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tv   247  BELARUSTV  May 25, 2024 3:55am-4:21am MSK

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so it won’t be possible to fix it, to make it better, but let’s just keep it simple, it will never be finished, we will constantly disassemble it, assemble it, disassemble it, assemble it, we can always do it better, and we strive for this, so, in principle, we are all students, that's how many years we've been working, even the older brother, that's how many years he's been practicing for already, he's almost a zubor in scania and still he 's improving and he 's acquiring some new skills, some...
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it's clear that god will let the snow fall damp earth, papsavala graz darogu, peravaly sprees, the warm sunshine jumped, the ice has dried up, the springs have fallen, the gloom of the daily ones has jumped for us. everything
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was showing, the geese were crowing, the spackling on the oak tree was spreading, the cranes were crowing, and the winter was disappearing like smoke, a greener meadow, crally, like hell was in pain, our native land. today in the ether 24x7 project we will learn about current events and significant dates, go to...
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the production of chinese cars has been launched in belarus, about 30 thousand chinese crossovers per year are planned to be produced at production facilities near minsk. first the cars have already rolled off the assembly line, the pilot line. models of large family cars. in
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the future, they promise to add an all-wheel drive pickup truck to the range, and also to work on setting up the production of electric cars. the project with chinese partners was implemented in less than a year. for such a scale, the deadlines are ambitious. the cars were specially adapted to the needs of belarusian car enthusiasts, our climate. the launch of this production is another step in the development of belarusian competencies in the machine mood. the car will be sold primarily on the domestic market, some of the cars are planned. give in russia in the study of the countries of the eurasian economic union. the volume of investments in the belarusian economy increased by 10%. such data for january-april are import-substituting projects for the processing of domestic raw materials. activity is observed in all regions. according to the program one district, one project out of 190 , 20 have already been implemented. this year there will be another +55. the geography of exports is also expanding. world prices for products are not yet available.
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are high and this affects the efficiency of supplies, but each enterprise is informed required sales volumes. juicy mixes for efficient livestock farming. procurement of feed for... farmers in the minsk region started the first grass cutting last week. in the chervensky district , more than 800 hectares of green grass on the farm are allocated for annual and perennial plants; the agricultural trend is alfalfa and cereals. these crops are still growing. meanwhile, the mower is working on the experimental yellow-green area. these are the so-called rocker crops. stripes of azima rye and rapeseed alternate. in total , over 100 hectares to sample. new technology makes it possible. the main mass will be placed in trenches; polymer sleeves are also used. in minsk on may 16
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, a forum of athletes of belarus and russia took place, in which the head of the belarusian national olympic committee viktor lukashenko and the head of the russian olympic committee stanislav poznyakov took part. development of sports over 2 years of sanction pressure. olympic champions and medalists of the games, coaches from belarus and russia discussed issues of holding competitions, organizing joint training camps and the international agenda in world sports. cinema day and theater, ethnology and folklore, as well as music, visual arts and architecture with an emphasis on history. the week of belarusian culture and arts was held for the first time at the national academy of sciences. a whole series was planned in the five-day program. events, lectures, round tables, interactive classes, film screenings, discussions on issues of preservation, development of popularization of belarusian culture and arts, and a scientific and practical conference of young researchers was also held as part of the week this friday. in the date of the week section
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let’s find out what significant dates the outgoing week marks in the context of belarusian culture. on may 22, 1907, in pruzhany , elena alladova was born into a family of teachers, the future honored artist of the bssr, collector, keeper of spiritual values, for a third of a century, heading the main art museum of the country. in 1937, elena vasilievna became a researcher in the group creating the first state art gallery in belarus. collector. became the meaning of her life, sometimes, before offering masterpieces to the third forge, leningrad and moscow collectors invited the minsk guest. thanks to elena vasilyevna’s tireless search, the art museum actually restored
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the collection that was looted in 1941. during her tenure , 30 expeditions were carried out, more than 700 churches in the western regions of belarus were examined. almost single-handedly, elena alladova managed to collect so many masterpieces that even during her lifetime, the belarusian museum collection of paintings was talked about as the richest in europe, and elena vasilievna herself was called the belarusian tretyakov. may 25, 1933 the state opera and ballet theater was opened in minsk. the first production was the opera meringue carmen. the role of the main character was played by the brilliant larisa aleksandrovskaya. during the great patriotic war, the capital of belarus was turned into ruins. many theater artists went to the front. immediately after liberation , the team returned to minsk in december 1944
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, opening the season with the premiere of the opera olesya. after the repair and reconstruction of the building damaged by the bombing, its work was resumed. the creative teams of the theater are actively spectators from several dozen countries around the world are familiar with the art of the artists. bolshoi theater of belarus. awarded the unesco five continents commemorative medal for his outstanding contribution to the popularization of choreographic opera throughout the world, and has repeatedly become a laureate of the 36 favorite places in minsk award. on may 26, 1910
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, edi rosner, future honored artist of the bssr, trumpeter, was born in berlin. world-class, creator of the only jazz orchestra in the history of belarusian art. at the age of four he started playing violin, and already at six. years was accepted into the stern conservatory of music, but soon the violin gave way to the queen of jazz, trumpet. the nazis' rise to power forced rosner to leave germany, which is how he ended up in belarus, where he created the state jazz of the bssr. the very first concerts brought the orchestra great success. the orchestra was one of the leading swing ensembles in the ussr, constantly touring cities. the team was invited to television, mainly to participate in new year's blue lights, the popular
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comedy carnival night, they also voiced the musicians of rosner's orchestra, as a brilliant improviser, eddie rosner was nicknamed the white armstrong. it's time to go on another virtual trip and explore a new place on the map. our path lies to the sopek residence in ruzhany. which is not for nothing called the belarusian versailles. discover belarus with us in the traditional section place on the map. the history of the ruzhany palace dates back to 1598, when the political thinker and military leader of the grand duchy of lithuania lev-sapega acquired this estate already in the beginning. century, large-scale construction took place here.
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the famous italian architect santi guchi, who was specially invited by sapieha himself, worked on the construction. ultimately, the palace appeared in the form of a fortress with three towers, and the structure itself had not only a defensive function, but was also a ceremonial palace. at the end of the 18th century, the castle was rebuilt under the leadership of jan samuel becker, who was the court architect. thanks to him, the building turned into a luxurious palace and castle residence. we came here kings and ambassadors. in the local basements, they say, the treasury of the grand duchy of lithuania was even kept. the main axis of the ensemble united the palace with an entrance gate, interpreted as a triumphal arch. the side buildings were intended for an art gallery, a library, the largest in the grand duchy of lithuania, an arena and a theater. the technical equipment of the latter allowed. stage complex productions with multiple changes of scenery; in other performances up to 100 actors and
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musicians were employed. zotchi gave the composition of the entire ensemble a baroque expression, and the facades rich classic decor. thus, the impregnable fortress was rebuilt and turned into a beautiful palace complex, where one could find magnificent gardens and parks along with amazing greenhouses. for your architectural masterpiece. do not forget about the complex underground part of the palace, which is the subject of legends; they say the ruzhany and kosovo palaces are connected by an underground tunnel about 25 km long. the tunnel was so wide that you could drive through it in a cart pulled by three horses. in in 1831, immediately after the uprising, the ruzhany possessions were confiscated. happened here. there was a fire during the first world war, because of which the palace received significant
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damage, and after the great patriotic war, it finally turned into ruins. two buildings, the eastern and the main, together with the entrance gate and wings, are only that small part that has survived to this day, however , thanks to becker’s drawings that survived in the archives , the restoration of the belarusian versailles began in 2008. welcome. to belarus. next, let's get acquainted with the pearls belarusian cinema in the section about cinema. every saturday, the belarus 24 tv channel broadcasts masterpieces of belarusian cinema. this special event is dedicated to the centenary of russian cinema. military drama war under the roofs directed by viktor turov , based on the novel dilogy.
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but really, what if you talk to schmacher? why does the commandant trust him? ok, i will try. one day a column of captured soviet soldiers is being driven through the city. two, viktor petrina and nikita pinchuk, manage to escape. pinchuk immediately goes to the partisan
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detachment, and petrinya remains in the city and joins the ranks of the police in order to take revenge on the invaders, a. brings victor together with the commander of the partisan detachment, having received mines, he blows up a train with enemy tanks, but he himself dies, the germans begin searching for everyone who had contact with petrinya, korzun finds himself in danger, having made a decision, she, along with the children and other residents who are determined to fight goes to the partisans, i don’t know anything, i don’t know anything myself, maybe i’ll tell you... the novel on which the film was based can be called the autobiographical prototype of the main character was the mother of oles adamovich, who actually worked as a pharmacist in the german-occupied village of glusha. many other characters were also real. they wanted to shoot the film in novogrudok, but the final choice fell on the village of druya ​​in the braslovsky district of the vitebsk region. one
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of the underground workers in the city of pavel was played by alexander demyanenko, who was already known as a performer then. the main role of shurik in the comedies of leonid gaidai. vladimir vysotsky also played a cameo role, starred in turovo's previous film, i come from childhood. also in the film you can hear two of his works: storks and song of the new time. the sky of this day is clear, but now the armor clangs in it. and on our land there is a kul, and the trees are in resin, crusty, watch the film war under the roofs on may 25 on our tv channel. in the guide section we will get acquainted with the best projects of our
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tv channel, current world news, the most interesting places in the city of centuries-old oaks and get acquainted with... the most famous french festival: star commotion in cannes on the famous film festival opened on the cote d'azur. the opening ceremony attracted a record number of spectators. the guest of honor at the ceremony was actress meryl streep. she was awarded the palme d'or for her contribution to the development of world cinema. a massive procession of brides and grooms to... new social units, more than 150 couples from different regions, took part in the all-russian wedding festival. after official registration, the newlyweds exchanged wedding rings and performed the first wedding dance. to each couple after the ceremony gave a piece of fire to the all-russian family hearth. the annual
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restoration of the great mosque took place in malia. thousands of people gathered for the annual celebration during. where locals are repainting the world's largest heart brick building to preserve its structural integrity. the great mosque of djene was listed as a unesco world heritage site in 1988. for the most interesting international news, watch the program "around the planet". what could the city of dubrovna compete in at one time? with the swiss. in 1780, the dubrovinsky lands were bought by prince grigory potemkin. and thanks to him, one of the first watch factories in russia begins to operate here, the city receives the second unofficial name of the watch capital of the russian empire. let's find out how to distinguish dubrovin crafts. the tuft on our whistle toys is generally an authentic feature of our dubroven toy; you won’t find such a different form anywhere; in the entire dnieper region you won’t find exactly such
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images, with this tuft. local horned loaf, traditional culinary. where the decoration is a twig that is wrapped in sweet dough and baked, it is an apple tree branch, it is mandatory, it is mandatory, because an apple tree is a symbol of fertility, it should be an apple tree branch, and the more knots there are on it, the better the life of the young, we gave such korovai for a wedding, this central branch for young people, we travel around the dubrovinsky land together with the belarus24 tv channel, the route is built in the program. what is the work of a concert performer? in fact, it is shady at first glance, as if not visible, of course, the first, our main basic activity is lessons with a vocalist. in class, the soloist comes to prepare the part, that is, either learn it from scratch, or repeat it, or sharpen it somewhere. what
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was anastasia dubovskaya’s first impression of the bolshoi theater in belarus? i had the feeling that i was in the vatican, a kind of state within a state, with its own clear structure, but at the same time with some of its own specific musical traditions, rules, views on life and creative aspects. healthy criticism helps hone your skills. you need to be able to direct all this in the right direction, in order to do your work better and be known, so to speak, not as an insecure musician, but as a caring one. about thin fingers touching the strings of the soul, as well as the role they play in theatrical productions, see the program “belarusians”.
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he sings once, he sings twice, he sings three times, the little horse sings pitifully!
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held a book in their hands, flipped through page after page, greedily drinking every word. of all the manifestations of human creativity, the most amazing and worthy of attention are books. the thoughts of past times live in books, the voices of people are heard clearly and distinctly. everything that humanity has accomplished has been preserved, as if by magic...


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