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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 22, 2024 3:00pm-3:10pm MSK

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good day, the news is on air, lyudmila kazaks is with you, watch this episode. improving control and supervisory activities, report of the state control committee at the government house on the results of the department’s work. rehabilitation, educational and sports program, children of donbass who received mine explosion wounds are undergoing rehabilitation in belarus. delivered to
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the recruiting station by any means due to the lack of people at the front, ukrainian military commissars are already storming buses in square. you are allowed to touch, exhibition of textured painting in pushkin library. in belarus , a lot of work has been done to change the style and methods of work of regulatory authorities, and its results have decreased. control burden on enterprises by more than 20%, in the government house they heard a report from the chairman of the state control committee on the results of the department’s work over the past year. particular attention was paid to issues that affect people's interests. one of the significant topics is monitoring prices in the consumer market. making them fair is the president's instructions. and as vasily gerasimov noted, the number of violations in the price of education is decreasing. last year , kgc inspected more than 1,100 retail facilities.
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for gross violations, the work of more than fifty stores was suspended, and more than 550 recommendations were sent to eliminate deficiencies. our voters are currently very concerned about such a socially significant issue as the cost of paid medical services and prices for medicines and medical products . the government and the state control committee have adopted a plan for 2024-25. so that drug prices rise reasonably, therefore, of course, i would like for this issue to be fundamentally brought into order and attempts to obtain unjustified excess income in these areas be stopped. vasily gerasimov also outlined the priorities of the department’s work for the current year, under strict control, expenditures and savings of public funds will remain, with an emphasis on developing recommendations. to resolve complex and
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sensitive problems, we are talking about housing and communal services, the transport sector, the condition of roads, kgc will pay special attention to issues of product quality, livestock farming, and sowing company and reclamation, among the new directions are issues of oil production, the situation in the peat industry. rehabilitation and rest from war. currently in belarus, 10 children from donbass are undergoing rehabilitation, six of them suffered from mine explosion wounds. besides medical.
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we’ve been, we’ve been to horse farms, we’ve been on horses, we’ve ridden, it’s a very big eventful program, but we still have time to go through rehabilitation, we get massages, we swim, we met with alexei talai several times, they met us at the sanatorium, it’s very convenient, very comfortable, the medical staff is very caring, not only the medical staff, the service staff, we are happy with everything, i really want to say to express our deep gratitude to you. to our brothers, our sisters, because you accepted us here as family, we have been friends with you all our lives, have been friends and will continue to be friends, this is a small group, but along with some kind of experiment, they are receiving health improvement, undergoing rehabilitation so that in the future we will started to carry out activities in this direction, they are here today receiving quality care in one of the rehabilitation centers. and sanatoriums
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of the republic of belarus near mogilev. the rehabilitation program for this group will last until may 24. the project is being implemented by the alexey talay foundation with the support of the union state. with the adoption of the new law on mobilization , ukrainian cities were abandoned. men prefer not to go out on the street and change their place of residence, try to work remotely, but this doesn’t really help. according to the new resolution of the cabinet of ministers of ukraine, now employers will have to perform the duties of military commissars, send subpoenas to their employees and deliver them to territorial recruitment centers. those who dare to go outside will receive a warm welcome from the military commissar staff. in kharkov. they hijacked a bus to take one of the passengers to the recruiting station. society is gripped by fear and hatred, but they are unlikely to spill out. the army and police are ready to suppress the riots. organizing protests is a criminal offense. hypocrisy as a principle of american politics. congress
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the united states has resumed active work on a bill on sanctions against the international criminal court. the reason was the prosecutor's request for the arrest of the israeli prime minister. the united states is not only afraid of losing its political image, since its main ally and beneficiary in the middle east cannot be a criminal, but it is also afraid of getting on washington’s trail in the palestinian-israeli conflict. i hope we can find a way together to calm our grievances with the muslims, because if that's what they do to israel, then we're next, so that by the end of the day, i hope what will happen is that we will introduce sanctions against the international criminal court for this disgrace, which...
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into reality. ahead of today's announcement , i have spoken to a number of other leaders and colleagues and am confident that more countries will join us in taking this important step in the coming weeks. in turn, the head of israel's foreign ministry threatened grave consequences for countries that support this initiative. in total, palestine was recognized as a separate state by 143 of the 193 un countries, including belarus. from europe - this is bulgaria, hungary, cyprus. malta, poland, romania, slovakia, czech republic, sweden. minsk and equatorial guinea. the prospects for the development of military cooperation were discussed today in minsk. the minister of national defense of the republic of equatorial guinea arrived in belarus on an official visit. at the official welcoming ceremony, the head of the
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belarusian military department, viktor khrenin, welcomed his african colleague. the parties continued communication at negotiations as part of a delegation in the central officers' house. afterwards, the ministers paid yin respect to those who died during the great the patriotic one was assigned. flowers to the victory monument. a large-scale exhibition that attracted the attention of many countries. the saudi food show exhibition has started in the middle east. the event is dedicated to technologies and products in the food industry. belarus is taking part for the first time, but the announcement is ambitious. our exposition is formed by the presentation gender of participants from famous domestic brands. at the stand there is powdered milk, a large selection of cheeses and various desserts, everything that is in special demand. in this region, the exhibition has a representative geography of participants, it has a good reputation in terms of the effectiveness of the business program, therefore belarusian companies plan to form a significant partnership portfolio as part of the negotiations with foreign businesses. with the start of the aquatic season
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, attention is paid to a comfortable environment on the beaches. representatives of the mayor's office and responsible organizations inspected the coastal recreation areas of minsk. in preparation, access roads were repaired. parking lots, and about 500 cubic meters of sand were brought to the coast and treated against ticks. coastlines are equipped with all the necessary recreational equipment, visitors have already assessed the level of readiness of the territories. there are 23 beaches assigned to the city, we have five locations, this is komsomolskoye lake, this is the tsinyanskoye reservoir, zaslavskoye, krinitsa. at the moment, we already have almost 1,350 sunbeds installed, and about 100 pieces of children's equipment. cozy, so that they would like to come here and relax, last year we tried to install swings, they also began to be in demand, this year we installed 27
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additional swings, next year we will do the same look at the places where to install, this work will not stop, we will continue on some reservoirs, we will already look, change children's equipment with... additional somewhere , change something to something new and we will work on issues further on sports grounds , they are on every beach, but we will add, change, improve, improve somewhere,


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