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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 22, 2024 7:25pm-7:46pm MSK

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for any and all belarus.
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watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is news from a foreign country. broadcasts of particularly important events. inclusions from the scene,
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current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages. on the territory of the countries: azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, turkey, iran, iraq. kuwait, bahrain, qatar, united arab emirates, saudi arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. set up a satellite dish azer space 1 satellite. the tv channel signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus 24 tv channel and discover belarus. only for our viewers, we
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choose the best routes. today we are in polotsk. oh, you know what, for a long time i thought we would fight here, because this is a city, real history, is it true that this is a former post office building? yes, 1952, a post office building, and not exactly a civilian one, there were military units here, that is, guys we received correspondence and set off on an exciting journey around our country. olya, a girl, this is a children’s museum, but i’m already an adult, they don’t let me in or don’t let me in, she says that yes, it’s a very interesting towel, it’s also wood-revolutionary, the oldest towel in our collection, there’s also an old grammar, when there are eras and yat, but in the 11th century in the st. sophia cathedral not only was there a service, here the prince received ambassadors and concluded agreements, that is, the cathedral was such an administrative building, open it.
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i don’t want to jump and run and study, like the rain, a hat falls on the forest. the light of the sun, and how our life is built up from these crushers, we want to look at this light for a while, and the skin of the day is something new for ourselves, and it’s so good for us, because we love it with anyone, from any and belarus. hello everyone, my name is elgar jalilov, i am originally from azerbaijan, currently living and working in belarus, specifically in the city of grodny.
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i was born in the city of baku, i am a native baken, i know my roots back to the 18th century, i am azerbaijani by nationality, absolutely by chance, i had a business trip here two years ago, i was in the city of minsk on business, things ended somewhat.
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belarusian team, at the beginning they had, of course, questions, even after i found out that they were very interested that i am not from belarus, in belarus currently i know that there are few foreign specialists working, they were even worried about what language we will
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communicate, when i started speaking russian, such a slight relief occurred, this is what the employees told me after and we were pleasantly surprised; my first language of communication was russian.
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i really like the attitude towards people and how i feel this spirit and attitude of people, this state treats people, how an enterprise treats people, even some social payments.
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they arranged their life in the village in such a way that any city dweller could envy. don't be offended, please, i mean this in a good sense, but you promised that i would come to your house, and not to a museum, everywhere you look, everywhere you look, everywhere there are some man-made, these are household items, leading from the capital. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. we
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will introduce you to people who have found their calling. through the window of the carriage, i noticed the walls of the factory, the gomel repair carriage. and the thought flashed inside me that i wanted to work here, i was drawn here, well, that’s how it turned out. and at school, during labor lessons, they brought us kids to the factory. they showed, look, this is how glass is made, this is how these cars come with glass, that is, this has been going on since school, since then, well, around i’m constantly working on glass, we suggest spending one day with specialists to learn all about the intricacies of their work. on the basis of a covered freight car, we are producing a completely new product, it will be a diesel power station car with a capacity of 400 kw, it is the only enterprise in the republic of belarus for the production of sheet... glass, in general there are few such enterprises in the cis, we are investing in improving our
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technologies, well, we have to, we simply have to keep up with the times. watch on tv channel belarus 244. this is the very first object, a large one, a capital construction project, which was completely completed by our company, well, with the involvement of co-contractors, under my leadership, there were certain short deadlines, the object is called atblue, a production installation. a very important, by the way, import-substituting product, it will leave
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currency in our country, this atblue solution itself adds fuel so that it does not freeze, including purchasing it abroad, now our nitrogen is producing it, production is loading, but in currently there is no loading, this is a loading platform, this is a storage tank, but the production itself. is happening directly behind this blue fence, i welcome you to our office, hello girls, today we have a regular working day, this is...
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the chief engineer of our unitary enterprise, the engineer, especially the chief engineer - this is, let's say, the brain of our enterprise . the success of our enterprise depends on his coordination, correct decisions, and production issues. when i started managing this company, i was instructed
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to prepare and present the business literally 3 days before taking office. plan, the first thing i indicated is that i need a team, it should be a team of like-minded people, professionals and honest people, today we have such a team, i sometimes compare the work team with a family, when the head of the family is responsible for everyone , a construction enterprise is separate, and we also work in... at a plant that has a continuous cycle, and in addition, we have a very complex production , this involves gas and fire hazardous work we lead, they must be produced taking into account all the conditions, and certificates, and education, skills, and workers, and craftsmen, well,
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i traveled a lot for work, i was in about more than twenty countries, well, i don’t want to. there’s no one to talk bad about, well, when you walk down the street, they throw cigarette butts or some kind of garbage, i was on a business trip just from here to zagreb, in croatia, i also noticed that there were even cigarette butts there, although this is europe, and you noticed, in any city, even in a small village, if you are in belarus come on, no one will allow themselves to do this, a person often, well, this is his essence, he probably cannot appreciate what he has, a truly socially protected country, and just... people are used to it, i don’t think so much there are countries where a working person pays only 20%, some kind of voucher, a sanatorium, the rest is paid by the state or an enterprise, where free medicine is not just in words, these are all the benefits that we have, including me, this should be treasured, and not just for the sake of words, you
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ask why i'm here, i'm proud that i here. and i’m even more proud that i was allowed to lead a team of belarusians, now we came to zhilibert park, after work, when the weather allows me to not be too tired, i like to walk, i very often walk in this park, i also like sovetskaya street, it like arbat, there is a similar street.
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and then, if god gives the opportunity for grandchildren, you have also done a lot for your family, i have two daughters, they are both students, my eldest daughter is now continuing her studies in italy, bolonia, this is, as they say, a student city, she is studying to be an economist
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and the manager, my second daughter, she is studying to become an architect, both of them are studying. well in the summer i will show this wonderful city, this country, you know, god has given his gifts to each country, suppose, if in azerbaijan we have the sea and mountains, then in belarus there are very wonderful lakes, forests, you have different ones, we also have forests, there are many beautiful forests in the caucasus mountains, but belarusian forests are different, they are not even like in russia or ukraine, well, i don’t know, i already... it seems that i can be different. raska.


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