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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 24, 2024 6:00am-7:00am MSK

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this is jose mourrinho, this is the correct answer, absolutely true, the portuguese specialist. watch the intellectual sports show, heading game, on our tv channel. good morning belarus! good mornings belarus! good morning country! let's wake up! let's wake up! friends, because today,
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today is friday, there’s nowhere without it, we’ve finally waited for our friday broadcast, friends, maryana marenkova, anna kviloriya, as you already understand, from this invigorating cry, welcome you to the belarus 1 satellite tv channels belarus24 on the clock, of course 6:00, you know, the most important thing is that it works, our main goal is that people wake up, wake up in a good mood, when we shout with you... they receive useful information, for example, such that may 24th in the world celebrates parks day, what is your favorite park? yes, friends, i actually have a lot of favorite parks, i love all this vegetation, but it’s worth saying that today is the last day when...
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we are never completely dissatisfied with any work, everywhere we know where we can do better, and we strive to that. their works the workshop was given to the pope, the patriarch of moscow of all russia, the queen of england and the heads of many states. it is not known for certain, just from whom, but in principle, it does not matter.
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they carved their unique technique of inlaying with wood shavings, which they restored after centuries of oblivion. we use wood from the forest, buckthorn, sumac, or as people call it the vinegar tree, everything that grows in the garden, all the fruit trees, stone fruits, we cut everything and collect it from our friends. let's find out how masterpieces are created, what is their magic? a the magic probably lies in the fact that... well, a piece of the soul is transferred into the shavings, watch today only on our tv channel.
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mood, you know, i won’t say anything new, i’ll just remind you that in a healthy body not only a healthy mind, but optimism,
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exactly, does this mean that i really, really want to go to work? let's tell tv viewers what awaits them during the broadcast today. yes, friends, don’t compare alarm clocks like marianna marinkova and i. well, a riot of colors on the road, why a tram painted in pakistani style runs around the capital belarus, olesya boyarskikh will tell in her story. we will also find out how the one who makes our country’s mornings good, the controller of the technical control department at the enterprise for the production of doll plates, irina gavrilyuk, starts her day. the main character of the new issue of the profession section, an expert from the kupilka section will tell you about smart shopping according to tradition, today we will all look into the vegetable department together and, judging by the picture, we will choose radishes, we bought tickets to the theater, but plans have changed, about the reasons will become, about this in our regular column about
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film premieres from maryana marinkova, you immediately emphasized your other half, and i think that you need to go to the cinema alone, so that no one distracts you, so that you... a person should only have two of them, but friends, as you understand, are we don’t have all the plans for today either, in general, today we have such a creative, musical, cinematic and theatrical broadcast, in the second hour alexander shemulevich will come to us, we will talk with this finalist of the factor bay project, after which we will enjoy the premiere of the video separation, yes, well, then and there will be a little separation between us, by the way, yes. he will have another portion of useful advice, and we will also talk with the artistic director of the honored
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amateur group of the republic of belarus , the folk dance ensemble kryzhachok, well, at the end of the broadcast, of course, there will be a dance, i’m afraid that anna valerievna will not join, be afraid maryana vasilievna and in between. however, your pointe shoes are there, look, stretch them, because i know you also have legs, pointe shoes, friends, and let’s move on to, in fact, information that you probably knew, of course, but it won’t be amiss repeat, before going to our anatoly moiseev and showing you another recipe, let’s say in defense of breakfast that if you naturally eat it in the morning, it helps speed up your metabolism, and metabolism is what it is, it’s a quick burning of calories, that’s all. this is everything for the body, and metabolism, this is our health first and foremost, so i definitely once again encourage you to go for breakfast, and anatoly moiseev supports us so much in this, every day he gives you new recipes, just cook, just go, you can i’ll say that there, there’s a puff pastry pie
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with sorrel, we look, we write it down, we eat it, good morning. i bring to your attention an easy recipe that even children can do: a pie with sorrel and cheese, quick and satisfying, and quickly, tasty and satisfying - this is the morning motto of a busy person, the main thing is to put the dough out of the freezer in advance. prepare sorrel, puff pastry, sirfeta, hard cheese, egg, salt and sesame seeds. hard cheese on... cover with baking paper, gently
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crumble it with a fork, unroll the puff pastry into the baking dish and lay it out so as to cover the bottom and two opposite sides of the mold, beat the egg with a fork into a homogeneous mass, grease the dough with the beaten egg, first put the chopped cabbage on the dough, put the feta in the second layer, sprinkle with grated hard cheese. fold, pinch the overhanging edges of the dough, brush with beaten egg, sprinkle with sesame seeds, bake in the oven for 25 minutes at 200°. a quick, easy and incredibly tasty pie with sorrel and cheese is ready, it turns out very satisfying, it can be eaten cold or hot, served with fresh vegetables. and your favorite sauces. by the way, fresh chavel takes
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quite a long time, about 2 hours, and heat treatment speeds up this process, stimulating digestion and metabolism, which will have a beneficial effect on your health. and i'm sure you will definitely like this recipe. bon appetit! the tv news agency provides an overview of popular, print and online publications. in belarusian schools, gymnasiums, colleges and universities, they try to take into account the capabilities of everyone, including children, and individual needs as much as possible which are caused by life situation or health status. head of the department of adaptation and integration of persons with psychophysical disabilities. development of the ministry of education allatennikova told the republic’s correspondents how
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children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder are helped to adapt to the learning process. according to the expert, the behavior of such children is largely determined by the external environment; parents cannot cope with this task alone. it is necessary to develop coordinated actions in relation to this to the child, as from those closest to him. from people, and from all participants in the educational process, teachers, educators, educational psychologists, music directors. breeding valuable fish species is one of the trends in agribusiness in belarus. in the south-eastern regions of the mogilev region , investment projects are being implemented to build a commercial trout production farm in the krasnopolsky district and a brood nursery in cherikov. one of the tasks facing scientists is to develop a fish food formula to
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move away from imported analogues. today in science, the age of synergetics, with the help of knowledge, for example, in zoology, scientific discoveries are made in medicine and sociology. scientists from belarusian medical universities and the veterinary academy conduct experiments at the department of ichthyology and fishery of the agricultural academy. all conditions for scientific research have been created here. the most modern equipment. one of the new products is automated installations that allow express monitoring of the influence of the aquatic environment, heavy metals, and feed additives on the quality of fish development. there is even an ultrasound machine for fish. read more on the topic on the pages of the rural newspaper. tv channel belarus 3 continues to introduce viewers to the best examples of domestic documentary cinema. on the channel we are sure, the show is old. lent is not only an excellent opportunity to remember how it all began, but also a chance to understand
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why the belarusian school of documentary filmmaking is considered one of the most powerful in the world. next week, the audience of the most cultural button of the domestic television space will receive an intriguing premiere, a six-part documentary film biography of my republics. however, it can hardly be called a novelty; the 1968 painting was created based on... archival photographic documents and is dedicated to the peculiar results of the fiftieth anniversary of the formation of the bssr. the security council of belarus will tell you what awaits the viewer today.
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this is called a step platform, made with your own hands, it is a chipboard board, from below, you can see, this... the main thing when you make it is that it has a resistance, because very often the guys start to pull this platform, it moves forward. back, this is the most important thing, naturally, if older children, then well, you can raise the step platform in height, make it higher, children can study on this platform from
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the age of four, this is the initial stage, and then more and more often they study already at... the age of 6 years, they form their steps, this is a step platform, as well as coordination of movement, we educate, coordination of movements of both legs and arms is very important, because it is very difficult for them to tear themselves off the floor in order to simply do something in weightlessness, this is very difficult for children. at first just steps leading up to some exercises because immediately clapping the steps, it’s very difficult for them, they ’re interested, at first it’s just walking, they hear the rhythm with the music, now they’ve heard the rhythm, that means you understand what the child is already doing , you start adding some other elements, raising your hands, just some ordinary ones. then exercises for children, just to
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immediately develop their coordination, and walking immediately with their hands, we start with this. and then it’s more difficult, clapping, turning, putting your foot on the corner, this is a little more difficult for them. it happens that some people want to exercise every day, but some want to study once a week, that is, see how the child will be, how he likes this platform, but again, this needs to interest the child. “let’s walk like bears, let’s become like a fox, show your beautiful hands, that is , to interest, the main thing is the child’s interest in some element, only for our tv viewers, we choose the best routes, today we are in polotsk, oh, you know , that i haven’t thought about visiting here for a long time, because this is
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a city, real history, it’s true that it’s former post office building, yes, fifty-second year, post office building? belarus 24. was such an administrative building, sore not only the service came, here the prince open belarus together with the tv channel received
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ambassadors, concluded agreements there, that is, the cathedral good morning, ours continues morning broadcast, friends, we remind you that today is may 24, it’s friday, and maryana vasilyevna literally didn’t get off her phone all morning, so to speak, because she was in contact with weather forecasters and they told her the most useful, most correct verified information about the weather for the day today, is this true vasilyevna, i ’m amazed at what a co-host storyteller i have, yes it’s about... let’s look at the synoptic indicators of this day, spoiler right away, very good weather, up to +25 in the capital region +26 +28, i i think that these are some record numbers for may in the brest region +22 +24 vitebsk in gomel up to 25 degrees, the air will warm up to 27° in the city of grodnoy, in the grodno region itself in
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mogilev +22 +24, of course there will be precipitation, they will be in brest and grodno. well i don't think so at such temperatures, precipitation can scare someone, but, in fact, in my region, for example, all the time this cloud somehow rumbles to the side and passes us by, and my tomatoes, by the way, i repeat, have to be watered with these hands, and anna, what region do you live in, some kind of kvilorievsky, because precipitation is transmitted throughout the country, and anna has tomatoes - no, the steppe is practically standing, friends, but weather forecasters warn that, except for such amazing... synoptic things, which we just talked about, in some areas a faint fog will thicken in the morning, in some areas, i mean the country, in some areas a faint fog will thicken and the atmosphere there will be especially romantic for this. i think, yes, this is a light natural veil that will be thrown over the belarusian fields, yes, well, these people started talking, you know, if
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we haven’t inspired you, if the temperature indicators don’t inspire you enough, these record 28° in the republic, then we offer you, well, look at yourself in the mirror, secondly, go on a trip, or better yet , a bike trip, to combine pleasure and... climbing, that’s right, but if you’re too lazy to turn these bicycle wheels like that, yes, then at least do it with us, specifically with our fitness queen tatyana matuseevich, new exercise, pedal straight without getting out of bed, and did you know that cycling pumps up your braid and abdominal muscles better than many other abdominal exercises. let's understand the technology. starting position lying down, legs raised up and bent in the knee joint at an angle of 90°.
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we put our hands behind our heads, place our palms on the back of our heads, as we exhale we begin to twist the body and move our right elbow to the left knee, while inhaling we return to the starting position, already twisting in the opposite direction, we move our left elbow to the right knee, now avoid extension in the lumbar region , as a rule, a sign of this will be the manifestation of the lower ribs. is this exercise best done separately or in combination? if we are talking about training any muscle group, then it is better performing an exercise in combination with something separately is ineffective. what if we perform circles with our feet?
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this exercise is truly one of the most effective for the abdominal muscles, so add it to your...
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you are like a dream in this dark hall, i will sing, closer to it and... what's faster, let's run away to where it's more fun, let's be let 's love, let's have fun, let
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's have fun in this world, let 's love, let's dream, let 's just dance, girls with sneakers, when you grow up, the khachka always laughs, the gods say, and the girl in sneakers, let's go. crazy and we will be the gift of light, because loudly, and the prosomykh laughs as always.
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dobry ranti belarus, good morning country, we continue to wake up, we continue to wake up in a good mood, because today is friday, yes, anna kiloria maryana marenkova today like this for 3 hours of live broadcast they will wake you up screaming loudly on friday, yes today is 24 may and starts today. republican tournament time of the first. yes, friends, the organizers are the ministry of emergency situations of the republic of belarus and the republican public association patriots of belarus. as part of the event , teams from leading plants and factories in belarus will immerse themselves in the everyday life of rescuers for 3 days. participants will literally go through fire and water; perhaps there will be more pipes somewhere. they will share their creative performances with the audience, demonstrate perseverance and team spirit,
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which are among the main goals of the project. in fact, are that team building, as well as teaching the correct actions in emergency situations, if it weren’t for the ministry of emergency situations, yes, within three days four teams will undergo a series of strength tests at the training ground of the branch of the institute for advanced training of the university of civil defense of the ministry of emergency situations of belarus, i think it will be very interesting. by the way, this is an amazing platform, unique for belarus, where you can really practice your behavior skills in various extreme conditions. emergency situations, so i imagine it will be very cool, an interesting event and the participants of this very event will remember it for a long time. meanwhile, the 7th cannes film festival continues in france. tomorrow the winners will be announced and unexpectedly the painting-substance is among the favorites. the film was directed by the frenchwoman kings of farge, and the main role in her new work was played by the stunning demi more.
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she played the actress elizabeth. sparkle, who was once a hollywood star , but over the years her fame faded, while remaining in excellent physical shape, she begins to host a tv show about home workouts, but soon realizes that her body is aging, then the doctor offers her a certain substance, demimur’s company was made up of denise quite and margaret queally. the thriller received the longest standing ovation at the film festival; the audience applauded for a second and 13 minutes. among the favorites is also the film by yorgos lanthimos.
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film festival, there are a lot of surprises waiting for us there, i know that applications have already started, so we will tell you about this, as always, the festival is falling leaves, it will be an anniversary we’ll tell you, of course, and it’s worth adding that the cannes film festival is such an attractive place, everyone wants to go there, both stars and non-stars, but do you know that this is very difficult, in fact, only a professional can get to the film festival yes, that
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is, if you are, for example, some kind of member between.
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it so happened that you need to return it, something happened to you, we will now tell you how this can be done, imagine, you bought tickets for a long-awaited production, your plans have changed, the tickets need to be returned urgently, what reasons are the basis for such a procedure? any ticket can be returned, but in this case the refund is made according to some rules, and sometimes the money is not returned at all. if this concerns cultural and entertainment events, such as some kind of tour, circus, or some such event, or a theatrical event, then this is already regulated. the code of culture and article 247 of the code of culture says specifically what things you can get a refund for and what you cannot. if we are talking about voluntary refusal of tickets, then the money for them can be returned 24 hours before
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the event, although only 75%. for example, if the premiere is on the twelfth, then you can return the tickets on the eleventh before the box office closes; on the twelfth in the morning you will not be able to return them. 100%. lats can be requested in the following cases: if you refused a ticket more than one day in advance, if the organizer of a cultural and entertainment event canceled it for personal reasons, for example, if the hall was not assembled. if the date of the event is changed, or the composition of the performance is changed, yes, then you can return the money for the tickets, or agree to the conditions that are offered to you. there are still insurmountable circumstances. force is independent of the will of the parties, it is called force majeure. these include, for example, natural disasters through emergencies and epidemics. if you decide to return your ticket, you need to contact the ticket office directly.
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there are two types of tickets, there are electronic tickets that are purchased through our website, and there are printed tickets. they bring us electronic tickets, fill out an application, and there funds are returned. if not electronic, then...then the funds are returned either to the card or to personal ones. the application is in a special form, in it you need to fill in your last name, first name, patronymic, tickets for which performance you purchased and your personal account number. from the moment the paper is signed, the organizer is obliged to return the funds to you no later than ten calendar days. if he refuses the return procedure in the above cases, you can contact the consumer protection society, where they will competently draw up a statement of claim for you. or claim, you can also contact any legal consultation office in the area or lawyers, only they have the right to provide such services. damn vasilna, what do you say? i think you just need to walk around so
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that this doesn’t happen, this is when there is nothing to say, no, i wanted to admire our theaters, what beautiful buildings, not even about tickets, not about any legal aspects, which matvey perfectly covered in his report little larva, he showed. wonderful plans for the capital's theaters, and i want to go there again, i just recently rented out just ticket, well, not the entire amount was returned to me, but in any case, thank you for that. continuing the cultural theme of our broadcast, i suggest moving on to international news. yes, american actress scarlett johansson demanded the adoption of a law to protect individual rights in the field of artificial intelligence. she made such an appeal after a scandal with a company that developed a popular chatbot, where in one of the versions there was neurosea. speaks in a voice similar to scarlett johansson. according to the artist, the director of the company in september last year i approached her with a proposal to voice the system, but she refused for personal reasons. a few days before the presentation of the update, he again contacted the persistent person and lily hoped that she
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would change her decision, but she again refused. at the presentation, the company presented five voices, one of which was very similar to the star's voice. the actress's lawyers have already demanded that the voice development process be disclosed. nal role of artificial intelligence, where you actually play this neural section of her voice, but of course they will contact you, and of course, somewhere your voice will be similar to the voice that was voiced by this artificial intelligence, and especially since we all live in a
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time where it is possible to piece together a voice if it appears in the media space to create your voice, your speech, and friends, which , by the way, is unfortunately often used by scammers, including, well, let’s not talk about sad things, i would like to tell you: there is also an upcoming premiere with scarlet maryat, well, i won’t say that i’m an expert in creativity scarlet johansson's film is called show me the moon, we hope that it will happen. very soon in our country in domestic cinemas, well , let's see what this weekend has in store for us in the film review. 7 days and summer, but while we are all counting down, i suggest you take a look at domestic cinemas; today we are reviewing a horror film and an animated film. strangers beginning, under such a detailed title , a new american horror film from director rennie was released on the big screens. harlina, a sixty-five-year-old director, has
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an extensive creative arsenal, behind him there are about 40 works, including the second part of die hard, the continuation of the horror film a nightmare on elm street, and even though on his awards shelf there are mostly golden raspberries, but this is not an indicator. harlin has long proven himself to be a multifaceted professional, as he has acting, writing and producing projects. however, let's return to the current premiere. there we will see rachel shenton and gabriel bass in the leading roles. medellin petch and emma horvath. the new picture became a restart the famous hearing franchise of 2008 under the same name, but starring taylar. then the horror film, with a budget of 9 million dollars , collected a record 80 million dollars at the global box office and earned the title of a cult film in the film industry. well, strangers of the beginning is the first part of a new trilogy. by the way, two sequels were filmed in parallel and will also be released very soon. the producers describe the films as an introduction to character types and, so to speak, to the universe. acquaintances, now in the center of the plot is a married couple who decides to celebrate
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five-year anniversary of marriage and does not even realize that it could be the last. during a road trip, the couple encounters three psychopathically unknown disguises. in general, the film is definitely for those who like to tickle their nerves. well, now there are films for those who love adventures, cartoons and gathering with the whole family in front of the big screens. in domestic cinemas you can see the american-french collaboration in an animated version under a meaningful title. migration the tape was immediately emphasized with elements of comedy, the bright cartoon about the crack family was directed by benjamin rener, by the way, a famous french animator and comic book creator, behind whom stands the beautiful watercolor animation of ernest celestine. but the screenplay fantasy, so to speak, of the duck tales belongs to the golden globe winner and not only michael white. it was he who created the acclaimed television series "white lotus". just in case. so, in the center of the plot is the current premiere of the migration of the quack family. they live in the forests of new england, highlight their migratory... and head to
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jamaica, so the quack family got the idea to see the world, then the real adventures begin, find out for yourself, though in the seats of a cinema. good morning again to everyone who has just joined us. joined, maryana vasilievna, took yours, because i know what i wanted to say, that today is friday, so we are endlessly creating a poster for you, telling you what you can do today or on the weekend, because in belarus, with the beginning of not even summer, but already the may season starts a huge number festivals, events, sporting events, and one of them, can i say, can i on the stalin line tomorrow will celebrate the day of the border guard as part of the cultural.
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no one canceled either, because during a competition in the fresh air, an appetite can really work up, for such cases there is nothing better than not just some sweet cookie, but some kind of snack made from vegetables, carrot sticks, for example, or i improvise, and while i’m improvising, just look at our shopping section, she ’ll tell you how to choose the right one your own radishes, and you can also take cucumbers; today we choose ridis, a spicy and piquant root vegetable, one of the first to ripen. spring, but it's not just a crunchy vegetable. ridis has many
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health benefits. it is rich in vitamin c, as well as calcium and potassium, which help lower blood pressure. this root vegetable can also reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood. let's figure out how to choose the right radishes. the first thing you should pay attention to is the size of the carnivore. today selection is not stands still, a large number of varieties and root crops are bred according to... the ripening period, if we talk about earlier varieties, ultra-early ones, then the diameter of the root crop will be up to 5 cm. as for large rhesis, then as a rule this is already... . medium and mid-late varieties, it will be denser, by the way, do not forget to check this indicator: before buying, touch the radish, press it a little. crispy vegetable, elastic. the second important point is color. it should be smooth, without any dark spots and white streaks. all this will indicate the uniformity of the root crop,
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that it has matured in fairly uniform microclimate conditions, and, accordingly, has accumulated a sufficient amount of dry matter. therefore, such root vegetables will be tasty and aromatic. the next point is the tops. ridis is sold both with it and without it. in the first case, pay attention to the condition of the tops. it should be lethargic, dry, yellow. if you plan to store such a radish in the refrigerator, it is recommended to cut off the tops, because they will continue to take root vegetable. if new white roots and adventitious roots begin to emerge from it, this will indicate that the root crop has been growing for quite a long time. time already stored in the retail chain, and accordingly, their shelf life in our refrigerator will be significantly reduced. so, a good radish should be of uniform color and also elastic; you see a lot of white roots, which means the vegetable has already been lying on the counter. if you choose a root vegetable with tops, be sure to cut them off before storing. as for
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the size, it has no fundamental the meaning of tasty and healthy purchases. love's winged eyelid quickly disappeared; the melted snow fell silent like its autumn garden. they won’t return
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it back, they won’t return it back, but maybe it’s night, don’t rush to repeat everything all over again, we should repeat it all over again, oh what should i do, or maybe start it all over again, i don’t want to. to lose you, i can’t lose you, oh, how i wish i could,
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god, a lonely ray. repeat everything all over again, oh what should i do, and don’t bury the night, repeat everything all over again, we can start everything again, i don’t want to lose you, i can’t lose you, oh what should i
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do? repeat, we must repeat everything all over again, oh, how can i be, or maybe all over again. good morning to all those who have just joined us, a special bow to those who have been with us since 6:00, friends, we remind you that today is may 24, and this is
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friday, yes, the sun rose today at what time, about 4: 48 am, in order to hear how we will scream, friday, anna kilori mariana marinkova is helping you wake up today, we hope that you succeed, yes, if not for this scream, it might not have woken up at all would be the sun it's true. mercury, uranus, mars, neptune and saturn. by the way, i read that before sunrise you will only be able to see, well, some planets, that is, jupiter will appear, but uranus will simply not appear.
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i corrected myself, i wanted to say that astrophysicists call binoculars a telescope, and you already said it corrected once, something about mercury,
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we have a correspondent olesya boyarskikh, she is the kind of person, if she sees something, she won’t just let it go , she will go and film about this story, she will figure out, so to speak, to the end, what she actually did, bright, unique, extraordinary, now on the streets of minsk you can find a tram in the pakistani style, as we have it, we will find out right now, this first of its kind project was created as part of the celebrations dedicated to the thirtieth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between pakistan and belarus. as you know, pakistan is famous
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all over the world for its artistic heritage, and we are making every effort to introduce the people of belarus to the creativity of our country. most often, to decorate a vehicle in truck art style it will take two to three weeks because it is painted by hand. truck art is a popular art form in pakistan, where trucks, buses and rickshaws are intricately decorated with vibrant colors, patterns and motifs reflecting the country's rich cultural heritage. in fact, art on wheels is over 100 years old. initially, carts were decorated in this way until the first british buses appeared. basically, images of the national heroes of the country and the nature of pakistan are applied to vehicles. the tram depicted the most important symbols of the two countries, as you can see, the flag
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of pakistan and the architectural landmark of our country are depicted here, and here the belarusian flag is a monument to the soldiers of the red army and partisans who died during the second world war. the two national birds of both countries are also represented here. in this way we want to show what these two countries can do.
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it symbolizes the strong cultural ties between pakistan and belarus, promoting intercultural understanding and friendship between the two countries. how beautiful, how bright, and how many interesting things olesya told details, you know, you are directly interested, well, right now. however, travelers chose a site next to a convenience store, this caused
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the mountain of japan to be seen from many places, dissatisfaction of local residents, since tourists came in the morning, talking loudly.
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you make borscht, but only through creativity, they came, told you about the clock, went to bed, went to work, there is no butter, sergei nikolaevich, where is your mas, the omission is terrible, but 20 years, it’s great, yes, that you are confused, and i still i quickly thought so myself, i think how she’s been married for 20 years, but it’s a pity there are no hats, you know how much i love different hats, i would like to give it like this in a purely feminine way. this is the kind of pig you wanted to put on me, yes, not on how to open your own car wash, who bakes the most delicious bread , why the whistle contains the secret of family happiness, you will find out in the new episode of the program this saturday, turn on good ranitsa belarus, with svetlana borovskoy tomorrow at 9:15, move away, we’ll tear apart the bun in the morning, in
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the morning you can, he means to come to you on an excursion, and you send it to the zaksa through. for a while, let's get out of here, round, sleek, here you are sitting on the sofa and thinking what kind of business this would be to start in sinna, it smiled at him twice with happiness, first when he met you, and then when he mastered this whistle , i will command where to press, who will wash, good morning, good morning, good pink morning, oh, that's it, turn it off. i adore it, and now i’ll be like svetlana borovskaya, when i come to sinno, i’ll stand up and say what kind of business you can start, and i also adore the phrase that svetlana borovskaya remembered for the rest of her life, firebirds do not fly in flocks, friends, this is what we mean: join our flock in the morning and in the second in the third part of our broadcast, because the first one is actually already over, friends , yes, immediately after the news release, according to
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tradition, we will contact the city of brest, and also talk with the finalist. yes, in the third hour we will meet our permanent nutritionist svyatoan lukashtska with another portion of useful healthy advice, and we will also talk with the artistic director honored amateur group of the republic of belarus, folk dance ensemble kryzhachok. maryana vasilyevna has already prepared steps and we will dance together with this folk group. friends, our separation will not be long, hop! this!
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tv news agency begins informational friday morning in the studio olga kalairova, hello, watch the episode!


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