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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 22, 2024 9:00pm-9:45pm MSK

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good evening, live panorama, in the studio ekaterina. state control committee on the results of 2023 on new upcoming approaches to inspections of enterprises. a blow to the bias of american politics. norway and ireland recognized the palestinian state, and the state department inquisitor blinken was greeted with cries of butcher gas in the us congress. the pain of the belarusian people in bronze, in memory of the victims of genocide during the great years.
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president of iran and the assassination attempt on the prime minister of slovakia, fatal accidents or a pattern. eurovision as a competition victorious lgbt activism, and now satanic occultism. watch in the trends program immediately after the panorama. new rules for business. there is a large public discussion of legislation on business issues in belarus. is there a dialogue? we'll show and tell. why is
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the nato alliance needed, european journalists asked themselves; it turned out that not all europeans are happy with the expansion of nato and the idea of ​​accepting ukraine into the alliance. personnel training in engineering pedagogical and agricultural classes. we will tell you in this article what bonuses graduates receive from specialized training when entering universities. an industrial center with unique gastronomic business cards, where the word kolo is. rhymes in the agro-industrial complex of poetry, intelligent, sporty, a city with the most fashionable cinema, let's catch a fair wind for a trip on the vitina boat through the city of stolbtsy, a project for a place to live. the control and supervisory activities of belarus will be improved, the president gave such an order the day before; indeed, any inspection is a phantom pain and for the enterprise and for its leaders, although...
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the trends, and there should be no excesses, have been improved, have not been eliminated, however , alexander lukashenko emphasized the negative ones. the reduction in control load at enterprises was more than 20%. today at the government house they heard a report from the chairman of the state control committee on the results of the department’s work over the past year. the main topic is respecting the interests of people, monitoring prices on the consumer market, they must be fair, that too.
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in this area there is plenty, the brightest an example is dental services, when everyone was promised, yes, that they would become cheaper, in the end this did not happen, and we are forced to return to this again, what are they doing? if you are given some medicines that he buys, he also adds his own markup to these medicines, as if he is selling it to you, not to mention the cost of consultants’ services and the like, that is, here we need to approach it comprehensively, starting from licensing requirements, going down to this kind of components, the corresponding one has now been signed between us and the ministry of health plan, this year we will... do this, i am sure that we will put things in order in this area, which is why permanent monitoring of prices for services, including medical ones, is necessary, otherwise it will come to the point that the cost will be taken from the ceiling , and of course, not in favor of the consumer, the president’s instructions to make prices fair, and as
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vasily gerasimov noted, during his report, the number of violations in pricing is decreasing. in 2023, kgc inspected more than 1,100 retail facilities for rudeness. recommendations for eliminating deficiencies, by the way, almost half of all monitoring. the chairman of the council of the republic of the national assembly drew attention to this point. natalya kachanova noted that it is time to have a different conversation with such incorrigible violators. you need to take more stringent measures, why? because, well, how much can we talk about this, listen, deputies and members are monitoring, walking around.
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state control, that is, we closely use scientific potential in order to resolve the issue from this side. on legislative initiatives, you heard, yes, that is, we are trying to resolve issues in this regard. the day before, the head of state expressed
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his clear position regarding the activities of regulatory authorities. the president is for a balance of fairness when conducting inspections, which is why he sent the draft decree. in order for it to be checked, it must be checked as much as necessary, crying and groans have absolutely no use here, you must treat control and other bodies, law enforcement, to our enterprises as if they were their children, they feed us, so you cannot
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interfere with their work, the system must be built and it should work, the draft decree proposed to fix the frequency of monitoring. no more than once every 3 months, introduce a ban on repeated exceptions within a year after the inspection , obvious violations of the law, in a word, the controlling and supervisory authorities... will change the style and methodology of work, and the assessment of their activities will also change, it’s not that the more fines, this means the plan has been completed, on the contrary, it is more important to ensure that violations are eliminated, control will be strengthened when it comes to protecting national interests and life and people’s health, there is no way without operational checks, if, for example, we are talking about prices or fire safety, any transformation in our country is a step-by-step evolutionary process, that is, no... authorities,
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we hear some comments, we make them, we , by the way, the same supervisory parliamentarians and our voters hear, we are supervisory bodies, but all this needs to be systematized and, most importantly, given legal form, these are the comments that the president and representatives, for example, of parliament, are talking about, they how just the same... excessive control is eliminated by reducing inspection activities and, most importantly, eliminating duplicative functions of inspectors. the head of state has set the task of not just mathematically reducing the number of inspection activities. we are talking about a qualitative change in approaches. committee in interaction with the government and
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regulatory authorities, the main goal of this work is to improve discipline in control and supervisory activities, strengthening its real preventive bias, elimination of unreasonable, i emphasize, unreasonable control burden on business entities, while the principle of liability for violations of the law remains unshakable, in 2023. the committee's field of view included large-scale topics and problems: the budget, state property, consumer financial markets, almost all sectors of the economy. particular attention is paid to such vital topics as housing and communal services, transport, and road management. an important task is not only to reveal violations, but also to identify reserves for reducing the costs of specific enterprises and unreasonable expenses. such initiatives of kgc have been implemented in the energy and transport complex, and administrative procedures have been simplified. procedures in construction, prevention are the trend of the department’s work, the same task faces all regulatory and
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supervisory authorities. based on the results of the twenty -third year, the number of all types of control and supervisory activities decreased, this became possible primarily due to changes in approaches to organizing control activities and its planning, as well as through strengthening intradepartmental discipline coordination. as an example, only in the sanitary inspection authorities last year. about 40,000 events were reduced, while, as statistics show, this did not affect the level of security in this area. this year , the spending and saving of public funds will remain under the strict control of specialists. emphasis will be placed on developing recommendations to resolve complex and sensitive issues. we are talking about housing and communal services, the transport sector, and the condition of roads. kgc will pay special attention to quality issues produced. products, control over prices, livestock farming, the harvesting company, land reclamation, the work of leading
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enterprises will continue, among the new areas of state control, oil production issues and the situation in the peat industry. yuri shevchuk, dmitry garkusha, tv news agency. funeral ceremonies for the country's president continue in iran. ibrahim raisi, as well as others who died in the helicopter crash. the minister of foreign affairs of iran, the governor of the province of east azerbaijan and the friday imam of the city. leads forgiveness in in tehran, the leader and spiritual leader of the islamic republic is ayatallah ali khaminiya. all innocent people killed and those who died for a just cause, including in wars and disasters, are considered martyrs here. the iranian tragedy
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resonated with pain in the hearts of iran's true friends. at the farewell ceremony, belarus is represented by the minister of foreign affairs. during a brief conversation with the vice president, deputy head of the presidential administration, acting minister of foreign affairs of iran, sergei oleynik conveyed condolences from named after the president of belarus and the belarusian people. words of support were expressed and confidence that the iranian people will withstand third-party relations with dignity. however, the death of president ibrahim reisi tore off the masks from the most prim. diplomats, we are not even talking about lithuania, which pointedly refused to express condolences; the head of the american state department said at a congressional hearing that the us condolences were just a formality. according to blinken, the tragedy has led to the iranian people becoming better off. position offensive to muslims washington, therefore, other issues
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provoked a scandal in congress, blinken’s speech was interrupted, and pro-palestinian activists denounced the secretary of state. at these hearings in the senate committee , blinken spoke on the topic of financial assistance, including to israel, he immediately stated that the re-occupation of the gas strip is unacceptable, supposedly the palestinians should govern themselves, however, according to blinken, israel should
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draw up some kind of plan how will be governed by the palestinians, as it became known last week, there is common sense. ireland and norway today they announced recognition of a palestinian state. spain's decision in this regard will come into force on may 28. official tel aviv has already announced the delivery of a notice of protest to these governments, while some eu states took israel's side in this matter. france called the recognition of palestine
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untimely, and germany calls any disagreement with israel, imagine anti-semitism. so, now palestine is recognized by 11 eu countries and 13 nato countries, and both recognition and refusal are declared extremely aggressively. the conflict on this issue is in the depths of the european union is becoming more acute every day. the policy of western democracy itself is becoming more aggressive, as if political terrorism has returned to heavenly europe to the sound of five shots fired by the prime minister of slovakia. the writer who shot fitz, juraj cintula, is an optimal target for recruiting western intelligence services. this opinion was expressed on the air of the trends program by slovak lawyer miroslav kamensky. he believes that america has started a new kind of war. sovereign politicians who interfere with their plans are eliminated. of course, strangers hands. the expert recalled the assassination attempt on
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erdogan, then on the representative of saudi arabia, as well as the attempted assassination attempt on vucic.
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in a losing battlefield in dying ukraine, the west merges its puppets, as well as a mirror of the degradation of europe and the west, eurovision, a song contest of the victorious lgbt activism and occult covens. belarus responded with sanctions to the actions of the european union countries. the day before, the government decided to introduce forced response measures to the systematic unfriendly actions
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of the european union and some of the most aggressive configured eu states. minsk has established a ban on the import of certain goods from latvia, lithuania, poland, the czech republic and estonia, including drinks, cosmetics, dishes, textiles, and shoes. this decision does not affect goods in. we are talking about restricting the freedom of movement of people and goods, bans on the payment of pensions and alimony, illegal confiscation of goods, freezing of assets due to a broad interpretation of sanctions, threats to the nationalization of belarus. state property, including the preparation of militants and forceful scenarios for an unconstitutional coup in our country, restricting visits to belarusian media,
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initiating criminal cases against their own citizens who speak positively about belarus. this whole orgy is happening with the tacit consent of the majority of eu member states, whose representatives simply sign the next anti-belarusian demarches prepared by recognized experts on... belarus from vilnius and warsaw, to which were added experts from riga, prague and tallinn. medbelarus once again notes the futility of any sanctions measures and expects that the eu countries will henceforth soberly assess the information from their partners, and the threats allegedly emanating from belarus, and will come to an understanding that there is no alternative and a return to dialogue with minsk in the interests of stability and security of the entire region. there is a large public discussion of new rules for business in belarus; the changes apply to individual entrepreneurs, who are asked to scale their business, namely
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to transform into legal entities. who can remain in the category of individual entrepreneurs, list exactly a week ago published by the government. as of today , about 300 reviews have already been received, some of them are addressed directly to the ministry of economy, everyone can speak out, all are constructive... what will change for belarusian entrepreneurs? the previous convocation of deputies worked on this issue. changes are really overdue, we need clear and fair rules. and under no circumstances should we stifle private initiative, create conditions for those who work for the good of the country. therefore, it was important to hear everyone. there were a lot of dialogues platforms, round tables and... a wide range of the public was involved, including representatives of the business environment, this is what made it possible to create, well, also, to enshrine in the law a new approach to doing business, in fact
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, comfortable conditions that are necessary for a successful business, because we understand that a successful business is a successful state, our state, it cares for every person including the business community, the state is interested first of all, well, so to speak, long-time player... who is ready to continue to work and develop, and this means jobs, this means an increase in income, and this also means revenue to the budget. it is difficult to imagine the work of the belarusian economy without the business community; the private sector solves a number of important problems, including the construction of houses and the production of import-substituting products. but if we take a small business, then, as a rule, it is about our comfort, be it a store near our home or a delivery service. in total, there are 252 individual entrepreneurs and 116 thousand small medium-sized enterprises in the country. according to the results last year, the revenue of small medium-sized businesses amounted to 253 billion rubles, which amounted to 44.5%
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of the republican revenue volume. the contribution of small medium-sized businesses to the republic's gdp amounted to 25.2%. of course, it is organizations that provide the main effect, so it is important to scale the business. and who can remain as an ipm is being decided these days through a process of great public discussion. the published list is far from being the final version; the opportunity to speak out is provided. most of proposals today are indeed reflected in the lists, they are already there, yes, what does this mean, that the proposals of business and regulatory authorities regarding the formation of lists and types of economic activities on which the list itself is based coincide. that part of the questions that is not reflected in the lists will... be worked out at the level of the ministry of economy, provided by the regulatory body to formulate a reasoned answer, and will also be available through
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the appropriate resources on the legal portal. we expected even more responses, but for now we are working with the proposals that already exist: the traditional platform - the public advisory council, is the dialogue between business and government taking shape? we asked directly a representative of the business community. there were many heated discussions, for our association it was extremely important to maintain the entrepreneurial form of ownership for public catering facilities, for trade and... to leave the possibility of delivering public catering goods and trade goods to the consumer, in principle, all our proposals taken into account, as for the benefits that will be provided, of course, they are very interesting, we expect that we will be able to take advantage of many of them, yes, we are ready to lend financial leverage to businesses, changes in legislation provide for new types of preferences, certainly do not lead to an increase tax burden, everything in order to easily
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start and grow your business. the large public discussion will continue for several more days. the department of economic affairs promises to consider all proposals. the main thing is that they be constructive, that is, take into account interests of business, the state of the whole society. anton malyuta and andrey ivanenko, tv news agency. they help you decide on your business and easily take a step into adulthood, namely choose a profession to your liking, even from school. the demand for specialized areas in schools is justified. the guys are already in high school. my colleague victoria sharkova will continue. assessment of soil condition and analysis of the stability of planted plants. in the role of future defense industry specialists, students of the capital's gymnasium
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number 19. right at its base. special laboratory winter garden. together with the teacher, the high school students are animatedly discussing soil cultivation for a better harvest, as well as how the aquaterrarium works. such practical exercises do not scare you away; on the contrary, they give you confidence in your choice. i will choose a profession that will be related to agriculture, since after the eleventh grade we have the opportunity to enter four universities in our country on the basis of targeted training, that is, without exams. agricultural classes have been operating since 2018. here, boys and girls go to the elective for introduction to agricultural professions, from specialized subjects can be, for example, mathematics and physics or, say, chemistry and biology; as for admission to agricultural universities, bonuses await graduates. thus, students must have grades in academic subjects, except for specialized ones, of at least six, which is important; they do not need to take the ct. in addition, they will undergo oral interviews . the same approach is used in pedagogical
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classes, but with a slight difference. grades in specialized disciplines must be at least eight, while in other subjects in the certificate must have a score of at least seven. so, for example, the emphasis is on future teachers in the twentieth gymnasium of minsk. graduate veronika ptashuk goes to the gold medal with a choice of profession, she admits, she decided a long time ago. i immediately knew that i wanted to somehow connect my life with pedagogy, i even wanted to be a teacher, but in the end i chose speech therapy.
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new directions will continue. victoria has been working since an early age and has practiced creating sharkov, nikolai lashkevich, television news agency. minsk equatorial guinea, the prospects for the development of military cooperation were discussed today in minsk. the minister of national defense of the republic of equatorial guinea arrived in belarus on an official visit. to the ceremony.
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for me, for a young officer, this is an impetus for further activities, direction, so to speak, so i am very proud of this, in general i am proud, belonging to the border service of the republic of belarus, receiving an award from the hands of high officials is always exciting, this further stimulates me to the high-quality implementation of security tasks state... complexes, drones, more than 400 units
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use modern alarm systems of various equipment. the pain of the belarusian people in bronze, in memory of the victims of genocide on our lands during the great patriotic war , will grow in every regional center. life , the project of a standard monumental sign was created by vitebsk sculptor ivan kazak, based on real events. an eyewitness told him about the atrocities of the nazis, who buried innocent people alive, one of such stories, so frozen in bronze hands stretching from the ground to freedom will become a symbol of hundreds of thousands of innocent people killed. this project became the best out of more than 100 applicants at the republican competition. preparation of the first monument is being completed in the workshops of the sculpture plant, while the bronze palms are still scarred from welding, then polishing and special coating. we considered that it was necessary
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to find an optimal solution by means of monumental art, well, which any citizen of our country could not pass by, so that it would touch the inner strings so that it makes you think and realize grief. pain, tragedy that happened to civilians during the great patriotic war, such work was found, more than 100 works were examined. in january, we were given a working model of this memorial sign, our sculptors and enlargers began to enlarge and lay out this memorial sign, it was made in clay, after it was made in clay, the council accepted it, and somewhere in march plaster forms were removed, which... later moved to production. the perpetuation of the memory of the victims of the genocide of the belarusian people during the great patriotic war is truly monumental, only the height of the granite-free paste is almost 3 m.
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and the weight of the bronze composition is about 3 tons. the first such sign will soon be installed in gomel, on uprising square. revanchism in the baltics moved from the demolition of monuments to the desecration of the graves of the remains of the winners of the nazi plague. tallinn authorities intend to move 39 graves of soviet soldiers to the outskirts of the capital's memorial cemetery. estonian media reported this. touching military graves is prohibited by international conventions. estonia has found a way out. they claim that the graves of red army soldiers are preventing access. to the tomb of the estonian military. the russian investigative committee has already
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opened a criminal case, a note has been handed to official tallinn, but dozens of graves of liberating soldiers are being prepared for exhumation. they are equipped with appropriate information signs. the european union has decided to use income from frozen russian assets. this is about approximately 3 billion per year. this is exactly how much they bring to european banks. 210 billion euros, which the european union has seized. naturally, they will be spent on the armament of ukraine, 90% will go to the european peace fund, with its funds they are now purchasing weapons for the armed forces of ukraine, such black humor of the eurocrats, the remaining 10% will also be spent, but passing through the budget of the european union. russia will never get these incomes, even after the end of the conflict, and then they are indicated. the money will be spent on the military
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programs of united europe itself. about this too states the european union circular. at the same time, the west demands that the expired zelensky send more ukrainians into the trenches and mass mobilization takes on ugly forms. the law, which came into force 4 days ago, provides for the most exotic methods of serving subpoenas through employers with mailing to the place of residence without.
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in response to the british guardian’s question why the nato alliance is needed, meaning, since it cannot protect ukraine, the publication’s readers were massively indignant, and why should we even save a non-member of the alliance? considering the considerable contributions that countries have to pay to maintain the bloc; there are politicians among those who disagree. about the rift in nato, author's commentary by maria petrashko. hello everyone, i'm maria petrashko, agency. or news, a journalist from the british
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guardian suddenly asked macron’s age-old question: why is the nato alliance needed? this issue has been of concern to many sane members of the alliance for a long time, who are reluctant to pay the required 2% of gdp. donald trump also asked the question, why do we need this strange alliance? however, the british observer still not a politician, and it shows. he devoted the main part of his publication to reasoning, and if yes, what should have been. it would be necessary and possible to create nato. restrictions on kiev's use of western -made missiles to attack military bases and oil refineries on russian territory were and remain doomed to failure. the naval forces of nato countries had to set up defensive cordons around the black sea ports exporting grain. tellingly, guardian readers massively disagreed with the opinion of the journalist, expressing his indignation in the comments. nato cannot intervene until... until we see that russia has attacked a nato member. nato has no obligation
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to defend ukraine, a country that is not and has never been a nato member. it is because of this kind of bellicose rhetoric that we now have this unnecessary war in eastern europe, and nato faces the prospect of an aggressive russia. why not put this into historical context. the cia had been warning nato since 1995 about the inadmissibility of moving east. presenters experts knew that russia would not simply accept this. ignored. i am certainly not pro-russian, but as a westerner, i have come to the realization that propaganda and media brainwashing are just as bad in our european democracy. content. instructors basnato themselves, the purchase of military equipment in accordance with the standards of the alliance, all this lies on the fragile pockets of european citizens, and a huge flow of people who want to go to fight in ukraine in the name of something unknown, there are not many european soldiers, the french leader macron was covered a wave of protests after the announcement of intentions
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to send the french to ukraine, a personnel shortage began in poland, they even had to increase pay for the military, in fact , it is not surprising that in the same lithuania. specially invited nato soldiers to take part in the lgbt parade in vilnius. apparently, to attract new personnel or is this a plan, a new nato army, moral violence against the enemy in the form of gay pride parades. we are currently negotiating with bundesfern officers in lithuania regarding their participation in the parade. if this happens, then this this will be the first time that nato soldiers will also take part in the parade. and now i have a riddle, guess who benefited from the assassination attempt, but not the murder. and the assassination attempt on slovak prime minister robert fitz? if scholz criticized nato's plan to create a no-fly zone in western ukraine, calling it dangerous talk of warmongers, if the hungarian leader also repeatedly called for a stop to nato's offensive policy. well, let’s not forget the most recalcitrant nato member erdogan. unity in diversity
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is visible only in formal nato divisions, but not in reality, the attempt on robert fitz’s life is a perfect disgrace to everyone who is dissatisfied. we agree, you will be next, and it is not a fact that without a fatal outcome. financial times in europe are afraid that fitz will interfere with nato after the assassination attempt. european officials believe that after the assassination attempt , slovak prime minister robert fitzev, who opposed arms supplies to ukraine and the country's membership in nato, may become embittered. by the way, the smart and unharmed macron stopped making nato diagnoses of brain death in time, leaving ideas about an autonomous european army. but i 'll leave it. european ideology with the omnipresent supposedly russian threat and reflections on nato disagreements, i will move on to specific facts: why is the nato alliance not entirely satisfactory to sane europeans, well , it seems that this is just the cost of instructors, the maintenance of nato bases in europe, the purchase of military technology according to
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alliance standards, to this we add only 2% of the gdp contribution, gdp, not from income, not from the country’s budget, namely gdp. b, that is, from turnover, conditionally, you have a profit of 100,000, but the turnover 1 million and 2% must be calculated from this million. for france, which has a gdp of more than 2 trillion dollars, that is, for defense, they must allocate 56 billion. this is 2% of gdp, despite the fact that france’s budget is only 340 billion. that is, france spends 16% of its budget, and this is formal. the country is not even at war yet, well, what kind of membership of the ruined and plundered ukraine in nato can we talk about, at a discount, this has never happened in the alliance, but its participants are already tired of it, but don’t count it for ig zamorsky, even more specific facts in our telegram channels. a major renovation
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of healthcare facilities is taking place in... there , an infectious disease building was built from scratch, a large-scale reconstruction of the oncology clinic was carried out, the same work began on the medical building of the central hospital, major renovations were carried out in the nursery, everything so that every patient could receive quality medical care in a comfortable environment. place, not only in...


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