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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 22, 2024 4:40pm-5:00pm MSK

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something for the first time in my life, well, they did something, they succeeded, well , i’m having about the same thing now, i’m experiencing the same emotions, which are simply limitless, i’m grateful to our guys, our unity, well, well well, the magic has happened, the team goes to the next level. her opponents will be determined by the game, come to us, goodwin, well done, well done, that's it, smart girl, and me, wait, let me at least fight somewhere, i brought victory, well done guys, great, i think now yuna, of course, is watching us, if not trauma, she would be with us now, but everything is for her, yuna, hello, yuna. where is it with us, you
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’re great, you’re just great, you’re our hero, my team remains in the game, you did it, you’re the best, you have no equal, that’s for sure, and it’s all perseverance, courage and, of course, the magic of each you, very soon we will meet the new chosen ones and see a new battle for the main prize from the presidential sports... this is a hero game, it continues, heroes, they are already next to you, just forward, heroes, luck is rewarded, hero, victory will be forgotten, a new day is ahead, boldly approach it. and take the first step, without a doubt, this is
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our finest hour, she chose us, don’t miss it, in our time, friends are with you next to you and covering your back... and you just need great ones, you are the berets, the hero, the heroes, they are already next to you, only forward to the heroes, luck is a reward, a hero, victory will be forgotten, heroes, they are already next to you. only forward to the heroes, luck is a reward,
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heroes, victory is a covenant, they are already next to you, the arena does not give second chances, will the chosen ones remain in the matrix of heroes, welcome to a world where everything is real.
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as a little girl, i played school all the time, sat in dolls and began to teach them, of course, i had a special attitude towards the belarusian language, i loved the belarusian language very much, to this day i love very beautiful handwriting, large letters, neat, even, so that they could read any text that was written by hand, participation in school, naturally, there were different hobbies, skiing, everything, but prefer...
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my husband, the great loved ones, as they told us from the russian federation, they asked me all the time razmaulyatsya in belarusian language, there is a close, dear, sweet, yano staetstsa time.
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where to find what? yes, i say, maybe i doubt it, i’ll go straight to the dictionaries and say, kids, oh my goodness, immediately uncle google is here to help, they quickly find the answer one way or the other, but this is a big school, so i’m always on an equal footing with the kids i communicate, i just introduce myself to their parents, to all of them, to be on par with children, to be able to praise a child , he is good in everything, in everything, even if somewhere he has... shortcomings, but it is necessary see all the good in him and learn lessons with him, once again, well done, go to his events and take him aside, it’s not easy to be a leader now, firstly, there are 81 institutions under my command -
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that’s 81 leaders, plus the administration, plus teachers, parents, children, this is all a component, one, any question is never on the body, so we have a team: a team of managers, deputies, this component unit gives its results, today i cannot say that i am alone, no, i always say we, we can, we we will do, parents and children will help us, any event, first we discuss with all the leaders, i do not make a single decision, no, this is not the case, we work together, he reports, we even have such a simple motto, we are all sailing in the same boat and we row in one direction. in difficult situations, she does not make the decision itself, she gathers a team of narrow specialists, listens to everyone’s opinion, and then makes a decision. a leader should be assessed not by words, but by results, so every year our district differs from many districts in the results of the olympiads, both at the district and
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regional levels at the republican level, annually there are results at the international level, the moser education system is very lucky to have larisa alekseevna as its flagship. how should a person rest and, in general, how should a person live? the secret is simple, human relations with everyone, no matter what, just human relations, good relations, yes, there are problematic issues, it cannot be done without them, today the education system, it is very large, we have 16,708 schoolchildren alone, plus 5,485
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preschoolers, and 2,500 are teachers, this is also a large family that needs to find the key. and i also want the heads of an educational institution to be able to see people and praise them, remember that a kind word is pleasant even to a cat, so be able to see everyone, the main goal of the education department is, of course, to work for results, for a unified system, for its development, moving forward, seeing prospects, this is the most important thing today. i was born in the vitebsk region, ininsky district, in the village of plamer, mom stayed behind, i come from a large large family, we each had, of course, homework, to bend the cow out there in the field, to pick grass for the rabbit, to prepare dinner, that is, we were accustomed to work in early childhood, i’m not afraid of anything today,
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i can do everything, so i am grateful to my parents for the fact that they brought me a lot, this is hard work and compassion and empathy, not everything is smooth. with my parents, i wanted to be a teacher, i stood up to them, they helped me with this, they said: yes, it’s clear, you want, strive, that’s why this study, the desire not to let you down all the time, this foundation has been laid, i still have it, i have a mother, she is 95 years old today, she always told me only one thing: children, i want you to live forever in the world. because our grandfather fought, my mother’s father, on the side of my father
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, my father also fought, and we have family members who went through the war, and my mother kept saying: kids, how we starved during the war, there wasn’t enough, there was no food, we collected frozen potatoes in the field, mom often he remembers, i remember now, when he says, we were hiding and he says, in the barn, when there was nothing to eat, but it was scary, and we talk all the time about the war at home. tell that the world is very fragile, we need very little of it, so we try to convey it, we must protect it, remember that the homeland, there is only one, it must be protected, today a student is also a defender of the homeland, this is our future, so we need to raise children , on love for the homeland, for one’s fatherland. i’ve been living in garbage since 2013, this is a good homeland, so
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warm, kind, gentle, there are good people here, tenacious people, and you know, efficient, you can work here, here are ideas, they are inspired, probably what you give, you get results, you put your whole heart into it, regardless of time, so there are results when there is a team, when there is support , we want to do it, do it well, exactly... with a sign of quality, we want it to be, firstly, the city, our parents are looking at us, we can’t do bad things, who and how helps make our lives better, what scientists are working on are working today, a group of small devices is being created, one device made by belarus, and two devices made by the russian federation, this is a grouping. designed for the study of near-earth space, weather forecasting only
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a network of surface non-theoretical stations is not enough, because the weather, as we know, is formed at altitude, so we need data on altitude observations, complex things in simple terms, today we are seeing a trend when the magnetic poles are shifting to the south , due to this, such an effect as the northern lights is already observed in belarus, as well as the most interesting facts - the history of the belarusian synoptic meteorology began in the thirties of the last century, when we opened a hydrometeorological institute, watch the science project nearby on our tv channel. six karagodny traditional righteousness and memory of the meat-bearing zhyhars of zhytkavitskaga, vetkauskaga. dragishchanskaya, gomel and maladzechanskaya district.
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shesst karagada is a sunny sign of the list of elements of intangible cultural decline.
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4:56 pm
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of course, or horror films, this spaniard went down in the history of tennis as the world's youngest leader. ranking in history after winning the us open 22. vlad, carlos alcaraz. absolutely true, this is the correct answer. whereby the seven heroes from the fairy tale by alexander sergeevich pushkin understand that there is a stranger in their mansion. the answer is c, because a girl, i’ll call her that, came to them and removed all their territory. everything is so clean and beautiful, someone cleaned it up. i was waiting for the owners, i want to catch up with lyosha by three. paris, london, new york, name the last city, provided that we are talking about tennis. melbourne. melbourne, that's right. watch intellectual and entertainment projects on our tv channel. you can accomplish
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5:00 pm
the news is on the air now, lyudmila kazak is with you. hello. 24/7 at the security post borders of your country. the brez border group celebrates its eightieth anniversary. the history of the connection begins on may 1, 44.


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