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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 22, 2024 9:00am-9:10am MSK

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morning news on belarus-1 in the studio of vladislav bunder. hello, that's what we'll talk about in the episode. the first joint aircraft and tandem in mechanical engineering. belarus and tatarstan are setting ambitious goals. the request to bomb russia, using american weapons for this, calls on congress. death of a tyrant leader. these condolences
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were a formality, a horrific statement from the state department against the backdrop of tragedy. focus on innovation and jobs. what is the economic effect of the program one district, one project. bright and blooming minsk, which plant will prolong spring in the capital? control and supervisory activities in belarus will be improved. the draft decree was discussed in detail the day before at a meeting with the president. so the document spells out two key directions. the first is minimal government intervention in the activities of business entities. excessive control is eliminated by reducing verification activities and, most importantly, duplicating functions. the decree also plans to oblige inspectors to register in the accounting book, monitoring and technical activities character. overall, the document is balanced and solves the basic problem set: changes in style and method.
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as much as necessary, crying eastons is absolutely useless here, you must treat the control and other law enforcement agencies treat our enterprises as their children, they feed us, so you cannot interfere with their work, the system must be built and it must work, the head of state instructed government, together with the governors , to finalize this document before august, the president especially... belarus provides
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technological sovereignty together with russian regions. tatarstan is one of our most active partners. the development of cooperation and trade with the republic was discussed at a meeting of the working group on cooperation. a multi-brand center for our equipment, mtz tatarstan, operates in the region. this is a successful example of a full service turnkey project. they intend to further develop the site. our machine builders are expanding cooperation with kamaz, thereby. replace european components. another promising topic - aircraft manufacturing the latest russian application contains 1,200 items of components and parts that are to be manufactured at belarusian enterprises, but the allies will not limit themselves to this. based on a request from, say, a tatar, kazan manufacturer, we are building our own production workshops for painting a certain range of aircraft components, maybe even entire ones.
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in iran, farewell ceremonies continue for president ibrahim raisi, the head of mit and other high-ranking officials who tragically died in the plane crash. local residents, dressed in black, go to mourning rallies in endless streams, holding posters with portraits and flags. these shots are from tehran. earlier, mourning events were held in tabriz and qom. the funeral of the iranian president will take place tomorrow in the hometown of ibrahim raisi mishhiday. at this tragic
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hour, belarusians, together with the people of iran , share the pain in connection with the death of the president of all the victims of the helicopter crash. an entry on behalf of alexander lukashenko was made in the book of condolences of the iranian embassy. islamic republic of iran, bitterness comes from the fact that we have really lost a friend of a friend belarus, we saw this during the bilateral visits of our president last year to the republic of iran, the attitude of the iranian state and people towards our republic of belarus, therefore.
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you can bring flowers at any time, you can also send words of sorrow to the embassy’s email. against the backdrop of a tragedy for millions of people, the head of the us state department. knew how to make a terrifying statement that the people of iran benefited from the death of their country's president in a plane crash, americans do not mourn the death of the iranian leader. official condolences from the state department were formality. blinken's speech at a congressional hearing was interrupted by protesters
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against the war in the gas sector, chanting war criminal and gas butcher. ukraine will use american weapons to strike russian territory, the politician informs. it is clarified that a number of members of congress wrote a letter with such an appeal to the country's secretary of defense lloyd austin. the document notes, quote: it is necessary that the biden administration allow the military leadership of ukraine to conduct the full
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range of necessary operations. rehabilitation and rest from war. currently in belarus, 10 children from donbass are undergoing rehabilitation. six of them suffered from mine explosion wounds. in addition to medical psychological assistance , a cultural and educational sports program is organized for the children. the day before, the guests visited the capital. at the museum of the great patriotic war, we joined the campaign to collect coins that will be melted into a monument to the living memory of grateful generations. it will be opened in moscow. these are the emotions a holiday in belarus evokes among young guests of their relatives. we have already visited three temple, and we visited the museum. we rode a very large, intense program, but we still have time to undergo rehabilitation, we get massages, swim, met several times with alexey talai, met us at the sanatorium,
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very convenient, very comfortable, medical staff, very caring, not only medical, service staff, we are happy with everything, i really want to. to say and express our great gratitude to you, our brothers, our sisters, because you accepted us here as family, we have been friends with you all our lives, have been friends and will continue to be friends, this a small group, but along with some kind of experiment, they are receiving health improvement, undergoing rehabilitation, so that in the future we begin to carry out activities in this direction on a larger scale, they are receiving quality here today. assistance in one of the rehabilitation centers and sanatoriums of the republic of belarus near mogilev. the rehabilitation program for this group will last until may 24. the project is being implemented by the alexey talay foundation with the support of the union state. restore economic growth
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create import-substituting production to retain specialists in their small homeland. the main message of the state program is one district - one project. the president's order became a kind of incentive for development. regions. last year , almost two dozen startups were implemented thanks to this initiative. more than 3,500 new jobs have appeared. the areas are different from agriculture and industry to wood.


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