once in front of me, and she, well, was simply ignored when sharkevich understands that the money is already running out, and there was no financial support, and there is no, he quickly changes his shoes, under the guise of white and fluffy volunteers asking the ukrainian authorities to help create a volunteer center, those. her office space is free, and she, in turn, according to her plan, collects all fugitive radicals from different countries and , mimicking the circumstances, lures them out of funds for various needs, for example, to help children for a good cause or invest this money in drones or illegal transportation of cars for the armed forces of ukraine, however, then no one will have to help, the less civilians, the less she earns. so, on may 10, twenty- third they announce. creation of the center
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, a meeting in kiev on yerevanskaya 30. the next day a conference is held, presenting it as an independent belarusian-ukrainian association to help military, thus nazi collaborators. the first direct focus of our activity is to help the fighters who are currently on the front line. another direction of our activity is the legal one, the preparation of these real road maps, the development of key issues, especially the belarusians, who are located on the territory of ukraine. the third direction of our activity is children. in words , they created a money laundering machine, there are no specific goals, as well as a clear plan for assistance, then together with the kolinovites they will bring flowers to the monument, organize a game or festival. by the way, here are the same shots of the office from yerevan 30. we go into the two-story building on the wall, pay attention, there are photographs of the so-called
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political prisoners, although no one cares about them anymore, there is no point in running around with their photographs, this will not fill your pocket with hryvnias. zharkevich understands this, that’s why he works. these numerous boxes with humanitarian aid, a couple of books to coloring books, organized a mission to kherson, they were there more than once, they brought warm clothes, medicines, food, hygiene products, only then suddenly it became no longer interesting, you see, kherson is not
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the only city in ukraine that is suffering, and it would be nice to get rid of mothers and children, they are too annoying, they put the mothers in a row along the bank of the dnieper, and let the barus. shot, these are people who are so comfortable because they don’t have to go to work, because volunteers came, brought them to eat, brought them to drink. for those who are not in the know: kherson is on the front line, information about shelling of civilians in the ssu is received daily. of course, when we are ahata it’s much easier to open your mouth from the edge, and even this , elena, is not your twenties, when you yourself caused a butch, and then escaped yourself, saying, the security forces are watching me, they’re better off than the ukrainian mercenaries. the latter would rather arrange an excursion along the same bank of the dnieper than just talk. it will be a pity for the minor son, who is unlikely to know what his hypocritical mother is doing now, raking in money from other people’s grief. if you choose between children, parents spend money on them, then for two grand
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bucks, it’s better to go buy a drone and give it to the army, you know, so that they protect these people. and this is the whole story against the backdrop of how real it is. real belarusians help, those who really care what happens on the other side. since the twenty-first year , children from donetsk, lugansk, and mariupol have come to us more than once for recovery. just recently , guys from the kherson region vacationed with us, thanks to the union state and the alexey talay foundation. and these are stills from my film. the guys told me how they had to sleep in the bathtub, have a spare backpack in the hallway with everything you need in case shelling starts. let's return to the topic: the strategy of the volunteer
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center was developed, apparently so poorly that there is not enough money again, activists ready to work for mercenaries too, slogans have not been motivating for a long time, the organization is not just a screen that... performs not only its function, but also greed zharkevich is simply off the charts. i have been asking your state for a year and a year to allow me to open this hub. and then, what should i do, ask them you have money, give me money, and that same love for belarusians, about which zharkevich speaks so much in interviews, as well as the volunteer spirit, quickly evaporated. well, it’s a classic of the genre, quite a typical scenario for fugitives. while the pocket is replenished. everything is fine, as soon as a hole appears, you need to sew it up, you just have to pull the threads, there is no one, you have to lie, and blatantly in your face, turn up the volume, now it will be very interesting, i trust the belarusians, a whole big country, i want to say what they want
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help ukraine, fight russian aggression, in fact, it all came down to the fact that the fugitive radicals stuck to the ukrainians themselves, because it is much easier to take their money, their car, their humanitarian aid. pretend that they are such good fellows who help with all their hearts, or almost, however, it doesn’t matter who is where, as long as the account on the card is a few zeros, a few. why do you need 5,000 rolls of toilet paper? now it’s not difficult to guess, especially after
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all the data made public. true belarusian, who for her political asylum behind the cordon, so quickly and cheaply sold out to the kiev regime, and is still trying to make money in all this, but things are getting interesting, initially the initiative to help our own people didn’t come out, i was even invited to a regiment conference, i don’t want to give them political power, i don’t think that kolinovsky’s regiment is those , who would... represent the interests of my country, there are disagreements with my colleagues, it’s like we’re all together, but we are separately, each doing something different, that’s what they call an oil painting, photo taken not so long ago on march 25 , zharkevich is here with volunteers free belarus foundation. our people were close to the heroine for about a year, we have all the lists of contacts, who participated where when, information about financial fraud and much, much more. the competent authorities will already take care of this. there is a saying: don’t
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bite the hand that feeds you, and also this: everything secret sooner or later becomes clear, but this is only part of the game in which they so shamefully lost themselves. i will tell you about the work of the kalinovsky regiment and the free belarus charitable foundation in the coming days. a in general, dear runaways, you need to be careful with who and what you say. please note, this is not the first time we have repeated, who knows what other organizations our people are in? 100 brave guys gathered in our studio, each of them. i have a question for an adult: please tell me, what did you dream of becoming when you grow up? i wanted to become
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a flour truck driver. they say that in the army the food is healthy, filling, but not always tasty. well, i probably won’t do any advertising, i’m just inviting you to a meal at our local military school. the heroes of the program will open up to the audience, the main task is to honestly answer all the original, and sometimes inconvenient ones. cadets have to train for a very long time to learn how to march so beautifully, to say a lot of time, well, i probably don’t need to say that it’s a lot of time, a certain amount of time, yes it... takes, can you teach me, chin higher, step - this is a preliminary command,
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correct, the body bends forward, look at the project 100 questions for adults on the belarus 24 tv channel. who helps and how to make our life better, what scientists are working on today, a group of small devices is being created, one device does. belarus and two devices are made by the russian federation, this grouping is designed to study near-earth space, weather forecasting, just a network of ground-based non-theoretical stations is not enough, because the weather, as we know, is formed at altitude, so we need high-altitude observation data. complex things in simple terms. today we are seeing a trend where the magnetic poles are shifting towards south, due to this such an effect as the northern lights. observed in belarus, as well as the most interesting facts: the history
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of belarusian synoptic meteorology began in the thirties of the last century, when our hydrometeorological institute was opened. watch the science project nearby on our tv channel. yae history, nature, culture. faith, people, shchodrast. adzin, you're crazy. and it doesn’t start much more, everything here is correct.
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i don’t know if i’m hungry or what, but i really want to go on this trip go, we will prove that belarusian cuisine is not only potato pancakes. unexpectedly, in fact, in essence the dish is very similar to carbonara, but here there are potatoes, we are in the 13th century, it is associated with the name of prince vyshalka, there is information about his delights of culinary masterpieces, and one of them we discovered is this meat dish under the monastery-style puff pastry,
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we will learn more about the historical past of belarusians. so, meet the wives, martha. for a long time, during which time in the novogrudok castle guests were treated to noble diseases. we will show you what they eat in different parts of our country. my brain can’t cope with this very well, because on the one hand i see a vienna waffle, something sweet, something so tender is projected, on the other hand, it’s a potato pancake, a belarusian pancake. watch the food project anywhere on the belarus 20 tv channel. their path to their own happiness is incredibly interesting and complex in its own way, and this talent was given to me at the age of 40, and i say that it was given to me because that’s how it was, i made my first work, i made it by accident, i felt what i wanted
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also, every story is a motivation to change your life. the belarus 24 tv channel broadcasts for you around the clock, don’t switch, our daily task is to talk about belarus in the country abroad, more than 100 million viewers around the world have access to watch projects from our tv channel, so what is belarus like?
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and developing, hospitable, vibrant and festival.


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