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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 24, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm MSK

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on the tv channel belarus 24.
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but i’m already an adult, they don’t let me in or don’t let me in, she says that yes, it’s a very interesting towel, it’s also wood-revolutionary, the oldest towel in our collection, there’s also an old grammar when there are ers and yati, but in the eleventh century, in the st. sophia cathedral, not only the service came, here the prince received ambassadors, concluded contracts there, that is, the cathedral was such an administrative building, open belarus together with the belarus tv channel24
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availability, quality, timeliness, facets that set the vector of development for rural medicine, but the most necessary thing is healthcare, because we all come here and ask for help, equipment or qualifications, which is responsible for the contrast of these lines, the relationship between the doctor and the patient requires some kind of more attentive approach. in general, what is the volume, so to speak, of the disaster that needed to be corrected? it’s an interesting question, to put all the components together to provide medical care where it is needed, this is the president’s order, we can actually treat our people in a humane manner relate or not, hundreds of inspected rural outpatient clinics, but is there any result? would you yourself, looking at the faps
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that exist in the brest region, come here to receive help? of course, my native land is much closer, and again, there is responsibility to people here. a joint project of the state control committee of the television news agency under the control of the president, watch right now. affordable and high quality - two simple criteria that should and can be applied to medicine, both in a big city and a small one in the village, as for villages, timeliness is much more important than high technology; the head of state is aiming at this in the industry. in may last year , approaches to treating people were clearly outlined, i must say, in a year, if you count the number of repairs of purchased equipment , many times more were done than a year or two earlier, of course we will talk about this in the report, but let’s start with the most invoice.
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approximately how long did it take to walk here? well, well, the distance here is probably 40-50 meters, if you take two buckets, how much did you have to do the walk before the start of the working day? oh, well, more than once, because the room is large, you need a lot of water, dilute a sanitary solution or simply wash your hands, how to provide medical care without water without violating basic sanitary standards, imagine. it’s difficult, that’s why you have to use force, please move away so that i don’t splash you, and here’s the pure god, in the cold or sleepy days such a morning at the cherssy fap, and this is far from an exception, if you look at the whole country, it’s a well and it’s good if
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the pump remains a reliable source of water supply for many faps remote from cities; the gap is almost unnoticeable for patients and is so significant for the doctors themselves. this is a water supply project, isn’t it the only one in the region? yes, in fact, this project included two faps, this is the chersky oak tree, they are practically neighbors, in fact, they had water on the street, and now we broke through the water column and brought water to the fab , we even made hot water supply, because with medicine there is no water really inseparable. with money, who helped? with of course, the city helped with money, but what amounts are we talking about in general for this particular project? means? 11,000 belarusian rubles were spent on chersk, water was supplied there, a hydrophore was made, sewerage, roof replacement, entrance lobby roofing, well , let’s say quite a lot was updated. active work in cherski and dubka began
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after inspections by the state control committee; the local authorities responded promptly to the recommendations of state controllers; the water supply was not working, and procedural rooms were standing idle without it. there is something in the city, but the most necessary thing is healthcare, because we all come here asking for help. the first for acute conditions or planned for chronic ones, medical assistants and obstetricians are no longer talking about one tonometer for the entire village. what the fap is equipped with and
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what is lame in terms of logistics, these issues are shared with the ministry of health by the local authorities. so in this composition, the representative of the regional executive committee is here, the regional executive committee, right? taken with the replacement of equipment to delay carrying out major repairs, but these are the exception, but still, in an attempt to show off, someone managed to do otherwise you say, repair the factory on paper. in one of the districts, i won’t just say the name of the district for isometric reasons,
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the question was about the sanitary and technical condition of the treatment room, the question was about the tiles, but it is clear that the people who checked the entire district, they looked... there was a paramedic and obstetric station , she was wondering whether all the purchasing of these tiles had been done in the appropriate manner, even the work documents stating that they had been hung on this wall, but at that moment when they accidentally decided to go look... under the wall on which it was needed to be placed. looking at these images, it is difficult to imagine that such a healthcare facility could be just 15 km from the regional center, this is the agricultural town of bolshaya matykaly, near brest. the building was collapsing, and the ways to resolve the issue were stalled...
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what are we doing? figure it out, fap, local hospitals, that’s where our people live. in this regard, the brist region was able to find approaches so as not to close a single pharmacy or outpatient clinic. funds for matykalskaya were collected from different levels of budgets, and...
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we went to brest for this; there is a considerable demand for research, and they also send it to the regional center if there is a need for specialists of different profiles. the office of the obstetrician-gynecologist, dentist and laboratory diagnostics was located on the second floor; before the renovation, these areas were simply idle. i’ve only recently lived here, but i still managed to get here into the old building, it’s very nice, it’s comfortable, cozy, and there’s always qualified help available. 344 faps,
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more than 200 were repaired in a year, those on wheels are not used to replace stationary ones, in addition, there are people at your reception now, while they wait for us, you are with us, well, yes, let us take you from...
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belarus, medicine, even despite the difficulties dictated by sanctions prohibitions and
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the situation on the geopolitical field, has been and remains the most important and priority sector for the state . in the brest region in the twenty-third year , 209 medical and obstetric centers, 69 general practitioner outpatient clinics, and 22 local nursing hospitals were renovated. we spent more than 10 million rubles from the regional budget, and also actively sponsors helped us for these purposes, sponsors helped us about 7 million belarusian rubles , and before the development of this plan, our institutions were maintained in order, well , really, it was necessary to pay attention to those institutions that provide assistance specifically to the rural population, on the one hand , with the other daughter was not brought into babruisk
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in kirevsk, uh-huh, she got a lot of grief herself. and this is no reason for grief at 87. irina mikhailovna is an infrequent guest in the doctor’s office, let’s go when her eyesight fell almost to the point of blindness to the local kirov hospital, which did not have an eye doctor, to bobruisk, they examined me and even offered to undergo surgery. all that remained was to take a referral from the local therapist, and this is where the difficulties began. here she comes to us at fab, i called this receptionist.
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two women from the small agricultural town of borovitsa, without suspecting it themselves, partly pushed for the solution of a personnel issue that had long been brewing in the region; those who are served in the district kirovskaya no longer hoped that one day they would have their own in place
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a surgeon, an ophthalmologist and an ent specialist, even if by exchange, we sent our application... expenses, the doctor comes upon request. now 2 hours is more than enough for the number of people who want to improve their health in a physiotherapy room. currently, the office is open for 2 hours; at the moment, we have only four people undergoing treatment. on average, treatment takes from 7 to 15 minutes for ultrasound,
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magnetic therapy, ultraviolet irradiation, here is the prevention of diseases, musculoskeletal system and treatment. acute respiratory, tell me, how did you are you keeping track of whether this complaint was actually justified, or whether people just complained somehow, but no one goes, they use this office at all, there are a lot of people, not so many, but they use it, because after all, when here on the spot you can go instead of going to another medical institution, it is quite convenient for life, now you can be treated in a hospital in the best facilities.
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what could be worse than the downtime of expensive equipment, except perhaps the formalism, whether there are things to do with it or instructions that monitoring doctors have not understood. from control to mogilev region identified 11 districts that carried out medical examinations of people formally and often only on paper. a number of cards, or a number of citizens, were
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not fully examined by doctors ; various studies were not performed; for example , women of a certain age group were not sent for mammography, hpv tests were not taken from men, and survey results were not carried out.
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over the course of this year, the standard for providing medical care in small localities has noticeably increased, but the concentration of attention on the industry does not weaken as long as there is evidence of work non-doctors who, even in such a seemingly humane profession, find loopholes for profit, here dentists are increasingly demonstrating their skills. we have carried out large-scale control measures on the cost of dental services; tariffs are being revised, after all.
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on the surface, the personnel issue, the talk about how to consolidate good relations with people in the countryside , is less common.
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everything you wanted to know about the connection between history, religion and culture in the modern world. the emergence of one is associated with the name of prince izeslav. from the most ancient cities of belarus, glorified. this city was founded in 985 by grand duke vladimir and given over to ragnedi and yaceslav. what was the earthly path
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of the saints? she devoted time to the princes, reasoned, instructed, reconciled them, she paid attention to the elderly, delved into their infirmities, helped their needs spiritually and financially, she especially raised the younger generation in the love of god, devotion to the homeland, for which unique shrines the belarusian churches of the dvizhensk are famous the cathedral of the monastery is located. the same cross that was created by the blessing of st. euphrasinia and another important shrine of the monastery is its power. we will tell you and show you in spiritual and educational projects on the belarus 24 tv channel. over the past 30 years after the collapse of the soviet union, the concept of democracy has become so distorted, on the one
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hand it is... good advertising on the part of the collective west, which it sowed in the post-soviet space, saying: " come to us, we have a lot of democracy, but in reality there is the power of capital, so our democracy is focused on everyone citizen, collectively the west has modern technologies for shaking up society, destroying the economy, engaging various particular personnel, and thus you can lose the state, there is no international one. right, it is destroyed, so who is right? well, only for the one who has more power, the presence of tactical nuclear weapons is precisely the most important, deterrent factor that does not allow these hotheads to start some kind of provocation or military aggression against our country. project markov nothing personal, watch on tv channel belarus 24. the supreme national assembly, with expanded
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constitutional powers, made its first strategic decision, namely, it approved the concept of national security and the country’s military doctrine. we are a peaceful country, but peace is at home, we are ready to defend it with weapons in our hands and by any methods we deem necessary to protect our national interests. you are not just a general assembly, you are the national conscience. you, i repeat, are the voice of the people. all-belarusian people's assembly. will insure us against the person or forces that they will want to receive presidential powers to turn things up in the country to please either the west or, well, not the west. the vns must also insure us against possibly very noble-looking citizens who seem to be ours, but who are either weak or incompetent. your mission is to serve for the future of belarus. author's project of igor turai propaganda. watch on
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tv channel belarus 20.
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hello, live news, lyudmila kazak is with you, watch this.


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